NOTE: This is the second installment of The Myth of Warren Farrell, a continuing series examining Farrell’s The Myth of Male Power, the most influential book in the Men’s Rights canon. You can see the first post here.
Men’s Rights elder Warren Farrell has been accused of being a “rape apologist,” largely because of one now-notorious sentence he wrote in The Myth of Male Power:
We have forgotten that before we began calling this date rape and date fraud, we called it exciting.
This sentence is at least as puzzling as it is disturbing. Calling date rape “exciting” is pretty foul. But what on earth is “date fraud?”
To find out, let’s do what Farrell’s supporters insist we always do with his more troubling remarks: look at it in context to see if it is somehow more defensible – or, at the very least, to see if we can discern what exactly is is he even meant.
Looking at the sentence in context in The Myth of Male Power, we find that it appears in the midst of a long discussion not only of date rape but also of a number of other dating-related behaviors that Farrell claims traumatize men in the same way date rape traumatizes women. So let’s back up a bit to let him spell out his basic premises — and define what “date fraud” is in the first place:
While the label “date rape” has helped women articulate the most dramatic aspect of dating from women’s perspective, men have no labels to help them articulate the most traumatic aspects of dating from their perspective. Now, of course, the most traumatic aspect is the possibility of being accused of date rape by a woman to whom he thought he was making love. If men did label the worst aspects of the traditional male role, though, they might label them “date robbery,” “date rejection,” “date responsibility,” “date fraud,” and “date lying.” (p.313, The Myth of Male Power, 1993 hardcover edition)
He proceeds from here to some Men’s Rights subreddit-style man-whinging:
The worst aspect of dating from the perspective of many men is how dating can feel to a man like robbery by social custom – the social custom of him taking money out of his pocket, giving it to her, and calling it a date. To a young man, the worst dates feel like being robbed and rejected. Boys risk death to avoid rejection (e.g., by joining the Army).(p. 314)
I think Farrell is confusing “the Army” with “the French Foreign Legion” and real life with Laurel and Hardy movies.
Evenings of paying to be rejected can feel like a male version of date rape. (p. 314)
Yep. Paying for a woman’s dinner and having a pleasant conversation with her, only to have her refuse to have sex with you, is in Farrell’s mind just like being raped.
Having dealt with date robbery and rejection, Farrell moves on to date fraud and lying:
If a man ignoring a woman’s verbal “no” is committing date rape, then a woman who says “no” with her verbal language but “yes” with her body language is committing date fraud. And a woman who continues to be sexual even after she says “no” is committing date lying.
Do women still do this? Two feminists found the answer is yes. Nearly 40 percent of college women acknowledged they had said “no” to sex even “when they meant yes.” In my own work with over 150,000 men and women – about half of whom are single – the answer is also yes. Almost all single women acknowledge they have agreed to go back to a guy’s place “just to talk” but were nevertheless responsive to his first kiss. Almost all acknowledge they’ve recently said something like “That’s far enough for now,” even as her lips are still kissing and her tongue is still touching his. (P 314)
Uh, Dr. Farrell, I’m pretty sure that women are still allowed to say no to sex even if they are kissing a man. Either partner, of whatever gender, is allowed to stop sexual activity at whatever point they want to, for whatever reason they want to. That how consent works.
And now we come to Farrell’s famous quote:
We have forgotten that before we began calling this date rape and date fraud, we called it exciting. (pp. 314-315)
It still doesn’t make sense to me, but that combination of “date rape” and “exciting” makes me queasy.
Perhaps the rest of Farrell’s paragraph will help to elucidate what he means:
Somehow, women’s romance novels are not titled He Stopped When I Said “No”. They are, though, titled Sweet Savage Love, in which the woman rejects the hand of her gentler lover who saves her from the rapist and marries the man who repeatedly and savagely rapes her. It is this “marry the rapist” theme that not only turned Sweet Savage Love into a best-seller but also into one of women’s most enduring romance novels. (p. 315)
Oh, so because some women enjoy fictionalized rape fantasies, real non-fictional date rape is therefore “exciting?”
