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Toilet Soap: How evil women trick men into thinking they’re not old hags


We were talking the other day about an especially popular Manosphere fairy tale — you know, the one in which evil women in their “prime” years in their twenties have lots of sex with charming assholes (and none with hard-working decent nice guys), only to panic when they hit the age of thirty or so and suddenly become ugly monsters.

Well, apparently the evil women have come up with a technical solution to that whole “getting old and ugly” problem. I have uncovered secret evidence in the form of a pamphlet or leaflet that the women of the world evidently circulate amongst themselves.


Very clever of these sneaky women to call this magical age-defying balm “Toilet Soap,” to make us men think it’s a product only used for cleaning toilets, which is something women apparently do on a regular basis. But no, they put this so-called “Toilet Soap” on their faces!

I have been unable to find any of this “Lux Toilet Soap” at the local grocery store. So I’ve been trying out other toilet cleaners to see if they have the same age-retarding effects. So far I have had little luck. The Clorox Toilet Wand is harsh and awkward to use. Lime-A-Way Toilet Bowl Cleaner gave me a rash. The less said about my experience with the Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel, the better. I have not yet tried Lysol’s Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, as I am pretty sure Lysol is intended only for vaginas.

Also, fellas, I don’t want to alarm you, but I have been doing reasearch on yet another way women try to trick us into thinking that they’re hotter than they really are. It’s apparently called “make-up.” I will fill you in on the details as I learn more about it.

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11 years ago

Erin Pizzey is an asshole.

11 years ago


We still train against the guys, though sometimes there’s illogical stuff. Like, they don’t gender separate in sparring (training, not tournament), they separate by adults and kids. Yet for grappling, some of the teachers separate based on gender. I remember thinking it was annoying because they teamed me up with someone who didn’t want to freestyle grapple (so we’d do the non-freestyle version, where you can practice the moves slowly), and a different guy against someone who didn’t want to freestyle grapple, and I was like “um, why can’t the people who don’t want to freestyle be together and the people who do be together?”

I swear my dojo isn’t normally bad though. It must sound awful from the way I’m describing it.

Out of curiosity, what kind of stuff is normally involved in kendo? As in like, the really physical katas where you have to do lots of deeps stances versus breath katas where normally you’re standing straighter up? And self-defense being more wrist lock/armbar (Do people outside my style use the term “pro-tech” because that’s what I’m thinking of, I just have no idea how common it is) or lots of strikes? Not like it couldn’t use both, because mine does obviously, since that’s my only frame of reference. I’m curious (especially since I’ve been debating whether to start another style of martial arts… I don’t know who was there in the tai-chi thread). I want to know how fibromyalgia friendly it would be.

11 years ago

When I was little my brother had this podium in his room.
It was hollow and could be opened and it was filled with legos. I know it wasn’t that much, but in my distorted memory you could bathe in it like Scrooge McDuck in his money. It was like a play pen ball pit with lego. I have no idea where all the lego came from, and we certainly didn’t have that kind of money back then, but it was there.
So every time someone wants these people to step on legos, that is my image, I can see them trying do desperately wade out of this sea of lego it was to me as a child, and it pleases me so very much.
May Erin Pizzey find her way deep into my childhood memories.

11 years ago

I think I’m caught up on all the threads, but now I no longer remember which threads I read things on. 0_o

Anyway, I saw that someone posted their mother’s advice that tall women should watch out for short(er) men in the workplace, and I just wanted to say that as a relatively tall woman that has not been my experience at all. I mean, short guys can be asshats just like anyone else, but it usually isn’t because of their height. But I have no peer-reviewed literature to point to, so I guess this is just my own anecdata.

My apologies if this is the wrong thread. I can’t even offer up a cat video because my laptop is on the fritz and I haven’t really mastered cutting and pasting on my tablet. Maybe I’ll try anyway, because I did just find the most adorable kitty .gif…

(And yeah, Erin Pizzey is an asshat, recognized as an asshat by her peers, endorsed by the asshats in the MRM, and deserves to step on LEGOs for eternity.)

11 years ago

Let’s see if this works:

11 years ago

Marie: Out of curiosity, what kind of stuff is normally involved in kendo?

Kendo is, “The Way of the Sword”. It’s a very stylized form of fencing with katana, the moreso because shinai are straight, and katana aren’t. That means a lot of the actual techniques one does with actual swords are not possible.

It’s a bit like smallsword vs. rapier, in that both are stylisticly related, but you can’t do the same things with the weapons in your hand.

I’m going out for coffee,and then I think we are watching Dr. Who, but if you have more questions, I’ll be back.

11 years ago

“you have to wear the same uniform, and if women wore bras it would not be the same uniform, and if they didn’t wear bras they would be distracting”.

…Do they require men to all wear the same style and brand of underwear?

11 years ago

I’m really guessin they didn’t.

Oh also, pecunium it was me who asked about the kendo, not my sister. But thanks for the info XD

11 years ago

Fade/Marie: My apologies to both for making the mistake.

11 years ago


It’s fine 🙂

11 years ago

Anyway, you’ll be glad to know that she believes that men are just better than women at science and women just naturally prefer to take care of children, (TRIGGER WARNING) nearly all women want to be “taken” by a man sexually, she hopes that feminism can be classed as a hate movement so that they can force feminists out of jobs in government and education, etc., and that she really doesn’t know who shot her dog. (MRAs constantly claim that feminists shot her dog.)

All of those comments got a significant number of upvotes.

“We men’s rights activists welcome women in our movement as long as they only tell us exactly what we want to hear and never, ever dare deviate from our asinine talking points.”

