a woman is always to blame antifeminism dozens of upvotes evil women hypocrisy irony alert lazy women eating bon bons mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men patronizing as heck playing the victim PUA rape rape culture reddit

A “Red Pill” Redditor Explains Why Wanting To Not Be Raped is Like Throwing a Tantrum for a Pony

These ponies want nothing to do with the Red Pill subreddit
These ponies want nothing to do with the Red Pill subreddit

Some words of wisdom from TheRedPill subreddit, a lovely little subdivision of Reddit devoted to a sort of mishmash of Men’s Rights and Pickup Artistry. It’s at least as ridiculous as the sum of its parts.

And I can prove that with actual numbers. Well, a single number: 95. That’s the number of net upvotes the comment I took the following quotes from had gotten from the assembled Red Pillers (at least when I last looked at it). Let’s listen in as Whisper enlightens us on a variety of topics:

World History:

[M]en have never had an easy ride unless they were one of the aristocracy. We’ve always been the labouring sex, the risk-taking sex, the disposable sex.

Little known fact: Poor women throughout history have never had to work or suffer at all, having been issued comfy pillows and a lifetime supply of bon-bons at birth from the Invisible Matriarchy.

The Squeaky Vagina Gets the Grease:

[W]hen something unfair happens to a woman, her usual response to point this unfairness out to whoever appears to have power. But men, being less submissive, tend to blame ourselves, ask “What am I doing wrong?”, and try to change either our behaviour or our environment (by going elsewhere).

All that complaining you think you hear from Men’s Rights Activists? Not really complaining. It’s just them wondering what they’ve been doing wrong. Apparently they’re talking in a strange sort of code. When they refer to “feminists” and “bitches” and “sluts” behaving horribly and deserving blame for everything, they are in fact referring to themselves.

On Stabbing:

[W]hen a man sees someone doing better than him, his first impulse is not to stab, but to try to learn.

Good to know! It is generally considered impolite to stab unless someone else attempts to stab you first.

On Advice, Christmas Giving and Bananas in Ears:

[W]omen were certainly willing to give us advice. Oh, boy, were they ever willing to give us advice. Page after page, speech after speech, of what we should and shouldn’t do, who we should and shouldn’t be …

And, of course, when we followed this advice, things got worse.

And gradually we came to realize that when we asked these “new women”, empowered by feminism, what a man should do, they didn’t hear “What should a man’s life be like?”, they heard “What do you want for christmas?”.

This last bit seems a little puzzling. Are you sure these women you’ve been speaking to didn’t have bananas in their ears?

On Daddies, Ponies and Maternity Leave:

We woke up to the fact that women’s lists of what a man should do were the equivalent of a 12 year old girl asking daddy for a pony. She doesn’t worry about whether daddy can actually afford to buy her one …

Every feminist lobbying for paid maternity leave is a submissive asking daddy to care for her. Every “men can stop rape” poster is a woman admitting she cannot protect herself. Every woman complaining that we shouldn’t portray women like that in video games is a woman saying “I can’t make my own video games, please consider my wishes when you make them for both of us”. ….

Feminism was never about female independence. If it were, it would not require men to cooperate or even notice. They wouldn’t need us to give them jobs if they started their own businesses. They wouldn’t need us to give them “equal pay” if they were doing the hiring. They wouldn’t need laws mandating maternity leave and free birth control if they were the ones setting, and paying, employee benefits. They wouldn’t need “no means no” if they were the ones making the sexual advances. They wouldn’t need “men can stop rape” if they took responsibility for defending themselves from psychos.

So all we have to do is stop. Say no. You can have a slightly bigger allowance, but you cannot have a pony.

Did you hear that, ladies? Wanting equal pay, or maternity leave, or simply not to be raped – all those things are exactly like throwing a tantrum for a pony.

Also, apparently only men pay taxes, or work in the video game industry, or really anywhere at all. And no one deserves police protection because that means they’re some sort of wuss.

Who knew?

Thanks, TheRedPill subreddit!

EDITED TO ADD: I just noticed that Deansdale’s Blog, a Manospherian blog that’s previously defended some of the less savory utterances of assorted MRA and PUA celebrities, has reposted Whisper’s comment in its entirety under the headline “A gold nugget from Reddit,” with no sarcasm intended. I’ll agree that it’s some sort of nugget, but it’s neither gold nor chicken. And again, for those critics who think I mae a big deal of comments, well, this is a comment that MRAs and Manospherians are making a big deal of themselves.

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11 years ago

Before I actually read the article and the thread – I just want to say how darned cute those ponies in Icelandic sweaters are. I’m chuckling to myself at their utter cuteness.

Off to read now.

11 years ago

Darn, those sweater-clad ponies had me fooled.

11 years ago

OK, I read it.

Jesus, there’s so much this guy doesn’t get. His ass must be sore after having all those “facts” yanked out of it.

Probably not – because it appears to be a gaping chasm of vast depth.

11 years ago

He’s on to me. The real reason I am a feminist is because I want a new clothesline and some Tupperware next Christmas.

That sounds suspiciously domestic to me. Remember the feminist credo: “housework bad, cock carousel good!”

(I tried to think of something so absurd to say that you’d all be sure I was joking, but after some of the trolls we’ve had, I can’t think of anything that even they wouldn’t say. We need some kind of Poe’s Law corollary for MRAs/anti-feminist trolls)

11 years ago

This part is in the original comment but not David’s post

That’s what the Red Pill is. Not some fool notion that women are horrible selfish bitches. Not the idea that men “should be” in charge. Just the realization that men are in charge, that we will be until the day women stop asking for, or even accepting, things from us. That if we’re in charge, we’re gonna have to take some responsibility for putting the brakes on.

So…they know they are in charge…so this should empower them to keep on with the oppression.

Some other Whisper shit nuggets from other threads:

I once came on a girl’s mother.
This was in high school. She walked in and caught us in the act, and I, startled, tried to jump to my feet. Problem was, she came in at just the wrong moment. I not only stood, I stood and delivered.

Postmodermism is the blithering of an idiot who speaks, not only despite having nothing worthwhile to say, but precisely because she resents the fact that others do.

In fact, withdrawal is one of my favorite ways to punish women, because it is self-regulating. It most affects those who want the most from me. After all, if I were not a source of happiness in her life, my withdrawal would not be a punishment at all.

(yup, ONE OF HIS FAVORITE WAYS TO PUNISH WOMEN. just one of the faves. you know, guys.)

A physically fit and capable woman, a talented and independent woman, an accomplished woman… all of these can be feminine. But a competitive woman cannot.

Yes, men should find women more attractive than their computers. But that means women should be more attractive than their computers.
I used to think men who preferred masturbating to porn to hitting on women were just cowardly habitual-beta herbs. Now I’m not so sure. I think a lot of them have just decided that modern first-world women aren’t worth the trouble, and it’s sometimes hard to disagree.

11 years ago

Probably not – because it appears to be a gaping chasm of vast depth.

So Whisper’s ass is like Fat Chance’s duodenum?

11 years ago

Thanks, princessbonbon! Now the kind I like is the t post clothesline, because then I can hide all the “unmentionables” in the middle lines and have the shirts, pants, and blankets on the outside lines. That way the neighbors won’t see anything embarrassing. This is what a t post looks like clothesline post

The one I have now is a pulley line connecting our house to a shed, so everything can always be seen. However, the pulley is handy, because you can do everything in one spot. Sorry, I could talk about clotheslines all day, but not many other people find it that exciting.

Oh, and from the OP

So all we have to do is stop. Say no. You can have a slightly bigger allowance, but you cannot have a pony.

What did ponies ever do to this guy anyway? They’re cute, and they make kids happy at the fair.

11 years ago

Thank you for this! I needed a laugh

11 years ago

That sounds suspiciously domestic to me. Remember the feminist credo: “housework bad, cock carousel good!”

Don’t worry, I can use the Tupperware for sperm jacking, and um, I’m sure there’s a misandric way to use clotheslines, too. I just can’t think of it.

(I tried to think of something so absurd to say that you’d all be sure I was joking, but after some of the trolls we’ve had, I can’t think of anything that even they wouldn’t say. We need some kind of Poe’s Law corollary for MRAs/anti-feminist trolls)

I agree, we need a clever name for the MRA version of Poe’s Law.

11 years ago

God, that sequence. I love how terrified the super-villains are of the creepy guy in the bear costume, and Ladyhawk Johnson might be the best thing ever.

Also, damn, where the hell did this assholes get the idea that women haven’t been working themselves to death in the fields right alongside men for, oh, I don’t know, the frickin sum of human history? There’s this bizzare persistent delusion that the way life was for an incredibly small percentage of upper-class women starting in the mid 1800’s is some kind of universal ideal.

11 years ago

The CLOTHESLINE of MISANDRY: This versitile tool with help you catch your own personal beta vile monster after you are finished riding the cock carousel! By the time we slutty slutty mc-slut-sluts decide to decend from the carousel, we’ll be old hags incablable of even attracting those poor schlebs of betas. But no more! Now, with the CLOTHESLINE of MISANDRY you too can have your winkles and a beta manservent!

This product is also quite versitle! After you have captured your bata manservent, the clothesline will easily transform into a clothesline for your beta man to use while doing MISANDROUS LAUNDRY.


11 years ago

Tip of the cap to you Fibonachi. Tip of the cap to you.

11 years ago

That’s what the Red Pill is. Not some fool notion that women are horrible selfish bitches. Not the idea that men “should be” in charge. Just the realization that men are in charge, that we will be until the day women stop asking for, or even accepting, things from us. That if we’re in charge, we’re gonna have to take some responsibility for putting the brakes on.

I don’t think women are horrible selfish bitches. I just think that, if we’re in charge, they have to listen us because they happen to ask us for things and accept things from us. I don’t hate women or think men should be in charge – don’t you dare smear my name you feminist harpy!

Let’s just forget the fact that women are fully human and already make many of their own choices without the help of men. That would be inconvenient to keep in mind because oppressed straight white cis men. Let’s also disregard the idea of dismantling the system that keeps men in charge and women subordinated. Because it’s not that men should be in charge, but that men are in charge.

11 years ago

Also, damn, where the hell did this assholes get the idea that women haven’t been working themselves to death in the fields right alongside men for, oh, I don’t know, the frickin sum of human history?

I think it was learned from his time at the University of Gluteus Maximus.

11 years ago

As a feminist with socialist leanings, I actually reject the notion of independence as a value or even as a possibility. If I–or anyone else–was truly independent, we’d be living on our own in the woods with no food, and basically nobody does that. Privilege allows people to pretend to be independent while depending on a society held together by the unpaid and poorly paid work of subordinate classes (in particular, childcare, and on the economic front, farm work).

Also, when talking about historical women’s work, we need to consider the fact that until the middle of the 20th century, women did one of the most dangerous but necessary jobs of all, without pay and often without choice: childbirth.

11 years ago

I loved, and by loved, I mean rolled my eyes hard, at this little bit of special snowflaking by a FeMRA, tangerinelemons, in the thread.

As a person with a vagina, I found this very uplifting. I fucking hate being told how much of a child I am, how much I have to depend on others to provide for me, to give me free things due to my sex. Fuck that. I’ll get up and do it myself. If I need to demand maternity leave, and extra pay for that child, it is clear I am not in any damn position to bear offspring.

Of course, feminists want women to be treated like children. Feminists want women to be dependent of men for everything. I guess that could be true in Opposite Land.

And she obviously has never been through childbirth is she thinks maternity leave is a frivolous indulgence rather than a time to recover from a major medical event like childbirth. It’s bad enough that insurance companies force new moms, or anyone else with a uterus, to have drive through deliveries. If we pushed them back to work after a few days, it would cause serious damage to their bodies. Not to mention the fact that the extra time at home allows the mom or parent to establish a milk supply for feeding the baby.

Also, she has no idea how much it costs to raise a child if she thinks she would never need any kind of financial help from another adult or the government. Even parents with partners need help, so of course, single parents need help, too.

Oh well, I hope the red pill dudes give her lots of praise for her misogyny.

