Longtime antifeminist crusader Erin Pizzey recently did an “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit. Here are some highlights — by which I mean lowlights — from her answers.
Ms. Pizzey wants to ban feminism as a hate movement:
Personally, I would like to see the feminist movement described as a hate movement, so that we can then ban them from the government, from university faculties, from anywhere where they can destroy the minds of young women and men.
It’s just a teensy bit ironic, I would say, that she characterizes feminism as a hate movement at the very same time that A Voice for Men, a site she has very publicly aligned herself with, is leading a hate campaign against an individual feminist activist. (More on this to come tomorrow.) Indeed, Pizzey herself adds to the vilification of the activist here.
And speaking of A Voice for Men, she apparently agrees with AVFM’s Paul Elam that feminists are only interested in the issue of rape because they have rape fantasies and are angry that they’re not getting enough attention from men:
If you’re referring to Paul’s statement that many or most women fantasize about being taken, I’m sorry but that’s the truth. That doesn’t mean they want to be raped, but it’s a fantasy I think almost all women have. And I think he went on to say that feminists like Andrea Dworkin who were and are so obsessed with rape are really projecting their own unconscious sexual frustration because men don’t give them enough attention. Andrea was a very sad lonely woman like this–I didn’t know her but I knew of her, and I knew Susan Browmiller and you can just read her stuff to see it there.
Yeah, I’m thinking that Dworkin’s “obsession” with rape might have had less to do with her wanting “attention” from men than it did with the fact that she had been raped.
In response to a question about using Title IX to increase the number of women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), Pizzey argues that most women’s brains aren’t equipped to handle all that sciencey stuff, and that most women would rather be raising children:
what will happen is that a few women will come out of that world in those areas that suit men’s brains better than women’s, and do well, but most of them won’t, and they’ll just leave and go on to other professions or to have children or family. That’s what’s been happening all the time when they’ve had quotas.
But what about the men who get excluded because of that? That’s the tragedy isn’t it, and the waste of money. Harriet Harman has proposed quotas for women in parliament, quotas for women in all the high-status fields, and women have flocked in but do not want the gruelling hours that men are willing to put into their professions because most of them–MOST of them–want to be spending time with their children at home, and that God for that.
Pizzey believes that most feminists are “mental patents” who deserve only condescension:
Personally, I don’t get into arguments with mental patients, which is what most feminist women are. Look at them with pity and compassion if you can, speak the truth as you know it.
But if you want a real reaction, pat her on the head and tell her not to worry her pretty little head about it. That’s what I do! I think men have to start using their sense of humor as a weapon. You must get past any sense of anger when you do such things though!
She believes most prominent second-wave feminists were feminists mainly because they hated their dads:
One of the early mantras of the feminist movement was to make the personal political. Therefore, those women who had bitter and violent experiences of the first male their lives (e.g. their father) then branded all men as violent and dangerous. They are also what I call the walking wounded. As far as I’m concerned the prominent feminists of the day virtually all had appalling relationships with their fathers. So if feminism grew out of a justified sense of grievance, and created a platform where they did not attempt to heal their own damage, but to project onto all men… so yes it’s very cultlike that way. But it’s any cult group that works that way, they all have either a figure they adore or a hate object that keeps them together. And their hate is against men, even when they deny it.
Yes, that’s right, she says all this and somehow does not notice the hatred of women amongst the MRAs she’s aligned herself with.
While she dismisses feminists with “daddy issues” she urges those who have been abused by their parents to forget the abuse they’ve endured, forgive their abusers and “move on.”
[T]each yourself that the past is truly the past, it is done and you cannot change it, all it is is a loop in your brain that needs to be closed down so that you can move forward. Because those patterns are deep within you, it takes a lot of hard work, but in the end you FORGIVE YOURSELF and you FORGIVE YOUR PARENTS and move on.
Meanwhile, she thinks that it makes sense for men who don’t like feminism to “head for the hills” and Go Their Own Way.
It was many years ago I was talking to a very eligible bachelor, who was a lawyer, and asked him about American feminists. He laughed and he said “what they never banked on was that men would get together and take to the hills.” This is where that expression comes from. He and his male friends would get together and have a wonderful time, they did not make permanent relationships with women, because they realized they would have too much to lose: their homes, their children, and their money. I always remember this. When 40 year old feminists complain that they can’t find any men to commit themselves, why is it men’s fault? I can’t blame men who feel this way in today’s legal environment. If the so-called women’s movement, the feminists, want men, they have to care equally about men’s desires and men’s need for protection.
This sort of makes sense, given that Pizzey seems to live in an imaginary world in which women, not men, are the truly privileged.
The actual irony of this situation is there is nothing more privileged than white middle class women, who are most of feminists. Very very privileged, because they know when they are born that either the state or a man will take care of them if they do not choose their own career. Men on the other hand are born underprivileged, particularly now, even as small boys they are demonized and discriminated against. …
I cannot see how sane sensible educated intelligent woman can consider that men are privileged. It has always been rich and middle class women who have been protected, and they are the truly privileged.
