a voice for men a woman is always to blame anti-Semitism antifeminism doxing false accusations gross incompetence gullibility harassment hate hypocrisy literal nazis misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy paranoia paul elam

Why haven’t Men’s Rights Activists turned on Paul Elam for falsely accusing Arianna Pattek of civil rights violations? [UPDATE: Elam retraction]

Graphic from SAVE Services, whose press releases are regularly run on A Voice for Men. Why doesn't this apply to Paul Elam?
Graphic from SAVE Services, whose press releases regularly run on A Voice for Men. Why doesn’t this policy apply to Paul Elam?

UPDATE: Elam has retracted his original story. See the end of this post for more details.

Men’s Rights Activists often insist that false accusations of rape are literally as bad as rape itself, and that false accusers of rape should spend as much time in prison as actual rapists.

Presumably they feel the same way about false accusers of other crimes, from murder to check kiting.

So in the wake of Paul Elam’s reckless false accusations against recent Georgetown graduate Arianna Pattek, one would expect other MRAs to rise up en masse to demand that Elam turn himself in.

Elam, you may recall, accused Pattek of serious violations of civil rights laws, claiming that she, as an employee of Georgetown’s admissions office, showed clear bias against white men. Indeed, Elam didn’t even qualify his accusations with an “alleged,” as journalists routinely do when writing about those accused but not convicted of crimes. Here’s what he wrote about her:

Pattek, who clearly has issues with sexual and racial bigotry, decided she would not only trash the applications of white males on sight, she also decided to blog about her activities under what she assumed was anonymous conditions. Writing for a web blog called The Feminist Conservative, Pattek laid out precisely what she was doing in very clear terms. …

Clearly this is a person not only warped by ideology, but who also holds deep seated prejudices that guided her unscrupulous actions. Her targets were selected by sex, race, political beliefs and perhaps even religion. Her identity was traced after she referenced the subject of her master’s thesis at Georgetown in some of her writing, including the “about” page at the Feminist Conservative.

The trouble is that absolutely none of this is true. There’s nothing linking Pattek to the blog, which seems to be a hoax, and numerous things suggesting that she is NOT the author of the blog any more than Paul Elam is.

As Georgetown has made clear, Pattek never worked for the school’s admissions office. She never wrote a Master’s thesis; she graduated from Georgetown in 2012 with a bachelors degree, not a masters (as Elam claims) or a doctorate (as the FeministConservative blogger claimed about herself, if she is even a she). Pattek’s thesis was a Senior thesis required for her minor in Justice and Peace, which a program for undergraduates. The topic(s) of her senior thesis only bear a slight resemblance to the topic(s) of the alleged doctoral thesis of the FeministConservative blogger. Even a quick perusal of the “evidence” posted on A Voice for Men will reveal numerous other discrepancies.

Indeed, the falsity and recklessness of Elam’s charges against Pattek are so patently obvious that even some MRAs have begun to doubt. On the Men’s Rights subreddit, for example, the mods have added “May be fake” to the title of the thread discussing the feministconservative blog controversy.

In the comments, someone called isktamin offers this take:

I’ve been on another forum with a couple other people, and this is absolutely a fake. [Pattek’s] thesis states that she is of Jewish descent and identifies wholly as Jewish, while the blog states that she is Christian and not of Jewish descent.

Pattek seems to be a pretty good person. Someone’s been deleting all traces of her from the GU website, likely another student. Google archives are telling us that she has multiple awards, she helped children in need in Kenya. Her thesis is of pretty good quality, too. The blog is of shit quality without effort to spell things correctly. It’s quite the blatant online defamation campaign, and I haven’t the slightest idea why.

Incidentally, he’s right about the difference in religion, the awards, the work Pattek did in Kenya, the difference in quality between the blog and Pattek’s thesis. He’s wrong about who deleted the information: as we learned yesterday, it was the current director of the Justice and Peace program, in response to harassment from white supremacists.

Meanwhile, alt right Manosphere blogger Chuck Ross of Gucci Little Piggy has also cast serious doubt on Elam’s accusations.

Even on A Voice for Men a few Men’s Rights Activists have challenged Elam’s case, most notably Chris Deslone, the founder of the Men’s Rights subreddit and a contributor to AVFM.

