Blog posts by the New Misogynists I write about here often seem to be little more than combinations and recombinations of a relatively small number of very bad ideas. Today, let’s look at a blog post from a “conservative libertarian” and creepy Nice Guy ™ who identifies himself only as TIC, which combines a bit of “consent is hard” and “women only like bad boys” with some muddled notions from Evo Psych to conclude that women are such mysterious creatures that no one could possibly know what they really want — and so therefore it’s women who are the ones who are really responsible when they get raped.
It’s an argument that bears a strong similarity to the stories rapists tell themselves to excuse their actions. When people describe so-called Nice Guys ™ as creepy, this is why: in a lot of ways, they think like predators. In the case of TIC here, exactly like predators.
TIC starts off by ridiculing the notion that “no means no.”
Women are notorious for always warning men that “no means no”. For us men who have dealt with enough women, we know this to be pure malarkey. If “no” always meant “no”, many men would die virgins. There would also be fewer rapes as a result, because for once women would mean what they said instead of talking in indirect code language.
And now the victim blaming begins in earnest:
Women, many times, bring rape upon themselves. They purposely reject men, even ones they are interested in, in order to get him to chase her. Since women love to be the prize and the center of attention, leading a man on a wild goose chase through all sorts of hoops and mind games is all too common in today’s society.
Now, if this were actually true it would be, well, sort of annoying for straight men who don’t like jumping through hoops. TIC, though, seems to have convinced himself that the fact that some women play coy in the dating world somehow makes it literally impossible for men to tell when and if they’re raping a woman.
What this does is blur the line between what is acceptable for a man to do to a woman and what is not…because once we can all agree that women want to be chased, we can understand what a predicament it puts men into. Since “no” does not always mean “no”, there is no real way for a man to know when to stop his advances upon a woman.
TIC now pulls out some half-baked Evo Psych to bolster his alleged argument:
My theory as to why women give such pieces of advice goes back to dark triad genes or the lack thereof. You see, when a woman tells a man that he should just be himself, or to respect women, or to give them compliments, or that “no means no”, what she is actually doing is bullshitting the male. This is a weeding out mechanism that women use in order to ensure that men who don’t get it never will.
He follows this up with a fairly standard Nice Guy ™ whine.
You see, women do not want nice guys to propagate their genes. They do not wish for them to be successful with women. This is why advice coming from women is never good; it has been sabotaged from the get-go.
Well, actually, If women are telling Nice Guys ™ that “no means no” because they don’t want to have sex with these Nice Guys ™ aren’t these women, however mean you think they are, communicating what they want pretty clearly?
TIC moves on to another standard Nice Guy ™ complaint: that women actually get to turn down men for sex. Never mind that men also have the right to refuse sex with anyone they want. To the dedicated Nice Guy ™, the fact that women can say “no” means that they’re the ones running the show. And doing a terrible job of it, to boot.
Women have the power and control in the dating scene. This is important to note because it means that any and every problem with society in the context of female-male relations falls on the shoulders of women themselves.
And we’re back in Evo Psych-land again:
If women decide to start dating men who are genuine, nice, and honest, then that is what most men will become. Since women, however, are only attracted to males with dark triad genes, that is what most men strive to be. The ones that do not either are alone or being used.
Therefore, women are responsible for getting raped:
[S]ince women have decided to make men chase and act in an overly-aggressive fashion in order to get sex, the rape culture pervades society. Make no mistake about it, women invariably cause most rapes.
Oh, but ladies, TIC isn’t necessarily blaming you personally for being raped. You may be a perfectly virtuous woman. It’s all those other ladies who created the rape culture that got you raped.
Now, this is not to say that specific individuals who are victims of raped caused it or even desired it. The point is that women overall have created an environment in which only sexually aggressive, narcissistic, abrasive men are seen as sexually attractive (these traits are what women interpret as being “confident”).
They have created an environment in which “no” doesn’t mean “no”, it actually means “try harder, keep going, I want to be chased, I want to feel wanted even though you’ve already made it clear that you want me. I want to play games and toy with you until I’m satisfied.”
Huh. I thought women were only interested in aloof dudes who insult them and refuse to buy them drinks, not with supplicating so-called betas falling over themselves to chase women. At least that’s what all the Pickup Artists keep telling me.
But no. In TIC’s world, women are mysterious creatures who delight in mystifying men, and men have no choice but to try, and try, and try again.
Men are constantly placed in awkward, unsure situations because what women want is always esoteric.
If women are so “esoteric” how is it that so many of them manage to end up in relationships with people they love? Surely at some point they must have managed to convey to their partners what they wanted.