Indeed, she’s managed to convince herself that “never in the history of the world have men been so unprivileged, if you think about it.”
Naturally, all of her comments were happily upvoted by the Reddit masses, and her “Ask Me Anything” post itself got more than 1200 upvotes. Evidently pandering to Reddit’s collective fantasies about the oppression of men pays off big in the upvote department.
I’m waiting for him to argue that Russian is a romance language because they produce lots of poetry.
Why do you hate traveling outside your continent, you troglodyte?
I’m kind of hoping that one of you will be intrigued by these recipes, try them, and like them so much you save them. Then one day, someone will ask “Hey can I get that recipe for the avocado soup thing?” and you’ll forget and give them the misandrist versions. 😀
Or because it uses the Spanish alphabet?
Also, the UK is so keen on being part of Europe. Nope, no opposition to the EU and endless bitching about how they’re destroying our cheese and our sausages with their silly European rules in the UK at all.
You are simple. Wanna give up and crawl away now?
How is it possible to hate all of LA? LA is like a hundred totally different cities wadded up together. Admittedly, the traffic is terrible. But it is really nothing like Jo’burg, even to the most casual observer (of both LA and Jo’burg).
I… can honestly not tell how google pops up into here. Or do you mean because i was googling hte eurpoean languages to see the common roots. I am… really confused.
Thank God for Google
The entertainment that I shall see now this night
The occasional admission to a funny manboobz site
The invitation to a gmail chat
I’m blessed
With the ability to start internet arguments
Which only means that when I search the site
I have to check my facts can’t bluff my way now
Thank God for Google.
That would be great.
“Sure, here – it’s called… “Man Hating Carrot Salad”? I.. what? That doesn’t… OH WAIT DAMN YOU CLOOOUDIIIIAAAAH”
Danish and Swedish. Those don’t really “count” because they’re so connected as to be almost the same – you can’t see it in writing, except if you sort of squint, but pronucation wise they’re the same. You can have conversations with Swedes, Danes and Norwegians using the same language if everyone speaks slowly and enunciates clearly.
Took a learn while to learn though, fun structure. Easier than German, less bothersome grammatic tribbles.
… what?
A piece of land not part of America? You mean, Europe, right? The *continent*?
This is so funny (random anecdote time).
I was babysitting this kid and we were looking on the maps and he was guessing what language they spoke where.
And he kept trying to convince me they spoke spanish in russia! ALl I could think of was NWO
If you hate West Hollywood I don’t think I want to know you. I found 3 different cake and/or cupcake shops, a little French cafe, and a doggie daycare on one street!
This is why I shouldn’t be around children. I was doing something similar with a friend’s kid, and he pointed to Holland and asked me what language they spoke there, so I said “Hollandaise.”
(You could see the dogs playing in the window from the street, like one of those obnoxious gyms where people show off by working out on the treadmill right in view of the street, but with cute puppies.)
Thank God for Google!
Every skill I ever wanted to learn I can learn now!
Every troll that I must suffer merely brought on by my search
Though the other search engines would lead me somewhere else
I’m blessed!
I’m truly privileged to possess a pipeline to so much information
Which only means that when I source my claims you cite something different
And when we argue you can claim you’ve read a counter
Thank God for Google…
@ Fibinachi
That’s perfect
Next verse:
Thank you God
Thank you God
Oh, and when a gaggle of facts appears on my page
It’s lucky I love to learn so passionately
I think my feelings would fall right through the cracks in the floor
If I couldn’t count on google’s education no more
I know my inquisitiveness it leads me to search
So everybody thinks that I’m a fuckin book-worm girl
Dinner time in the Pell household?
This is so cringe-worthy I barely know what to say.
Thank you Google!
For the occasional advert for something strange I never asked for
The occasional blogpost three years old about a kink
Invitation to a + Circle full of strangers
I’m blessed!
With the ability to find anything in all the world
Which only means that when I type in my search
I have to run and hide, can’t click those links now
The difference between boat and goat is far to easy to make
Thank God for Google!
(And I hate my mistakes!)
That has been saved as a word document as “thank god for google” on my computer so I can amuse myself by attempting to sing it later.
I am a sucker for replacing the song lyrics.
“Who are you going to trust, me or your lying Google?” is another Pell tell.
I am still curious where the google thing popped up from, though. XD It seemed so random.
Not that I’m complaining, I got free song lyrics out of it.
Which song are you replacing lyrics in? [cloudiah is fairly out of touch with popular culture]
I love this blog and the people here. Thank you for a great night, everyone, you make writing things easier and much, MUCH more distracting.
Thank God I’m Pretty by Emilie Autumn
Emilie Autumn, Thank God I’m Pretty
At least, that’s what I was replacing. Fade might be doing it to something else.
( I also recommend “Gentlemen Aren’t Nice” and “Marry Me”, to keep with the MRA theme )