Longtime readers of Man Boobz may remember “Ferdinand Bardamu,” the pseudonymous blogger behind the thoroughly despicable In Mala Fide blog. How despicable? Well, once upon a time, “Bardamu” wrote a post with the lovely title “The Necessity of Domestic Violence,” in which he set forth the proposition that “[w]omen should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.” Yeah. It was that kind of a blog. You can find some more of Bardamu’s terrible thoughts in the MB archives.
You may also remember that Bardamu took down his blog about a year ago, and seemingly vanished from the face of the earth.
Except it now turns out he hasn’t been gone at all. Indeed, he’s been hiding in plain sight the whole time. For, just about the same time that Bardamu vanished off the face of the earth, a new and almost-if-not-quite-as-thoroughly-despicable new Manospere blogger appeared, writing under his real name: Matt Forney.
He’s perhaps best known for a post in which he “jokingly” offered advice on how to get away with rape by murdering your victim. Ha ha! What a card! (Ultimately, Forney deleted his post, and offered a half-hearted, feminist-baiting “apology” for it.)
Forney came out as the Artist Formerly Known As Ferdinand Bardamu on his blog last week.
His explanation for his vanishing act? In part, he explained, it was because he had started getting disgusted by some of his own followers. “Surround yourself with the worst humanity has to offer and it will inevitably wear on you,” he wrote.
It got to the point where I dreaded reading my own site because it was becoming dominated by basement dwelling neo-Nazis, MRA permavirgins and other losers I would never bother with in real life.
As much as I hate people who bitch about “hatred” and “negativity,” they were right in the end: I didn’t want to be associated with those freaks.
Yep, the rank and file of the right-wing Manosphere actually disgusts the guy who came up with “[w]omen should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.” Yikes.
There is a left-wing MRA faction. Generally I’d say Reddit Men’s Rights skews left, and maybe A Voice for Men? I don’t really read AVfM, but I know they have butted heads with some of the MRA right-wingers. The right-wingers overlap with the Pick-Up Artist (PUA) community, and the lefties don’t as much.
Hell, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Paul Elam was an elaborate muppet operated by Mr. AL
Badly. The example assumes a static, even split and rich men pairing with rich women so “oh no, the poor are even worse off now and a bunch of families short of money they would otherwise have! Ban women from working to help the poor, don’t you care about the poor?”
It’s like economics, only not. It’s kind of like logic too, only… Not.
The mrm does this thing where they appropriate progressive/social justice language in order to promote conservative/traditionalist/patriarchal ends.
In this example, they take income inequality and attempt to use it to make a case for patriarchy, and assume readers will just be too dense to notice.
Yeah… I’m sure it was hard for him to realize he’s part of that group.
Someone called the MRM a social justice cargo cult once. (Was it here?) I thought that was brilliant.
That was definitely here, because I’d never heard of a cargo cult before, very accurate, though.
Not to mention that, in the link’s example, Price is advocating income equalization by the worst possible means to the worst possible ends. There isn’t any addressing of undeserved wealth through cronyism that disrupts the best ways to serve the consumer, or of helping the utterly destitute, so it’s technically equalizing wealth without actually solving any of the problems of income inequality, and even then not very much. Not to mention that barring a large chunk of the population from employment, or even just classes of employment, over the long-run is a terrible, terrible idea for reasons even a grade-schooler could tell you.
Of course, Price believes in a form of trickle-down that makes Reagan’s policies look absolutely lucid and logically self-evident (http://www.the-spearhead.com/2013/03/30/most-gender-equal-place-in-america-pine-ridge-indian-reservation/#comment-182698), so the idea of making half the population leech on a form of welfare (as in, still have to get it even when willing to work and pay taxes) seems to be OK with him as long as it’s not from the government. I’m from a family of left-wing professors, and even I want to beat him with a Thomas Sowell book (which is odd, as he’s praised Sowell here: http://www.the-spearhead.com/2011/06/24/latest-feminist-triumph-black-family-finally-destroyed/).
@the seventh guest
“Announcing it will surely be noticed by former followers. So, why? Was he missing his old stats?”
Yes, am sure it is an attempt to draw attention to his blog where he is promoting his e-books. Forney is operating under the delusion that he is going to make a living from his writing, Ironically, one of his books is devoted to teaching other manosphereans how to make money by blogging.
I found the Spearhead link interesting, especially the report by an elderly couple to the cops that Forney was acting so strangely by a roadside that they worried he was a threat to himself. I know I’m a softy, but it made me feel sorta sorry for him….
@ Pro Equality MRA:
“I generally enjoy Forney’s writings, but I agree, the satirical rape piece was over the line. Good on him for apologizing.”
This is one of the mysteries of the universe to me, how guys who carefully distance themselves from the brutal misogyny of Forney, Roosh, et al., can claim to “enjoy” reading their blogs. I’m not trying to be judgmental here, I am sincerely curious what it is about them that you “enjoy.” Is it the morbid curiosity one might derive from watching another person sufer a psychotic episode in public? Please help me understand this phenomenon.
Aaaand Forney’s still a piece of shit who’s tainted by this thrash forever. Who did he THINK would be attracted to his writings?
“I started a food blog, but then all these damn foodies started following me and commenting and stuff.”
I loved this article and better yet the retorts the author gave to the trolls as they appeared.
“And then it turns out they’re both Mr. Al!”
See, your problem is that you a) don’t understand what satire is, and b) think people deserve kudos for apologizing when they should have.
See, satire works when it punches up. Not that you’d understand, considering you think straight white cis males are the most oppressed people on earth because they’re the oppressors. Somehow.
Got this from Feminist Frequency’s facebook feed.
Ella, great article – I notice AntZ and Elam were trolling away there with their whining. Quelle surprise!
The idea that PElam is actually Mr. Al makes me happy.
It’d be a giggle to think Mr Al was trolling the whole MRM all this time. He’d still be an arsehole because of what AVfM does, but I like the idea that there isn’t actually an Elam at all.
He got very hoity-toity when the writer of the article Ella linked to questioned his surname. 😀
I distracted myself today by revisiting the greatest discussion of cake and feces that has ever taken place on Man Boobz. And also spending way too much time laughing at cakewrecks.com.
Ella, that’s a great article. Oof, the comments.
I am weak from laughing now. I’m going to have to look at the original thread to see if Owly had anything to say once the Radioactive Poop Bees Cake discussion got under way.
And those cakewrecks! OMG!
I know a lady with flies tattooed aroud the top of the crack of her bum, which you can see if her pants are low and shirt is short.
That’s what the poop cake made me think of.
I love cakewrecks. Great site if you’re having a hard day, because no matter how hard your day is you don’t have to eat one of those cakes.
Also, the article Ella linked to also linked to this pretty great one:
His lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling. How does he realize that he’s attracting the worst kind of vermin without seeing the logical conclusion that it’s because he’s producing the worst kinds of trash?