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300 upvotes apparently not enough for a racist, and possibly also a rapist, Redditor

Reddit: Where dudes get agnry when their "hilarious" rape confessions only get 300 upvotes
Reddit: Where dudes get angry when their allegedly hilarious rape “confessions” only get 300 upvotes

Today, another lesson in how to get yourself hundreds of upvotes on Reddit.

It’s really quite simple.

1) Go to the Ask Reddit subreddit. Find the post asking Redditors if they’ve ever “tried a crazy urban-dictionary sex move? (e.g. Alaskan Pipeline, Komodo Dragon, Donkey Punch, etc.) How did it turn out?”

2) Post a story about a hilarious little prank you (allegedly) pulled on a sex partner that instantly transformed consensual sex into violent rape.

3) Oh, and throw in a gratuitous racial slur while you’re at it.

4) Then whine about how your partner’s negative response to your (alleged) little rape prank gave you “blue balls” and complain that you might have to pay her damages for “emotional distress” in civil court (allegedly).

You might think that this might be a bit much even for the morally undeveloped manchildren (and occasional womanchildren) who populate Reddit. But guess what? The poster of the tale in question got literally hundreds more upvotes than downvotes for his whiny “confession.”

Here’s the screenshot to prove it. (I’ve partically obscured the racial slur; click on image to see full-sized version.)


There were, of course, those who reacted like normal human beings to Mr. Dick Pic’s story. (I’ve obscured the homophobic slur that made up the entirely of his reply.)


Mr. Dick Pic was so offended that anyone was offended by his shitty (alleged) behavior that he rage-quit the thread, deleting his comment and — living up to his name — leaving only a dick pic in its place.

Now, Mr. Dick Pic may just be trolling, and I really hope that’s all there is to his terrible story, but his ridiculously pissy behavior after he got called out makes me think that his story, or at least parts of it, may actually be true.

Just another day on Reddit, the internet’s largest and most influential asshat aggregator.

Thanks to an anonymous Reddit informant for the heads-up, and the screenshots.

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11 years ago

Sweet Jesus. I still will never understand how a person could think this sort of behavior is acceptable, let alone hilarious – but I guess maybe that’s my preschool education privilege talking.

11 years ago

That’s not even funny. Aids is no fucking joke. I have an uncle I never got to meet who died from aids.

/ugh. sorry for the rant.

He’s 1) possible rapist. 2) racist. 3) shitting all over people w/ aids and treating it like a joke.

11 years ago

Oh, man do I ever wish I did not click on that link. I think I agree with Dan Savage that 95% of those “crazy urban dictionary sex moves” are made up by 12 year old boys (or those who never matured beyond 12 years old) to giggle over. Some of them are so blatantly ridiculous that only those who have never actually had sex would see them as anything but evidence that the person in question is unclear on both the concept and the mechanics.

And that’s before the issue of the vile attitudes underlying the “stories” comes into play…

11 years ago

THIS FUCKING GUY – I barely even know how to react to this.

11 years ago

Ugh. Blue balls is just another way to guilt women into finishing an act with a jerk. Was in a lovely internet discussion some years back where guys said it isn’t rape cause blue balls hurt/a girl giving blue balls deserve rape. I have had them, not a big deal. I am good on the phrase “blue balls” for a month now.

11 years ago

This is just distressing. Just when I think it CAN’T possibly get any worse. Who the fuck thinks it’s amusing to terrorize somebody? Oh, that’s right, sadistic jerks like the ones commonly found in the Mens Rights Movement. Sorry, lady brain is slow today, as usual.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

I just heard the rodeo joke watching the show Dexter, and on that show, the trick is to say another woman’s name, and then “hold on for dear life” as she tries to buck you off. Continuing to fuck someone once they are telling you to stop is flat out rape.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Ew, I should add, Dexter doesn’t portray the “joke,” they have their resident douche-bag character tell the joke to other cops at work.

11 years ago

On top of everything else, he seems surprised that his “prank” led to the woman ending the encounter instead of getting him off. The whole point of those pranks is to humiliate and/or terrify a woman, and then you’re surprised that a humiliated and/or terrified woman no longer wants to have sex with you?

