harassment misogyny MRA slacktivism

Screencap of the Day: The MensRightsWiki “Activism” Page


Impressive! Here’s the link. Maybe they’ll eventually fill this blank page with inspiring tales of harassing women, including women they’ve mistakenly targeted because MRAs, on the exceedingly rare occaisions they try to be activists, are the most inept and gullible activists the world has ever seen.

And while we’re at it, here’s the Wiki’s ethics page.


Wow! Instead of nothing, this time they have a list of nothings.

Thanks to Reddit’s veduualdha and StephenMurphy for pointing out these links in r/againstmensrights.

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11 years ago

Well… in ways this is reassuring. It makes my “empty” wiki, where I’m the only editor ever to contribute, look good (the people were reeeeally enthusiastic, till the time came to actually do something… then I was suddenly alone, not that I didn’t expect exactly this, but sometimes I don’t like to be right).

People can be such flakes, can’t they? And everyone seems to think “for fun” (or “not for money”) means “absolutely no commitment or work required”. I can attest that herding cats is easier!

11 years ago

That “study” is bunk (or at the very least both of the reports I read about it are useless in evaluating it).

37 percent of respondents revealed a negative male bias

But… of that 37 percent it said the split was pretty much even, so it’s not that women are biased against men, it’s that HR people tend to think women are better at the jobs, as the author (male, from the name) said:

I have just found out I am biased against men.

It’s not a massive bias, but it’s big enough to probably affect my behaviour. I suspected as much even before the test confirmed it: part of me secretly thinks we women are better organised, emotionally stronger and more competent than blokes.

It’s not an idea I subscribe to in any way intellectually. I do not believe in the stereotype of the bumbling male. My conscious conviction is that the sexes are equally competent. Yet my subconscious thinks otherwise.

On the other hand women seen as “overweight” (which term wasn’t futher clarified) were apparently also the victims of bias, not to the tune of 37 percent, but rather to the tune of 51 percent. There was no conclusive evidence of such a bias against overweight men.

Even with that, the bias against men was predominantly moderate. While the rate of, “strong bias” against overweight women was almost three times the rate of strong bias against men (and that’s with a larger pool of biased people, so the ratio makes it look better than it is).

And… that was a study in the UK, which has different laws; and restrictions on bias in hiring.

11 years ago

People can be such flakes, can’t they? And everyone seems to think “for fun” (or “not for money”) means “absolutely no commitment or work required”. I can attest that herding cats is easier!

Yeah. I would have been pretty content to just edit the TVTropes page for that webcomic and not taking up a whole fanwiki, but the fandom has spoken. And I began the project with “I’m only saying ‘yes’ to this if at least 5 more people agree to seriously contribute.” … I still was left alone with it.

Oh. And I’m trying out the “blockquote” function, let’s see if it works.

Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

@La Strega: Awesome! I’m more than happy to field any questions. Classes in the PRC are…different, with a whole different set of social pressures. It’s amazing that anyone survives it.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

Since there’s little activity on this wiki, I say we hijack it and make it some wiki about feminism and just being silly, or whatever the hell we want to.
Kind of like how Encyclopedia Dramatica was originally a wiki devoted to some Livejournal group before 4chan found it.

11 years ago

“Manbbob, I’ve told you this before.”

Manbbob? Is he sort of like some Billy Bob type?

11 years ago

Shorter Minty: it freaks him out completely to think that other men aren’t like him, that they actually feel and recognise love, and are capable of forming happy relationships, however long they last. He’s so scared of this he has to go the reductionist path of saying “It’s all chemicals, man, it doesn’t mean anything!” Chemicals it might be but the failure to love is all yours, numptyboy. Suffer in your jocks, because you’re unlovable, and your claims not to care just make me laugh.

11 years ago

I really get tired of this “american women” bs. I have a friend who is constantly sexualized by men because she is Chinese. She hates how men assume she is a submissive little china doll (her words). MRMs sometimes post about mail order brides….I think they will be surprised when they find their brides are people and not a stereotype.

11 years ago

When he realizes that she’s a person, and/or when she realizes that he doesn’t think she’s a person, someone usually files for divorce.

11 years ago

My sides, they’re moving on their own!!! Oh MRAs…

11 years ago

Manbbob? Is he sort of like some Billy Bob type?

It’s actually a misspelling of a longish male hairstyle most popular in the 17th century and 1990s/

11 years ago

Hey Mittens!

As for your articles:

That’s the response column to the one you quoted, you will notice it refutes the claims of your “bias against men” idiocy and also direct references information glossed over in your piece. So, you based your attacks and truths on outdated articles and incorrect information?

