a voice for men advocacy of violence antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? bullying douchebaggery evil women FemRAs harassment hate hypocrisy johntheother manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MRA not-quite-plausible deniability paul elam rape culture shaming tactics straw feminists taking pleasure in women's pain terrorism the c-word TyphonBlue unsolicited penis updates

A 12-Step program to help A Voice for Men cure its addiction to hate

I'm pretty sure these guys thought they were a human rights movement too.
I’m pretty sure these guys thought they were some sort of  human rights movement too.

Asha James – otherwise known as TyphonBlue – has taken issue with something I wrote about A Voice for Men, the hate site she has chosen to affiliate herself with. In my post detailing the hundreds of horrendous and disgusting threats and abusive comments one Canadian feminist has received after she appeared in a YouTube video that was heavily promoted on A Voice for Men and other Men’s Rights sites, I wrote that AVFM had only distanced itself in a “superficial way from some of the harassment it has played a central role in unleashing.”

Ms. James, posting on Reddit, was unhappy with my use of the word “superficial.”


No, I do not think you are obliged to stop talking about her, or anyone you wish to talk about.

But you asked for suggestions as to WHAT MORE YOU CAN DO, and so I have some for you.

In fact, I have an entire 12-step Program to help you and your colleagues at A Voice for Men fight your addiction to hate.

1) Let’s start small. If you’re going to make such a big deal out of how you and your AVFM colleagues are removing the red-haired activist’s personal information from your site, you might want to, you know, actually remove her personal information from the site?  Links to her dating profiles remain up in the AVFM forum.

2) Recognize that doxing is not the only form of harassment there is, and remove the post and the comments referring to the Canadian activist as “Little red frothing fornication mouth,” which is, I think even you have to admit, a kind of a hate-y thing to say about somebody. Remove the comments calling her a “bitch” and a “cunt” and a “bint.” Remove the barely comprehensible but clearly hateful comment from AVFM contributor Dr. F (Ian Williams) comparing her to some sort of animal. Remove ImNotMraBut’s surreal, and exceedingly nasty, comment fantasizing about finding her body “at the back of the Women’s Locker room, crucified up-side down and set on fire with Lard from the Federal Pork Barrel Buffet used as a substitute for Napalm.” I mean, what the hell.

3) Of course, this isn’t the first time that AVFM has launched a giant hatefest aimed at a particular woman. Oh, no. Not by a long shot. Indeed, launching campaigns of hatred against individual women (and, once in a long while, individual men) seems to be AVFM’s primary form of, er, “activism.” And it’s certainly the only kind of, er, “activism” it’s any good at.

It’s telling that AVFM rarely targets truly influential or even particularly famous women for its attacks, with the notable exception of one comedic actress. No, AVFM instead tends to target women it thinks it has a better chance of really hurting – from female bloggers and journalists to individual student activists. Going after vulnerable individuals: In this way, as in many other ways, the principals at AVFM think and act like abusers.

And so, Ms. James, after you and your colleagues are done taking down the vicious posts and comments about the red-haired activist, I would recommend that you and your colleagues at AVFM renounce altogether, and apologize for, the site’s strategy of demonizing individual women. While you’re at it, go back and scrub all posts and comments of misogynistic terms like “cunt” and “bitch” and “fuckmuffin,” either directed at individual women or at large swaths of womanhood. Scrub all posts and comments of the term “mangina.” I would provide links here, but I would have to pretty much link to every AVFM post and comment thread. (If anyone can find posts and/or comment threads on AVFM that are actually free of misogynistic language, please let me know.)

4) Then take down Register-Her, your phony “offenders registry” devoted to demonizing feminist writers and activists as well as other women (from “Mommy bloggers” to comedic actresses) who have somehow managed to offend the AVFM crowd.

In no way are writers like Jessica Valenti, or actresses like Katherine Heigl, or any of the other women listed as “bigots” on Register-Her the “moral equivalents” of the “pedophiles, rapists, murderers and other violent criminals” you have listed elsewhere on that site. Most of the alleged “bigotry” cited on Register-Her is trumped-up nonsense. Putting these women on your phony “registry” is a clear and deliberate attempt to intimidate them, both by making them fear for their personal safety and by deliberately trying to tarnish their reputation and hurt  their chances of future employment. Again, these are total douche moves on your part.

You can read more of the dirty details about Register-Her here, in case you’ve forgotten.