11 years ago

How dare that horrible misandrist expect sex with him to be a mutually enjoyable and pleasant experience instead of expecting to be humiliated and terrorized!

11 years ago

I hope this guy never has sex again. He doesn’t deserve to.

11 years ago

Sorry, should’ve put the little sarcasm sign at the end of that last comment. Hope I didn’t offend anyone.

11 years ago

[TW: rape apologia]

I just read some of the Reddit comments…someone called him out for rape and someone else responded with “White knight!” And then there’s a dude who thinks that she wasn’t raped because he didn’t ejaculate.

Yep, still despise Reddit.

11 years ago

“someone called him out for rape and someone else responded with “White knight!””

I’ll rephrase that: someone replied to another commenter calling out the OP for rape with “White knight!”

11 years ago

I read all of that mess. Good God. Farther down they talk about switching partners mid-stroke, by surprise. I’m pretty sure that qualifies as rape, too. Some people’s children, I swear.

Pro-Equality MRA
Pro-Equality MRA
11 years ago

It’s important to note that “edginess”, or intentionally offensive humor, is considered a positive thing on Reddit and garners upvotes. It isn’t that Redditors approve of that behavior literally, it’s that that is an accepted style of humor over there. It’s also not nearly as common as the “ShitRedditSays” hate group would have you believe with their smears and anti-Reddit propaganda. It’s not really true- they cherrypick the worst quotes on Reddit and twist even these to the most uncharitable interpretation.

11 years ago

It’s not approved of, it’s just accepted! Totally different!

11 years ago

It’s important to note that “edginess”, or intentionally offensive humor, is considered a positive thing on Reddit and garners upvotes

It is important to notice that horrible, sexist behavior is accepted among sexist douchnozzles. That’s why you shouldn’t complain.

11 years ago

It took me a long time to realize what made him racist: I had parsed the censored bit as “raw-dogging it like a ninja”

Yeah, I don’t know. But it makes the same amount of sense.

Pro-Equality MRA
Pro-Equality MRA
11 years ago

“It’s not approved of, it’s just accepted! Totally different!”

What I said was, it’s the style of humor that’s accepted, not the literal behavior being described. A 5-y.o. should be able to understand what I’m saying.

Unfortunately, Reddit has been associated with the phrase “white males”, the horrible oppressive monsters of society. So I don’t expect fair reasoned treatment of a site that has horrible privileged monsters making up most of the userbase.

11 years ago

You are aware that “they’re just being edgy/intentionally offensive” is exactly the opposite of a justification, right?

It’s just a [possibly] different motive for being an arsehole – you’re still being an arsehole. And if you find the idea of fucking someone who’s trying to escape funny, you find rape funny. I know, it’s all very complicated.

11 years ago

Shut up, PEMRA. Your dumb ass seriously needs to meet the banhammer for being tedious goddamn waste of space.

11 years ago

ShitRedditSays, a subreddit devoted to pointing out the horrible shit said by horrible people, is a hate group?!


I guess it’s because it hurts the feels of all the racists, homophobes, misogynists, transphobes, pedo-apologists, and every other class of slug.

Cry moar, shitlord.


An SRSter 😀

11 years ago

What I said was, it’s the style of humor that’s accepted, not the literal behavior being described. A 5-y.o. should be able to understand what I’m saying.

intentionally sexist/racist/whateverist humor is still bigoted. A five year old should understand that.

Me: If I call you a poophead, it should be funny because it’s funny in my house.
Five year old: But… *sniff* But I’m not a poophead!

It is that simple. Well, actually opressive forces come into play, but if I bring those up, you’ll just go on a privilege wank.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Hey, PEMmy, have you found any response yet to the whole ‘AVFM has a call to terrorism on their activism page’ thing? Found any ‘moderate’ MRAs other than them you’d like to hold up to scrutiny?

A hate group. You belong to it. Saying ‘oh, it’s about the edgy humor’ doesn’t make it any less true.

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