Farrell follows this up, confusingly, with two sentences that utterly contradict one another:
It is important that a woman’s “noes” be respected and her “yeses” be respected. And it is also important when her nonverbal “yeses” (tongues still touching) conflict with those verbal “noes” that the man not be put in jail for choosing the “yes” over the “no.” He might just be trying to become her fantasy. (p. 315)
Three things. First: If the “conflict” is as Farrell sketched it out above — a woman saying “that’s far enough for now,” while kissing with “tongues still touching” — there is no conflict. Kissing, with tongues or without, does not give a man permission to put his penis in a woman. Reciprocal kissing gives you permission for … reciprocal kissing.
Second: when the alleged nonverbal “yeses” and the verbal “noes” conflict – or you think they do – here’s an idea: RESPECT THE VERBAL NOES. Err on the side of NOT-RAPE. If she says no, assume she means no, until she uses ACTUAL WORDS to say yes. Strange but true: woman can actually USE HUMAN LANGUAGE to express what they want. If a guy doesn’t respect a woman’s verbal “noes” because he thinks — or pretends to himself — that she’s saying “yes” with her body, how exactly can the law distinguish this from rape?
“Your honor, it’s true she told me no, but her elbows were saying “yes.””
Also: if your gal and you want to play out “nonconsensual” fantasies, that’s fine; lots of people do that — consensually. You just need to work out the basic rules and safewords in advance. There are entire subcultures of people devoted to this who will be happy to fill you in on the details. Really. They are very chatty.
Third: Do you all find it as creepy as I do that Farrell tends to sketch out these various rapey scenarios in the steamy prose of a second-rate romance novelist?
If you’re an MRA convinced I’m somehow misquoting Farrell here, here’s a screencap of most of the passages I just quoted which someone on the Men’s Rights subreddit helpfully posted some time ago. Or you could get hold of Farrell’s book and check for yourself.
Oh, but I’m not done yet. I’ve got even more context to provide.
Farrell tries his best to draw some sort of distinction between date rape and stranger-with-a-knife-rape:
We often hear, “Rape is rape, right?” No. A stranger forcing himself on a woman at knife point is different from a man and woman having sex while drunk and having regrets the morning. What is different? When a woman agrees to a date, she does not make a choice to be sexual, but she does make a choice to explore sexual possibilities. The woman makes no such choice with a stranger or an acquaintance. (p. 315)
So going on a date with someone and ostensibly making a “choice to explore sexual possibilities” means that it’s ok for people to force sex on you against your will later in the evening? Uh, Dr. Farrell, how exactly is this not rape? How does the fact that two people went to a movie beforehand turn coerced sex into not-real-rape?
You’ll have to ask Dr. Farrell that question, as his explanation makes no sense whatsoever to me.
A few pages down the road, Farrell warns about the dangers of “date rape” legislation in hyperbolic terms, arguing, bizarrely, that it will lead to more rape.
If the law tries to legislate our “yeses” and “noes” it will produce “the straitjacket generation” – a generation afraid to flirt, fearful of finding its love notes in a court suit. Date rape legislation will force suitors and courting to give way to courts and suing.
The empowerment of women lies not in the protection of females from date rape, but in resocializing both sexes to share date initiative taking and date paying so that both date rape and date fraud are minimized. We cannot end date rape by calling men “wimps” when they don’t initiate quickly enough, “rapists” when they do it too quickly, and “jerks” when they do it badly. If we increase the performance pressure only for men, we will reinforce men’s need to objectify women – which will lead to more rape. Men will be our rapists as long as men are our initiators.…
Laws on date rape create a climate of date hate. (p.340)
I don’t even know where to start with all that. That is just one giant steaming heap of nonsense. To put it as politely as I can.
Oh, in case you’re wondering, Farrell also thinks that a lot of what’s called spousal rape is really “mercy sex,” because people who are married to one another often have sex when they don’t want to — and that’s the way it should be, since “all good relationships require ‘giving in,’ especially when our partner feels strongly.” Sex you don’t want is just part of what makes a happy marriage happy!
The Ms. survey can call it a rape; a relationship counselor will call it a relationship.
Spousal rape legislation is blackmail waiting to happen. (p. 338)
So, does putting Farrell’s “we called it exciting” quote in context transform it into something innocent and understandable and not-rapey?
I think it’s pretty clear that the answer is no.
