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Toilet Soap: How evil women trick men into thinking they’re not old hags


We were talking the other day about an especially popular Manosphere fairy tale — you know, the one in which evil women in their “prime” years in their twenties have lots of sex with charming assholes (and none with hard-working decent nice guys), only to panic when they hit the age of thirty or so and suddenly become ugly monsters.

Well, apparently the evil women have come up with a technical solution to that whole “getting old and ugly” problem. I have uncovered secret evidence in the form of a pamphlet or leaflet that the women of the world evidently circulate amongst themselves.


Very clever of these sneaky women to call this magical age-defying balm “Toilet Soap,” to make us men think it’s a product only used for cleaning toilets, which is something women apparently do on a regular basis. But no, they put this so-called “Toilet Soap” on their faces!

I have been unable to find any of this “Lux Toilet Soap” at the local grocery store. So I’ve been trying out other toilet cleaners to see if they have the same age-retarding effects. So far I have had little luck. The Clorox Toilet Wand is harsh and awkward to use. Lime-A-Way Toilet Bowl Cleaner gave me a rash. The less said about my experience with the Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel, the better. I have not yet tried Lysol’s Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, as I am pretty sure Lysol is intended only for vaginas.

Also, fellas, I don’t want to alarm you, but I have been doing reasearch on yet another way women try to trick us into thinking that they’re hotter than they really are. It’s apparently called “make-up.” I will fill you in on the details as I learn more about it.

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11 years ago

She tells them that all feminists are rich, privileged white women, and all men are honest suffering hardworking angels.

So I take it she lives under a rock?

11 years ago


11 years ago

Fade, sounds like she’s the one who don’t got a clue on this subject! 😀

11 years ago

kamilla1960, you’ve been asked before and I’m asking again: would you please STOP posting contextless links and actually make your point instead?

11 years ago

kamilla1960 I don’t click on links without context.

11 years ago

Kamilla: WTF are you on about NOW?

11 years ago

Btw, I’ve known girls when I was a teen who’d sleep fitfully next to a guy, wake up early in the morning, rush to the bath-room, put on foundation-powder-mascara, pretend to go to sleep again – in order to fool the guy that they really looked like that

That is the Zsa Zsa Gabor how to keep a man advice. Be beautiful for your man every second of the day no matter the inconvenience. It is amazing that people still sell books with that same advice in it.

11 years ago

re Iaido: It’s the “Art of Drawing and Cutting”. The idea is that one makes complete moves, and, “the draw” is any sequence of moves which doesn’t get blocked by another sword.

Iaito are the practice swords, usually of a 6000/7000 series aluminum, alloyed with zinc. Unlike shinken they have no edge, and can’t be sharpened. They are the standard for kata, and esp. for the practitioner who has yet to manage the act of replacing the blade in the scabbard (for very early practice, a bokken and plastic scabbard are often used. Students are discouraged from buying a iaito until they have some sense of motion, and a real interest.

While they aren’t told this, a large part of the reason is to keep them from trying to practice without supervision, as bad habits are very easy to acquire. This is much easier with a katana than with most western swords because they are both two-handed, and curved, so the physics of cutting with them isn’t intuitive.

I have bokken, and shinken, but no iaito. I’ve yet to find a iaido dojo which is convenient to me.

Here is some good footage of Iaido in practice. The things I look for are clean (and explosive) motion, with smooth transitions as joints move from one axis to another. If there is audio then one ought to hear a “whoosh” when swift cuts are made (swords are often made with a bohi (a groove between the back of blade, and the deep bevel; parallel on both sides), to made it more obvious when a good cut is made. If the blade isn’t straight, when the cut is made, there won’t be any nose. A bohi makes a slower cut audible.

This is a nice set of kata

As is this one:

Notice that the stops are clean, and the sword is stock still when paused.

(ps I think do maru [kendo armor] isn’t all that heavy, but a bit awkward, but I’ve done lots of work in various forms of western armor too [plate is a bit less awkward, but heavier, mail is differently heavy {because of how it sits} and much more awkward in the arms}. I’d like to wear actual Japanese armor; and keep thinking of making some out of some of the aviation plastics out there. But I am lazy, and that’s a lot of knots).

11 years ago

Carp. Youtube fucked up. For some reason it linked to the start of the playlist I was looking at, not the clips I was watching.

I meant these two, in this order.

11 years ago

Thank you for the links. I will watch them later when I am not so tired, because sadly my brain likes to be on when i talk martial arts.

that wasn’t supposed to sound sarcastic, but I’m having a real hard time conveying tone.

