In an apparent attempt to prove that they’re not misogynists, the folks at A Voice for Men have decided to take a temporary break from their practice of vilifying individual female activists to vilify a male activist – University of Toronto Student Union VP for University Affairs Munib Sajjad.
As far as I can tell, the folks at A Voice for Men decided to target Sajjad, perversely, because he told Toronto’s CityNews that he was afraid he was “going to be targeted” after announcing publicly that he thought a campus Men’s Rights group should be banned. The A Voice for Men post about Sajjad is a typically long-winded, and largely content-free, rant from the excitable John Hembling (“John The Other”).
But what’s more disturbing than Hembling’s empty bloviating on Sajjad is the way A Voice for Men has framed the attack. “Munib Sajjad, it’s your turn in the barrel,” the headline declares, and Hembling repeats the phrase “your turn in the barrel” in the post itself.
I wasn’t familiar with this phrase, so I looked it up, and found that it derives from a rape joke. Here’s the definition of the term, from Urban Dictionary:
To say someone is “in the barrel” or “taking a turn in the barrel” means it’s their turn to do an unpleasant task or to suffer an unpleasant experience.
Click on the “definition” link above to see the gang rape joke it’s derived from.
Rape jokes aimed at men — even men you don’t like — are certainly a, well, counterintuitive way of showing “compassion for boys and men,” as the A Voice for Men slogan has it.
EDITED TO ADD: Looking again at Hembling’s piece, I realize I hadn’t noticed his, er, argument that the term “mansplaining” — which I find useful from time to time — is somehow equivalent to the incredibly offensive term “[racial slur redacted]splaining,” which Hembling has just made up. (The slur in question starts with an “n.” You can figure it out.) This is ridiculous on its face, not to mention that it’s frankly racist not only to compare the alleged oppressions of men — who are not systematically oppressed — with those of black people — who are — but also to use a racial slur in doing so. Of course this isn’t the first time that A Voice for Men has used the n-word in an attempt to suggest that men, collectively, have it as bad as a historically disadvantaged and still systematically oppressed group.
Rape jokes and racial slurs: A Voice for Men has it all!
What does the ‘L’ stand for? I am familiar with the term MRA(Men’s Rights Activist) and while my feelings about this movement are mixed, what I know is that men’s rights are God given and God commands women to respect and obey men. These MRAs and feminists desperate need Jesus Christ.
Poor Prester, forced to live among all these non-Christians. I thought remaining true to Christ in the face of so much temptation and sin was supposed to make you more holy?
Prester, why dis you use that particular passage as “evidence” of women’s God-given roles? Why go straight for rape?
It most certainly has, emily. And you are NOT a “goddess”! There is only one God, and God is certainly not a she.
That biblical passage does not condone rape. But it does imply that it is a woman’s duty to submit to sex from her husband.
The sin of rape is used by feminists to justify the greater sin of abortion: the destruction of innocent, defenseless human life. Good things often come out of bad things. Rape is bad but the creation of a new life from it is miraculous.
Then why are you complaining? Shouldn’t you be grateful for the opportunity?
Blockquote>Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.
1) He’s only her husband because he raped her.
2) Doesn’t answer my question: why, of all the passages in the Bible about women’s “place,” did you go straight for the rape passage?
Hey, I’m a goddess too! Just like Emily. Anyone else here a goddess?
3) The passage does condone rape, by treating it as an unavoidable event – even a way to get a wife – rather than telling people not to do it
Rape is the subject of this post, and ultimately is it all part of God’s plan.
That’s it. I’m e-mailing David.
Times like this, I wish I believed in Hell, because one of us sure deserves it, and it’s not the goddess-worshipping feminist…
Uh-huh. They threatened a man in the OP. Be more more careful when you try to, uh, read.
Also, you’re a troll using us for a rage wank.
I’m totally a goddess, and this is totally MRAL.
MRAL, go away, you sack of bad boundaries. You’re not wanted here.
Thanks emilygoddess. And go away, MR AL.
I don’t know what kind of sick, perverted god you worship, but I know that if there is a divine creature that is sexist, it would still be no more worthy of worship than a mundane creature that is sexist.
And just for the record, God did not write the bible. Zie didn’t extend their hand down from heaven and write it. (Mostly) men wrote it, and of course they put their ideas into it.
TL;DR: No matter what kind of religion you hide behind, you are still a despicable human being.
Raise your hand if you’d much rather worship emily than Prester’s creepy god!
(don’t worry, Emily, I’m not going to creepily worship you. I am just amused when potential* religious people make their god sound like the most horrible thing ever and act like everyone should worship it)
*cuz we don’t know if he’s a poe or not
I was going to worship both of you, but then I realized that I, too, am a goddess! It’s only fair we start a goddess comittee and get on with the misandry-ing
Dear trolls:
Things that are funny to see people angry about: fandom pairings, “frosting” vs “icing” and other regionalisms, whether continental or English knitting is objectively better, authors not ending the series the way fans wanted…trivial shit that doesn’t affect anyone in a meaningful way.
Things that are not funny to see people angry about: rape, racism, violence, homophobia…things that have real and damaging effects on people’s day-to-day lives and the degree to which they are allowed to exist as full members of society, things that are real, and traumatic, and personally painful for the people who are upset.
I hope this handy guide will jump-start many hours of hilarious and mostly harmless trolling, and allow you meet your daily requirement of lulz without real pain to real people.
The Internet
Why you gotta break my heart like that, Fade?
Okay, I wasn’t sure about the Prester there until the “and you are NOT a goddess” thing. That’s too silly to be real, right?
I mean, there are religions that don’t draw a line between the divine and the human, and if I still practiced one of them you could read my username as making that claim. But at this point, it’s just a username I’ve had for 10+ years on various sites, and I use it more for the sake of consistency and identifiability than because I believe it literally.
But… our goddess comitee! With Shiraz and Hellkell! Surely multiple goddesses are better than one!
Its funny how they do not know how to treat the men and treat him like a woman because of it XDDDDD maybe the term mangina has something to do with it.
The men rights activists always act like they are against making light of rape, even though its men who make most of the jokes.
(i am nice tonight because drunk)
Sure. Just ask Paris 😉
Lol, it took a second for me to get that.
On that note, I’ve always thought that Athena was the coolest Greek goddess. I was mildly disappointed when I read/heard that legend again and saw that she and Hera and Aphrodite were all competing for some puny human’s affection!
^brain blooper. Not affection. IDK the word. Approval? Stupid apple?
Well, to be fair, that human was supposed to decide who gets some apple that is apparently really desirable. Or maybe Eris just made it that way.
Also, Paris was kind of an idiot. Why didn’t he just go for knowledge? Then, he would know how to take over the whole world and then get his own harem.