I know a lot of Man Boobz regulars have been dealing with a lot of rough stuff lately, so I’m opening this thread up to provide a (relatively) safe space to discuss them. No trolls allowed; any trolls who post here will be put on moderation and possibly banned. (Please notify me by email (my last name at well dot com) if there are inaproppriate comments; I get behind in reading comments here.)
@Cassandra: Definitely. I’m standing by to take her dancing as soon as she wants to go. Luckily, she’s done a lot of work for the local rape crisis center, so she’s being very clear about what she needs.
@inurashii, that is so terrible. I’m sorry for you and your friend. I know you probably feel crushed to find out that a person you thought was a friend could hurt your friend. It can be so devastating to find out that someone you think you know and trust can do something so awful. It’s good to support you friend, but don’t feel guilty if you need some support yourself. You have to be good to yourself while you give compassion to her.
@inurashii: I’m so sorry for her… That’s really horrifying… hugs to you and her(sorry, I know it’s shallow, but it’s the best I can do through the internet).
That’s awful, inurashii. Best wishes to you and your friend, and legos and leeches to the one responsible.
moving over here to offer hugs to inurashii and auggziliary. 🙁
Inurashii, that’s so horrible, and I too can only offer internet hugs for you and your friend, and cactus-covered hard chairs for the rapist.
So, I posted before about my suicidal friend in the “JudgyBitch:Wives with low libido…” thread. I messaged his sister but I got no reply. This morning I got on my computer and saw that he was online. Turns out he survived his attempt(idk if his parents found him). He kind of was worried about me messaging his sister, since… I guess indian families are weird.
He had attempted about a week ago too, where he said his goodbyes to me and then left. He survived both attempts.
I’m really happy he’s alive, but he still needs help. He has severe bipolar and is suicidal almost everyday.
I think it’s good that you messaged his sister. I hope his family will get him the help he needs. (All families are weird, but I hope most would see two suicide attempts as something needing professional intervention!) More hugs.
More hugs for you and your friend. Glad to hear he’s alive. I hope he gets some help, sending good thoughts your and his way.
auggsiliary, so glad he’s alive. Hopefully he can get some help. I think you did a good thing in reaching out to his sister.
I’m afraid of what his sister will do now. The two aren’t very close, and his family is super orthodox and weird about that things. He just said his sister gave him a strange look yesterday. But I am thankful that he is alive. That’s all that really matters.
Coming here to angst about my depression and maybe ask for advice? But I need to sort out my thoughts first. My depression’s been worse the last week or so (more before that, but especially this week) and I’ve been all anxious and ansty recently. Like last night I stayed up til 3 because I was so anxious, and for comparison I normally go to bed 10-11, 12 at latest, because I had to be waking up at 6 :/ Just rambling, but I’m kinda worried I’m gonna mess up my whole sleep schedule again b/c I’m all ansty.
maybe you need new/more/less meds?
I’m sorry to hear that Marie. If you don’t mind telling us, do you think you have an idea of what may have caused this spike in your anxiety and depression?
Certainly a possibility :/ Only problem is I don’t know how to go about it. Last time my depression got bad I upped my dose, so maybe I’ll talk to my doctor about it.
Sadly, no 🙁 (No as in I don’t know, not I don’t want to tell you). I was feeling kind of stressed a couple weeks ago, when the everyone at the kid’s I babysit house was passing around a disease, but that was just stressed, and even though I’m off work for the moment* I’m still all ansty and anxious
*off work and my mom pays the bills, so I don’t think that’d be stressing… idk I’m rambling.
Marie, are you having any talking therapy as well as meds? I’ve never had to deal with depression but I have had stress and anxiety, and knowing what’s going on with the body (adrenaline rush, flight/fight/freeze responses carrying over when there’s no threat and forming thought patterns) helped enormously. It doesn’t stop the anxiety cold but it did get me to the point of being a little detached from it and being able to cope with the physical stuff more easily.
Apologies if this is waaaaay behind the times!
@Marie, I hope you break through. My depression and anxiety have abated over the last few months because I stopped eating gluten. (All grains, really, but wheat/gluten seems to be particularly bad for me.)
This was not a looked-for change, and it shocked the hell out of me. I had been gluten-free for about 2 months, and then had a pot-luck event at work and just ate everything. I paid for it with digestive issues the next day, but what really took me aback was the return of depression and intermittent anxiety attacks that lasted for about 4 or 5 days (and I hadn’t really noticed they’d gone until they came back).
I’m still depressed, but it’s kind of a calm apathy rather than fits of rage interspersed with feeling overburdened and having anxiety over completely trivial, um, trivia.
Anyway, not trying to one-up you or turn the conversation into The Unimaginative Show. Just sharing something that made a difference for me.
I’ve wanted to take therapy for a bit. My previous experiences:
9 years old, took it cuz I was having trouble sleeping.
11-12 took it when I had to after my parents sent me to kiddie asylum
17 tried two sessions with the psych my sister sees but stopped because we did not get along. And nothing sense, sense my mom was unemployed for a while, though now she’s seeing what her insurance can cover (she got a job). But yeah…no therapy.
Anyway, thanks for advice. Not sure if I’m making sense sense my brains all over the place…but anyhow last two psychs not so fun…
Depression sucks. Hugs all around for whoever needs/wants them; they’re coming from me and my two grumpy little purr machines. (Sadly, the kitten hugs come with some drooling.)
Exercise could help as well. I don’t know about what diet will affect you, but I have limited my simple carbs (aka yummy, evil sugar) and that might help.
You’re not turning it into the Unimaginitve show, worry not. I debated ditching gluten a while ago when my stomach was feeling horrible almost everytime I ate grains, but it stopped. Idk. rambling. Too lazy to try now to see if it works…probably going to try adjusting meds first 😛 Me and big diet changes are not friends…
But thanks for advice.
God I hope I’m not sounding really weird on this thread. my whole mood is off today. You guys tell me if I’m being a jerk.
Hugs accepted from over here. And is drooling a high price to pay for kitten hugs? I would think not 🙂
::shrugs:: I tend to exercise when I’m not depressed or painy, since that’s when I can. Idk.
Exercise if you can do it is a great idea (says someone who does about 0 hours of actual exercise a week).
Yeah, it really is a matter of getting a good psychologist, isn’t it? If you get someone who’s a douche (like the ones Argenti’s copped) or just isn’t the right person for you, it can end up worse than useless. I was soooo lucky with the two blokes I saw.
I do have a video of a Maddi-evil cat uploading for your viewing pleasure, if youtube ever gets off its electronic butt!
Nah, your avatar is too cute to be associated with a jerk. You seem a little fuzzy-brained, and I’ve been there too. A lot. Take it easy, and be kind to yourself.
Here are some ginea pigs in hats for you: