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300 upvotes apparently not enough for a racist, and possibly also a rapist, Redditor

Reddit: Where dudes get agnry when their "hilarious" rape confessions only get 300 upvotes
Reddit: Where dudes get angry when their allegedly hilarious rape “confessions” only get 300 upvotes

Today, another lesson in how to get yourself hundreds of upvotes on Reddit.

It’s really quite simple.

1) Go to the Ask Reddit subreddit. Find the post asking Redditors if they’ve ever “tried a crazy urban-dictionary sex move? (e.g. Alaskan Pipeline, Komodo Dragon, Donkey Punch, etc.) How did it turn out?”

2) Post a story about a hilarious little prank you (allegedly) pulled on a sex partner that instantly transformed consensual sex into violent rape.

3) Oh, and throw in a gratuitous racial slur while you’re at it.

4) Then whine about how your partner’s negative response to your (alleged) little rape prank gave you “blue balls” and complain that you might have to pay her damages for “emotional distress” in civil court (allegedly).

You might think that this might be a bit much even for the morally undeveloped manchildren (and occasional womanchildren) who populate Reddit. But guess what? The poster of the tale in question got literally hundreds more upvotes than downvotes for his whiny “confession.”

Here’s the screenshot to prove it. (I’ve partically obscured the racial slur; click on image to see full-sized version.)


There were, of course, those who reacted like normal human beings to Mr. Dick Pic’s story. (I’ve obscured the homophobic slur that made up the entirely of his reply.)


Mr. Dick Pic was so offended that anyone was offended by his shitty (alleged) behavior that he rage-quit the thread, deleting his comment and — living up to his name — leaving only a dick pic in its place.

Now, Mr. Dick Pic may just be trolling, and I really hope that’s all there is to his terrible story, but his ridiculously pissy behavior after he got called out makes me think that his story, or at least parts of it, may actually be true.

Just another day on Reddit, the internet’s largest and most influential asshat aggregator.

Thanks to an anonymous Reddit informant for the heads-up, and the screenshots.

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11 years ago

Personally, I would prefer random generic enemies (soldiers, etc) to be more mixed gendered. And mixed race while we’re at it. I probably wouldn’t play a game were you mainly fight women, unless it’s something like a women-only world or something. Same thing for movies. I think this kind of media shape more our general belief of what war, and history in general, looks like. Therefore, it would maybe remove a bit of the idea “all war and battles were and are (or should be) fought by men”
That told, I can perfectly understand a woman saying that she would be uncomfortable by that, because to them it evokes real life violence against women.

This is my view as well.

11 years ago

annabananna: Does Brz have any idea what white privilege is?

Obviously, which is why he’s obfuscating it. Interesting how someone so, “frranch!” he can’t be arsed to learn speaking consistently in English (despite some sort of exchange program in Cambridge) has such an intimate grasp (and concern for) the white folks in the US; esp. since he is supposed to be from a N.African family.

Socialism need a scapegoat group which is supposed to prevent the coming of the The Universal Equality, in late 19th century, the socialists said The guilty group was the Jews, in the beginning of this millennium, it’s the whites.

Wait…I thoght Socialism was The Great Jewish Conspiracy?

11 years ago

It’s stupid to the liberals to give more reasons to these guys to hate them, because liberals have no physical courage

This is akin to the idea that when the “societal breakdown” comes (or the Conservative Uprising, or name your Self-valorising End of Civilisation Fantasy) comes the “Liberals” will be forced into subservience because, “the ‘X’ have all the guns, etc.”.

I’m a liberal. I did a career in the Army. I know lots of liberals who’ve done the same. Statistically (based on casualty reports, and assuming the distribution of casulaties over more than 4,000 people, in the course of 10 years) a significant plurality of soldiers come from Calif. and New York. Even accepting the skew caused by those two states having larger National Guards (a function of population) that implies the Blue States have a fair number of people who are possessed of, “physical courage”.

They also have training to go with it.

I’m not worried about BRZzzzzt’s little wanking dream of when the White Folks Rise up, and wipe out the Liberal Oppressors.

11 years ago


Sorry, I’m kinda new to the series. My cousin gave me Morrowind this last year, I tend to like older games. My hands are untrustworthy as far as a FPS goes. They just don’t react very well.

I got Oblivion recently, but was super annoyed that they replaced levitation with a horse. Then I had to take a huge break, and haven’t been back.

And I’m sure it’s more than an auditorium full. More than a stadium.

11 years ago

@shadow, so sorry I brought that up, quoting PEMRA is toxic.

