a voice for men antifeminism atheism minus gloating harassment hate men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-plausible deniability penises racism rape culture rape jokes reddit sexual harassment taking pleasure in women's pain the c-word threats

Canadian feminist activist receives death threats and other abuse after being targeted by Men’s Rights Activists


And so the MRAs have found yet another woman to hate.

Earlier this month, as many of you no doubt know, a Men’s Rights group sponsored a lecture at the University of Toronto. The event drew protesters, and the protesters drew MRAs with video cameras. One of the MRAs filmed a confrontation between a red-haired feminist activist and a number of MRAs who continually interrupted her as she tried to read a brief statement.

Her crime? She wasn’t exactly polite in responding to the interrupters. And so, after video of the confrontation was uploaded to YouTube, and linked to on the Men’s Rights subreddit and elsewhere, she became a virtual punching bag for the angry misogynists of the internet.

A Voice for Men, naturally, led the charge, running  an article by Canadian MRA Dan Perrins labeling her “Little red frothing fornication mouth” and commenting on her breasts. The Amazing Atheist weighed in with a video I couldn’t bring myself to even watch.

Since being targeted by angry YouTube misogynists and MRAs, the red-haired activist has received death threats, rape threats and literally hundreds of other hateful and harassing messages. She’s also been “doxxed” — that is, she’s had her personal information plastered all over the internet, including on A Voice for Men’s forum. Ten days after being uploaded to YouTube, the video of her faceoff against the MRAs has garnered more than 300,000 views, and YouTubers are still leaving threats and insults and crude sexual comments.

This, apparently, is what “Men’s Human Rights Activism” consists of: the doxxing and harassment of individual women.

Several days ago, she contacted me to tell me about the harassment she’s endured. Here’s some of what she wrote:

I’m the red-head. I’m sure by now, you’re one of the 260,000 people who have seen the video of me … .

Because I had the audacity to tell a dude to stfu, an MRA no less, I have since been the target of not only just online misogyny (as if that’s a surprise) but cyber stalking, rape and death threats. They somehow found my facebook, they found my tumblr, they found a twitter acct that I don’t even use, they even found an old [dating site] profile of mine with outdated info …

I also got an anonymous message on tumblr that specifically said “[name deleted] would be disappointed”. [Name deleted] is my dog that died 1.5 years ago, I don’t talk about him on tumblr, nor fb, so they would have had to reaaaaalllly dig to find this info. …

In about 12-24hours, I got about400-500 new messages on my blog, most of them hate, which included rape and death threats, also people wishing death upon me or the typical troll “kill yourself” message. They made a meme of me.

I dunno how many haters I have, and I don’t know where they are. I can’t be sure at any given second, if I’m ever outside my house … if anyone is going to recognize me and try to hurt me.

With her permission, I am reposting screenshots she sent me documenting some of the harassment she’s endured. Even though her personal information has already been widely disseminated online, I don’t want to contribute to that, so I’ve whited out any information that might reveal her identity.

TRIGGER WARNING for what follows, for threatening language and crude sexual remarks.

Here’s a death threat she received from someone claiming to represent the “Islamic Brotherhood.”


Here are some sample comments from her Tumblr inbox. I’ve whited out comments and parts of comments that consist of her contact info, which being sent to her in an attempt to intimidate and frighten her by letting her know they “know where she lives.”


Here’s another threatening comment sent to her via Tumblr:


Here are some comments sent to her via her YouTube account. You’ll notice that the second comment comes from AVFM’s Dan Perrins, who is clearly relishing the attacks on her.


And another glimpse into her YouTube inbox:


Here’s a screenshot from a Men’s Rights forum revealing her personal information.


Meanwhile, over on YouTube, the hateful comments continue to pile up. Here are some of the nastiest ones I’ve collected. I am deliberately posting a lot of them in an attempt to convey something of the relentless nature of the attacks on teh red-haired activist — though I should note I’ve only gone through a small portion of the total comments there and this doesn’t even reflect all of the awful ones I found. These are not in any particular order. I threw in a few non-threatening ones that struck me as a tad ironic or otherwise revealing.



redhytnewoad2anonREDHYTnewpunchedanonREDHYTnewtitsanonREDHYTnewpunchcuntanonREDHYTnewwouldhavepunchanonREDHYTnewpunchrapeanon REDHYTnewpunchagainanonREDHYTnewripjawanon REDHYTsaudiarabiaANON



Again, this is only a small fraction of the abuse she’s gotten on YouTube.

This is what happens when MRAs and other misogynists target a woman online. The only thing that’s surprising here is the sheer amount of the hateful comments.

