Today, another lesson in how to get yourself hundreds of upvotes on Reddit.
It’s really quite simple.
1) Go to the Ask Reddit subreddit. Find the post asking Redditors if they’ve ever “tried a crazy urban-dictionary sex move? (e.g. Alaskan Pipeline, Komodo Dragon, Donkey Punch, etc.) How did it turn out?”
2) Post a story about a hilarious little prank you (allegedly) pulled on a sex partner that instantly transformed consensual sex into violent rape.
3) Oh, and throw in a gratuitous racial slur while you’re at it.
4) Then whine about how your partner’s negative response to your (alleged) little rape prank gave you “blue balls” and complain that you might have to pay her damages for “emotional distress” in civil court (allegedly).
You might think that this might be a bit much even for the morally undeveloped manchildren (and occasional womanchildren) who populate Reddit. But guess what? The poster of the tale in question got literally hundreds more upvotes than downvotes for his whiny “confession.”
Here’s the screenshot to prove it. (I’ve partically obscured the racial slur; click on image to see full-sized version.)
There were, of course, those who reacted like normal human beings to Mr. Dick Pic’s story. (I’ve obscured the homophobic slur that made up the entirely of his reply.)
Mr. Dick Pic was so offended that anyone was offended by his shitty (alleged) behavior that he rage-quit the thread, deleting his comment and — living up to his name — leaving only a dick pic in its place.
Now, Mr. Dick Pic may just be trolling, and I really hope that’s all there is to his terrible story, but his ridiculously pissy behavior after he got called out makes me think that his story, or at least parts of it, may actually be true.
Just another day on Reddit, the internet’s largest and most influential asshat aggregator.
Thanks to an anonymous Reddit informant for the heads-up, and the screenshots.
Oh, missed one!
Fade, if you wanted a seat that’s more cane than walker, there’re these things.
And while I have no experience in the matter, my two cents say that you shouldn’t feel guilty/wrong/whatever about using a wheelchair because you can walk. They aren’t just for people who can’t walk at all 🙂
Also, add my vote to the chorus sick of PEMRA (tediousness is, technically, a bannable offense, doesn’t happen often, but it is listed)
Happy birthday, Melody!
[More feelings dump ahead]
Thanks to all the people who sent hugs, since I definitely need them — and will pass along the hugs/sentiment to someone who needs it even more. Spent most of the last 2 hours talking to friend #1 with cancer, and arranged to go see her on Saturday. She is missing her kitties, because she’s in a rehab center, so if anyone has any absolutely adorable kitty videos to share please send them along and I’ll play them for her. (katz, I’m totally showing her pix of your foster kitties; she’ll love them.)
I think you’re right about that. If it happens to be the case that I initially don’t have any place to stay at, though, I wonder what will happen when I straight-up tell my father, “I don’t have any apartment/dorm/co-op to stay at; I’ll couch-surf instead.” Maybe I’ll just have to bluntly tell him the reason for wanting to move out: that I want to get away from him so I can live as my female safe without the fear of his anger. But that sounds too risky. Let’s just see what happens.
PEMRA is still bunged up, I see.
@cloudiah, you sound like a really good friend. Can you bring your friend a stuffie kitty, or are those not safe enough? My cat is snooty and won’t allow me to film anything but his butt, and no one wants to see that.
So I just read a Huffington Post article about a woman being threatened with eviction because she called the police for help when her boyfriend was physically assaulting her.
Here are some gems from one commenter:
May this person sleep on Legos and stub hir toe on a refrigerator corner. Also, I wish I knew better than to look at HP comments.
An SRS user
Correction: I regret looking at HP comments again.
I phrased that very strangely.
You know, there’s reasons to why some people can get “defensive” when you talk about “white privilege”.
There’s places in France, I grew up in one of them, where being white means living in a place where people hate you and want to hurt you just because you’re white. Places where you see whites being insulted, slapped or lynched by non-whites regularly and where whites try to avoid problems by looking down, by trying to be invisible as much as possible, by converting themselves to Islam, by trying to not look like too much “French”, by closing their mouths shut.
These people have reasons to be a little bit “defensive”, because their lives is all about “defense” and avoiding troubles and every thing that liberals promoted, every concept, every campaign has been about condoning and enabling the hate against them. Anti-racism, “France’s colonial unconscious”, the repentance,… It has always meant for them more aggressions, more fear, more hate.
And I’m pretty sure that these people exist also in U.S.
It’s one thing to look the other way when these people are insulted, hit and killed just because they’re white because “whites can’t be oppressed”, it’s one thing to refuse them any help, any consideration, because being insulted and beaten on an everyday basis isn’t “systemic”, isn’t “institutionalized” and that everything that happen to whites in these kinds of place “isn’t a thing” but it’s another thing to say to these people that the really important thing is that they need to acknowledge their “white privilege”, not only they need to close their mouths shut about everything non-whites can do to them, they also need to “acknowledge” that it’s their own fault, that it’s all because they’re too “entitled”, because their white skin give them unearned privileges.
One can think that it’s a little bit too much to ask.
Does anyone else start hearing Peanuts-esque “Whah Whah wha Whah” when reading brz’s posts?
Wasn’t he pretending to be Algerian-French rather than white at some point? He seems to keep forgetting that.
I don’t even get that far, I just start to doze off. Brzzzzzzzz hasn’t got anything else going for him, but he’s not bad as an insomnia cure.
Because of the name I hear it as bzz, like a fly.
Oh yes, he was claiming to be Algerian-French at one stage!
Maybe he’s like Minty and fades if he goes out in the sun?
There was Bernard Lazare before that and before that the famous Edouard Drumont’s “la France juive” which is the one who really popularized the term “antisemite” and had a great influence among French socialists circles and even before that Karl marx talked about “emancipating ourself from Jewish materialist spirit”.
Socialists had a great role in developing antisemitism at the end of the 19th century, the only difference between socialist antisemitism of this era and the anti-white propaganda of their successors is that there was a debate between socialists to know if antisemitism was good or not, vigurous debates, some became kind of proto-fascists , other became “Dreyfusards”, when the successors of the socialists are just openly, undiscutably anti-white for the same reasons a socialist of the 19th could have blamed the jews for their materialism, their racism, their refusal to leave their community to be part of the human family,..
Yawn … oh, sorry, fell asleep for a moment there.
Wait, I thought I heard something…nah, it’s just a mosquito.
Cloudiah, so sorry to hear about your friend.
Happy birthday, Melody!
PEMRA, you’re an idiot. A racist asshole confesses to literally raping a woman (assuming he’s telling the truth) and this to you is “edgy humor,” but a subreddit that calls out bigotry on reddit is a hate group?
If you re-read carefully my post, you’ll see that I don’t refer myself as being white.
I personally prefer that you forget that I’ve mentioned my origins before you accuse me of dancing dabkeh or listen Amr Diab, things particularly related to Algeria, you know,… thanks.
Yay, he remembered to pretend that he’s not a fluent English speaker again!
Not sure if it’s been posted yet, but have you mob seen the latest A Softer World comic?
Link is borked.
Hmm. Try this?
Nope, still getting a 404 error.