antifeminism awesome incoherent rage mansplaining MRA reddit

Saruman Vs. the Sh*tlords


Today, something kind of amazing that’s been making its way around Tumblr: a recording of Saruman — well, someone doing a pretty good impersonation of Christopher Lee as Saruman — doing a dramatic reading of an MRA-ish rant from a Reddit shitlord.

You’ll have to listen closely, because the rant is a bit convoluted and concern-trolly. Also, the commenter comes back with a couple of edits after he gets benned from whatever subreddit this took place in, apparently SRS.

Listen to it here.

Thanks to MollyRen for bringing this to my attention.

EDITED: Definitely not Mr. Lee.

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11 years ago

Oh my God. So much yes. This is wonderful.

11 years ago

Hahaha. Speaking of awesome actors reading goofy shit, have you all heard Michael Shannon read that sorority letter?

11 years ago

Does anyone know where the original rant was posted, because it is A W E S O M E. (I saw Ma99ie dumping comments recently on some random feminist blog post, and she trotted out her old A W E S O M E schtick.)

Theda Bara
Theda Bara
11 years ago

@hellkell That is only second in awesomeness to this. But yes, all my friends greeted their day yesterday with that in their inbox.

11 years ago

I didn’t find his arguments terribly convincing until he brought up his measurements. Now that I know he is 5’11” and 210 lbs and is regularly approached by walking numbers (does he live on SesameStreet?) I can see his point.

11 years ago

That was … weird.

I don’t think it’s really Christopher Lee. It sounds like someone doing a good impression.

Dead giveaway when Mr “I don’t objectify women” starts talking about the 9s and 10s who hit on him in the street.

… Lor’, you don’t think it was Pell, do you? That sounded just like his bodybuilding rant here recently! 😀

11 years ago
11 years ago

Viscaria: that made me gigglesnort, and now Biscuit is looking at me funny.

11 years ago

These lines in Christopher Lee speak:

“…because I’m not fucking stupid and have been around shits like you all my life!”
“(gives measurements, then)…and I can bench press almost 315 pounds!”
“…I get it, you’re all butt hurt…”

Made me laugh for the first time today.

Also, the fact that 9s and 10s approach him. Yeah. Oh yes.

11 years ago

Hahaha, so much awesome. This rant must’ve originally been on Reddit somewhere. Does anyone have a link?

11 years ago

Saruman saying he can get a girlfriend…LOL.

11 years ago

Kittehserf – I agree that this is very unlikely to be Sir Christopher, who among other things has an actor’s well-practiced sense of timing and poise, and to be honest I think this recitation lacks to some degree. If the reciter is meant to be in character as Saruman, then it’s not quite right since as Lee performs as Saruman, he never rushes his speech to the point where he loses rhetorical clarity, unlike this chap, and there are a few unnatural pauses to the flow of the reading which are unlike Lee’s performance in the films. So it’s a good imitation, but it’s an imitation.

And, it’s pretty hilarious. (Saruman says “Butthurt!”)

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

The Michael Shannon sorority letter is awesome.

11 years ago

Thank you, Jessay!

11 years ago

Viscaria, love that 1 costume! 😀

Xanthe, it’s been sooo long since I heard the lovely Sir Christopher speak (LotR wasn’t for me) that I’m not too familiar with his speaking patterns any more, but there was a roughness, a sort of “I’m sounding like Saruman” thing about it, that made me think it wasn’t him.

Plus I don’t really see him bothering with this twit’s rant, do you?

Now it’d be fun if he’d read one of Owly’s screeds. 😉

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

I will now, for the rest of the week, have a mental image of Saruman on top of his tower, smugly stroking his beard, bragging about how much he can bench.

Also, Kitteh, that voice is WAY too strong for Owly’s voice. I imagine him to be some guy who never leaves his house because he’s too scared. Pale and scrawny, due to him never getting sun and him eating as little as possible.

11 years ago

This came from /r/shitredditsays. He wasn’t actually trying for Saruman, but we all thought that’s who it sounded like, too!

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

But seriously though, if this guy read something from MRAL, I would love it.

11 years ago

But … but … Owly! Milking machine tech hero! Interstate traveller working 26 hour days!

Actually I can’t imagine Owly’s voice, which is probably not a bad thing.