… Why, I never…

As for Game being a perfect ticket to avoid “dopamine slavery”


Seriously, read some more neurobiology text books. You’ve misunderstood the issue again. Evo Psych is a decent dicipline if taken with a serious grain of salt, and I liked the Red Queen and the other Ridley books as much as I enjoyed Sperm Wars and the Ancestors Tale – which is to say that as intellectual exercises they were fun, but as real world information they were severely lacking.

You are not converting millions of young boys and men. The end result of learning Game is to be socially competent and happy with the relationships you have, appreciate the people around you and understand that we are all generally happier if we let go of our tiny, personal worries and try to relate to those around us without the ever lasting fear of “Will they judge me”.

Secondly, your stupid notions of slut shaming does not jive well with the notion of Gaming anyone or anything, unless you’re going for some kind of cognition dissonance master thesis wherein you are allowed pump and dump but women are still sluts if they sleep with anyone before marriage… So, same old misogyny, then.

My suggestion:

Go read Neurosis and Human Growth by Karen Horney, and then read The Game by Neil Strauss again.

Pay attention to the bit towards the end where the narrative shifts and information about the completely dysfunctional life styles of most PuA gurus is investigated, and how, in the process of becoming “puddy” (Cute) magnets, they’ve lost track of the basic concepts of interaction and humanity. And then the long, long bit wherein long, long discussions about the need for justification and social judgement is talked about in relation to seeking happiness in other people.

Your truth is nothing of the kind.

I swear! Seeing your posts here is like the best way to start my morning because I get to snicker at the strange, strange views and half truths.


Yep. Fear is as powerful motivator for idiocy, apparently q:

11 years ago

OMG, there was a snap judgement about a documentarian who filmed Seeking Asian Female about her experience with a guy who assumed all Asian women were submissive and subservient, ended up sending one money to join him in the US, ended up marrying her, and ended up changing his life in response to her.

11 years ago


once I was in a bookstore and started reading parts of The Game to see what the fuss was about, it really was surprising that Neil Strauss painted it pretty negatively in that he wrote about how emotionally unstable the game dudes were, and how fuzzy hat Mystery guy was breaking down crying and always fighting with his GF….um why would any man take advice from people like that?

I still don’t care for Niel Strauss but kudos to him for at least portraying it truthfully which is more than I can say for all the wacko puas online.

11 years ago

>Here’s an example. I wrote a piece on the neuroscience of bonding, on what actually happens to create bonding, literally diffused any hocus pocus mumbo jumbo about any bullshit love or soul mates. So now when “youngboy” feels the “love” he says to himself, “that just the dopamine talking”. He knows it’s a ticket to a slave chain around his neck. He knows to get out of the bedroom, get away from the scent, let x days pass before seeing the woman again to fight the effects of the dopamine. It’s not love, it’s chemistry. Pump her and dump her. Avoid the chain gang.

You make it sound like a straight-edge movement about body chemistry.

11 years ago


I also have a Chinese friend who gets annoyed with those types of men. Mostly she finds them funny, but not in the positive sense.

11 years ago

“It’s actually a misspelling of a longish male hairstyle most popular in the 17th century and 1990s/”


11 years ago


It totally is. They also never hug, for fear of releasing oxytocin. Eating anything is right out, for fear of foreign chemicals infiltrating the body. Serotonin is a wild drug, man, and you’ve gotta break the hold. Minter never has an orgasm, for fear of chemical release.


11 years ago

“…how best to take what men want from women…” Did you actually type this piece of trash? Do you still wonder why you are despised? Hmm, let’s see…”Ladies, here’s how to take what you want from men without being slaves like those who came before you.” You have shitfits over this and yet you say it yourself. Go step on a Lego.

11 years ago

Go step on a Lego.

And may he find himself trying to separate two 1×2 Lego plates with a brick separator.

(If you were obsessed with Legos like me you’ll understand the suffering associated with that.)

11 years ago


The male orgasm is a trap to lower a PUAs rate of women they can pump and dump. And what’s more, the release of hormones caused by it also taints the purity of their cause.

11 years ago


I was trying to read Mark’s comment, but every time I start my eyes start to shut with boredom and I have to switch to another tab.

I know. I read part of it and then just went ‘zzz…’. Ended up just scrolling past it. He’s too boring.


Basically it reads like he’s worried that one positive interaction with a woman might mean that he loses a follower/soldier in this imaginary war that he’s fighting.

wow. Kinda sad I didn’t read it now 😉 It sounds so pitiful, if one can get past the boringness.

11 years ago

I always have to laugh when dudes go on about the alleged submissiveness of Asian women. I want to lock them in a room with my sisters-in-law and see if they make it out alive.

11 years ago

Oh my god, they did that because he literally said he was afraid they would come after him on that city news piece. I hope city news gets wind of what happened there.