![Be vewy quiet! Most men wive wives of quiet desperwation.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/elmer.png?resize=580%2C342&ssl=1)
Two weeks ago, you may recall, antifeminist crusader and recent A Voice for Men recruit Erin Pizzey made an “Ask Me Anything” appearance on Reddit which was a rousing success, at least by the standards of Reddit and the Men’s Rights movement. (By the standards of logic and ordinary human decency, not so much.) This Saturday, she gave a sort of encore.
Here are some of the interesting things I learned from her latest three-hour appearance. (I haven’t read all thousand-plus comments in the thread; this is based solely on what she herself said. Click on the headlines to see her original comments in their entirety, in context.) Her comments are, as always, models of good sense and lucidity.
Ban feminists from government perhaps! Personally, I think, I would describe feminism, and I have fought for 40 years to publicize the damage that they were doing to family life and men and boys. To me, to condemn men as sole perpetrators of all or almost all atrocities in this world, feminists are a hate movement. I say this because just recently Sweden, Norway, and I think Finland are trying to bring in a law in those countries that will make any criticism of feminism a punishable offense. That is not the action of a movement dedicated to equality and freedom of speech for all, it is totalitarianism.
As far as I’m concerned, a sufficient amount of women have reached boardrooms and many of them publicly have said that they prefer a quality of life which includes family time, which for women in many ways is more important because we, in the long term, through our children and grandchildren. Men, as they climb up the steps to fame and fortune define themselves by how well they can take care of their wives and children. Different lifestyles, different goals, very few women want to spend the time and the total energy in making that high-achieving career lifestyle.
According to the most recent Catalyst survey, only 16.6% of Fortune 500 board members are women, and an even smaller percentage (14.3%) are CEOs. That’s a very strange notion of equality you have there, Ms. Pizzey.
So many men are lickspittles. Often in my travels when I’m speaking, I have asked men, informally, why they would never stand up to women who were devoted to the idea of a world without men. The honest answer was they were too dependent on having relationships with women to stand up for what they believed. …
I think most men live lives of quiet desperation–that’s a quote, I can’t remember who said it but it’s true.
I believe that was Elmer Fudd.
Wait, no, he said something about hunting wabbits. No idea, then. Who could have Thoreau-n such an idea around? Walden you like to know?
I’m not surprised that men are going their own way. Why would any sane man want to risk losing his property, his relationship with his wife, his financial stability, the children that he will be deprived of… at the moment, men don’t have any rights in this area. In England, Harriet Harman and her very powerful harpies are trying to bring in a law that will mean a woman has only got to live with a man for a very short period of time before she’s entitled to exactly the same amount of money and power that is given to married women. That’s already happened in Australia and Canada too!
I am constantly in the company of women in their late 30s and 40s who after choosing a career have decided they want children and marriage. I have to regretfully inform them that the present climate against men, they are very unlikely to have a relationship with a man and will probably never have children.
It’s true. Nowhere is the problem more noticeable than Los Angeles, by the way, where men give themselves the right to date (meaning, they can have sex with as many women as they want at the same time)… very sad situation, but, why would they do anything else? The legal system can destroy them if they commit to a relationship.
The Feminist Hegemony will fuck up your hard drive:
I did manage to get exactly one paper published, decades after the fact, on the surveys I did of the first 100 women in my Refuge. Just one, in a tiny journal. … But the feminist hegemony has worked hard to keep work like this out of the public eye.
They actually destroyed the hard disk of Professor Viano from Washington University when he tried to publish some of this work.
[citation needed]
For what it’s worth, there doesn’t seem to be anyone named Viano associated with Washington University in St. Louis (aside from a physics professor who got her PhD there), nor, for that matter, with George Washington University in Washington DC.
There is an actual Professor Emilio Viano who teaches at American University’s School of Public Affairs and is an adjunct professor of law at the Washington College of Law, and he’s written about violence and victimology so perhaps he is the man Pizzey is referring to. There is, however, no evidence I can find online that anyone, much less the “feminist hegemony,” has ever destroyed his hard drive, and he seems to have published extensively and had what looks like a pretty successful academic career without any obvious hindrance from the evil femlords.
I did find a news article in which Viano is quoted about a case in which the FBI secretly got its hands on the hard drive of one of its agents suspected of selling secrets to the Russians, but 1) that wasn’t Viano’s hard drive and 2) I’m pretty sure the Feminist Hegemony had nothing to do with that, as it was never discussed at any of our meetings that I can recall, though admittedly I spent most of our meetings eating the complementary bon-bons and playing with the cats.