So where is the upswelling of outrage amongst MRAs at Elam’s false accusations? Where are the calls for him to be charged with crimes as serious as the civil rights violations he has accused Pattek of? Where are the calls for him to turn himself in – or at the very least, to apologize for his misdeeds and step down from his position at A Voice for Men?

I haven’t seen any.

For MRAs, sorry seems to be the hardest word.

You might expect Pierce Harlan of the so-called Community of the Wrongly Accused to have some sympathy for the wrongly accused Pattek. But he’s said nothing on his site (or anywhere else, as far as I know) about Elam’s false and reckless accusations, and Elam is still listed in the Community of the Wrongly Accused sidebar as a “False rape activist,” whatever that is.

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, meanwhile, the mods actually deleted a post asking “So, when does the woman you guys falsely accused get an apology?” (You can still find it here, but you can no longer reach it from the Men’s Rights subreddit itself.) The comments, naturally, are full of denial, and many have been deleted, making for a surreal discussion indeed. “I don’t recall having falsely accused anyone of anything,” real-boethius wrote indignantly. “Even AVFM had the story up as “Georgetown University Coverup?” – note the question mark, and they state that the evidence is inconclusive.”

Uh, Did. You. Actually. Read. Elam’s. Post?

Elam, for his part, after adamantly attacking all those who challenged his accusations in any way, may now realize that he’s made a huge mistake. He hasn’t admitted this, of course, but he has awkwardly appended to his post some of the information gathered by Chris Deslone that clearly shows that his accusations are completely bogus. So now we have the strange spectacle of a post that accuses Pattek of various civil rights violations, without even an “allegedly” to qualify the accusations, which ends with links to official statements from Georgetown that undercut everything Elam has said:


Here, here and here are the Twitter links in that screenshot.

All of this is surreal enough, but perhaps the most surreal response to the whole thing comes from the Reno, Nevada MRA known as Scarecrow, a former-but-now-banned Man Boobz commenter, in a comment on Reddit:


Apparently nothing is ever the fault of MRAs ever, including the things they do.

UPDATE: Elam has now retracted his original story naming Pattek as a civil rights violator. Here are the key bits of his retraction:

In hindsight it is apparent that I was too fast on the trigger in establishing a connection between the blogger who claimed to have sabotaged the applications and that of a former student at Georgetown. While there is circumstantial evidence that does connect the two, and many unanswered questions, there is nothing that makes that connection a verifiable certainty.

It was a mistake on my part for which I apologize to the woman in question, and to any readers who felt they were misled. The original article naming her has been updated with a link to this retraction and her name has been redacted from the article. I am also removing all comments to the article and closing them to make sure no references to her are made.

I think this somewhat mealymouthed mea culpa is about as close to an admission of wrongdoing as we’re ever likely to get from Elam on anything.

Elam continues to cast vague aspersions on Georgetown itself, however:

I also want to make it clear that this retraction does not mean that AVFM is abandoning its investigation into the validity of the claims made about trashing university applications based on sex and race. Additionally, we are not done with concerns about the university itself, whose unusual and somewhat cryptic manner of responding to this story leaves more questions than answers.

Actually, I think Georgetown was fairly direct in responding to most of the questions on its official Twitter account. Elam also brings up his conspiracy theory, saying that

we did not take an interest in it until it became apparent that Georgetown University was moving, without explanation, to remove all references to her from their websites.

In fact, the director of the Justice and Peace program at Georgetown, Mark Lance, provided an explanation of this to my readers yesterday, as I pointed out in this post. But I’ll recap: according to Lance, the past director of the Justice and Peace program took her information down in response to harassment from white supremacists. There’s nothing particularly mysterious about that.

I’m honestly surprised to see Elam admit to being wrong about anything. I suspect — though I have no proof, and this is simply speculation — that he may have spoken to a lawyer — either his own, or someone else’s.

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11 years ago

Personally, this whole thing reminded me of that “Canadian law against Sexy Robots” thing. Lots of MRAs getting very upset and writing incredibly long-winded posts about how unfair and sexist it was…without even checking to see if the Department existed (much less the law). Sigh.

