harassment misogyny MRA slacktivism

Screencap of the Day: The MensRightsWiki “Activism” Page


Impressive! Here’s the link. Maybe they’ll eventually fill this blank page with inspiring tales of harassing women, including women they’ve mistakenly targeted because MRAs, on the exceedingly rare occaisions they try to be activists, are the most inept and gullible activists the world has ever seen.

And while we’re at it, here’s the Wiki’s ethics page.


Wow! Instead of nothing, this time they have a list of nothings.

Thanks to Reddit’s veduualdha and StephenMurphy for pointing out these links in r/againstmensrights.

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11 years ago

Ugh, computer savvy people, screencap that!!

11 years ago

“How DARE he say we might go after him! Quick! Go after him!”

They really can’t help themselves, can they?

11 years ago

And may he find himself trying to separate two 1Γ—2 Lego plates with a brick separator.

I just go straight to teeth in that situation. I’ve gotten very good at biting LEGOs apart without leaving teeth marks in the plastic.

11 years ago

The idea that love is “just” a chemical reaction is ridiculous, not because love is more than a chemical reaction, but because all thought is “just” a chemical reaction. Teaching young men to avoid the chemical reaction we call love seems like a pretty shitty thing to do to men.

Here is an awesome endogenous high, but a woman will enjoy it too, so you better shun it.

All this “slavery” and “chain gang” stuff, does he mean spending time with a person with whom you have formed the chemical bond that we call love is something to be avoided?

I am sitting in bed next to my sleeping partner. The release of dopamine (as well as oxytocin and vasopressin) that were the chemical interactions inherent in my falling in love with her feel awesome. I would never caution anyone, especially someone I was supposedly trying to help, to avoid this feeling. It seems kind of silly to have to say, but love feels nice, and feeling nice is something I enjoy.

11 years ago

I don’t think MRMs think women can love. I mean they seem to think its all fake and that we are all whores. All we want is a strong alpha to screw and a beta with which to screw him out of his hard earned cash. Duh.

I’ve never been in love personally, but I would love to be in the future. It sounds amazing.

11 years ago

Ouch, that AVFM article is super gross.

This is the best brain bleach I’ve seen in a long time – animals with stuffed animals of themselves:

11 years ago

Nope. Dean Esmay “loves this meme”. Ignoring, of course, that what he’s loving is doxxing and terrorism.

11 years ago

Love is cool. The pleasant comfort of simple contact (setting aside the more intense, if less frequent, sexual contact) with a loved one (and not all loved one’s are sexual partners) is wonderful. Very worth the price of admission.

11 years ago

Comparing the election of U of T student leaders (in the comments section):

Wow! This sounds like the eternal β€žre-elections” of Nicoale CeauΘ™escu in Communist Romania. Or, for more present day comparisons, sounds like the β€želection” of Kim Jong-Un as β€žsupreme leader” of North Korea. The latter comparison is better, considering that more and more campuses are become microcosms of North Koreas.

My university is TOTALLY a microcosm of North Korea. We have labor camps, massive famine, radios forcibly pumping propaganda into our houses, the most aggressively guarded border in the world….

I never realized the similarities until now.

11 years ago

Fatman, after reading that post scarlettpipstrelle so kindly linked, I just felt dirty, but your post made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Melody, it’ll happen, I’ve been a lurky lurker on Manboobz for over a year, you’re lovely.

I met my Husband at 16, and literally remember the first words we spoke to each other (so does he, and not ’cause I remind him).

I really didn’t believe in love at first sight, but I can’t explain it any other way. (Or won’t, bah humbug to chemicals!) Still get butterflies thinking of that moment.

20 years later, we still hold hands everywhere we go, and hugging and kissing every five minutes is mandatory.

If that’s a chemical reaction I’m addicted to, I’m good with that, it feels amazing, a high I never want to come down from.

*sings* Love is the sweetest thing…..

Bahumbugi, lovely, lovely mind bleach.

11 years ago

I’m gonna be the resident jaded person and say that for me, love can be super amazing, but it’s also hard as hell a lot of the time, like all things in life. I listened to that episode of snap judgment someone mentioned (I think – the recent one, sugar and spice?) and I wish I could find the cure to my partner’s illness; sorry, I’ve been spending all my weekends alone on Manboobz. You’re a pretty decent online substitute when I need laughs and wit and distractions. I wish I had a story as sweet as ophelia. Props to you and your husband for the happiness.

Getting a dog is another kind of dopamine oxytocin party kind of love…although mine is rude as heck and doesn’t snuggle me on command.