I’ve seen no serious attempts from any MRAs to rein in this sort of hatred. A Voice for Men has tried to distance itself in a superficial way from some of the harassment it has played a central role in unleashing, with an official announcement asking readers to refrain from posting the personal information of the red-haired activist in the comments. Meanwhile, in the AVFM forum, comments  linking to her defunct dating profiles remain up.

This is what MRA “activism” looks like.

Coming tomorrow: A more detailed look at AVFM’s role in the harassment.

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11 years ago


Sadly, that paraphrase is not entirely wrong. 🙁

11 years ago

An example of a post SRS is currently mocking:

“-35″Off the streets? What are you proposing that he actually be put in prison because he possibly hit on an 11 year old over the internet?”[16] “How about NO? The fuck is wrong with everyone immediately jumping to putting human beings into cages as the default answer to every fucking little thing.”[9]”

Yes, that poster should be mocked.

Let’s not try to reason with someone who defends pedophilia.

11 years ago

katz, I LOL’d.

Now I’m back to fangirling SRS. 😀

11 years ago

“You can’t both have 0 tolerance to harassment as someone previously said and also support big red’s actions.”

What she did was not harassment. She was at a public protest.

Even if it were – the point of this blog is not about what she did, but about YET ANOTHER example of MRAs doxxing women and threatening us with rape, torture and murder. It doesn’t even matter what the supposed reason is: do you really not get that this overrides anything else? Or is it just that you don’t want to admit that deep down in your worm-ridden little brain, you really do like the idea of women being terrorised?

Except that in this case you’ve failed anyway, because the Redhead has already spoken up. She’s not afraid of you scum.

11 years ago

This shit I’m seeing from the MRAs here is so soooo much more entertaining when I’m not sober. Try it out guys!

11 years ago

cliffbar is a mental coward, and a dishonest one to boot; he thinks he is some sort of arbiter of justice, when really he’s just a misogynistic dickweasel who takes the moral path of least resistance and then lies to himself that he’s awesome.

11 years ago

Screw the trolls, they’re not worth a bag of used litter.

For greater intellectual stimulation, here are kitties!

Pro-Equality MRA
Pro-Equality MRA
11 years ago

“even if SRSSucks wasn’t being grossly dishonest”

They link directly to their threads! You are free to form your own judgement on any post. Most of them are terrible.

11 years ago

I’m annoyed. I go through all this effort of linking actual comment threads, and the one time I get a response, it isn’t to the actual work portion, it’s just more assertion followed by disappearing.

Now I’m just wondering why I bothered… PEMRA’s probably just thinking “wow, this guy’s so desperate to prove his little sub isn’t the obvious hate site that it is” as his eyes gloss over any real content.


*scroll scroll scroll*



11 years ago

@ Aaliyah

Chicken soup with rice is good if your stomach is upset. If you really want to be safe and don’t mind it being a bit dull, just cook some rice in plain chicken broth to make a sort of congee (canned chicken soup can be really salty, which might make the problem worse, so I’d go for the kind of low sodium stock or broth that comes in cartons instead).

11 years ago

Look. I have never once defended the people who threatened her and I’ve gone out of my way from the beginning to say they are wrong.

The point that I am making is she did a lot more than what the original post says she did, and the rest of you acting like because she was a victimized she was in no way wrong, is a problem.

This is a problem. This is exactly the kind of behavior that makes this kind of thing a reality. You may not want to admit that the feminists as lead by Chanity did something wrong, but they did. Rationalizing it away with, “it’s good that they did that because the people they did that to were bad” leads to a perception of a double standard.

Clearly some people in this discussion are being irrational. It’s not rational to say women aren’t trying to take rights from men, then applaud them taking away rights from the “bad men” It’s not coherent. No matter who they were it doesn’t matter.

There are things that are right and things that are wrong. Harassment is wrong. harassment is wrong when the people from the internet do it to Channity and it’s wrong when she does it to a student group that is sponsored by a professor on campus. Protesting such movements only makes them stronger, and this group got a stronger sponsorship and is now the center of a whole debate here. Can’t you see that?

Pro-Equality MRA
Pro-Equality MRA
11 years ago

“If you weren’t a misogynist, you’d feel plenty welcome on SRS, I’m sure. And whether to be a misogynist or not is COMPLETELY within your control. All you have to do is stop spouting MRM talking points about the evils of feminism.”

No, I wouldn’t, because I am a part of one of the groups that the hate group, SRS, targets. Also, SRS isn’t a hate group for hating the MRM, they are a hate group for hating straight white men and other derivations (“SAWCSMs” or whatever)

11 years ago


They link directly to their threads! You are free to form your own judgement on any post. Most of them are terrible.

