I know a lot of Man Boobz regulars have been dealing with a lot of rough stuff lately, so I’m opening this thread up to provide a (relatively) safe space to discuss them. No trolls allowed; any trolls who post here will be put on moderation and possibly banned. (Please notify me by email (my last name at well dot com) if there are inaproppriate comments; I get behind in reading comments here.)
I’d quite forgotten I have an account with the yarn makers!
Try this link at Ravelry instead:
Aaliyah – fwiw I was in almost the exact same situation as you with your stalkerish friend. To the extent that, for quite a while just now, catching up on the posts, I thought it might be the same person (it’s not – I noticed a couple of details that are different). I TOTALLY get what you mean by the guilt of not being there whenever she wants you-ALL of that, but I cannot stress enough that Argenti Aertheri and Kittehserf are giving you some MASSIVELY good advice. It took my (very good) therapist months to explain to me, about my friend, what they have been telling you about yours.
One thing to add – I can’t tell (obviously) from just your comments, but there is a good chance that she might have Borderline Personality. Whether she does or not, I recommend the book “Stop Walking on Eggshells” http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004DNXGFQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1371066569&sr=1-1&pi=SL75. Whether she has it or not, this is a good book to read to help you.
Sorry guys, I didn’t know where to put this so I’m going to necro this thread. There’s some heavy flooding in my part of the world now (nothing catastrophic, very few people have been hurt, but it’s pretty unheard of for the area) and I hope Halite and leftwingfox and any of our other Alberta MBzers are safe and dry and have a place to stay if they’ve been evacuated.
Glad you’re okay, Viscaria. I think we’ve heard from everyone except Halite. Hey Halite, if you see this, please check in!
leftwingfox has been posting in some of the other threads. doomkitt3n is also commenting, is in calgary but in an unaffected neighborhood.
cloudiah, I want to use your search engine kitty picture for a post. Do you want to be credited? Also, do you remember who did the #killallmen one?
Nah, I don’t care about credit. Inurashii did the other one, I think.
Borderline personality disorder? Perhaps. She certainly is very anxious about the idea of people abandoning her.
Speaking of her, I just saw her post an image on Facebook with the typical TERF definitions of sex and gender. That’s nice. >_>
Things are getting pretty bad >.> I hope the rain lets up soon. The north and south sides of the city have become completely isolated. I’ve never experienced this. Canmore is even worse than here.
For ourselves, we’ve been pretty lucky. Bf’s place is far away from the river, as is mine — although I can’t actually get there to see for sure that it’s not flooded. It’s probably fine.
My family are all okay. My uncle and his fiancée were displaced twice, but now they’re with my parents out of danger. We do have some friends that drove out of town yesterday. They reached their destination safely, but it’s unclear when they’ll be able to come back.
I hope everyone in Alberta is doing okay. Floods are poopy.
I feel bad because people have posted here with much bigger problems than mine, but I’ve been having some difficulty with my living situation lately and it’s been causing me a lot of stress.
I’m living with my mom before I go back to my last year of college as an undergrad in the fall. I had some misgivings about moving back in, and it looks like I was right to. My mother’s been very emotionally unstable since she and dad divorced about six years ago, and I’m constantly having to tip-toe around her. My siblings and I literally plan our lives around her work schedule so that we can try not to be home when she is.
Just now she caught me in the kitchen and told me I was scaring her because I remind her of dad, accused me of not grieving grandma (because I hadn’t cried in front of her), and said that I was treating my boyfriend the same way dad treated her – all because I told her I was uncomfortable with her complaining about her weight in front of me. (Not that it matters, but for the record she’s gorgeous and not overweight by anyone’s standards.)
I guess it doesn’t help that I’ve been standing up to some of her backwards ideas more often (No, mom, Islam is a religion, not a sex cult. No, mom, just because Brother is twenty and hasn’t been on a date doesn’t mean he’s not a real man.) but having to listen to her spout her sexist and racist arblegarble has also been weighing me down.
It’s just been really emotionally taxing and exhausting for me, and I’m not looking forward to two more months of this.
@augochlorella, that really sucks. Having that kind of stress at home is just draining. I hope you find some good hideouts over the summer. Also, not to bring you down more, but make sure your finances and possessions are secure, and you have an escape plan in place if necessary. It could be she’s just an asshole, but I’ve seen them morph into vicious, punitive assholes, so be careful.
Thanks. I’ve got pretty good hideouts for most of the week, but I’m stuck on Saturday and Sunday.
And yes, I don’t think it’ll come to a point where I’ll have to move out before I go back to college, but I do have an escape plan if things take a turn. Possessions might be a problem, but my finances are secure.
So, rhetorical question here, but is it possible that 2013 can go one month without being terrible to my friends? My best friend had a heart attack* today. He’s going to be fine, looks like, but I am beginning to feel like I am the terrible common denominator** connecting friends who are getting cancer/losing the ability to walk, having heart attacks***, and losing their beloved pets to coyotes and I should just hide myself away so that bad things don’t keep happening to people I care about.
I know probably everyone’s asleep; I’m just venting, and I’m okay really but if anyone is up and has cute animal videos I’m just saying it would be okay to share them here right now.
*Seriously, if you have severe pain and numbness in your left arm accompanied by copious vomiting, get thee to thy phone and call 911, don’t suffer in silence and wait until the next day to email your doctor — only to be told, CALL 911 NOW WHY ARE YOU EMAILING ME IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAD A HEART ATTACK.
**I know this is superstitious nonsense, but when terrible things seem to be happening to your friends every fucking month it kind of messes with your head.
*** Have we heard anything more from Bad_dog? Hir best friend also had a heart attack and open heart surgery, and I am hoping they are both doing okay.
cloudiah, ALL THE HUGS for you and your friends!
I was going to say that the last shot in the spaniels video was the cutest thing ever but then I saw the adorable GSDs abused by kittens and I think we have a tie.
Kittehs, you are the best. Thank you.
Glad to help, cloudiah!
I’m off home now, but I’ll be on again in a coupla hours if you’re still up. Hopefully you’ll be sleeping soundly by then, and here’s extra hugs from me and the Mister to help you along.
Internet hugs if you want them, Cloudiah! Also, here’s a picture of our three cats: Peanut, Schopenhauer, and Sherkhan (my older siblings tend to pick amusing cat names)
Cloudiah, I’m leaving a virtual hug over here if you want it. Take care of yourself, it sounds like harsh stuff.
Tough love between a duck and a cat!
Hugs and cat pix are very welcome, thanks. You guys are wonderful. And upside-down Schopenhauer is particularly adorable. 😀
Oh, the little one who’s upside-down is Peanut (my bad for the misleading order of names =P). The one to the left of her is Schopenhauer and the one on the right of her is Sherkhan (named after the character of the same name from The Jungle Book).
They’re all adorable, but I just particularly adore upside-down cats.
Ducks too.
Cloudiah, you helped me find a home for a kitty and helped your coworker find a kitty. Jussayin you seem to be a net positive for us (and the kitty).