a voice for men antifeminism harassment hate literal nazis misandry misogyny MRA oppressed white men paul elam racism slacktivism

Lazy Libel 2: Georgetown prof debunks the alleged Arianna Pattek conspiracy. And more on Stormfront

Did Men's Rights Activists take their cues in this case from literal Nazis?
Men’s Rights Activists have a lot more in common with white supremacists than they’d like to admit.

Just a quick update on the case of Arianna Pattek, the recent Georgetown graduate targeted for harassment by A Voice for Men and others, including the white supremacists at Stormfront. As I pointed out in an earlier piece, the “detective work” that led A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam and the other Pattek-bashers to target her was incredibly inept and sloppy, and it’s clear beyond any possible doubt that she has nothing whatsoever to do with the misandrist blog they accused her of writing, which increasingly obviously seems to be an utter hoax.

A Voice for Men, which hasn’t yet acknowledged much less apologized for its obvious mistake, has made much of the fact that information about Pattek was pulled down off of a Georgetown website after various websites started targeting her — attributing this to some sinister conspiracy. “[I]t now appears almost certain,” Elam wrote in his error-riddled post on the matter,

that individuals at Georgetown, perhaps even university officials, are purging their online records of that thesis, and her identity, in order to protect the interest of the school against what will almost certainly result in a massive amount of litigation.

Last night Mark Lance, director of the Justice and Peace program at Georgetown, left this message in the comments here on Man Boobz. (I confirmed his identity through email.)

Hi. Im the director of the Justice and Peace program at GU, though I was not directing when Arianna graduated. I just wanted to let folks know that her information was removed from some web sites at to protect her. This story was first picked up by and the white supremacists have been harassing and threatening her, including posting her home address, picture, etc. It was probably pointless, but the person who directed the program last year decided to remove the info. So, sorry, no conspiracy. Just an attempt to protect a young woman from vicious hate groups.

That explanation makes sense to me, and certainly he’s got more credibility on this matter than Paul Elam. (A ham sandwich has more credibility than Paul Elam.)

Lance’s comment raises an interesting question: Did Stormfront in fact start harassing Pattek before the MRAs got to her?

Here’s what we know: Stormfront — incorrectly — named Pattek the author of the feministconservative blog a little after 3 AM Eastern time on the 18th, the same day that Redditors in the Men’s Rights and Conspiracy subreddits (and a few others) picked up the story. Timestamps on Reddit aren’t precise, but I’m guessing they got to it after 3 AM.  The phony news also began spreading around Tumblr that day as well. Elam posted his piece trashing Pattek later that same day.

So, yes, it does sound like the white supremacists got to Pattek first.

Does this also suggest  that the bogus information published by A Voice for Men came — directly or indirectly — from Stormfront?

That seems much less likely. Though I can’t confirm it, it looks like the whole thing originated not on Stormfront but on 4chan, and that their bogus theory about Pattek spread to all the other sites out there. (I find it hard to believe that all the other sites arrived independently at the same patently false conclusion.) It’s certainly possible that Elam got his info from Stormfront, but it seems more likely he got it from 4chan, or, even more likely, 4chan via Reddit.

If anyone has evidence that 4chan picked up the theory from Stormfront, let me know.

In any case, the whole event says a lot about how bad information spreads on the internet, and just who is getting information from whom.

It also says a lot that A Voice for Men, which likes to pretend it’s at the vanguard of a great 21st century “Men’s Human Rights Movement” was nearly as quick to jump on the Pattek-hating bandwagon as the literal Nazis at Stormfront — that is, the leftover stragglers from a 20th century hate movement.

And it’s quite telling that both Stormfronters and AVFMers think that doxing and harassment of individuals are justifiable forms of “activism.”

I would say something about strange bedfellows, but these bedfellows aren’t strange in the slightest. They’re two hate movements, just made for each other.

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11 years ago

4chan is an imageboard – a really primitive style of web site (it’s been around forever) that allows people to share images easily. As a culture, it’s lot like Reddit: some parts are perfectly nice, but some parts are absolutely disgusting, /b/ being the most notorious. /b/ has created some of the most well-known memes (including our beloved cat macros), and Anonymous originally organized there…but they also produced Encyclopedia Dramatica, which is in all honestly one of the most appalling sites I’ve ever seen.

11 years ago

this is what i feel about all the hate:

11 years ago

cloudiah, I lol’d at that, I admit it!

But does 4chan talk about flouride and superdogs? That’d be the real test.

bahumbugi, I’m a tail-end baby boomer who never dated and never had an eye for anyone ‘cept a seventeenth-century king, and had the job insecurity and frequent changes associated more with Gen X. Is that opting out enough? 😉

11 years ago

Okay. so I should avoid 4chan? /r/trees and r/earthporn still have me slightly hooked on reddit, i must admit. and aww, but there’s loads of places for awws.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

@bahumbugi: Not sure. All of that comes from things I’ve heard. I’ve heard it was a lot different before 2006.

11 years ago

I see Cthulhu’s Intern has both ninja’d me and done a better job of explaining.

