harassment misogyny MRA slacktivism

Screencap of the Day: The MensRightsWiki “Activism” Page


Impressive! Here’s the link. Maybe they’ll eventually fill this blank page with inspiring tales of harassing women, including women they’ve mistakenly targeted because MRAs, on the exceedingly rare occaisions they try to be activists, are the most inept and gullible activists the world has ever seen.

And while we’re at it, here’s the Wiki’s ethics page.


Wow! Instead of nothing, this time they have a list of nothings.

Thanks to Reddit’s veduualdha and StephenMurphy for pointing out these links in r/againstmensrights.

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11 years ago


not yet. Not the biggest buffy fan…;) though I could watch tv…

(or just hang out playing video games and checking manboobz like I am right not.)

and, I’m going to stop trying to make this thread all about me, so… ::actives prepare for different subject mode::

11 years ago

Well here’s a subject change- a site that lists people who have committed violence against women or who have been accused of violence against women has appeared on tumbler recently (I discovered it reading the mr/reddit- they are positively gloating that there is something similar to register-her on the internet). And they have a screenshot of a not particularly critical feminist author saying she believes there is a biological element to men’s violence, i.e. men are biologically predisposed to commit violence against women. Which is exactly the same argument biological determinists have used to excuse men’s violence towards women. I am looking for input here- where is everyone on the existence of this tumbler?

11 years ago

oh, crap, here’s the tumbler:

11 years ago


trying to understand that tumblr…It’s a little unorganized.

My input: I doubt there biological element to it for the moment…way too much socialization + entitlement going on there… So not any coherent thoughts other than too much socialization going on to say if there is a biological difference, so, um, rambles.

11 years ago

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a tumblr that lists people who have been commiting violence against women, but I am a little skeeved out about the layout of this one. It seems to disproportionately feature MoC, and I really, really am guessing that MoC do not commit more violence against women. So that strikes me as… skeevy

I can understand how a women who had not yet analyzed the patriarchy would think that men are biologically predisposed to be more violent, but I agree that it is dangerously close to the abuser’s narrative that MRAs are so fond of (the only difference is that MRAs follow it up with “so you can’t blame violent men”.

It might have some handy resources, I guess, if you want to look up through the databases? *shrug* that’s my thoughts.

11 years ago

Went back to their blog b/c I am bored and postponing homework. Anyway, in the transgender activists section:

Transgender activists have framed the issue of Male Violence against Trans people as something wholly different from Male Violence against Women. This is a missed opportunity for solidarity around the issue of Male Violence.

Seems to be kind of a denial of cis privilege. It’s like some men act violently towards women, some act violently towards trans women, society encourages them to act violently towards both groups, but there are some definite things that cis woman do not have to worry about, and being assaulted for how our gender identity meshes with how we were assigned at birth will never be an issue for us.

11 years ago

I, um, accidentally started arguing with the site moderator. Damnit. Think first, act last!! I always get that order confused.

11 years ago

@ Fade- definitely seems a bit cis-gendered white woman feminism first, we’ll deal with Other issues later. But I’m a bit too caught up in my own privilege to really trust my take on that.

11 years ago

If we’re recommending tv shows, I’ve been enjoying the Powerpuff Girls nostalgia trip on Netflix.

But I haven’t got to this bit yet.

11 years ago

Instead of using so much energy demonizing females and feminism, I wish they would focus on the issues that males face such as dealing with sexual abuse etc. I am actually very impressed with men like Theo Fleury who are actually doing something to bring these issues to light and recognize the shame and debilitating effect social attitudes (yikes I almost said the dreaded “P” word) have on survivors. Men who are facing challenges need support not finger pointing. Derailing others quest for equality doesn’t help your own cause. I was just reading an excellent blog entry by Julian Real on Radical Profeminist and he had an exellent analogy regarding male privilege.

Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

I’d just like to chime in on the whole “MRAs think Asian women are submissive” thing you were discussing earlier. I’ve lived overseas extensively and dated several Chinese women (including my ex-fiancee). Obviously that stereotype is not generally accurate, but what’s interesting is that within the expat community, the stereotype is the exact opposite. I’ve known men in real life and on the Internet who say that they would never marry or even date Chinese women because they are manipulative, greedy and domineering. I’ve seen articles on expat sites (which I can probably dig up if you’re interested) which tell Western men living abroad that if one of them should date a local woman, he should be prepared for her to take over his career and demand expensive gifts.

This is no more true than the other stereotype. I suspect that this is what happens when those “China doll” presumptions collide with reality – any hint of assertiveness comes across as domination.