I eagerly await Ms. Pizzey’s clarification of her assertions about the mysterious “Professor Viano from Washington University” and his “hard disk.”
The last little lesson I learned from Pizzey’s appearance:
Fried food gives me indigestion.
This from a woman who claims to care about victims of domestic violence, and whose biggest claim to fame is that she was the founder of one of the first DV shelters for women. Evidently when you spend a lot of time in the company of Men’s Rights Activists, jokes about “battered women” are just part of the landscape.
Ms. Pizzey, might I suggest that if you indeed suffer from any sort of digestive problem it might just be because you are full of shit?
Well. I know that I try to solve all my problems via simplistic Google search. Doesn’t everyone?
I totally do! All of life’s problems can be solved that way.
This is why howtofindhappinessforsureit’sguaranteed.com is the most popular site on the internet. Lensy should have googled that instead.
I know whenever Mr. HK and I have had trouble, I go to the internet for answers. Yahoo Answers.
AskMen if it’s all your wife’s fault. The answer – of course it is!
Ladies and gentlemen, how to educate yourself about gender.
I bet he went to bitchesain’tshit.com. No wonder he’s unhappy.
Search term – is misogyny right for me?
I would really love to learn a bit about Renaissance art! I’ll just google “why was Raphael such a poopy head?”
Alternate search term: do women have too much power?
Viscaria, when I wanted to learn more about Japanese watercolor, my search was “Hiroshige complete prick.” Trufax.
I wanted to know how to make creme brulee, so I googled “donuts suck”.
“And to whoever said here that I should go somewhere else and educate myself: I did try to do so and I wound up following the MRM. ”
And did it never once occur to you that the MRM hates women?
Did you never once read their applause of rape and violence against women and think, “This is not what I was looking for?”
Or was “marriage sucks” just your code for “I hate women” or “I hate my responsibilities” or “I can’t cope with the hellhole my country has become”? (The third would be a completely understandable thing to say and I can’t imagine what the people* of Greece are enduring now.) Because, seriously, it’s such a stupid, juvenile search term that you were bound to get sewer-level results.
*People. Which includes women. Who are most likely doing a hell of a lot worse than men in a society so heavily slanted against them.
There you go acting like women are people again. Stop verbally oppressing lensy, it upsets him.
New search term – kittens suck.
“New search term – kittens suck.”
But they do!
(Dies. Is dead. Please send necromancer to assist with revival.)
hellkell, I completely understand why you are suspicious about lensman (although I personally don’t think he’s a troll as he seems to be very sincere).
However, joking about how the above is the reason he’s unhappy in the same thread in which he’s stated that he’s suffering from an abusive relationship strikes me as insensitive, even if you didn’t intend to be insensitive.
It’s kind of like accusing an MRA asshole of lying about being raped when ze claims to be a victim. Sure, ze’s an MRA, but no one deserves to have hir experiences of rape trivialized or dismissed. (Note: I have never actually seen that happen in the feminist communities I frequent, but I think you get what I’m saying).
That’s nice, Aaliyah. Have you read his stuff in other threads? The one where’s he’s writing odes to his right to be an asshole?
If you want to believe his story, that’s on you.
I think your troll radar may need some fine tuning, Aaliyah.
No, I’ve only seen his comments in this thread. I wasn’t aware that he’s not a new commentator.
I’ll only suspect that he’s lying if it’s the case that his personal stories are significantly inconsistent.
You do that.
Whether or not he’s a new commenter, he’s going on about “women dressed as hookers” and his right to treat them as such, and his right to be offensive, and so on. All the woe-is-me stuff is giving way to basic misogynist bullshit.
Oh dear.
Well, Cassandra is right in that I do tend to have a problem with identifying trolls, especially when they are very nice to me. I mean, I was bothered by his assertion that being trans* means I’m a good programmer and his comparison of me to Alan Turing, implying that trans = gay. But he apologized and he was supportive of me in some ways.
I guess I just like to reciprocate to people who I feel are being genuinely nice, and usually I do this without knowing much about them. It’s just a consequence of me being gullible in general.
I dont think anyone is saying you have to treat zir a certain way. I mean, I assumed they were in good faith, too. I still think that, but I think that they need some serious 101ing and are possibly misunderstanding stuff intentionally.
I mean, nothing wrong with us having different opinions and treating people different. we’re not a hivemend XD
“Being nice to me” does not equal “is a good, sincere, trustworthy person”. At all.