Early on, no one was being serious, they were just making fun of every ignorant person in the world.

Ah, kind of like how Pedobear started out as a way of calling people out for posting lolicon, but has since turned into another “lol pedophilia” gag.

11 years ago

that’s relevant, kittehs! my subject never had children, doesn’t really care much about relationships, worked in highly male-dominated fields…and i’m trying to make some silly argument for my professor on why that relates to baby boomer cohort stuff. does tail-end mean younger end of the baby boomers? i also want to link feminism to her story, although she never references it in her narrative, it seems important that she was 18 or 20 at the height of the civil rights?

11 years ago

how is lol pedophilia EVER A THING. god damn.

intern, you make me wonder how old are any of these sites? i have no concept of anything. people don’t need to answer that. but how old is the mrm? in its modern incarnation?

11 years ago

@bahumbugi I get all my “Earth porn” on Tumblr – didn’t even know those subreddits existed.

11 years ago

“Just using the word “le” will cause anger on 4chan.”

Okay, is this the French word or does it have some completely different meaning?

I can’t feel any sympathy for the mob who started those rage comics. It’s not even the pathetically (and I presume deliberately) bad drawing; it’s more that all the ones I’ve seen are stupid and disgusting.

11 years ago

how is lol pedophilia EVER A THING. god damn.

I wish I knew 🙁

11 years ago

4chan made it their mission for a while to flood feminist sites with violent porn for lulz they say.
They also hacked a few private feminist message boards and stole identities where they could.
They don’t seem to pay attention to feminist sites any more. Don’t know why. Things were extremely tense for a while there.

11 years ago

my crap internet (50 a month for THE WORST) can’t really handle tumblr sites. or gifs of any kind. reddit it can handle. imgur it can usually handle. i also still am trying to figure out tumblr. i don’t do well with the interwebs.

11 years ago

@emily goddess — if you’re into earth porn, check out the tumblr/website cabin porn
mmmmm fantasies of the earth

Maude LL
11 years ago

@ bahumbugi
But what about the unalienable right to free speech? Everyone knows the 1st amendment was written to make it a national treason to ban any comment on a blog. 4chan is just there as the last bastion of freedom, especially the freedom to harass people worldwide that comes with being an American (picture of an eagle with a sparkling tear).

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

As much as I like earth porn, I’m also looking for something else: Is there a site devoted to paintings of fantasy landscapes? Like the kind of things on heavy metal album covers?

11 years ago

I follow CabinPorn! My favorite is visitheworld though (yes, he accidentally a “t” in his url)

11 years ago

There’s a good reason a lot of us abbreviate CB’s name when we’re discussing her online.

11 years ago

@ the bewilderness- I am guessing a combo of they got bored and they realized feminism is actually pretty powerless mainstream opinion wise and no one really wants to be a bully.

11 years ago

What’s the bet the “lol pedophilia” types are the jackasses who think that laughing at crime, or horrible things generally, makes them cool and edgy rather than just brainless.

bahumbugi, yeah, tail-end as in ’63 – I’ve seen that described as end of the boom or start of Gen X, so I’ve no idea. 😀

I sure as hell never wanted kids either, and wouldn’t have even if I’d had an earthly spouse. I’ve said “The child I have will be the next king of France or I won’t be having it” on occasion. Works a treat in confusing busybodies.

Civil rights I couldn’t speak about, both because I’m too young and because I’m Australian, so I’ve no really helpful comparisons for you there, alas. Feminism I didn’t really know about, in the sense of reading about it or anything, but I think if anyone had asked me once I hit adulthood, I’d have said yes, I’m a feminist, even without knowing specific issues.

Fuzzy, that’s me. 😉

11 years ago

Okay, pardon my ignorance but why are landscape pictures called earthPORN?

11 years ago

Kittehs! Cloudiah! Manboobzers of yore who remember fondly the troll known as Antz! Three things for you!

A: Kittehs, because I made over my (first) fundraising goal, your prompt was chosen for bonus art! Here it is!

B: The prompt that I wrote in honor of Antz, in which his utopic vision of men and women splitting down the Mississippi River is realized, has been sponsored! Now everyone can read and bask in the genderfucky brilliance!

C: Xenothon is almost completely sold out! Only one prompt remains, and now I’m starting a poll over which prompt will have the bonus art made for it! Even if you weren’t involved in the promptcall or sponsorship, feel free to vote! I’m hoping to close out Xenothon with two bonus arts, one bonus sketch, and a big SOLD OUT sign!

11 years ago

@Cthulhu’s Intern try Fantasyscapes, maybe?

11 years ago

So, thanks a lot manboozers, all warm fuzzies from the previous thread officially nuked 🙂

So, I google CB, and now it just…oh bugger…it’s like Goatse all over again…why? that’s all I wanna know, why?

11 years ago

Because humans can be total douches?

You want a warm fuzzy, read LBT’s cool stories (especially the one I prompted, of course)! 😉

Or look at Magnus* being squished by Mamie.

* a long-lost son of Greebo