MRAL I think of as having a whiny kid voice. Though hearing Sir Christopher or his imitator trying to read one of the keyboard smash threads would be interesting, to say the least.

Say, what about him doing Pell in his “Oh that’s my Uncle Monty” days? That’d be fun, too.

Mark Minter
11 years ago

Jeez, I seem to be making this easy for you, lots of content for you Gamma on about.

Here is more. Print this if you have any balls.

I caught this link on Roissy to ayoutube video. I shall not please the link. But if one would search youtube for the text:

” Shit Men Say to Men Who Say Shit to Women on the Street ”

A video shall return under the category “anti-harassment”. It is legitimate video. None of your female readers will find it offensive in any way.

What the video contains is a series, many series actually, of “teachable” moments of what “good” men should say to their friends that “harass” women on the street, meaning “try to talk to women”:

So there are a series of beta and gamma men, mostly unattractive, all representing the multi-ethnic makeup of the streets of New York, all saying things like

“Stop”, “Don’t do it”, “Please stop”, “Your giving Queens/Brooklyn/Bronx a bad name”

Basically, they are verbally chastising the other males for having the temerity to actually step out of their lowly social positions and actually speak to the princesses.

It has this hidden subtext that you are less of a citizen, less of a person with rights, and you have no right to attempt to step outside of your box and break decorum, established and expressed by women, that women do not wish to be spoken to by men on the streets that would dare to circumvent established social and economic pecking orders.

And yes, the male speakers are right. Women do not want men to talk to them on the streets.

And they are also wrong.

They are right in assuming that no woman wishes a man, that probably would be a friend of any of these men in this video, similar in social status and looks, to speak with them.

See these men are manboobs. And women do not wish to spoken to by manboobs.

And it is version of the same game you play manboob. See, I had been mistakenly calling your game of sucking up to women as Gamma Game. But I was wrong. I got the term from Roissy, so you have to thank him. He calls is by a better name.

You have been playing manboob game. Exactly as these men in this video.

See manboob, in this great game of natural selection that provides the evolution of species, the organisms that thrive, do so only if they are able to reproduce with the fittest offspring.

The organism that can convince or cause another to modify its anatomy and/or its behavior, especially if that organism cannot thrive by mere brute force, or by numbers, or by optimum conditions, well that organism will fare better.

Two examples for you, manboob. The first are plants like wheat, rice, or corn. Those might be some of the smartest organisms ever. Entire civilizations are built and dependent to the cultivation and care of the plants. Another is Marijuana. It provides effects to humans that have caused humans to dramatically devote themselves to the care and nurturing of it. Tulips are an extreme example. They offer no nutrient value, only beauty, but are cultivated with utmost in care and love.

A second example and more similar to what I am referring is rabies. Rabies infects the saliva of an animal and also infects the brain, driving the animal crazy, mentally unstable, to act in manners that are not in its best survival and reproductive interests. Rabies causes the animal to attack and bite, any and all other creatures, effectively passing the rabies to a new host to further reproduce and procreate. It literally makes the bitten animal insane. And it is often killed for biting, for coming out of natural behaviors that would have furthered its own survival, but rabies causes it to act in the behest of the rabies.

Now back to manboob game. (You might already be making the connection, manboob)

See manboob. Some men, those particularly attractive, confident, and sexy men, have discovered there is certain duality to what women say and what they do.

And women primarily judge the actions of men entirely as a basis of their perception of the “social position” of the man, meaning alpha or beta.

Now don’t confuse your stupid manboob definition of alpha. Alpha is not the leader dude, the successful dude, that you like to think. Alpha is the guy women want to sex them. Alpha is guy they do in the bathroom at the club. Alpha is muscular, confrontational, arrogant, unfaithful, and lastly in importance, attractive, good looking man. Basically, the guy you and all of these manboobs in this video are not.

My research shows that her first filter of assessment are the signals of testosterone, those that Signaling Theory from the sciences of Evolutionary Biology and Evolutionary Psychology state that show to the female that the male has immunocompetence.

It is so important as a filter that she will only accept those men that have these signals, and then further tests for other traits.

(Get this, manboob, the following is very very important).

But studies show that she is “viscerally repulsed” by men that to not have those traits, viscerally, manboob. (Viscerally means she physically experiences the feeling).

