In an apparent attempt to prove that they’re not misogynists, the folks at A Voice for Men have decided to take a temporary break from their practice of vilifying individual female activists to vilify a male activist – University of Toronto Student Union VP for University Affairs Munib Sajjad.
As far as I can tell, the folks at A Voice for Men decided to target Sajjad, perversely, because he told Toronto’s CityNews that he was afraid he was “going to be targeted” after announcing publicly that he thought a campus Men’s Rights group should be banned. The A Voice for Men post about Sajjad is a typically long-winded, and largely content-free, rant from the excitable John Hembling (“John The Other”).
But what’s more disturbing than Hembling’s empty bloviating on Sajjad is the way A Voice for Men has framed the attack. “Munib Sajjad, it’s your turn in the barrel,” the headline declares, and Hembling repeats the phrase “your turn in the barrel” in the post itself.
I wasn’t familiar with this phrase, so I looked it up, and found that it derives from a rape joke. Here’s the definition of the term, from Urban Dictionary:
To say someone is “in the barrel” or “taking a turn in the barrel” means it’s their turn to do an unpleasant task or to suffer an unpleasant experience.
Click on the “definition” link above to see the gang rape joke it’s derived from.
Rape jokes aimed at men — even men you don’t like — are certainly a, well, counterintuitive way of showing “compassion for boys and men,” as the A Voice for Men slogan has it.
EDITED TO ADD: Looking again at Hembling’s piece, I realize I hadn’t noticed his, er, argument that the term “mansplaining” — which I find useful from time to time — is somehow equivalent to the incredibly offensive term “[racial slur redacted]splaining,” which Hembling has just made up. (The slur in question starts with an “n.” You can figure it out.) This is ridiculous on its face, not to mention that it’s frankly racist not only to compare the alleged oppressions of men — who are not systematically oppressed — with those of black people — who are — but also to use a racial slur in doing so. Of course this isn’t the first time that A Voice for Men has used the n-word in an attempt to suggest that men, collectively, have it as bad as a historically disadvantaged and still systematically oppressed group.
Rape jokes and racial slurs: A Voice for Men has it all!
So who believes it’s coincidence that the first man attacked by AVfM appears to be a man of colour?
Or that it is coincidence that JtO has called him a “a very naughty little doggie”?
AVfM – giving bigotry a bad name …
Whistling into the abyss to ask this of you, I’m sure, but care to tell us where that’s stated?
Johnny boy wrote in his usual 8th grade way: “I don’t like using military metaphors in my writing like “targeted,” as they can imply a violent intention which is inappropriate. But Munib Sajjad was right.” That about sums up what John is about. Over the last week the MRA have attacked a father for minor issues, requesting child services take his kid away and woolybumblebee also put out a video saying rape only happens to ugly women. Apparently the MRM don’t believe in prison rape? or was that a mistake. Jerks. I hope Munib advises the reporters who broke the “story” this.
So to you, “jointly bearing the burden” means everyone has to put up with being raped to ensure that everyone can have the kind of orgasms they want? And here I would think the better system is nobody gets raped and everyone has to share the “burden” of getting off on their own time in ways that don’t hurt anybody else (which: not that big of a burden actually). But then, I don’t belong to a group which believes that anything short of men being entitled to partnered sex on demand is misandry!!1!
And yes, Minty, it is in fact rape. Being forced to let other people do sexual things to your body is rape.
Sorry to leap in unannounced but the hivemind needs to be aware there’s been a set back in our hating men and ensuring they don’t get help etc. This is a picture of an envelope I received today: first class care for men
First class care for men? But but but but….the feminazi government hates all men and only believes woman deserve help. I just. I just don’t know what to think.
I have some major subject/object confusion going in that last sentence. I meant to say, doing sexual things to someone who is unable to refuse is rape.
@ archaeoholmes: it is to be found on City TV news: http://www.citynews.ca/2013/04/16/the-inside-story-mens-rights-group-causes-controversy-at-u-of-t/
That is where you can see Munib Sajjad and also take note that Dan P. is in the comment section making his rounds as usual.
The way JTO moves his lips when he speaks is even more disgusting than the tiny mouth of Donald Trump. Screenshot makes me feel barfy
@Malitia I love the color of your catvatar!
@lowquacks I’ve lived all over the northeast and no, we don’t spell it that way here. It is, however, a perfectly logical way to attempt to spell it, if one hasn’t seen the word before.
But this is just confusing. “Knowing the mra, they might decide to attack me after this interview”
After which, sure enough, he is targetted – but not by accident, in fact because he mentioned he might be.
Whattheeff? The smart move would have been to link to his statement, wish him the best and then write about the problems of male on male violence, a few words on homocide and some blather about a better tomorrow through dismantling feminism. I mean, that’d be wrong and stupid but imply some sort of political goal, movement and active distance from violence. Instead its: into the rape barrel with you for mentioning it might happen!
This is beyond parody, beyond mockery, this is stupidity, ignorance and malice on such a level it is just absolutely baffling. It really is the movement of: “Oh yeah? I know you are but what am I?”
“We’re not misogynists! We’ll threaten to rape anyone/i>, male or female, who doesn’t hate women as much as we do!”
Argh, HTML fail!
Minty, nice try–really great pretzel logic, I give it an 8–but that IS a rape joke.
You AVfM jagoffs should be ashamed of yourselves.
@titianblue, I thought the same thing as soon as I saw his name. MRAs don’t exactly have a good track record on race.
@emilygoddess: Thank you!
And for something completely different update on the… ok… my tabby kitten overlords:
Minty apparently doesn’t think men can be raped. What a misandrist.
And how dare you guys call AVfM racist! They totally have a black friend, as well as a gay friend, which is why it is also okay for them to call people f*gs. 0_o
Deuteronomy 22: 28-29::
It’s pretty clear that God did not create men and women equal and feminism’s attempts to destroy men under the pretext of equality are doomed to fail. I will pray for you sinners that you will come to accept Jesus Christ in your hearts and be delivered from feminist witchcraft.
So we got a ‘new’ troll, I see, over the weekend? Speaking as a capital-A Atheist, Prestor John is, frankly, most likely a non-believer; his posts reek of the sort of parody of theistic teachings that you’ll see from time to time in atheist discussions.
Almost certainly a poe, but it doesn’t matter. Prester, I don’t know if you legitimately believe what you just posted, or if you think trolling about rape is funny, but either way, you’re a shitty human being and I hope David bans you.
You are wrong. And I don’t know who this Poe is, nor do I care. But what matters is that there are clearly defined roles for men and women that are mandated by the Lord himself. The feminist movement has its origins in satanism and witchcraft which made a prolific resurgence in the 1960s: A decade of spiritual dearth and floundering.
Don’t you have a kingdom in Asia to be running, Prester John?
The satanic roots of feminism
Go away, MRAL.
Hmm. Pester just got done watching The Crucible? Or he’s going for the same kind of ick the serial killer in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo achieved. I dunno.