a woman is always to blame all about the menz awesome feminism funny imaginary oppression incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA nice guys video

Funny Men’s Rights Video Time!

Don’t worry, it’s not a video BY an MRA. It’s a video ABOUT MRAs. A little cartoon, to be specific, by Scott Benson, who has this to say about it on his Vimeo page:

A quick editorial cartoon about the intersection of self-pity, entitlement, rape, territoriality, misogyny and fear of women. You see it all over the place online in the form of Men’s Rights Activists (of whom there are a few reasonable non-misogynists), Men Going Their Own Way, Pick Up Artists, and dudes touting the “Red Pill”, because The Matrix is a good movie. Look any of these up if you have the stomach for it. These are extreme examples, but watered-down forms of these ideas are everywhere.

In lurking their blogs and youtube channels for a while, I’ve noticed that beyond the standard patriarchal chauvinism there is this deep fear of women – what they will do to me, how they will reject me, how they will use me, how they are changing society in a way that does not favor me, how they are making men into something I don’t like, how they are making themselves into something I don’t like, that they won’t give me what I want, and that they won’t give me what I think is rightfully mine. This goes beyond fear of feminism- this is fear of women at its purest. And that, to quote a puppet, leads to anger and hate. It’s sad.

Naturally, Benson had to close the comments to the video because of, you know, too much MRA.

He wrote more about it all on his Tumblr.

I was alerted to the video by various people, including Cloudiah, which reminds me to remind you all to go look at Cloudiah’s excellent Artistry for Feminism And Kittens blog.

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Preston Pans
11 years ago

Am I the only one who thought Abnoy’s post was satire?

11 years ago

Preston Pans: Yes.

11 years ago

I just re-read it, and you’re right. Assuming its just satire is much more fun.

11 years ago

The nice guy attitude makes me feel like I should not use my personal emotions when deciding whether to date someone. However the idea of dating someone I do not like much really fills me with dread and I am not fully sure why. It is such a sacrifice to ask someone to make, to have to see them regularly when you really do not want to. At the same time I feel like I should feel sorry for them because to them not dating is the worst thing in the world. To me not dating is just not having met the right person, having other things to do and having a busy life.

What I don’t understand about nice guy logic is the only solution to what they want is for women to not have any contact with men outside necessary work unless you are sure you are happy to marry them. Suddenly dating becomes a big deal, not fun but a commitment that you make without being able to change your mind. Friendship becomes impossible. Given how scary that makes dating, if nice guys won and had their way I am sure very few women would date. I do not see how that makes their lives better. Unless other men being lonely as well is something that makes them happy.

I have a couple of nice guys in my life. I have been a nice girl before and I hope I have mainly outgrown it. Hopefully I will also outgrow the pressure I feel to date people I do not want to. It makes me feel guilty when I am attracted to someone because often it is the wrong person, not the person who has been (force) feeding me kindness coins.

Preston Pans
11 years ago

I think it was the “womyn” that did it. I genuinely thought no-one would actually write such crap and mean it. Then again I’m continually amazed by what people actually write and mean 🙁

11 years ago

Preston Pans: Abnoy has been trolling Manboobz for quite a time, which is why we have no doubt.

On a more interesting subject: Cats! And Science! Magic cats! (call that what you want, it may well be science that’s still magic for me)

11 years ago

Oh, Preston Pans, you poor, deluded, hopefully optimistic, happy individual with a good, healthy outlook on other human beings.

Don’t you know? Manboobz is where the hope for humanity goes to die.
Then it gets resurrected by recipes talks and quantum mechanics and deontological ethics.
Until it gets murdered again when Mark Minter posts.
It’s the circle of men’s rights. Death, pain, alleviation, alienation and the occasional cake batter recipe.


Yep. Pretty much that.

Although good luck with coming to terms with the fact that you don’t have to spend time with people you don’t want to spend time with – it’s a point surprisingly often maligned.

Reading that, it sounds glib, yet it’s… pretty much the salient point here. Reciprocity used a battering ram is not friendship or kindness, it’s manipulation.

Preston Pans
11 years ago

@ Fibinachi

Ohhh, cake recipes! I highly recommend this one.

Fingers crossed for the linky thing…

Preston Pans
11 years ago


11 years ago

Caramelized mango? Wow.

Thank you. That actually *does* look delicious.

Preston Pans
11 years ago

You’re welcome!

So do you get many recurring trolls? So far I’ve had the displeasure of reading pemra, truthy, marky, some dude named first joe and now this abnoy, who I thought was making a funny. I meet a new one every other day or so.

11 years ago

Preston Pans: welcome! Yes, we have many returning trolls who vary in literacy and coherence, but they’re all pretty awful.

11 years ago

Preston Pans:

We’ve got some trolls who are so desperate for our attention that, once a particular nick gets banned, they attempt to come back, again and again. Apparently they can’t get positive attention from anyone, so they have to come here for mockery, just to prove to themselves that they still exist.