Anyway, thanks for the information all!

11 years ago

Fade: No worries. My brain likes to be on too.

11 years ago

They don’t necessarily have to be feminist podcasts, but if the hosts happen to be feminists that’s awesome.
I love Pop Culture Happy Hour. It’s not explicitly about feminism, but just from the way they talk, and occasional comments they make about women in pop culture, you can tell they are feminists. It’s super funny too.

11 years ago

TomBCat, I was thinking of Aqua di Gioia by Giorgio Armani. It’s very fresh and the scent on me completely changes after a few minutes and starts to remind me of the beach, or maybe that’s because I’m at the beach every other day and I just haven’t put on enough parfum to hide the smell.

I’m thinking it’s the perfect parfum to wear around MRA’s considering it’s advertised as “Acqua di Gioia was created by three perfumers: Loc Dong, Anne Flipo and Dominique Ropion, who see it as Eve’s seduction and as fragrance turned completely towards the nature.” We know how much they love Eve and her nature.

11 years ago


she hopes that feminism can be classed as a hate movement so that they can force feminists out of jobs in government and education

Kind of like how Klansmen, career Islamophobes and proponents of “traditional marriage” are no longer able to hold public office because of their alignment with hate movements?

11 years ago

Hi, David! I’m new here and want to be a regular ManBoobzer. I love this site. I’ve already sent a few comments. This one article had me laughing so hard! Keep up the good work, Dave! Those MRAs are pathetic, aren’t they?

11 years ago

@Pecuniam, I’m afraid you’ve got your knowledge of Kendo armour from somewhere very dodgy.

Kendo armour is collectively called Bogu not Do Maru.

Do Maru is the name for the just the chest plate in traditional Samurai armour.

The breast plate in Kendo is called simply the Do, the helmet is the Men, the gloves are called the Kote and the tie belt with the padded flaps is called the Tare.

And I can assure you it is heavy to wear, particularly the Men as the grill which protects the fact is made of metal.

It is also hot and sweaty and heavily restricts your vision and hearing.

It is so heavy that there is a phenomenon known as “Bogu Back” which is when someone starts in armour and their Kendo regresses by about 6 weeks in quality.

The rest of the Men, the Kote and the Tare are made of very thick, heavy padded cloth and most Kendoka wear a Do made from plastic, though traditionally they were made from bamboo.

Bogu is based on traditional Samurai armour but they are very different.

And please, please do not make your own armour if you plan to actually fence in it, particularly not out of plastic, it will not protect you properly and you could get seriously hurt.

If you don’t plan on fencing in it go ahead, but for the love of god DO NOT let anyone hit you while wearing it,

And if you do, only let them hit you on the Do, anything else could result in broken wrists, concussion or worse or a crushed windpipe and ONLY if they use a proper Shinai (practice sword made of slats of bamboo) as this is designed to flex and absorb the force of the cut and reduces the likelihood of injury.

This is a warning from your friendly neighborhood Kendoka, you do not play silly buggers with the stuff or people get hurt.

11 years ago

Also Fade, look up Aikido, it’s yet another martial art, I can’t remember if it’s been mentioned at all.

11 years ago

Spukikitty: Welcome! I’m sure Argenti will be along shortly with your basket.

11 years ago

Welcome SpukiKitty! (I had to read your nym out loud to get it.)

I’ll put it on this thread since we’ve gone OT, rather than the one that’s got so much more serious subjects: I finally know what’s up with my knee. It’s a torn meniscus and sprained something or other. Small tear, by the sound of it, which is just as well since it’s the inside of the leg and surgery really isn’t useful for that spot. It’s a relief to know what’s going on with it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Katz I can’t add your kitty links or it goes into mod queue!

But here’s one complementary welcome package consisting of a misandrist hard chair, matching bath towels, SCENTED MOTHERFUCKING CANDLES, flavored bottled water (your choice of brand and flavor) and cupcakes, delivered by female (whore) penguins in spanx.

11 years ago

Aikido really wrecked my knees, which was kinda shameful, since that was supposed to be the EASY martial art. (I mean, as far as how hard it is on your body.)

A shame. I miss doing jodo–it was the one sport where being left-handed meant practically nothing.

11 years ago

I’m even putting doing tai chi on hold until I’ve spoken to my osteo, that’s for sure.

11 years ago

Argenti, what we need is one page with all the links and pictures on it so we can just link to that. In the meantime, here’s a kitten saying “Hai!”

11 years ago


Welcome 🙂


Yay for finding out about your knee!