But not everyone agrees with me on that. When someone on the Man’s Rights subreddit recently provided some of the context for Farrell’s quote, the assembled Men’s Righsters mostly thought what he was saying sounded fine to them, arguing that he brings up some very legitimate points, attacking feminists for quote mining, suggesting that “feminists don’t reality” and that the Feminist machine slanders anyone who gets in their way. Heck, one fellow even suggested that he had gotten the distinct impression that Feminists want to create more instances of “rape-by-misunderstanding” in order to punish men. Oh, and then one of them attacked my previous post on Farrell’s disturbing views on incest.
Quite apart from everything else, which I am not touching with a barge-pole because I’m about to start a long weekend here and don’t want to still be typing furiously at the end of it, what is with his assumption that on every single date with anyone, anywhere, the man in question definitely and always wants sex, and that very night? Mr Farrell, it is okay, just because you asked someone to have dinner with you, you are not obliged to have sex with them.
I like* how being accused of date rape is “traumatic” but experiencing it is merely “dramatic”.
*don’t like at all
Shorter Farrell:
“Yes, sometimes men “accidentally” force women to have sex but why does everyone have to make such a big deal about it? Sometimes women don’t put out after a dinner so it’s basically all the same, right?”
I can’t even with this shit today.
The weirdest part of all this is that it rests on the assumption that it’s the end of the goddamned world if you could’ve had sex in a particular instance but didn’t for whatever reason. Guys: if you didn’t get laid, it just means you didn’t get laid. There will be other chances.
No can English more. Brain borked.
I seriously can’t wait for the trolls to come here and see what half-assed defense they can come up with for this.
I’m gonna jump to the spousal rape bit.
Yes, sometimes, when you’re in a committed, monogamous relationship, you decide to have sex (or at least, some degree of sexual activity) at a time when you might not be feeling up to it. This is not spousal rape, though, because the key word in the former sentence is decide. You still choose it. You say in your mind, “I love this person; I may not be feeling frisky tonight, but they are, and I enjoy their happiness.”
Or you don’t, because you’re REALLY not feeling it, and forging ahead regardless would be difficult, maybe even painful or traumatic. Maybe, instead, you suggest gently that tonight might be a better night for them to indulge in a little self-pleasure, possibly with some verbal encouragement from you. Or if it’s happening a lot, you might suggest opening up the relationship for a healthy outlet for the less-satisfied partner.
But what doesn’t happen–or shouldn’t happen, ever, rather–is one partner saying, “Hell with this, I want sex” and forcing themselves on their spouse. That, Mr. Farrell, is spousal rape, and it is, if anything, a greater violation and offense than your man-with-a-knife scenario, because it’s a breach of trust of abysmal proportions.
Which reminds me of the standout quote from Gavin de Becker’s The Gift of Fear:
Because fear is fear, right? And all fear is equivalent, all fear causes the same trauma, all fear must be equal, so being ‘afraid’ of spending money without getting something in return is totally the same as being afraid of being assaulted and terrorized.
Long-time lurker, first-time commenter.
Don’t MRAs and PUAs like to complain about whiny “beta” attitudes? Yet, they turn around and take this petulant, rapey whiner seriously?
Here’s a bit of free dating advice for Farrell & Co.: just take women at their word. Even if you’re attracted to them and want to have sex with them. You’ll be amazed how much respect and long-term success this garners for you.
Seriously, it’s easy. Safe yourself the Excedrin, and spare women your rapeyness.
Oh, and stop trying to put your words in my mouth. That’s kind of rapey, too.
As an evil modern Western woman, I’ve always gone dutch on dates.
The idea that traditional dating is “free” for women is ludicrous. The money women spend is spent before the date begins. Our clothing and personal maintenance requirements (again, for those of us who follow the “traditional” or “old fashioned” style of dating) are hugely expensive in comparison to the requirements for men.
Likewise, the idea that dating is merely prostitution, a transaction in which a man buys sex from a woman in exchange for food, is disgusting, and a huge part of why feminists want to get AWAY from the old patriarchal notions of courtship.
You know, out of all that revolting rape apologia and assorted stupidity, what baffles me the most is the idea that men join the army because they’re scared of being turned down on dates. I mean, what?
Warren Farrell kick-started the MRM with his book The Myth of Male Power, which many MRAs have praised since its publication in 1993. The book contains mountains of misogyny and rape apologia, as shown here and according to many other sources.
Mary Wollstonecraft is widely credited for jump-starting feminism as a movement. Many feminists today continue to praise her even though the second wave has passed. Her most famous book, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, is about why women deserve equal rights and respect, particularly the right to full education.