11 years ago

Also, sperm-jacker story

11 years ago


Can we just be honest about what’s going on here? Feminists very often won’t own up when they’re wrong about a rape accusation (Amanda Marcotte and others) and MRAs won’t own up when the erroneously accuse feminists or liberals of wrong-doing. Both sides are only looking at how the other side goes wrong. Both sides are looking to pin something on the other and won’t admit where they go off the rails. We see this behavior among the two political parties as well. None of it is surprising, and I don’t expect anyone to admit their mistakes.


11 years ago

Scarecrow’s onto us! This is what they should have realized about that painfully obvious hoax blog:


11 years ago

CR – Yes, but rapes do happen – a lot. This other confected stuff is mostly mras desperately trying to find ways to be oppressed and falling on their arses.

11 years ago


Looks like you’re going to need a citation on the false rape accusations.

-Marie, who also can sign her name at the end of comments.

11 years ago

Yeah, Chucky, and feminists spend so much time doxxing MRAs and sending death threats and harassing their employers and generally putting them in fear and saying anyone making false accusations should be imprisoned or have the actual crime committed against them …


So piss off with your false equivalency.

11 years ago

Nice try, CR. Whatever.

PaulE will never admit to being wrong, and his followers won’t ask him to. If Paul’s wrong, they’re wrong, and then their shitty little worldview falls apart.

11 years ago

Personally, this whole thing reminded me of that “Canadian law against Sexy Robots” thing. Lots of MRAs getting very upset and writing incredibly long-winded posts about how unfair and sexist it was…without even checking to see if the Department existed (much less the law). Sigh.

Yeah, except that there was an actual person involved this time.

Feminists very often won’t own up when they’re wrong about a rape accusation (Amanda Marcotte and others)

Amanda never made up her evidence, or got it from stormfront. She reported on what law enforcement knew at the time and didn’t dox anyone. The only thing she’s guilty of is making a mistake and not apologizing profusely for it. Which is not a problem, as far as I’m concerned!

Shorter clairedammit: fuck off, C.R.

11 years ago

CR: Marcotte and Duke? Interesting choice of examples. Nifong, who committed the various improprieties has been sanctioned. Marcotte says that she doesn’t believe the Duke Lacrosse players are completely innocent of assaulting the woman who made the complaint.

This is a far cry from making specific claims in her own right about something which pretty obviously is pure hoax.

Yes, I suspect you think the Duke case was pure hoax. That’s something you are entitled to believe. I am also entitled to believe that saying the results of an official investigation led one to believe that the dismissed charges weren’t completely baseless is different from doubling down on what are completely baseless charges; which Elam isn’t opining on, but making.

False equivalence is false.

11 years ago


No, no, C.R. is actually right. Feminists sometmes accuse MRA’s (and only MRA’s, mind) of rape while also stealing their sperm and wallets to add to the banks (Different types of banks). MRA’s often accuse women of needing to die and or be raped, while doxxing and giving out advice in the form of ignoring nos and powering through denial.

Clearly both groups are as bad as the other, and we can’t judge them, because both are equal.

It’s like THE two political parties that exist, which by the way are the only two political parties in any case, and which renders any form of discussion and debate meaningless. You see, the important thing isn’t who is calling for rape, murder and death or who is accusing who, the important thing is being smugly superior to both from a morally higher vantage point while subtly condoning the activities of the people who call for someone to be murdered because that’s just the same as some person, at some time, accusing someone else of a crime.

Taking a hardline stance on “False accusations” and then going right on to make several of those repeatedly without any form of apology or recrimination is exactly the same as some people abusing the criminal system to pin a crime on others.

Up is down! Left is right! I’m you and you’re me and we’re both David who is actually the President and there is no difference between anything! It’s all one big undifferentiated blob of equilevances. Chuck has shown me the way! There is no God for we are all God and God is us and I is up is we is multiplex individuality!

(Open Individualism is really cool, though)


You were politely, so I’ll just link an xkcd comic and not be all snide.

The important thing in this debate about false allegations, hypocrisy and literally calling for someone to be murdered and raped is that you’ve found a way to be smugly superior to feminists AND Mra’s! Bang up job.

-Fibi, who once had a different name it signed things with.

