advocacy of violence anti-Semitism antifeminism domestic violence hate irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA PUA rape culture rape jokes

Big Manosphere Reveal: Matt Forney was Ferdinand Bardamu

Matt Forney's a dick, so here are some goats in a tree.
Matt Forney’s a dick, so here are some goats in a tree.

Longtime readers of Man Boobz may remember “Ferdinand Bardamu,” the pseudonymous blogger behind the thoroughly despicable In Mala Fide blog. How despicable? Well, once upon a time, “Bardamu” wrote a post with the lovely title “The Necessity of Domestic Violence,” in which he set forth the proposition that “[w]omen should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.” Yeah. It was that kind of a blog. You can find some more of Bardamu’s terrible thoughts in the MB archives.

You may also remember that Bardamu took down his blog about a year ago, and seemingly vanished from the face of the earth.

Except it now turns out he hasn’t been gone at all. Indeed, he’s been hiding in plain sight the whole time. For, just about the same time that Bardamu vanished off the face of the earth, a new and almost-if-not-quite-as-thoroughly-despicable new Manospere blogger appeared, writing under his real name: Matt Forney.

He’s perhaps best known for a post in which he “jokingly” offered advice on how to get away with rape by murdering your victim. Ha ha! What a card! (Ultimately, Forney deleted his post, and offered a half-hearted, feminist-baiting “apology” for it.)

Forney came out as the Artist Formerly Known As Ferdinand Bardamu on his blog last week.

His explanation for his vanishing act? In part, he explained, it was because he had started getting disgusted by some of his own followers.  “Surround yourself with the worst humanity has to offer and it will inevitably wear on you,” he wrote.

 It got to the point where I dreaded reading my own site because it was becoming dominated by basement dwelling neo-Nazis, MRA permavirgins and other losers I would never bother with in real life.

As much as I hate people who bitch about “hatred” and “negativity,” they were right in the end: I didn’t want to be associated with those freaks.

Yep, the rank and file of the right-wing Manosphere actually disgusts the guy who came up with “[w]omen should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.” Yikes.

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11 years ago

And in other news, Ted Bundy thinks Jeffrey Dahmer just took it too far.

11 years ago

Stalin, ease up a bit. — Hitler

11 years ago

Announcing it will surely be noticed by former followers. So, why? Was he missing his old stats?

11 years ago

Those links were incredibly dull? Spearhead writing is terrible? Am I missing the point?

Bob Dole
Bob Dole
11 years ago

I don’t know why I posted those, I just recalled that The Spearhead wrote about Matt Forney some time ago.

11 years ago

Okay, fair enough. I was hoping for comedy gold, though — the next links should have hilarious levels of inept and bitter misogyny, as is representative of the site. Make it so. 😀

11 years ago

Also, goats in a tree is misandry.

Bob Dole
Bob Dole
11 years ago

Oh, I only posted those because we’re talking about Matt Forney, they’re absolutely forgettable otherwise.

As for your wish, it’s not that bad by itself, but what’s gonna follow from it will be the embodiment of Price’s moronic traditionalism (also, it’s kinda hilarious how he acknowledges religious governing of gender roles, but in other articles denies that anything has held back women ever).

11 years ago

What a life.

11 years ago

And then it turns out they’re both Mr. Al!

11 years ago

Yep, the rank and file of the right-wing Manosphere actually disgusts the guy who came up with “[w]omen should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.” Yikes.

Human rights movement! Yaaaaaaaaaaay!

11 years ago

Woah, so if you dedicate your life to preaching hatred and bigotry you attract followers who are neo-Nazis and general scumbags? I’ve learned something today.

11 years ago

From the link: “This is an important project, because although more and more people see religion as irrelevant these days, the traditions that have governed our view of marriage and the roles of men and women for centuries are still highly relevant.”

Yeeeeessss…. It’s like a little baby misogynist who’s just discovered the beautiful world of religious misogyny, and is now all giddy. This project is gonna be classic. XD

11 years ago

In the name of religion? Move along. Don’t worry about justifying your views.

Pro-Equality MRA
Pro-Equality MRA
11 years ago

I generally enjoy Forney’s writings, but I agree, the satirical rape piece was over the line. Good on him for apologizing.

11 years ago

I generally enjoy Forney’s writings

Please just call yourself an MRA now. You clearly don’t give a shit about equality if you fucking enjoy what Forney has to say.

11 years ago

What’s funny is that Forney seems to hate MRAs and feminists about equally. He’s also homophobic. Is that what you enjoy about his writing, P-EMRA? (See his post about the RHA in Toronto.) An equal opportunity asshat, who likes to pretend he’s just better than everyone.

11 years ago

…the rank and file of the right-wing Manosphere…

Wait, is there a left-wing Manosphere?

11 years ago

Wait, is there a left-wing Manosphere?

Unfortunately, yes. And it’s very, very awful for the most part. Not as bad as the right-wing manosphere, but still bad.

Bob Dole
Bob Dole
11 years ago


I’ve noticed that whenever Price writes about religious or traditional rules, he refers to them as developed from careful examination and accumulated knowledge (this includes the link itself); it’s essentially cultural evo-psych, assuming that because something exists, it’s rational and purposive.

Preston Pans
11 years ago

Here pemra, how come you never told us you were the inspiration for Aluna George’s latest single?

Bob Dole
Bob Dole
11 years ago


While the only left-wing MRA I know of is that pig guy, I’ve noticed that despite the general professed right-libertarian tendencies of MRA’s, their economic arguments are twisted approaches to problems typically focused on by the left. This argument in particular may have well been made by evil-universe Paul Krugman:

11 years ago

But… how does that even work?

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