The actual data shows she is repulsed at a number TWICE in value to those traits that she rejects as she is attracted to the traits she finds attractive. (She “likes” things with ranges of 7 and is “repulsed” with ranges of 13-15)

(Oh yeah, those traits that repulse her: nice, warm, intelligent, faithful. Real swell bunch of people you defend, manboob. She is literally repulsed by the best “Citizens” and attracted to the biggest assholes. The trait “Good father”, it didn’t mean shit to her. “Muscles” blew it away. So did “arrogant”, And especially “unfaithful”, especially this one. They despise “faithful” with a score of -14. Gotta love those women, manboob. Re they swell. Real credit to society.)

Got that manboob? She hates the beta twice as much as she likes the alpha. Especially nice, warm, smart, faithful betas.

Now yes, manboob, enough money can override this hatred, for a while. And lot of money can override it indefinitely. (That speaks volumes also about their character doesn’t it, manboob, money matters, big time, no?)

This is all very important manboob. And it’s science manboob. Science. All new data that has come out in the last 5 years. Not old shit like you subscribe to. University data, by Phd people and most of them were women.

So she hates the beta twice as much as the likes the alpha.

She has eggs to protect. It is so important to all female species in nature that her fertilized eggs and their offspring can withstand the microbial attack that the world sends at the child that it is behind her conscious control. Got that? Microbial attack, germs, viruses, cancers, worms, bugs, etc.

See, manboob, up to about 75 years ago, more people died from germs than war. Typhus killed more soldiers in the civil war then bullets. A flu epidemic in 1918 killed 20 million, many more people than all of the deaths, both civilian and military, during the 5 years of conflict, notoriously bloody conflict. 50,000 men were killed on the Sonne in a few days. And it wasn’t shit compared to what that flu outbreak did a few years later.

She has no conscious control over it over this filtering, manboob. It is like a built in thing. Like how everyone is repulsed by feces or vomit or like how there seems to be a general consensus that “red is red”. She comes with that built-in firmware, manboob, that beta hating disposition.

And it seems to be more prevalent in descendents of western Europe than anywhere else. That place had a far more tumultuous history of epidemics than any other place. The plaque killed 25-30% in the 1300s. You name it, any disease, and it tore ass through western Europe. Ever notice who all the men from those places say the women are better in other places, Eastern Europe, South America, Southeast Asia? The women all say “well they’re poor and you can “rape” them.” But trust me, it is more than that. Those women don’t hate men like our women hate men. Those places didn’t have the diseased past that Western Europe had. So immunocompetency are more important here than there. Our women are selectively bred to seek it.

Here, I’ll give you some data. Which women in South America are the most popular with American and European men? Colombia. And least popular? Argentina. What is the difference in the makeup of the people? Argentina was second only to the United States in immigration from Western Europe. Colombia was isolated by mountains until the latter half of the 2th century. And analysis of the genes of Colombians show that the female mitochondrial makeup is 98% indigenous people. Spanish immigration into Colombia was about 99.99% male. So those women almost have no genetics common to western women other than the variable aspects that males bring to the “soup” that is the genetics of the Colombian people.

Ours have a harder standard for the men, a more rigorous pass/fail, “I like you or I hate you” subconscious criteria. They are selectively bred to have it.

And she makes that determination of that immunocompentency on sight, manhoob. It takes about 1 second to shoot down most men as not having sufficient “alphatude”.

And after that assessment is made, it percolates up from the subconscious into her emotions and then her conscious thought. And it colors her social impressions of men.

See manboob, testosterone is immunosuppressant, and the possession of the signals of it, show a highly functioning immune system.

Muscles are the number 1 factor in female attraction and it takes a superior constitution to possess them because possessing them is a “high cost” signal that detracts from the resources available to the immune system.

And those other attributes she loves, arrogance, confrontation, infidelity, even stupidity, manboob are also signals of it, signals of congruence, as the PUA boys say. The data also shows she despises intelligence but likes stupid. So she “likes” the man, the masculine man, with these signals. She sees him as alpha. Yeah, she “likes” him.

But she HATES the beta.

So when the beta, like the manboob friends of these manboobs in this video, dare to speak to her, the special princess, her eminence, her royal highness, on the street then that repulsion and revulsion kicks in.