Should he approach? If she rejects him, should he continue his advances because that’s what she may want deep down? Who knows?
Who knows? You should know, dude, and if you don’t, you should find out. Seriously, if you honestly can’t tell if a woman wants to make out with you, or have sex with you, or even just watch an episode of Mad Men with you, STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING and USE WORDS to ASK HER what she wants.
If you ask if she wants to have sex and she says no, assume she means no, and don’t have sex with her. And don’t assume she said “no” because she thinks you’re a spineless beta for asking. Seriously. If a woman really wants to have sex with you, chances are infinitesimally slim that she’s going to change her mind and throw you out simply because you actually asked her if she wants to have sex. (And if she is that sort of person, count your blessings that you’re not dating her, and move on.)
If the woman you’re pursuing is such a flighty game player that for some perverse manipulative reason she won’t say “yes” when she means “yes,” DON’T HAVE SEX WITH HER. Assume that anything short of a clear “yes” is a “no.” And maybe think about dating someone who can communicate what she wants more clearly.
If you assume that ambiguity means no, the worst that can happen is that miss out on having sex with someone who’s up for having sex with you, but who for some reason can’t or won’t tell you what she really wants. A missed chance to have sex is not the end of the world. If, by contrast, you assume that ambiguity means yes, the worst that can happen is that you rape someone. Err on the side of caution. Don’t err on the side of rape.
Unfortunately, like most of those who pretend that consent is somehow more complicated than quantum physics, TIC doesn’t actually seem much interested in figuring out the alleged mysteries of consent. He seems more interested in providing an excuse for men who want to pretend that consent is so hard, and women such mysterious creatures, that they just can’t help raping women.
For many men, leaving things to chance is not an option. They will continue to press the issue in order to find out the woman’s true intentions.
“Press the issue.” That may be the creepiest euphemism for rape I’ve run across yet.
Thus is the nature of women: enablers of the very thing they claim to despise the most.
No, it’s the nature of sexual predators to pretend that a clear verbal “no” from the target of their sexual advances means “keep pushing,” and, indeed, that any response short of a punch in the nose is evidence that their victim “really wants it.”
Rapists like to pretend that they somehow “misunderstood” the signals their victims gave them. But there’s good research showing that this just isn’t true – and that the predators know it. As Thomas Macaulay Millar has pointed out in a much-cited post on the Yes Means Yes blog, predators can read the signals from their victims just fine. It’s just that they don’t like what their victims are trying to tell them – that is, no. “[T]he notion that rape results from miscommunication is just wrong,” Millar writes. “Rape results from a refusal to heed, rather than an inability to understand, a rejection.”
And this is where predators and Nice Guys ™ find common cause. Predators don’t really care what their victims want, and will keep going regardless of whether or not they get a clear message to stop; pretending that women are mysterious creatures unable to convey what they want gives them a perfect excuse for their predatory behavior.
Nice Guys, by contrast, may not actually be confident enough to believe that the women they fixate on will ever say yes to them. And so they’re drawn to the same specious arguments about the alleged “esoteric” nature of women that predators spout — because these half-believed arguments enable them to pretend that ambigious signals — or even flat-out no’s — are yeses in disguise.
TIC’s argument doesn’t explain rape culture. His argument is rape culture.
Thanks pillowinhell, I had no words to express what bothered me and I would have gotten all attacky so I rather shut my mouth.
I’d quote every single word you said, but that would be a bit long…
Andrew, I don’t care what some, or even every single Nice Guy(TM) has to say.
I care about what this guy had to say, and now I care what you have to say about it.
I don’t care if I’m the only one hurt by your statements.
But don’t explain to me how these guys think because you spent time with them. Don’t talk down to me, don’t lecture me. This isn’t a fucking ‘subculture’, this is a mindfuck.
I was love incarnate today, don’t intellectualize this asshole.
Whatever any other Nice Guy has to say, he did not say it. You read it into it because you know a little bit about their ‘culture’?
Got attacky anyway. But seriously.
In no word I accused you of taking his side. You read that into it as well.
But to solve your puzzle: How could he possibly believe that?
Because he shifts blame for his own shortcomings and then rationalizes it, and whatever his (magic!) intent, He.Justifies.Rape.
“No” means “no” and “yes” means “yes” (thank you Jessica Valenti). It strikes me that girls who really want to have sex but say “no” out of fear of owning their own desires ALSO may “lose out” but the whole concept of consent requires both parties to communicate clearly and be accountable for their own decisions. I look forward to the day when all women who want to have sex can say “yes” enthusiastically and unambiguously without fear of being “judged”.