I’m going to pretend that the “any post” still referred to your “they,” which referred to SRSsucks. That’s about all the joy and interaction I’ll get out of interacting with you.

11 years ago

Delurking to chime in on srssucks, I did not even read anything on there after seeing the icon in the top left corner. I enlarged it and took a screen shot.

It is the srs bird being crying because it is being stabbed. Violent imagery of who you disagree with being murdered, I’d say hate group.

I’ve been mostly lurking because I had sketchy internet and it’s such a hassle to comment from my phone. Well that and I was pretty much a occasional poster anyway but, please, carry on…… 😀

11 years ago

They link directly to their threads! You are free to form your own judgement on any post. Most of them are terrible.

I did form my own judgement. My own judgement is that SRS has been seriously misrepresented by the choice of quotes SRSSucks uses and that SRSSucks is being dishonest in their presentation of quotes.

Also I am legit confused how you could possibly have a problem with SRS when most of what they do also consists of quoting and mocking things posted on Reddit, yet don’t see how someone could have a similar problem with SRSSucks.

Pro-Equality MRA
Pro-Equality MRA
11 years ago

“They do it to give white men a taste of what white men have dealt out for the rest of history.”

Yes, this is another indicator of a hate group. Hating people and/or blaming people for belonging to X arbitrary group that (they claim, in highly distorted, revisionist history) has done bad things.

11 years ago

No, I wouldn’t, because I am a part of one of the groups that the hate group, SRS, targets. Also, SRS isn’t a hate group for hating the MRM, they are a hate group for hating straight white men and other derivations (“SAWCSMs” or whatever)

This is hilarious. It’s like you don’t even read. People have mentioned to you I believe THREE times now, that SRS is populated in large part by straight white men. How could this work? Do you think a lot of straight white men hate THEMSELVES?

You have no proof that SRS ‘hates all straight white men’. Many people on SRS believe that straight white men are privileged and among those straight white men, there are individuals who don’t realize their privilege and act like assholes because of it. This is NOT the same as ‘hating straight white men’.

I dare you to produce a single comment thread, in context, that shows that SRS hates straight white men as a group. This should be funny.

Pro-Equality MRA
Pro-Equality MRA
11 years ago

@Gametime, it’s not necessarily the mocking I hate, it’s the fact that intrinsically bound up with their ideology is a hatred for certain groups of people… ie, it’s a hate ideology comparable to the Westboro Baptist Church’s, at least in principle. For proof, see the link I provided earlier.

11 years ago

” It’s not rational to say women aren’t trying to take rights from men,”

What rights would they be, shitstain?

Why are you so obsessed with SHE DONE HIM RONG in your whining? Why is a public protest teh ebilist thing evah when it’s women protesting against a misogynist group? Why aren’t you off telling the MRAs who’re threatening her that they’re wrong, regardless of what you, or they, think of what you allege she did?

11 years ago

“They pretend to hate straight white men because everywhere else in the world hates on non-SWASCM (straight white able STEM cis men, I think) folks. They do it to give white men a taste of what white men have dealt out for the rest of history.”

I uh, what?

See, it’s this kind of shit that AGAIN gives masculists their power. Their assertion is that feminism has left behind equality a long time ago and now is primarily a platform for women’s power.

Equality isn’t white guys getting kicked off the bus so black women can ride for 50 years to “make it fair” it’s no one getting kicked off the bus. It’s no one spewing hateful shit even if it is part of some totally deep SOCHUL EXPEERIMENT

11 years ago

Trolls are trolling hard, but not scoring any points. It appears that most people here believe that women have the right to express themselves in public without receiving threats to rape and kill us.

Shocking, I know.

11 years ago

Kittehserf the right to speech and peaceable assembly you horrifically unpleasant thing

11 years ago

Clint, you seem to think that a protest group protesting is a much more grevious insult to free speech than harassment, death threats, and other efforts to silence and harass an individual.

It’s not rational to say women aren’t trying to take rights from men, then applaud them taking away rights from the “bad men” It’s not coherent.

Yeah, it’s much more coherent when you replace “bad men” with “originators of hate speech”, and replace “taking away rights from” with “not supplying a public venue to.” Which, you know, is what was actually said.

11 years ago

Hating people and/or blaming people for belonging to X arbitrary group that (they claim, in highly distorted, revisionist history) has done bad things.

And there’s the reveal. Colonialism didn’t happen, folks! Slavery didn’t happen! Or if it did, it was totes good!

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