5) Stop using violent and threatening language when referring to your ideological opponents – and apologize for past instances in which such hateful language has been used. You might start off by having your boss Paul Elam apologize for his notorious comments suggesting that he finds feminist-bashing to be sexually arousing:

I find you, as a feminist, to be a loathsome, vile piece of human garbage.  I find you so pernicious and repugnant that the idea of fucking your shit up gives me an erection. …

We are coming for you, and we are coming for all the liars out there that have been ruining people’s lives with impunity. …

 You are SO fucked.

I know Mr. Elam is probably very proud of his work here, but you should know that to most decent human beings it comes off a tad, well, unhinged? As well as — here comes that H-word again! — hateful. Let’s put it this way: I’m fairly certain that this post by Mr. Elam will never end up next to Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” in any anthology of the writings of famous human rights visionaries.

6) And while you’re at it, drop the hateful and threatening (and rather potty-mouthed) slogan “Fuck Their Shit Up.” Is that really the slogan you want your site and your movement to be remembered by? Do you kiss your mother with that slogan?

7) Renounce the site’s policy “to seek out and make public the identities” of opponents, a policy reiterated as recently as last weekend by Mr. Elam. Now, Mr. Elam insists that this policy only applies to “individuals who break the law or who indisputably attempt to harass, bully or abridge the free expression of others in the furtherance of their ideology.” But a quick look at those listed in Register-Her’s “bigots” category makes clear that AVFM has an extreeeeeeemely broad notion of what counts as lawbreaking or harassment or bullying, at least when it comes to people who aren’t MRAs. How is Katherine Heigl breaking the law, or harassing or bullying or abridging anyone’s free expression?

8) After renouncing doxing as a policy, frankly apologize for each and every one of A Voice for Men’s threats to dox individual women in the past.

You might start by having Mr. Elam apologize for the comments he made on AVFM radio in which he said that Register-Her would be used to post the personal information of female “false accusers.” In case you have forgotten, here is the relevant clip from that radio show.

If for some reason that clip does not play properly on your computer, here’s the money quote:

[If] Mary Jane Rottencrotch out there wants to say that her husband beat her just for the sake of gaining leverage in a divorce, he will now have a resource where he can come and post your name, your picture, your work telephone number, your address, perhaps even your route that you take to get to work, if you bother to have a job.

Yes, that’s right: “the route that you take to get to work.”

In case you’ve forgotten this promise of his, you can find Mr. Elam’s comments on the AVFM radio show that ran on June 28, 2011 titled “FTSU Big Time.” They appear about ten minutes into the show.

Once Mr. Elam has clearly and publicly renounced this statement, I would suggest that he apologize for the $1000 bounty he once offered to anyone able to supply him with the personal information of a number of Swedish feminists.

No, that wasn’t a weird dream. He really did that.

9) Apologize for the cavalier attitude shown by AVFM’s principals to the possibility that revealing the personal information of opponents could  put these people in actual physical danger. You might start by having AVFM’s John Hembling (“John The Other”) apologize for these comments about the Swedish feminists targeted by AVFM, in which he frankly acknowledged the dangers that AVFM’s strategy could pose to the personal safety of those it was targeting:

Some individuals may criticize the intent to publish not only names, but also addresses, phone numbers, employers and other personal information – on the grounds that such exposure create a risk of retributive violence against individuals who openly advocate murder based on sex. It is the considered position of the editorial board of AVfM that any such risks are out-weighed by the ongoing hazard to the public of these individuals continuing to operate in anonymity.

Emphasis mine.

In case you are wondering, the feminists in question did not, in fact, “openly advocate murder based on sex,” or murder based on anything at all.  In an attempt to promote a theatrical production based on Valerie Solanas’ SCUM Manifesto, they made a brief video in which a woman pretended to shoot a man. You may find many examples of similar if much longer videos available on a site called Netflix. There’s even one called Basic Instinct in which actress Sharon Stone pretends to murder a man with an ice pick. No, really. With an ICE PICK! There are also videos in which men pretend to shoot other men, if you prefer that, and even some in which men pretend to kill women in a variety of inventive ways.

When he is done with that apology, Mr. Hembling may wish to apologize for another statement he made to me on the same subject:


Mr. Hembling might want to then move on to apologizing for this statement of his, which he posted on AVFM and on the Men’s Rights subreddit as a sort of preemptive rebuttal to critics who might point out the obvious fact that posting someone’s personal information could put them at risk. (I’m not sure I’ve ever run across someone so insistently cavalier as Mr. Hembling about the possibility that something he’s done might cause someone else physical harm.)