His comments the other night were one of the reasons I despise him. Why do people bring that shit up? No one says wow Ophelia that’s some long hair you’ve got there.

Xmas was interesting when Mr M saw a couple of people, they thought it was just fine to comment that he’d lost more hair, I mean WTF?
He lets it role off him (all that extra testosterone makes him tough. 🙂 ) but I got all pit bull and started swearing!

11 years ago

Does anyone remember the troll (I think it was one of the PUA haterboys) who came here ranting about how unfair it was that men were expected to shave their faces, like EVERY DAY, and also thought that women who didn’t shave their legs were disgusting, vile creatures who were gonna bring on the apocalypse?

Today, this showed up in my inbox.


11 years ago


Oh no, that wasn’t meant about your comment at all. I found nothing offensive about what you said, and I’m sorry I wasn’t clearer about that. And PEMRA WAS talking out of his ass, and you, and everyone else, were right to call him out for it. Yes, some men get shit for balding and it sucks, but it doesn’t even manage to brush oppression with it’s fingertips.


That song is amazing, and I love everything about it (the taxi scene had me laughing for ages). Hands off my beard government!!!

11 years ago

I hast the mange! 🙁

(fist-bump back with Shadow. Balding buddies 4 life yo.)

11 years ago

theseventhguest: Also, Highway 17, between Santa Cruz and South Bay, is just… breathtaking. Beauty and sheer cliffs. I imagine it is less lovely if you are the one driving, though.

I’d recommend taking “Old San Jose/Soquel” to avoid the Santa Cruz side of that road (cutting across 17 to take the back roads on the inland side of those mountains is a much less pleasant alternate).

I used to live in that part of the world, and was riding motorcycles. In a car it’s still pretty bad. There is also no good public transportation from one side of the hills to the other (which is why I moved out of Aptos, and to E. Palo Alto.

11 years ago


Thanks! You’re not bad yourself 😛 Yep, I’m not good at internet commenting either. I’m usually just a drive by commenter. I’m actually quite talkative and forthtright in real life. No one usually believes me when I tell them I’m nervous 90% of the time . Fake it till you make, eh? 😀

11 years ago

Falconer: *This is what passes for humor in a country that’s never been invaded.

Au contraire, mon ami. We just forget to mention it, preferring to pretend the gains we made in the peace voided our losses in the War of 1812. But the British invaded, and handed us our ass; occupying our capital, burning the White House, etc.

11 years ago

But the British invaded, and handed us our ass; occupying our capital, burning the White House, etc.

… I knew that. Why did I forget that?

11 years ago

And I’m sure it’s more than an auditorium full. More than a stadium.

?? The number of women characters in the game? Sorry, didn’t follow you.

11 years ago


(cutting across 17 to take the back roads on the inland side of those mountains is a much less pleasant alternate).

Sometimes, going to Santa Cruz via 101 (through Half Moon Bay) is actually a better route – at least before rush hour.

11 years ago

Aaliyah: Sometimes, but it adds more time/distance than the hook over to Soquel, and you come into SC from the south.

11 years ago

A couple days ago he welcomed someone who also claimed to be French by saying it was nice to see another “representative of the country of cheese and surrendering*” on the comments here. I think he’s a Yankee.

OMG, how did I miss this? That’s hilarious! I haven’t heard a French-surrendering joke since Bush was in office. And as a tell, that’s as American as one can possibly sound.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I haven’t heard a French-surrendering joke since Bush was in office.

And if I never hear another one, it’ll be too soon.

11 years ago

@leftwingfox, how did you do that? Sphynx Fox, your Google Kung Fu is strong

I couldn’t find a sphynx fox, but I did find a deeply disturbing Crack Fox 🙂

11 years ago

Personally, if the context was warand warriors, I find the absence of women more sexist than their presence, not to mention inaccurate. A chunk of warriors have always been women, even when they had to conceal their gender. I’m still struck by the face that female Vikings were misgendered because anthropologists assumed anyone buried with weapons had to be male.

11 years ago

Well I for one am shocked, SHOCKED that fauxfrench is using US-centric “humor”.


11 years ago

That reminds me of the sad day congress decided it was important to change the name of french fries to FREEDOM FRIES.

11 years ago


That’s a joke, though? I meane, it has to be a joke…

11 years ago

Fade: Sadly, no.

11 years ago

Fade: Sadly, no. The house changed the name of french fries and french toast to freedom fries and freedom toast because those pesky French didn’t support our invasion of Iraq.

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