11 years ago

I was so long in typing that comment that I’d be super grateful if you could replace @Marie with @Everyone

11 years ago

At the core of this is that few MRAs are likely to think there’s anything really wrong with harassing any woman (with the possible exceptions of their immediate blood relatives). Okay, pity it was the wrong one, but she’s a woman, she’s a student, she’s depriving some poor beta male of his rightful place at uni, she should be out giving blow jobs and making sammiches for the Nice Guys she’s probably spurning. She deserves it anyway, and if she doesn’t now, she will, so it’s all right, really, amirite?

An apology from Elam, or even suggested by his fanboys? I’m not holding my breath.

11 years ago

confirmation bias parade!

11 years ago

I think this is a preview of what Paul Elam will eventually say:

A. You can’t prove Pattek didn’t do this because it is impossible to prove a negative, therefore by the laws of the Internet what we said is exactly correct. Plus, she wouldn’t have run away to Madagascar if she hadn’t done something wrong, right fellas?

B. Also, even if it’s not Pattek, some feminist confessed to this on this blog, so she’ll do as a placeholder for now. We can just keep our story and swap out the names once we figure out who really did this.

C. AMANDA MARCOTTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D. In every war, there’s some collateral damage — those are just the breaks. Entitlement princess cupcakes just don’t understand war, and that’s why they need to be drafted.

E. Legally speaking, the use of a question mark in my title indemnifies me from any personal responsibility for my statements made in the body of the post.

11 years ago

few MRAs are likely to think there’s anything really wrong with harassing any woman (with the possible exceptions of their immediate blood relatives). Okay, pity it was the wrong one, but she’s a woman, she’s a student, she’s depriving some poor beta male of his rightful place at uni, she should be out giving blow jobs and making sammiches for the Nice Guys she’s probably spurning. She deserves it anyway, and if she doesn’t now, she will, so it’s all right, really, amirite?


11 years ago

Aww, I got quoted! 🙂

“E. Legally speaking, the use of a question mark in my title indemnifies me from any personal responsibility for my statements made in the body of the post.”

Gad, has he hired Owly as his legal advisor?

11 years ago

Dear Chuck in this comment section. My sincere apologies that you missed the point. Despite careful explanation of what wrongs the MRA have done, you still think it’s appropriate to try and share the blame, even for those mistakes with Feminism. There are two reasons why this is problematic, 1) the wrong woman was doxxed 2) the MRM shouldn’t be doxxing to begin with. Over the last week MRA’s have lost some key benefactors because of the many things they have done. Yours truly.

11 years ago

cloudiah: B. Also, even if it’s not Pattek, some feminist confessed to this on this blog, so she’ll do as a placeholder for now. We can just keep our story and swap out the names once we figure out who really did this.

This has actually been done already. Someone admitted that it looked as if Pattek wasn’t the person who wrote this thing, but that, “the woman who actually did this [denied men their proper place at Georgetown] would be pursued, and found out..

The possibility of it being an utter hoax wasn’t even entertained. A (feminist) woman did an evil thing, women must suffer for it.

11 years ago

Actually that’d make a really good script – Elam in court, represented by that great legal mind, NWOslave.

11 years ago


Freedom is slavery!
War is peace!
I’ve forgotten the rest of that 1984 thing!

um, I got caught up in your comment 😉

11 years ago

well, they don’t actually think false accusations of other crimes is as bad as the crime itself. it’s just rape. i know this because they’ve told me. and besides that, pattek may not be the person who wrote the blog, but they still think she’s a feminist, and to these people harrassing one feminist is just as good as harrassing another. the feminist part is really all the justification they need.

11 years ago

Elam has put a retraction up now.

In hindsight it is apparent that I was too fast on the trigger in establishing a connection between the blogger who claimed to have sabotaged the applications and that of a former student at Georgetown. While there is circumstantial evidence that does connect the two, and many unanswered questions, there is nothing that makes that connection a verifiable certainty.

“too fast on the trigger” … that doesn’t even begin to describe it.

11 years ago

On Chuckie/Piggie’s post, one of the comments is like “I totally knew someone once who did this [throw out applications], it’s very common.”

And yes, it’s the sperm-jacker story all over again. “Finally I’ll get the baby I deserve!!!!!”

11 years ago


…at least he put up a retraction? Though I like* how he went with ‘while circumstantial evidence does connect the two…’ thing. Cant’ stand to admit he’s wrong, can he?

*by like I mean I hate.

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