11 years ago


Perhaps I should watch Powerpuff Girls XD (liked that part you linked to too much.)

11 years ago

I saw that thread on r/mr. The poster said that collectively Man Boobz was being hypocritical because we hadn’t criticized the existence of that blog, but we do criticize AVfM in relation to
A. Yeah, I doubt any of us were even aware of this site before now.
B. I don’t believe anyone associated with Man Boobz is involved with the site.
C. Man Boobz does not link to, endorse, write for, or promote the site.
D. I couldn’t find any sign that the site owner has released personal information, or intends to, such as the named individuals’ home address/phone numbers, routes to/from work, etc.

Yeah, clearly Man Boobz’ connection to this site is EXACTLY like AVfM’s connection to Good gotcha, boys!


11 years ago

Where I come from, no one gets more โ€œpuddyโ€ at the club than guys who leave 600+ word missives in the comment sections of blogs they donโ€™t like.

Where I come from, no one gets more “puddy” than guys who call it “puddy.”

11 years ago

Yeah, that tumblr seems really skeevy to me. I also noticed that it’s mostly MoC. It seems like they only post men who have been convicted of crimes against women, which is good, and they do link to sources, but that’s the sort of thing that, even if it’s well-run, encourages copycat behavior that’s likely to be sketchier.

And I don’t really believe in shaming people for crimes, pure and simple. There’s a reason we don’t put people in the stocks anymore. Yes, these men have done things they ought to be ashamed of, but once you start using shaming as punishment for some people, there’s no longer a firm line preventing people from shaming, say, women convicted of prostitution.

11 years ago

And as sketchy as it is, it is still better than, which is run by the site that r/mr links to in their sidebar.

There’s another thread on r/mr about a guy going to jail in New Zealand for possessing fairy/elf porn, because the imaginary characters in it have childlike characteristics. I suspect the guy is going to jail more because he has a history of actually abusing children, but I admit to being troubled by the implications of outlawing a form of pornography involving fictional beings. But anyway, if you click through to the blog post, and read a bit, you’ll see that the dude is yet another MRA who is obsessed with David. He’s combed through all of David’s published articles to look for things he can misrepresent. I’m pretty sure the blog owner visited us as a troll once, because I remember someone trying to argue that David was a pedophilia apologist after he wrote a favorable review about a gay author.

11 years ago

Never seen the powerpuff girls, but I did see the feminist frequency vid on youtube, so thought they must be crap, am I missing something?

Sorry, really will stop posting now.

11 years ago


Haven’t seen it, so can’t say if you’d be missing something ๐Ÿ˜‰

And no reason to stop posting (unless you want to). But you aren’t annoying me, and I don’t think you’re annoying anyone else.

11 years ago

Cartoons? If anyone hasn’t seen Avatar: The Last Airbender yet, do that! ^^

11 years ago

Melody – “Iโ€™ve never been in love personally, but I would love to be in the future. It sounds amazing.”

I hope you are, and happily. It’s wonderful. ๐Ÿ™‚

11 years ago


Wheee, random interjection time! Is it weird that while I like ATLA, I don’t really love it? I mean, there are just way to many things I don’t care for (and not all problematic things, some things that are perfectly fine but get on my nerves). Ex: for some reason I can’t stand King Bumi or the Order of White Lotus. Or the way Bryke write ‘romance’ but that was a bigger problem in LOK.


11 years ago

Thanks Marie, I find this all really interesting, but I’m painfully aware I’m new and feel like I’m monopolising, don’t want to tread on any toes ๐Ÿ™‚

11 years ago


You’re fine ๐Ÿ™‚ We’ll tell you if it feels like you’re monopolizing (or at least I will. This isn’t a hivemind, despite what mras would believe XD)

11 years ago

@ timetravellingfool re: your Tumblr link

Yeah, I don’t really believe in biological “wiring”/”evolution” explanations for things like abuse. I’m sure that’s an oversimplification on my part, but it’s currently pretty much impossible to conclusively prove a purely biological basis for abuse, considering the huge socialization factor, so in my opinion considering a biological basis is just a distraction, and also sort of apologist-y (I’m not saying that about you, but about the person who posted that statement about men and abuse).

Also, some women really do abuse some men, so making it a “gender-biology” thing seems pretty questionable on that basis alone.

11 years ago

opheliamonarch – high fives for long happy marriages, and for love, and pets!

To the “love’s just a chemical reaction” sneerers (no regulars here, of course, I’m thinking of tossers like NumptyMinty) I say “so’s your disdain, then.”

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