11 years ago

Re that AVFM article: I find it hilarious that they are offended by the term “mansplaining”. Seriously? Ugh.

11 years ago

I do take hope from my families relationships. My grandparents married in their early 20s. And my grandpa was 91 when he passed. Grandpa had to be in a special home in the last few years, but grandma would walk there from her apartment across the street every day. And my parents are in their 60s and still dance around the kitchen together.

Your relationship sounds amazing too.

Love has spurred some pretty ugly things so I can believe it can be hell. And I hope your partner gets better. Or at least feels better.

I really want to get a dog, but no pets allowed in my apartment. I grew up always having a pet and really wish I had one again. A cat or a dog.

11 years ago

Well, my experience with love is… It hurts.

“Helps” that I have this tendency of falling for men, who won’t even look at me, and I also seem to attract men twice my age (I suspect it’s because I was raised by old(er) women and have their mannerism, just young and alone).

11 years ago

Bahumbugi, sorry, not saying it’s the only thing, just not something to shun a la Minter and co.
You’re right, it ain’t easy. I’d be lying if I said things were perfect, our fights are mega when they happen, I think loving someone can make arguments so much worse.
A mate of ours used to say we were so lucky, but I always said, love is wonderful, the only downside is you might die twice, I’ve lost a lot of people, and live in terror of losing my fella.

I don’t know, for me, no matter how bad things have been (and things have been bad at times) it’s still worth it.
I know it’s soppy, but after a lot of shitty things happening (We have no one but my each other, all dead etc) I can’t help but feel that (for me) the only worthwhile thing is love.

Dear Gods I sound like a complete wanker! Sorry.
You’re right, I’ve been using Manboobz whilst poorly, it helps.
(Bit rambling and TMI, sorry.)

11 years ago

Bahumbugi, I’m so sorry, I accidentally deleted the last part of my post and didn’t realise. I really hope your partner fells better, hugs coming your way. I’m sorry if anything I said made you feel worse.

Melody, your family sounds lovely, so jealous:)
I have loads of pets, sorry to rub it in, just saying I love them too.
Can you get a small pet? We had pet rats when we weren’t allowed larger animals, they can be great, really intelligent.

Malitia, when someone you love hurts you it’s so horrible, soppy again, but Thich Nhat Hahn wrote a lovely little book ‘Teachings on Love’ we used it, but we’re raving hippies so maybe that’s just us:)

Anyway, that’s enough from me for a few days, posted too often, sorry for monopolising, gonna take my hippie shit elsewhere, Peace πŸ˜‰

(When I pluck up the courage to come back, I promise not to use so many emoticons)

11 years ago

Malitia —
I empathize. I grew up around adults, and developed quickly. But I did eventually find my beloved. Had to break my rule of never dating the friend of an ex, but it’s been ten years and three cats now. Pretty good, considering my beloved is allergic to them.

I found having a firm rule on age difference, and being clear on it, helped me. Recognizing that I was still too young and dumb to be able to be an equal in a relationship with someone much older kept me out of trouble.

11 years ago

Seconding opheliamonarch on rats being great pets. I’ve had two pairs so far, and they’re so adorable and loveable. Only downside is they’re more nocturnal, if that’s a problem for you, though they’re still out in the day some, the can just be noisy at night.

11 years ago

Oooooh, I LOVE rats!!!! I had a pair and they were so cuddly!!

11 years ago


D”aww. My first pair was very friendly, every time I walked into the room they came out. πŸ™‚ The second one was less so. One rat didn’t like being help much until she was older, and the other was fine with it, but also had a tendency to fall of things. I’m probably talking too much about this, but I love my rats.

11 years ago

Haha, I don’t think there is such a thing as talking too much about your pets here. I had to leave mine when I went to work overseas- my heart still breaks over that. The guy who was caring for them for me let them listen to my voice over the phone and they went completely berserk.

11 years ago


πŸ™ Haven’t had to leave my pets so far…and I hope I don’t, though I won’t know. I got my first pair of rats when I was 10 or 11 I think, and I’m having a hard time remembering them, which is giving me sads. /emotional about pets.

11 years ago

Aww, internet hugs if you want them!! Don’t succumb to the sads!!

11 years ago


Thanks πŸ™‚ Hugs accepted, though not terribly needed, but I like hugs. Should probably try to do something today besides moping and feeling sick (because I am sick…). /ramble.

11 years ago

Have you seen every episode of Buffy yet? If not, now is a good time to start!!