11 years ago

This post reminds me of something I’ve wondered for a while…

MRAs seem to have this idea that a woman can look beautiful (via makeup, etc.) but not really be beautiful, and this is somehow deceptive and therefore makeup is evil and women are evil for wearing it.


The word “beautiful” in this context is a judgment of looks! By definition, if you look beautiful, you are beautiful. So what exactly is MRAs’ problem with tool-assisted beauty?

11 years ago


::shrugs:: My assumption is that they think it’s ‘false advertisting’ Like if a woman is wearing make up to look that way then she doesn’t really look good, but then if she isn’t wearing make up they don’t like it either, cuz women’s job should be to look perfect for men. ::shrugs again::

11 years ago

” I want to burn down the patriarchy with a can of kerosene and a flame thrower…”

Good girl.

11 years ago

“The word “beautiful” in this context is a judgment of looks! By definition, if you look beautiful, you are beautiful. So what exactly is MRAs’ problem with tool-assisted beauty?”

Their problem is that they aren’t really comfortable with any woman walking around thinking she is beautiful. It’s their way of training us into thinking we can never be beautiful enough. That’s why they should fuck off…or at least, one of the reasons.

11 years ago


No, I get that that’s their objection, I just don’t get why. If a woman needs makeup to be pretty, but she has makeup, then she can be pretty. Why is that supposedly inferior to makeup-less prettiness?

What are they so afraid of? It’s like they’re terrified that if they date/hook up with a woman who doesn’t look as good out of makeup as in it, they might accidentally see her in the former state and that would be…traumatic, somehow? Do they really want to advertise their mental fragility like that?

11 years ago


Well, I have not the faintest idea why 😉 I don’t understand mras.

11 years ago

Well… this stupid norm isn’t invented by MRA:s. It’s a pretty widespread norm in society that women ought to be “naturally beautiful”. The best kind of woman is the one who just wakes up in the morning and looks like a movie-star. That’s why we have this ridiculous trope in movies and TV shows where someone wakes up in the morning in full make-up. We’re supposed to believe that she’s just born with black lashes, a bit of black or brown lining along the eye-lid, perfectly even skin tone and reddish lips, because that’s the best kind of woman.

Women ought to be thin; but dieting is actually not very good because if you diet you’re probably vain and shallow and afraid to enjoy life to the fullest.

Women ought to have big boobs; but silicone is terrible, that means you’re shallow and fake and a BIMBO.

Women ought to have faces like movie stars; but spending time and money on make-up shows that you’re shallow and vain and probably a bitch.

Women ought to have looks that fit a very narrow beauty ideal; but no woman must suspect that she does come close to the ideal; she ought to be HUMBLE and believe herself plain, so that she can be surprised and GRATEFUL when some dude comes along and tells her she’s beautiful.

11 years ago

*tries to force brain into mra mode*

Well, obviously men only seek females out to breed with them. If a female wears make up, she is falsley advertising that her children will have superior genes, such as aforementioned sparkly eyelid eyelid gene, and this is deceiving the man, who would never give away any of his hard earned man-money buying her a two-dollar drink otherwise.

Okay, ouch that literally hurt my brain to do. Well, not my brain, but my head.

11 years ago

Btw, I’ve known girls when I was a teen who’d sleep fitfully next to a guy, wake up early in the morning, rush to the bath-room, put on foundation-powder-mascara, pretend to go to sleep again – in order to fool the guy that they really looked like that.

11 years ago

Women ought to have big boobs; but silicone is terrible, that means you’re shallow and fake and a BIMBO.

I was going to block quote everything you said, but that would’ve gotten redundant.

So i’ll just say THIS and everything else.

This has got to be my least favorite trope in media, especially urban fantasy (I don’t know if i’t’s actually more prevalanent in urban fantasy, but I do know that’s all i’ve been reading lately).

you’ve got the “good” girl who is naturally humble about her beauty, doesn’t wear make up (or if she does not much), thinks she’s plain, and the “bad” girl who wears lots of make up, isn’t shy about her looks…

I could go on.

11 years ago


Btw, I’ve known girls when I was a teen who’d sleep fitfully next to a guy, wake up early in the morning, rush to the bath-room, put on foundation-powder-mascara, pretend to go to sleep again – in order to fool the guy that they really looked like that

That sounds like it’d be really stressful to do 🙁 (imo)

11 years ago

Marie, yeah, I think so too. An MRA would no doubt interpret it as the acts of a sly evil woman fooling Teh Poor Menz – I just think it’s the behaviour of someone terribly insecure.

11 years ago

They don’t know what naturally beautiful means, anyhow. It doesn’t matter how society defines beauty either. They don’t want women looking in a mirror, dashing on some lispstick and thinking, “I look good!” They don’t want women who don’t wear lipstick looking into a mirror and saying, “I look good!” They have to demean her personal experience and make her doubt herself, because though they want beautiful women, they fear that her high self-esteem would give her the power to leave them them if she felt it necessary.

11 years ago

I just read pretty much the entire AMA that Erin Pizzey did over on Reddit. (I will never get that 45 minutes back — why did I do that?) Anyway, you’ll be glad to know that she believes that men are just better than women at science and women just naturally prefer to take care of children, (TRIGGER WARNING) nearly all women want to be “taken” by a man sexually, she hopes that feminism can be classed as a hate movement so that they can force feminists out of jobs in government and education, etc., and that she really doesn’t know who shot her dog. (MRAs constantly claim that feminists shot her dog.)

All of those comments got a significant number of upvotes.

So…why do MRAs care about her so much? Do I even need to ask?


@Aaliyah(getting your name right is a challenge every time )

You can just call me “Ally” if you want instead.