11 years ago

Oh–the reason I said “until mid-twentieth century” is because in developed nations now, with advances in obstetrics and birth control, childbirth is not nearly as inevitable or life-threatening as it used to be. It still can be, though, and it is a major burden everywhere.

And I know that not all people who give birth are women.

11 years ago

As a feminist with socialist leanings, I actually reject the notion of independence as a value or even as a possibility. If I–or anyone else–was truly independent, we’d be living on our own in the woods with no food, and basically nobody does that. Privilege allows people to pretend to be independent while depending on a society held together by the unpaid and poorly paid work of subordinate classes (in particular, childcare, and on the economic front, farm work).

As an anarcha-feminist, I also agree. I think the reason some people keep assuming that women’s liberation is women’s independence is that they think that equality is not an end worth striving for, as if equality negates independence. But we can’t possibly have full independence (by which I simply mean agency) without equality of opportunity, and we can’t have equality of opportunity without dismantling social and institutionalized privilege.

Also, when talking about historical women’s work, we need to consider the fact that until the middle of the 20th century, women did one of the most dangerous but necessary jobs of all, without pay and often without choice: childbirth.

Not to mention pretty much being the serf of their husbands if they were married in all other ways as well.

11 years ago

“As a person with a vagina, I found this very uplifting. I fucking hate being told how much of a child I am, how much I have to depend on others to provide for me, to give me free things due to my sex. Fuck that. I’ll get up and do it myself. If I need to demand maternity leave, and extra pay for that child, it is clear I am not in any damn position to bear offspring.”

Yay, another FeMRA who does little but perpetuate the image of the MRM as a movement full of children arguing against ideas that don’t exist among most feminists.

Also, LOL @ thinking that people who have children and need maternity leave should be left to suffer because of the fact they have children and need help. I’m glad she’s no feminist.

11 years ago

Oh, and let’s not forget that touch of cis-centrism.

11 years ago

What is with people who talk about having children as though it were a one-sided drain on the economy and not, you know, absolutely necessary for the continuation of society into the future? It’s not just MRAs who do it.

11 years ago

If I need to demand maternity leave, and extra pay for that child, it is clear I am not in any damn position to bear offspring.

She…doesn’t know much about uteri considering she reportedly has one. I’d like to see her pop out a kid, tape it to her back, and start pulling the plow again. That’s how real women do! None of this “take a day off to push an entire human being through your vagina/get it cut out of you” wussitude. Biology has a liberal bias!

11 years ago

What is with people who talk about having children as though it were a one-sided drain on the economy and not, you know, absolutely necessary for the continuation of society into the future? It’s not just MRAs who do it.

Children are gross, I never was one, and adults spring full-grown from Zeus’ forehead. Duh.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

“Yes, men should find women more attractive than their computers. But that means women should be more attractive than their computers.”
Except for telling women what they should do all the time, “red pillers” totally don’t tell women what to do.

@ thebionicmommy

I miss having a clothesline. I’m sure there’s tons of misandry dripping in bedsheets smelling like fresh spring breeze and lilac.

“What did ponies ever do to this guy anyway? They’re cute, and they make kids happy at the fair.”

Ponies can be pretty dangerous. Whisper might have been scarred from this:

11 years ago

Okay, folks–reading recommendation time.

I urge everyone here who has NOT read the works of Dorothy Sayers to immediately go out and do so. She’s a mystery writer from the “golden age” of detection novels–most of her material dates to the ’20s and ’30s. Which, let me tell you, makes for fascinating reading in its own right; Sayers was very learned, and her favorite characters share that love of knowledge. So you have people sitting around quoting classics of English and French literature while also debating the policies of Hitler’s Germany, and the concurrent eugenics movement in the States. (Impressively, Ms. Sayers allows her own distaste for fascism and eugenics to seep through the pages, confirming my liking for her.)

But that’s just the icing on the cake. The bit that’s getting her my recommendation here is the aggressively feminist tone expressed by her principal characters–Lord Peter Wimsy and Harriet Vane. Their love-story is… simply perfection, and a wonderful antidote to MRA drivel we encounter here.