Just something to think about, MRAs!
@ Gametime
It makes sense because women never join the army or national gaurd – OH WAIT THEY DO.
That should be national guard, not gaurd.
“Date fraud.” Jesus wept. Warren, just come right out and say that a man has every right to expect sex if he buys a woman dinner.
The rest of this just makes me run around the room screaming like I was on fire.
For all his talk about being there for men and boys, he sure does a great job at erasing the experiences of male victims of assault.
David, after you’re done with commenting on this book, can you please comment on another famous book by Farrell, “Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say?” I’ve heard that that book has quite a few vile things in it as well.
Well, we all know that expecting honest human interaction is misandry, right? Because women own language and use it to commit violence against the poor menz by saying no and all that?
How much freaking entitlement do you have to have to think this? Look, if you want to knwo you’re going to get sex for paying for stuff, just ask
See above comment. I also love the arrogance of these men that they think they know what a woman wants better than she does AS SHE IS ARTICULATING HER DESIRES
This reminds me of how From Russia With Love proves all men want to sleep with enemy agents.
Yeah, and if I tried to become people’s BSDM fantasy by randomly punching people in the back, I’d get arrested.
You know, I’m normally not comfortable guessing things about the authors behavior from quotes, but this really, really makes me think Warren Farrel is a rapist.
I think it is worse in context. The context makes it horribly clear what he meant, whereas the original quote was just kind of nonsensical
ugh X| This book. I have no idea how you have the stomach for it; I could barely read the post.
That is obvioulsy your biased, feminist perspective talking! A Vindication of RIghts of Woman ACTUALLY talks about taking away men’s right to vote, forcing them to be hooked up to semen suction machines, and dividing the housework 50-50
/it’s there if you read in between the lines (though I bet they actually suggest something on the housework)
I can see why MRAs love this guy. Farrell has absolutely zero empathy for women. I don’t think he’s capable of seeing women as people, even if he wanted to. Since, to an MRA, it’s impossible to be both sympathetic to men and women at the same time, WF probably sounds reasonable and logical.
Ok, this made me laugh out loud. Also, David, thanks for writing this. It will be really handy to have such extensive WF quotes in one place later.
Finally, every time I hear that quote “before we began calling this date rape and date fraud, we called it exciting.” i imagine exciting sounding just like it does in this commercial.
The ‘it sucks that men have to pay on dates’ thing? Yeah, it’s not feminists who are the ones saying to guys that they need to be the ones to pay. I know I would sure as hell rather there was no genital-based reason either of us should pay or not pay. So the idea that this is all the fault of feminists? Yeah, no.
also I ‘love’ how if men pay on dates, they’re being robbed. But if women insist on paying for half, then we’re rejecting their masculinity or something. I was talking to someone who was going on about how erasing gender differences was like making people into robots. I was confused.
Is it now? Are you sure? Why haven’t I met a single Woman who wants to go Dutch, and claims that she is a Feminist, at heart, at least.
From my experience, even the ones that say that they aren’t Feminists, are in fact Feminists to a significant degree, in which case they are lying outright claiming that they do not support Feminism
Mind you, every woman, even the ones that pick up the tab, want Men to do so, and when the Man does not, they start looking out for one that does, surreptitiously
All of that is pretty ironic if you consider his statements on why he became an MRA. He said that he just wants to bring about understanding between men and women. Feminist women just don’t understand men. He likes to paint himself as a gender pacifist, for lack of a better term. And I think that’s why a lot of people like him.
Though, in light of all the awful things he says in his work, it’s obvious that he’s full of shit.
I am totally going to go home tonight, and carry on a conversation with Beloved in the middle of our liberty lip-lock, while our tongues are still touching.
What? Warren Farrell said that was totally possible!
When I got to the part where “having to pay for dinner and not getting sex” somehow equated “date rape”, I started shaking. What the hell is wrong with people? Not to mention that a lot of guys will -insist- on paying, like it’s their duty. My ex insisted on paying for everything, from movies to books, even when I offered to pay multiple times! And I feel terrible when everything is paid for me, so they weren’t coy half-offers, either.
Sometimes I wonder if, for assholes like Mr. Farrell and my ex, they pay for dinner so they’ll have an excuse to demand sex later…