11 years ago

They come and they go… We have all kinds, and we have a lot. That’s because of the subject of the blog, but also because they’re tolerated as long as they don’t engage in personal attacks, use slurs,… (many people enjoys reading and destroying their ridicul ‘arguments’ and ideas. It’s like a zoo, we’ve got all king of troll species) As long as they’re not too much below the minimum human decency. then they get banned. There even is a yearly award!

Some come, drop a stupidity, and we don’t hear about them for a while. Other spend more time here than most regulars, like NWOSlave or David K Meller who wrote an impressive of comments. We have misogynist who hate the word, and trolls who are pride of how much they despise female. We have conspiracy-theory fanboys who seem to live on internet, and pseudo celebrity who do real world activism against hard wood chairs (google Tom Martin ^^) We have people who write 100 message to explain that we have no life, and some who come here for therapy (while insulting us) or dating tips. Quite a few pretend to be above all, because feminist and MRA is the same (evil/stupid/a little good, you pick) Sometimes we have PUAs and people who brag about having sex or a girlfriend, sometimes we have MGTOW and ‘incels’.
Countless get banned and try to come back with sockpuppets. And sockpuppets for their girlfriends. They often get caught very quickly in part thanks to David but mostly because their terrible at disguising their personnality. Even on internet, people know you’re a dog. ^^

Tl;dr: yes, a lot of trolls. Though it varies, the number is obviously not constant.

11 years ago

Urg. I won’t correct all my typo, but I can’t let that:
*an impressive number of comments
Nothing about their comments was impressive, except maybe the tenacity and creepiness.

11 years ago

“It takes all shorts to shape the world
It takes all kinds of minds to keep the whole thing fresh
So come one, come all, to the blog of the Manboobs
We’ll fill you in on the way:

We’ve got…
[Jaunty tune]

David K Meller and Tom Martin, that’s two
Minter and Joe are along too!
And NWOSlave drops in to drop something he thinks is true
There’s Abnoy and No Name and a guy called Glen Ross
Who likes to spend time shouting “that ain’t rape!” while we discuss
And in his own points tend to gloss
over the stranger points

There’s a Pell or two or three, four – we’ve lost track, we can’t keep up any more!
Sometimes we get the Carthists and Christians and Communists
(And they all think we suck, they all wish we’d drop straight through the floor)
In fact I’ve lost track of the people who say we’ll burn in hell
but given that they’re not going it’s all just as well

Sometimes a frenchman named Brz
He’s from Algeria, don’t’cha know,
Will link to norwegian feminist reasearch and when debated
no one knows where he’ll go, and why he won’t show
us those facts he seems to be missing
and that priviledge he’s dissing

It’s a human zoo of misery
and a common den of depravity
And most of us it are all awash savagery
And frankly quite prone to bickery
dickery doo
(That rhyme sucked! Self awareness: The one quality which binds our trolls together by its absence!)

Mr. Al is a pal of the kind of people
Which other people tend to not sleep
And Mr. Joe is a great guy who will to his last breath defend
The rights of people he thinks are okay
I mean – as long as they don’t get too uppity about it

You’ve got your MRAs and your PUAs and your MGTOW
Who all tend to link to GWW by way of aVfM, our the SP
you reading me?
Amidst all these TLA’s we often find to our dismay that their opinion can be sum’d

“Everything’d better if you’d jump on our boner”

Which reminds me of this charming fellow, first name of Stoner, who has amazing and intricate
delightful views
on how many things to screw


It’s a whole world of fun in the Manboobsian world.”

Eh, not feeling it tonight. Need more cofffee, I think.

11 years ago

@Pear_tree: “However the idea of dating someone I do not like much really fills me with dread and I am not fully sure why.”

I would feel the same way, were I dating. The thought of being expected to get into something that suggests emotional involvement, or intimacy (let alone sex) or just continued contact with someone I don’t much like – it makes my skin crawl. I don’t wonder why I feel that way; it seems entirely natural to do so. There may also be the element that not liking someone much means there’s no real trust, and who would want to start spending time with someone you don’t trust?

@Yellaine – “Some come, drop a stupidity, and we don’t hear about them for a while.”

“Drop a stupidity,” love it. Describes them perfectly. 🙂

11 years ago

Fibinachi and Kitteshserf thank you 🙂

11 years ago


Hah, you womyn obviously know nothing about straight male psychology.

I know maybe three feminists who actually use the word “womyn.” You aren’t being very clever if you’re trying to make fun of feminists.

For a guy , a girlfriend is the next step , the evolution, after girl friend. Getting friendzoned is getting stuck between states of being for a guy who expects to level up from boy friend to boyfriend. It’s not just about the physical sex, but the intimacy of pairbonding. But womyn never understand anything at all anyway. No wonder why the joke goes that the beta-and-below guys who go to psychiatrists usually end up talking about nothing except their (s)mothers tsk tsk.

You don’t know all guys, nor do you speak for all of them, sorry. Friendship between men and women happens all the time.

And you’re telling us that we don’t understand straight male psychology, yet you think that the alpha-beta conception of masculinity is valid? Ok. Also, you do know that it’s very demeaning to men when you say that non-alpha men are only the way they are because of mother issues, right? You probably don’t since you don’t seem to actually give a shit about your own kind.