If some pea-brain wishes to claim that publication and public accountability is dangerous because it might facilitate some bad-brained moron to engage in retributive violence – kindly provide a workable mechanism for public accountability which is totally and perfectly safe – then criticize us for not using it. Until then, SFTU.

And you, Ms. James, may wish to apologize for your own blithe dismissal of the sort of harassment that the red-haired activist has been receiving.


If you had read the post of mine you were ostensibly responding to, you would have seen that the activist in question did in fact get one very blunt and direct death threat. (And she did report it to police.)

She also received not one, not two, but literally of hundreds of other threatening comments, many of them wishing death, rape or other forms of physical and/or sexual violence upon her, with one YouTube commenter going so far as to announce –TRIGGER WARNING – that he “would actually cum while cutting that bitch’s throat.”

It may be possible for some people to brush off one or even several “I hope you die” comments. It’s a bit harder to brush off several hundred of them – especially when some of these threatening remarks contain your address and phone number. That’s not really “kafoodling,” now, is it?

I’m a little perplexed that you didn’t understand this, as I posted literally dozens of examples of these comments in my earlier post. You did read that, didn’t you? I mean, you were offering your opinions about it in a public space, so I can only assume you read it, then somehow instantly forgot the dozens of horrendous comments I posted there, which were of course only a fraction of the total number received by the activist you and your colleagues hate so much. (There’s that pesky H-word again!)

10) Remove the personal photos of feminist writer Jessica Valenti that Mr. Elam posted to AVFM without her permission in an attempt to embarrass her. I won’t link to the post in this case; you can find it. I’m not quite sure that Mr. Elam realizes that by posting these photos he’s embarrassed himself far more than he’s embarrassed Valenti, as his actions reveal him to be a sad, angry, petulant old man, and one obviously jealous that Valenti, roughly half his age, has already had a far more successful career as a writer than he ever will. Also, she’s not a morally bankrupt asshat.

11) Publicly renounce and ban AVFM contributors and commenters who have engaged in doxing,  threatening or harassing of opponents. You might start by banning long-time AVFM “activist” Frank James Spencer, otherwise known as KARMA MRA MGTOW, who recently gave me a decidedly non-friendly phone call at 1:38 AM to inform me, in falsetto, that “feminism will die,” a classic example of the sort of personal harassment that you would think anyone purporting to be in a “human rights movement” would want to distance itself from.

12) And finally: Take down, and apologize for posting, the terrorist manifesto by Men’s Rights Activist Thomas Ball you’ve got up in your site’s “activism” section. You know, the one that calls on men to literally firebomb courthouses and police stations, and which frankly acknowledges that such firebombing could very well cause many deaths.

I can’t believe that any group purporting to advocate for “human rights” would want to have this on their website, especially in the wake of the recent events in Boston.

Do any of you people have any sort of moral compass at all? Do you even know what a moral compass is?

Of course, I am under no illusion that AVFM will take even one of the twelve steps I have recommended. I spelled them out mainly to make a simple point:

After years and years of this shit, after literally offering literal $1,000 bounties for the personal information of your enemies, and while a literal terrorist manifesto remains posted on your website, you don’t really get to pretend that you’re shocked – shocked! – to find doxing and harassing going on in your Men’s Rights movement.

And this has implications beyond A Voice for Men and those associated with it.

A Voice for Men has, for better or worse, made itself the most influential Men’s Rights site online, and has begun bringing its particular form of “activism” to the real world as well. As such, helps to set the tone for the Men’s Rights movement as a whole, and to define the movement in the eyes of the public. And you guys are doing a bang-up job of it, he said sarcastically.

By sometimes excusing, other times encouraging, and in some cases directly fomenting, campaigns of bullying and harassment aimed at individual women, AVFM is helping to ensure that the entire Men’s Rights Movement, such as it is, goes down in history not as a human rights movement but as a reactionary hate group that has more in common with the White Citizens Councils of the 1950s and 1960s than with, say, the civil rights movement of Dr. Martin Luther King.

Ms. James: The people harassing and doxing and threatening to dox women are your people – some of them quite  literally your regular readers and commenters and contributors, and others “your people” in spirit. That is, hateful, spiteful misogynists and would-be terrorizers of women. These are your people, and you’re welcome to them.

But there are a lot more of us out there than there are of you, and ultimately you and the rest of the so-called Men’s Rights Movement — sorry, Men’s Human Rights Movement — will go the ways of the White Citizens Councils you’re increasingly growing to resemble.