See manboob, men don’t have an equivalent psychological reaction towards women, even ugly women. They may find them humorously unattractive, but there is not deep seated revulsion. They are shocked when women violently reject for merely speaking with her.

You see, manboob, men generally like most women. But women generally despise most men.

It’s that egg protector thing they do. That’s why rape, any rape, violent, date, etc is so horrific to women and men don’t get it. That’s why a man can make a rape joke and it so offends women. And men don’t get why it offends women. They have no comparative feeling with which to empathize. And make no mistake, manboob, I am not minimizing what women feel. I understand how they feel. And you obviously read what I write and you can never ever find any writing that is disrespectful towards this subject. Never.

To me this is very important in understanding the inherent misandry that exists in the United States and western Europe, the whole reason behind feminism, the whole basis as to why women despise and oppress men. There is more than a societal bias against men. It is biological, psychological, even more than the worthless sperm, valuable egg thing.

Because they hate men, most men. That is because most men, 85%-90% are beta manboobs, like you. That is where these female fears come from, manboob, the words like “rapey”, like he had these “rapey” eyes. He was probably only thinking she was an idiot, but she regards them as “rapey” eyes,

if he was a beta manboob, manboob, then she thinks “rapey”. Got it?

Now if is he’s alpha, then it is all a totally different story, then they are “sexy” eyes.

So then she interprets actions of men as a function or her assessment of him.

A beta manboob, manboob, tells a “Dongle” joke, then its sexist and offensive. But if George Clooney or Brad Pitt tells it, then he’s “naughty”.

If an alpha gives her a compliment, then she “loves loves loves” it. A beta does it, then it is harassment.

An alpha gives her a gift, then it is a treasured memento, kept sacred, viewed when she is older. But a beta that gives her a gift, then he is desperate.

And particularly on the street, the beta manboob that approaches is harassing her, a “creep”, manboob.

Notice the word, manboob, “creep”. Spiders are creepy, snakes are creepy, horror movies are creepy, and beta manboobs are creepy. Not inconvenient, not even a hassle, pushy, impolite, but creepy, testament to the visceral nature that women feel.

Ah, but the alpha, manboob, when he approaches, then he is confident, sexy, masculine, all of them gush, flip that hair, answer, smile, bat those eyelashes. So the alpha gets approval, her eggs want his sperm, but not that creepy slimy beta sperm.

So what your manboob game is saying is “I am a manboob”, and the only reason you play it is because you cannot be an alpha, because if you were, you would not see things as you do. Your experience would tell you that what you say is a fucking lie. You would not be saying those women want men to be as you think they should be. Because they don’t. They do want manboobs to be as you say. They want you to be that way. And I mean you. Because what you do and what you believe is living proof you are a manboob.

They want men like you to be the way you think, but not the alpha. They want the alpha, only the alpha, and they want him to approach like the fat girl wants the cake. But not the manboob beta.

And you have bought into it, manboob. You are like the dog infected by the rabies. You are like the botanist that tends the marijuana like it were a baby. Or even better like the rancher that cares, feeds, and protects the cows, then stands back when the prize bull is brought to further her biological goals of producing the best offspring possible.

And you write in a way to cause both women to despise men and some men to despise being men, to compel men to act as second class citizens in their own country, in a way that facilitates the agendas, economic, social, and sexual of women, at the expense of men.

Basically, Rabies.


Priint this motherfucker.

11 years ago

He let it throughm but I have to ask: have you noticed a lack of willingness to let the shit you, and yours, want to say be posted? Do you think he, or we, are afraid of you?

After all, making fun of you is our business (and business is good).

But hey, have fun slinking to the 7-11 for supplies, make sure you get the Vitamin D Milk.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Viscaria: that made me gigglesnort, and now Biscuit is looking at me funny.”

Things I’ve learned working on the family tree — Giggleswick, it’s a place.

11 years ago

That was … weird.

11 years ago

Dude… that was 2,500 words. Amazing.

That’s a lot of time spent, crafting that drivel. Someone might even go to the effort to read all of it (I confess, after the first 100 or so I saw it was just more of the same. “manboob this” and “manboob that” and I quit. I was afraid I’d hurt myself if I fell asleep at my desk, that or damage the keyboard, or a glass or something).

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