And oh, those who are ragging on femra’s now know what it’s like for guys to have to deal with manginas.

The “manginas” I know are the nicest, most respectful men I know. And they aren’t really feminine. Many FeMRAs tend to be assholes who make many feel like they’re betraying women by pushing their MRA agenda, which is decidedly anti-egalitarian.

11 years ago

He did it, he spelled women w-o-m-y-n. Wow.

And this:

“Hah, you womyn obviously know nothing about straight male psychology. For a guy , a girlfriend is the next step , the evolution, after girl friend. Getting friendzoned is getting stuck between states of being for a guy who expects to level up from boy friend to boyfriend. It’s not just about the physical sex, but the intimacy of pairbonding.”

Is why Peart_Tree wrote this:

“What I don’t understand about nice guy logic is the only solution to what they want is for women to not have any contact with men outside necessary work unless you are sure you are happy to marry them. Suddenly dating becomes a big deal, not fun but a commitment that you make without being able to change your mind. Friendship becomes impossible. Given how scary that makes dating, if nice guys won and had their way I am sure very few women would date. I do not see how that makes their lives better.”

Fun? Chemistry? Forget it ladies. Also, if you start dating a guy — you’re not allowed to stop. I mean, you’d be threatening the dude’s idea of “pairbonding.” You’d be casting him off, sticking him “between states of being.” Christ, that sounds like fun. Why oh why won’t someone date these guys? It’s almost seems like being with them would be uncomfortable, stressful and ultimately depressing — because you would be responsible for their fragile egos, hapiness and mental health. (sarcasm off)
Fun times, eh? I dated one of these guys once. When I broke it off (which caused him to scream and yell at me), I didn’t date for three fucking years. That’s what dating an energy vampire will do to you. Dating someone with a smidge of self-esteem and confidence is less trouble, really.

But Anoy goes on:

“But womyn never understand anything at all anyway.”

Oh fella, I’d love to see the citations on that. Maybe you found it from the same source that alleges all boys have cooties and dogs can’t look up.

“No wonder why the joke goes that the beta-and-below guys who go to psychiatrists usually end up talking about nothing except their (s)mothers tsk tsk.”

Yes, see…we’re all responsible for their mental health. Let the good times roll. Shit, I use most of my energy keeping my own mental health in check.

” And oh, those who are ragging on femra’s now know what it’s like for guys to have to deal with manginas.”

Do you deal with mangina’s often, little one?

Ms Getta Lode
Ms Getta Lode
11 years ago

Preston Pans: I thought it was satire too, but then the regulars started responding and … Well … I trust them to know a troll when they see one.

11 years ago

I don’t know why Ignoyramus is bothering about adults dating, or not. This is after all the troll who was bragging about having sex with children not that long ago.

11 years ago

Shit, I forgot about that, Kitteh.

Ms Getta Lode
Ms Getta Lode
11 years ago

kittehserf: oh, hell. I don’t even want to know …

11 years ago

@Kim: Yeah, I’d say my grandmother and uncle have malignant narcissism. They’re both manipulative and known to cause familial discord for the sake of attention. For example, my grandmother – when she wanted to have a party – would lie to my uncles that one of them was going to host a get-together, with everyone realizing later they just took her word for it and she planned it. The worst part is that she’d do this regardless of what was going on in other peoples’ lives, as if such things can be put on hold for her amusement. It doesn’t help she and my uncle are co-dependent, especially when I was (unfortunately) living with them.

My uncle would constantly get away with taking her money and stealing her car and bringing in seedy people (many of them likely dealers or prostitutes he found at dive bars). Even, on occasions, break into my room and take things he would pawn. Oh sure, she would argue about it – but she did nothing to change it (even defending him when it was suggested she get a restraining order if he was causing THAT much anguish). She would demand I give her money because my uncle had drained her account and, since he rarely answered her calls and refused to talk to her in person most of the time, she took all that frustration out on me. She’d yell and call me horrific names out of nowhere and it greatly frustrated me – since I actually bothered to help her out. Even when I drove her around for errands and pretty much proved to be more reliable than my uncle (who would spend days in a crack-induced hibernation), she would have freak-outs about me using the car whenever I wanted to go somewhere close by myself. She’d call asking where I was and what was happening…even though I would tell her right before I left. She even ruined an evening with friends because she continuously called me until I brought her car back. This is also around the same time when my dad got one of his old cars back (a family friend was borrowing it as he was visiting from Brazil), my uncle drove is barely a block before getting the entire side scratched.

As of now, a “friend” of my uncle stole my grandma’s car and totaled it as well as said uncle – under the delusion he’s some master carpenter – cutting the phone line due to his incompetence. What makes me grind my teeth is the fact my cats who live there had gone without food for several days at one point, all because he “didn’t feel like” going to the market. He’s an utter piece of shit yet my grandma continues to enable him, even as he destroys her possession. I’m really glad I moved out and went as far north as I could get (I’m at the state border) because nothing I do seemed to improve anything and at one point I planned to commit suicide because I couldn’t stand it anymore. Thankfully I didn’t, but neither of them even considered the fact their behavior caused me to do such.