NOTE TO MRA DOOFUSES: Yes, I am using the real names of the AVFM folks. Lest you assume I am doxing them, you should probably know that the AVFM folks, after several years of hypocritically doxing people while claiming it was unfair for anyone to know their real names, finally gave up and started using their real names on their site. Heck, I didn’t know That Typhon Blue wasn’t actually named Typhon Blue until I read it on AVFM recently. This makes me wonder about other weird names I’ve run across. Might they be fake too? Surely “Wolf Blitzer” can’t be that guy’s real name. It’s probably just “Wally Blevins” or something like that.

NOTE TO FANS OF CORRECT SPELLING: Sorry for the typo in the name of the sound clip. I’m not sure how to fix it and too lazy to find out.

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11 years ago

Yeah, where’s the problem when some people make a video in which women kill a man to promote a play based on a manifest which calls for the murder of all men?

Do you honestly believe some Swedish play would lead to the murder of all men? Do you think Jonathon Swift actually wanted parents to eat babies?

The movie Jaws even advocates shark attacks.

A feminist who accuses a Mra of being hateful and harassing people is like a Stalinist accusing a Trotskyist of being a communist butcher.

Hmm, that’s interesting. And a dog that is unable to roller blade is like a bowling ball with no finger holes drilled in it yet. A burrito that is still frozen is like a three prong plug in next to a two prong outlet.

11 years ago

A feminist who accuses a Mra of being hateful and harassing people is like an anarchist accusing a Stalinist of being a communist butcher.


11 years ago

Mark, you’re here pretty much just saying “nana – booboo”. Don’t expect to be taken seriously.

I’ve modified my language. For example, I used to say “Just shoot me” when I was really fed up and frustrated. Now I no longer use that phrase and instead state clearly that I am frustrated, fed up and here’s why. It’s not easy but it can be done. And right now here in the US making any kind of drama queen statement about being shot is a really bad idea.

Should I restart male-bashing and in one or several comments state that all men should be castrated because I hate them and someone, anyone, actually does castrate a man…I bear some of the responsibility. I’m not the one who did the work but I said it. I called for it. I’m not an important person or God but I still said it.

11 years ago

Hellkell, by denying outrageously the veracity of my frenchness, as you always cruelly do, you’ve just reminded me that I’ve discovered recently that the French edition of the S.C.U.M manifesto has been prefaced by… Michel Houellebecq! This guy is a genius. How did he manage to troll feminists right under their noses, in one of their own books?

I would do anything to find this preface right now in this land of plastic churches and red-haired puritans, I would spend four hours in a small room with Hellkell insulting me continuously, I would audit a women’s studies lecture everyday, I will whip myself naked in Harvard Yard to expiate my sin of being a privilege denying white cis gendered heteronormed wanker.

I’ve only found these few words of the preface on the Internet:

in the middle of the sixties, in the middle of an unprecedented ideological mess, and in spite of a few nazi slip-ups, Valerie Solanas had the courage to maintain a progressive and reasoned attitude, which was in line with the most noble aspirations of the western project: man’s establishment of absolute technological control over nature, including his own biological nature and evolution. And that’s part of working towards the long term goal of rebuilding a new kind of nature, on a basis conforming to moral law – that is, establishing the universal reign of love, period.”

Fucking God damned genius!

11 years ago

fauxFrench is boring. So! OT I’m finishing up a great biography of Groucho Marx and want to find a good biography to pick up after it. Any suggestions?

Sidenote: I weirdly read at least two books at a time – one phycial book, the other a book on my kindle. Currently on the kindle I’m reading Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and the Damned and biographies seem to pair really well with it – in my weird bookish mind.

11 years ago

I would spend four hours in a small room with Hellkell insulting me continuously,

You can’t afford it.

11 years ago

Huh. Seems to me that the only people who took the SCUM manifesto seriously when it was written were early MRAs. Makes sense, they are the only ones taking it seriously now.

11 years ago

Brz, this fixation you have on hellkell is creepy.

11 years ago

Don`t panic, hellkell, no one would let that happen to you.

11 years ago

This is a really fantastic post, David. Definitely one to point at when MRAs cry that we’re too harsh on them.

11 years ago

@Briznecko How about Harpo Speaks by Harpo Marx? Lots of behind the scenes at the Algonquin Club in that one …

11 years ago
11 years ago

Brz, this fixation you have on hellkell is creepy.

Huh? You mean that I have a fixation on the person who keep insulting all the time and to whom I rarely respond?

I’ve noticed that reverse accusation is one of main rhetoric artifices you love to use here. Be careful with it, it’s easy to use but when you use it excessively, you begin to sound very childish.

