a woman is always to blame all about the menz awesome feminism funny imaginary oppression incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA nice guys video

Funny Men’s Rights Video Time!

Don’t worry, it’s not a video BY an MRA. It’s a video ABOUT MRAs. A little cartoon, to be specific, by Scott Benson, who has this to say about it on his Vimeo page:

A quick editorial cartoon about the intersection of self-pity, entitlement, rape, territoriality, misogyny and fear of women. You see it all over the place online in the form of Men’s Rights Activists (of whom there are a few reasonable non-misogynists), Men Going Their Own Way, Pick Up Artists, and dudes touting the “Red Pill”, because The Matrix is a good movie. Look any of these up if you have the stomach for it. These are extreme examples, but watered-down forms of these ideas are everywhere.

In lurking their blogs and youtube channels for a while, I’ve noticed that beyond the standard patriarchal chauvinism there is this deep fear of women – what they will do to me, how they will reject me, how they will use me, how they are changing society in a way that does not favor me, how they are making men into something I don’t like, how they are making themselves into something I don’t like, that they won’t give me what I want, and that they won’t give me what I think is rightfully mine. This goes beyond fear of feminism- this is fear of women at its purest. And that, to quote a puppet, leads to anger and hate. It’s sad.

Naturally, Benson had to close the comments to the video because of, you know, too much MRA.

He wrote more about it all on his Tumblr.

I was alerted to the video by various people, including Cloudiah, which reminds me to remind you all to go look at Cloudiah’s excellent Artistry for Feminism And Kittens blog.

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11 years ago

Anyone here know french? I need a few words.

11 years ago

Katz, ask Brz.


11 years ago

My French is passable…

11 years ago

I know a few words of French, but they don’t actually form sentences. 😛

11 years ago

What’s a “hey baby” type greeting in French? I need it for a comic.

11 years ago

Wiki answers says it’s

Bonjour bébé. (Hello baby)
Salut bébé. (Hey baby,informal)

11 years ago

Where’s BlacBloc when we need him? My grasp of slang is extremely shaky I’m embarrassed to say.

11 years ago

I guess my definition of “passable” leaves something to be desired >.> <.<

11 years ago

Nah, it’s a very specific question.

11 years ago

I wouldn’t reckon there’d be that much call for learning “Hey, baby!” in French classes. 😀

Lor, now I’m thinking of that Johnny Cool cartoon/puppet at the start of Three Men and a Baby.

11 years ago

Google Translate says “copine” is like “girl, girlfriend, baby” so that sounds more like what I need.

11 years ago

Depends on the French class I suppose!

11 years ago

Is it some skeeve calling out on the street, katz, or someone talking to a woman they know?

11 years ago

Oh lord, I just saw the new Pierre!

That answers my question about who’s saying Hello Baby …

😀 😀 😀

11 years ago

You know tomcats would be total, er, catcallers 🙂

11 years ago

So… Let me get this straight…

Are you people actually OK with having a law that firmly outlaws insults and offense? Not just sex jokes, but all possible offence?

Are actually OK with laws which makes the state, of all things responsible for protecting you from insult? That leaves it to the ruling establishment to decide not only what is offensive, but also what’s not?

Are you actually OK with laws that give the police extra power to arrest people on a whim based on something that was said or allegedly said?

Are you all, in short, perfectly OK with having a law like the UK’s “Section Five” be a major part of your everyday lives?

11 years ago

Are you people actually OK with having a law that firmly outlaws insults and offense? Not just sex jokes, but all possible offence?

Um, no? Where did you get that from? You are bad at all the things?

11 years ago

Um, did anyone say they were okay with laws outlawing offense?

Also, I am very uncomfortable with you not acknowledging that different oppression works in different cases. Like, there’s a difference between, “you’re a jerk” and “you’re a cunt” or “you’re a honkey” and “you’re a n*****”

What kinds of hate speech laws are there in existence right now? I’m not exactly sure, all I’ve heard is the us version of “Freedom oz peach” or w/e.

IIRC, canada has some actual hate speech laws, and nothing has gone 1984 over there…

11 years ago

IIRC, canada has some actual hate speech laws, and nothing has gone 1984 over there…

If you fart in public here you are executed.

11 years ago

I will cling to my deliberate misunderstanding till the death, for I am troll king!

In other words – see, guys? I told you so.

11 years ago

Okay, according to wikipedia

the legislation forbids discrimination—in the absence of a lawful reason—on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, creed, political opinion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, age, and conviction for which a pardon has been granted


/in case there was even a sliver of doubt, I was being sarcastic.

It is in Canada, though.

11 years ago

Okay, Cassandra, you have a better trolldar than me. 😉

I want the record to show that I am young, and eager to learn.

Also, I’ve pretty much given up on keeping my nym fade because every single freaking time it switches it back to “greendaywantsavatars”. So that is probably my new name.

11 years ago

I’m old and I’ve had more practice. One day you too shall greet ever new troll with an eyeroll and a sighed “oh, not another one”.

11 years ago

Lensman, are you delilberately ignoring the efforts to reform Section Five? It looks (from info on the UK Parliament website, here) as if there’s a majority who’ll support getting rid of the word “insulting” from it.

And seriously, do you think it takes that sort of law for police to arrest you or worse if you swear at them or insult them?

What’s with your obsession with being able to use slurs, anyway?

11 years ago

Just in case anyone is just coming in now, let’s recall the fact that all this started because a blog had a comments policy that lensy didn’t like.