a voice for men doxing false accusations harassment hate literal nazis misogyny MRA

Signal Boost: Official Georgetown statement on false accusations against Arianna Pattek

I‘ve written several times about the campaign of false accusations and harassment directed at Georgetown University alum Arianna Pattek by Men’s Rights activists, white supremacists, and assorted internet trolls. While some of Pattek’s false accusers have retracted their claims, others continue to peddle false information about her and still  others, including some of those who’ve retracted their claims about Pattek, continue to make vague accusations against Georgetown.

And so I would like to draw attention to the following official statement from Georgetown University spokesperson Rachel Pugh.

In response to inquiries regarding Georgetown University alumna Arianna Pattek and the Admissions Office at Georgetown University:

Georgetown University confirms that Arianna Pattek graduated magna cum laude from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service with a bachelor’s degree in 2012. On April 18, 2013 she was mistakenly identified as the author of an anonymous blog, and as a result became the target of threats on several Internet discussion boards. Out of concern for the safety and well-being of our alumna, the university removed information about Ms. Pattek from the university’s website. Georgetown University further confirms that Ms. Pattek is not now, nor has she ever been, employed by any of the admissions offices at Georgetown University. The unethical admissions practices described in the anonymous blog post do not reflect the careful and comprehensive admissions procedures at Georgetown University. Ms. Pattek has confirmed that she is not the author of the blog in question. Further, the blog in question does not reference Georgetown University.

You can find the statement online here, and can direct any questions about Georgetown’s handling of this whole surreal incident to them directly.

Though I really have to wonder at anyone who pretends to  be shocked or surprised or mystified that university officials might remove information about a recent graduate after receiving word that this person is being harassed by white supremacists.

You can find more details about all this in my earlier posts on the subject.

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11 years ago

You’re welcome! MOAR ELO FACKTSZ: “Can’t Get It Out of My Head” was written about Yoko Ono. So I remember, anyway. Could be entirely wrong. Check it yourself.

11 years ago

Yoko Ono is very memorable

11 years ago

I’m wondering how much identifying information there could have/should have been about Ariana posted on the Georgetown site anyhow, given FERPA and all. “Jumping to conclusions” indeed; the MRAs are track stars in this event. If she had really been staff, it would’ve been obvious, on the other hand. Either way, the MRAs stumbled badly. And Benson’s video is gorgeous, because it’s such a perfect little vignette of history. The way the laws used to be framed in the West, most property automatically went to or fell into the hands of men, for them to consume or distribute pretty much as they pleased, for centuries. See Salic Law, primogeniture, coverture, etc., which never seems to bother MRAs, especially when they are accusing women of never inventing or accomplishing anything. I’m old enough to remember separate help wanted columns for men and women.

11 years ago

I wonder if typhonblue will concede? I’ll bet not. The delay, yo see; and the lack of immediate response, just shows Georgetown has “something to hide”.

11 years ago

I recently discovered Jeff Lynne also did a couple tracks for the “Electric Dreams” soundtrack. One of those obscure movies that wound up a family favourite.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Has this become a music thread? Because my fellow plague rats / Emilie Autumn fans should check out Abney Park.

11 years ago

Feminists want presumed guilt for rape. They say that no one EVER lies about rape. Now, they are suddenly against false accusations.

11 years ago

I love ELO.

I doubt any of the MRM shitweasels will apologize to Ms. Pattek.

11 years ago

If it’ll stop the harassment of this woman (hah!), then I’m all for it, but I hate that the school was pressured into meeting these non-allegations with a legitimate response. Ugh, now the MRM is gonna think they’re actually accomplishing things. Nice activism, guys.

11 years ago

They say that no one EVER lies about rape.

Nope. We say false accusations of rape in the US are about 4%, which is no higher than for any other crime. I suspect it’s similar in other countries.

You might be thinking of the feminists who avow that we will always believe people who say they’ve been raped, which is a position a lot of us have adopted in order to counteract the way most rape victims are dismissed and ignored (and which, going back to my other point, has a 96% chance of being the correct assumption).

11 years ago

Feminists want presumed guilt for rape. They say that no one EVER lies about rape. Now, they are suddenly against false accusations.

What? Feminist (and statistics) claim that lies about rape do not occur as OFTEN as mras and misogynist would like to believe and are in fact rare. Much more rare than actual rape. In fact, most feminists are really pissed off when a false allegation occurs because it damages the credibility of real rape victims. Unfortunately, society does not give real rape victims much credibility to begin with (nowhere near what they deserve) so I am not sure how much damage these liars actually do, especially when mras and buttmans are looking for any way to discredit them.

11 years ago

Buttman lies. In other news, Rain is wet, snow is cold, and I’m making chicken with curried butternut squash for supper.

11 years ago

As to the claim about rape… Nope. I treat rape reports as I do those of shoplifting, robbery, car theft, etc. True statements until proven otherwise.

If someone says, “I was robbed”, I believe them. Same for rape.

11 years ago

He calls himself buttman.

And no.

11 years ago

It’s too bad we have such weak libel laws in the U.S. I’d like to see Elam held liable. Although he probably doesn’t have a pot to pee in, he should be held accountable.,

Although I’d like Elam to face some real consequences for this, I’d still vastly prefer the libel laws we have than have the truly nasty legal bullying that comes with the strong libel laws in places like the UK.