11 years ago

Well. This has been boring.

Anyone want to talk about absolutely anything else?

11 years ago

Is anyone else suffering from irony poisoning right now? Anyone?

11 years ago

titianblue – Oh yeah! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that book. It’ll be really weird to read that and imagine his voice in my head.

Also! That reminds me Harpo Marx was HILARIOUS when he promoted the book. I’m trying to find one where he is being interviewed on some kind of a talk show – but the entire time he is pulling chattering teeth out of his bag and putting them on the host’s desk.

11 years ago

I’ve noticed that reverse accusation is one of main rhetoric artifices you love to use here. Be careful with it, it’s easy to use but when you use it excessively, you begin to sound very childish.

Don’t worry, I understand the power which I yield when I creep shame. I also understand that with great power comes great responsibility.

11 years ago

Jon Stewart say anything funny recently? In light of your folks most recent tragedy (hugs for the United States) I highly doubt it.

11 years ago

Hello, de-lurking here, mainly because the last couple of posts have been so fabulous. Would have posted earlier, but you guys are scary good 🙂 and I’m ever so slightly intimidated.

I just wanted to tell David how much I appreciate his blog. I also wanted to thank all Boobzers, and say how reading your comments restores my faith a little very day.
I await my Manboobz email with trepidation, but also a little hope. Thank you.

David, a donation is on its way this evening.

Regarding this particular thread. Hubby listened as I read it in its entirety, we groaned and laughed accordingly.

Mr Monarch’s take on the MRA’s protest that it’s “nothin’ to do with me gov” and that the threats weren’t made by MRA’s – “That’s the Charles Manson defence.” Says it all really.

Thank you again. (*blush* too long, not normally so loquacious)

Ooh, and Briznecko, if you want a good biography about the original clown, try
‘The Pantomime Life of Joseph Grimaldi’ by Andrew McConnell Stott. I have it in hardback and on Kindle.

11 years ago

David, thank you for the work you do. It helps to consolidate this information and show people how pathetic and repulsive MRAs are (and yes, I show men this site, and they are horrified).

I also find solace in seeing these idiotic privileged SCUMbags (my new name for them, since they take the SCUM manifesto so seriously!) mocked in a clever way by people who are supportive, empathetic, and intelligent. It makes me feel better to communicate with people with attitudes that directly harmed both my physical and emotional health. And to do so anonymously, so I don’t have to have people, ya know, victim blamin’, stigmatizin’, hatin’, hatin’, hatin’.

Mark Jones
Mark Jones
11 years ago

“Scott Dekraii did not self identify as an MRA, but he was a guy that killed his ex wife and seven other people, and then the MRA’s cheered about it. MRA’s cheer on Seal Beach shooter”

So, that one incident makes all MRA’s evil terrorists.

I suppose then, when I see a video of a mainstream talk show hosted by feminists laughing about a man’s penis getting cut off and an audience of women regaling them with peals of laughter, I’m justified in my belief that feminists love nothing better to degrade men and laugh at their suffering. right? That based on the words and actions of a few feminists that domestic violence is a laughing matter.

Or shouldn’t I assume that that’s the goal of all feminists?

11 years ago

@ Mark Jones:

I would love to see an example of this. Link to a source where MRAs have killed someone and the MRA “abuser lobby” has justified it.

Anders Breivik.

11 years ago

Marc Lépine. JohntheOther: “He was, however a single, early example of what may happen in a society which has no lawful framework for redress of grievance.”

See also:

Thomas James Ball smacked a little girl, and wanted to kill courtroom personnel but failed. Immolated himself. Enshrined on the AVfM Activism page.

Sharon Osbourne is not known as a feminist.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

I would love to see an example of this. Link to a source where MRAs have killed someone and the MRA “abuser lobby” has justified it.

ANY news story about a man killing his estranged wife is met by approving comments by MRAs (like the man who murdered his ex-wife at the salon where she worked — not only did MRAs approvingly comment about how he was “forced” to do it by the evil matriarchal courts, they flat out ignored the fact that this man had primary custody of their children). MRAs also spoke approvingly of George Sodini murdering women at a gym, saying that if women had only fucked him, he wouldn’t have “had” to kill. Both of those stories were discussed right here on this blog. You find the fucking links yourself, you disingenuous piece of shit.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

And again, you’re the fucking assholes who keep claiming you’re fighting a “war.” Stop pretending that you don’t encourage violence against women, shitbird.

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