kitties off topic

Cat break

Photographer: Mark Hartman
Photographer: Mark Hartman

After yesterday’s post, and the awful events in Boston, I think we’re probably all in need of some kitties. I am, anyway. So here we go.


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11 years ago

Awww. Kitteh! get in me lap! 😀 *purr*

11 years ago

Fun fact: My mom’s cat is blind, but he’s got the place so well-memorized, uses meowing for echolocation, and has those super-sensitive whiskers, that you can’t even tell. Seriously, even WE didn’t know, for the longest while.

11 years ago

How about grass? Grass can be cute.

(Saw the image on Pharyngula. Couldn’t resist the meme.)

11 years ago

Here’s another cat:

11 years ago

Yay this thread!

@Malitia, those disapproving rabbits are gorgeous. I’d never heard of that site before, or thought of rabbits having the same level of Destroy All Hoomins as kitties.

@neuroticbeagle, so much cute in those pics!

@daintydougal –

“The world is so interesting. I’m looking at my massive world map and the thought that you’re all the way in the land of kangeroos and koalas and yet were communicating is AMAZEBALLS!”

And everyone in the Americas and Europe and everywhere, ditto!

“Also, thanks for the link to your site, (in another thread poss) it made me feel kind of calm, even if I’m not 100% sure whats going on!”

Aww, thank you. We aim to confuse. 😉

“@Argenti Aertheri,
My dads old plec Leo used to eat cucumber slices, but he only ate the middle like a child refusing to eat sammich crusts!”

Oh, that’s too funny! (I still don’t eat dark crusts, they’re burnt and taste it. Ewww ewww ewww.)

@lowquacks, I thought emus lost their cutosity about the time they lose their stripes – much I know. 😀

@leftwingfox – cute grass, omg! ::dies::

11 years ago

Since this is the OT thread for happy stuff, I have just ordered another dress and top from Secret Lentil. In the words of the great Oscar, I can resist anything but temptation. (Actually I held out for weeks on these, I’m quite proud of myself.) 😉

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — the four legs got into a bit of a “fight” earlier —

As in, she barely looked up when I called her, went back to licking her paws; dumbass dog just stood there looking at me pathetically.

11 years ago

Let’s link some more random cute!
(The caption is a reeeeeeeeeeeealy awful Hungarian pun, if someone wants I can explain it, but it doesn’t add anything to the picture. Except maybe an “ARGH!”)

And my favorite disapproving rabbit:
There is a theory on that site that smaller the bunny means more concentrated disapproval. 🙂 This was one of the tiniest.

11 years ago

Argenti, she looks sooooo much like Katie!

Malitia, that smallest bunny has cornered the market on Grumpiness. Concentrated disapproval indeed. 😀

11 years ago

I just saw this in my Facebook feed, and it made me smile: This woman I know posted the following:

“I was just about to call this guy a cunt, and then I realized how wrong that was! Because lesbian and bisexual women as well as heterosexual men love to get acquainted with cunts, and I, a heterosexual woman, love that I HAVE a cunt, since it’s an organ I can have so much fun with! So I just realized that by calling this guy a cunt, I would actually COMPLIMENT him! So instead I called him a vermiform appendix. The vermiform appendix is completely useless most of the time, but occasionally causes serious trouble.”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Dvärghundspossen — your friend is both brilliant and hilarious!

11 years ago

She is indeed!

I like that vermiform sounds like vermin (different, I know) and that it would confuse the sort of douches it applies to.

11 years ago

I’ll tell her. 🙂

11 years ago

katz, they’re so cute! I mean, in case you didn’t know.

Their mother is very pretty too.

11 years ago

SQUEE! I’m so jealous katz.

11 years ago

How’s Indiana rate? I mean, we did have that rape babies are god’s will guy…

*is curious to see how my state rates* Is there some kind of online database we can look this stuff up at?

11 years ago

oh, gosh wrong thread. Sorry for bringing this creepiness into the fluffy kitty thread

11 years ago

Marie: A tip on the use of that gif… I like to make it look like a more legitimate link, so that it works like a rickrolling.

11 years ago

Love the kitties, but not so much loving the reason for the posting of kitties….

11 years ago

Katz, the kitties are adorbs! Little darlings.

Oooh, Malitia, you’ve succumbed to the kitty avatars. Excellent! 😀

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