BTW, I love this term “The New Misogynists” — I haven’t heard that before. It almost sounds like a name for a rock band (a really, really bad rock band).
I’d say “pics or it didn’t happen” but the images of bottom-feeders desperate enough to bang a male feminist would probably require Ogrish-level trigger warnings.
Meanwhile, at the other end of the hotness spectrum, “Sexy shoeshine babes are hot buff for Wall Street executives.”
And one other thing: If the Nice Guys would really think that rape was unacceptable to begin with, they wouldn’t want fucking medals for not doing it.
If they only mean, like, rape rape, as it was described a virgin in a dark alley – they either don’t get the concept of rape or don’t care, so they actually don’t find it acceptable.
If I say I hate bunnies, but in fact mean cockroaches, I’m just using the wrong word. If I say I find rape unacceptable but don’t understand the fucking word – then me saying that loses it’s meaning.
‘playing hard to get’ is sometimes just a woman who wants to get to know the guy before doing anything.
As far as I’ve ever seen, “Hard to get” is one of those horrible, horrible strategies that very few people use in real life, but which appears a lot in the media (see: Cosmo) as something that women should do. It usually isn’t as blatant as saying, “No” when you mean “yes”, but it’s almost as screwed up as that, and it’s all built around that same bullshit idea of women being told they should deny their own sexuality and desires, lest they be thought of as “easy”.
And again, the way to stop gamesmanship is NOT to violate someone’s established boundaries, but to stop playing the game by walking away, and letting the other person either decide to drop the games, or to go their own way, leaving you free to find someone who isn’t going to mess with your head.
I dunno, sometimes it seems like they really expect to get praised for every single bad thing that they avoid doing (not getting poop on their underwear, for instance).
“Playing hard to get” as it was taught to me back in the stone age was to teach girls that boys would not respect them or take no for an answer if they were “too easy”. If girls were too friendly to boys they would get a reputation for being “easy”. Which meant that every boy would try to have sex with you and disregard your no because everyone said you were “easy”.
So, girls had only the two choices. You could be “easy” which meant disrespected, or “hard” which meant respected.
bet you a million dollars this same dude who complains here that most women aren’t sexually forward enough to be comprehensible to him also goes around slut-shaming the few women he encounters who /are/ sexually forward.
The only thing easy about “being easy” is getting the label.
“But you dated my friend and made out..”
This is why women sometimes choose to hide their attraction. And the way to deal with it is to respect her boundries and/or walk away until she decides to make her attraction known.
I’d like to smack the person that invented the “things to do on a second or third date”. I mean really, if people want to have sex or make out the second, third or first date, that’s cool. But I really hate the idea that there’s a fixed timeline and if I don’t follow it the person I’m interested in is going to believe I’m not that interested in them and walk.
I, Personally, can’t wrap my head around “I’ve known you for three to six hours let’s do incredibly intimate things together”. And I’ve had people who were interested walk, because without that script they literally didn’t know what to do.
Something tells me I will be skimming this article…But I really want to see how he suggests us irrational ladies avoid our rapists. I recommend something violent, probably not postable, and that very very few people would want to do, especially to someone they know. But the only reason I’m thinking like this is wonder what mr. asshole wants us to do. /rant
I have no problem with would-be-rapists dying virgins. Well, I don’t have a problem with anyone dying a virgin, since that doesn’t mean the rest of their life won’t be swell, but somehow sex is the only thing in this equation.
There are not enough legos in the world for this guy to step on.
This pathetic excuse for a human being is making every excuse he has to not listen what women say to him. Maybe he should just avoid us and do everyone a favor.
well, at least he just admitted he blames women for everything.
I hope this guy gets a desire to hug every cactus he ever sees. >:(
Also, pro tip, mr asshole: if you cannot tell whether you a raping someone or not the correct answer is to not have sex w/ them, since you won’t believe what xie says anyway.
And…that was a rather long comment on the post for me ::blushes:: Sowwyz, wanted to rant.
Worst part is if that happens and the twisted logic confuses you so much you actually agree…because then it’s your own fault, you made the decision and can’t even explain to yourself what just happened. I don’t know if that makes any sense, only that is what makes these guys threatening, or else everyone could just walk away from them…
Did truthy cite roissy as a source? That’s very…amusing.
Reading it right now, and it’s completely horrible 🙁 But still want to know. Ugh.
Internet hugs if you want them 🙁
It’s not, I think, that they think it isn’t unacceptable, it’s that they think it’s far more common a male behavior than it is. That “most” men would commit a rape if they could, and “being not-rapey” makes them special.
Since they think being special entitles them to some woman giving the “Teh Sex!” they need to bruit it about that they “aren’t like that”, so 1: setting themselves apart from, “those other guys” and 2: making their bog-standard level of decent behavior seem special.
That this encourages the idea that men are slavering beasts, just looking for the chance to rape women, and so any dude who happens to rape someone who has had, “a little too much” is “just being a dude”, and so reinforces rape culture is just a pleasant side effect of the program.
But heaven forfend a woman should think “Any many might be a rapist”, that’s misandric, and unfair to the Nice Guys™ who would never do, “That”.
TomBcat, I get exactly what you mean. And this shit happens usually when the people are very young and haven’t had a chance to really absorb the issue of intimacy and decide exactly where and how they want to place their boundaries.
I’m guessing that for guys the “you’re a guy of course you want to” is the other side of the same shit pile.
Marie thanks, I’m fine really, it’s just that I had just finished reading yet another story about a young woman who passed out at a party and was then raped, and videos of the assault hit the internet, leading to months of cyberbullying for HER (not, of course, the rapists), culminating in her suicide. This time in northern CA. She was an attractive white girl, so it makes the news — not that it shouldn’t, it just makes me wonder how many of these stories never make the news because the victims aren’t young, attractive white women.
So not a lot of patience for rape apologists right now.
Pecunium, I never thought of that before…the cognitive dissonance of simultaneously thinking most men are rapists and also being upset when women point out that any man could be a rapist must be overwhelming. Perhaps that’s why they’re so frequently incoherent.
The bewildering thing to me about these guys was communicated really well through this post: They think that having the chance to have sex, and then not having sex, is the worst thing that could possibly happen to them. Of all their craziness, that’s one part that stands out to me. One instance of missing out on sex means that…. something awful has happened, I don’t know.
One time in college, I was alone with a woman and I felt shy, and nothing happened. Later I found out that she’d told a mutual friend that because I didn’t kiss her, she concluded (semi-jokingly) I was gay. I kind of think this anecdote is the ninth level of hell for MRAs.
But the thing is, when I heard that I lost respect for her and no longer had any DESIRE to kiss her.
That’s the crazy thing about these guys. They have no idea how to actually WANT to be close to someone, much less fulfilling that want. So, they just adopt the rape culture’s What Men Want, because it’s simple and easy and they can’t handle anything more complicated. It’s like they’re actually avatars of rape culture. It’s astounding.
Wait, hang on a minute. I thought the only type of man women were attracted to was wealthy men who look like male models. Now you mean to tell me that women are only attracted to men with dark triad genes? Thank goodness women have men like TIC to break it all down and tell them the only type of man they’re really attracted to.
Also getting real tired of dudes swearing up and down how “good, decent, respectable and genuine” they are, and then explaining why they think women are sub-human, evil and deserve to be sexually assaulted.
Protip: If you’re saying or even implying that anyone deserves to be raped, you are neither a good, decent nor respectable person. You are a shitstain.
No, you see, we’d all be just as hateful as they are if we had gone through what they’ve been through. Because, you know, no one ever experiences pain or loneliness without becoming bitter and hateful. And also women never get lonely except when we’re old and then we deserve it for looking over all those nice guys who think we deserve to be raped.
teethefed, why did you lose respect for her? I’ve had situations where I have been trying to work out if a guy is interested and not making any explicit moves so it doesn’t make him uncomfortable or so I don’t do something inappropriate. This seems to be part of dating. Ok assuming you are gay is a little arrogant, but it is hardly an insult. I can never tell if a guy is gay unless he tells me.
Aside from the refusal of NiceGuys(TM) and other predators to take no for an answer, this TIC creep comes across as if women never have genuine doubts about whether they want to form a relationship with someone. I’d bet he takes any hesitation, any wondering about whether to date, or go on dating, as playing hard to get – as something done to mess him about. It’s all about him, in this slimeball’s mind. Nothing a woman ever thinks, says or does is about herself, it’s all about having an effect on him.
And of course there’s the whole socialisation of women to let men down gently (if we’re being mean enough to let them down at all). Partly that’s the must-be-nice-to-men pressure, and partly it’s sheer self-preservation, when too many men react so badly to any sort of rejection. But this sort of shitstain deliberately reads the gentle let-down as mind games or not really meaning no at all, though, as has been pointed out often enough, they know perfectly well what it means.
Dark triad genes?
What the fuck?