a woman is always to blame alpha males bad boys beta males boner rage creepy evil sexy ladies evo psych fairy tales men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys oppressed men playing the victim PUA rape rape culture

NEWS FLASH: Women aren’t the mysterious creatures that Nice Guys ™ — and predators — like to pretend that they are

Consent: Not actually that hard to recognize.
Consent: Not actually that hard to recognize.

Blog posts by the New Misogynists I write about here often seem to be little more than combinations and recombinations of a relatively small number of very bad ideas. Today, let’s look at a blog post from a “conservative libertarian” and creepy Nice Guy ™ who identifies himself only as TIC, which combines a bit of “consent is hard” and “women only like bad boys” with some muddled notions from Evo Psych to conclude that women are such mysterious creatures that no one could possibly know what they really want — and so therefore it’s women who are the ones who are really responsible when they get raped.

It’s an argument that bears a strong similarity to the stories rapists tell themselves to excuse their actions. When people describe so-called Nice Guys ™ as creepy, this is why: in a lot of ways, they think like predators. In the case of TIC here, exactly like predators.

TIC starts off by ridiculing the notion that “no means no.”

Women are notorious for always warning men that “no means no”. For us men who have dealt with enough women, we know this to be pure malarkey. If “no” always meant “no”, many men would die virgins. There would also be fewer rapes as a result, because for once women would mean what they said instead of talking in indirect code language.

And now the victim blaming begins in earnest:

Women, many times, bring rape upon themselves. They purposely reject men, even ones they are interested in, in order to get him to chase her. Since women love to be the prize and the center of attention, leading a man on a wild goose chase through all sorts of hoops and mind games is all too common in today’s society.

Now, if this were actually true it would be, well, sort of annoying for straight men who don’t like jumping through hoops. TIC, though, seems to have convinced himself that the fact that some women play coy in the dating world somehow makes it literally impossible for men to tell when and if they’re raping a woman.

What this does is blur the line between what is acceptable for a man to do to a woman and what is not…because once we can all agree that women want to be chased, we can understand what a predicament it puts men into. Since “no” does not always mean “no”, there is no real way for a man to know when to stop his advances upon a woman.

TIC now pulls out some half-baked Evo Psych to bolster his alleged argument:

My theory as to why women give such pieces of advice goes back to dark triad genes or the lack thereof. You see, when a woman tells a man that he should just be himself, or to respect women, or to give them compliments, or that “no means no”, what she is actually doing is bullshitting the male. This is a weeding out mechanism that women use in order to ensure that men who don’t get it never will.

He follows this up with a fairly standard Nice Guy ™ whine.

You see, women do not want nice guys to propagate their genes. They do not wish for them to be successful with women. This is why advice coming from women is never good; it has been sabotaged from the get-go.

Well, actually, If women are telling Nice Guys ™ that “no means no” because they don’t want to have sex with these Nice Guys ™  aren’t these women, however mean you think they are, communicating what they want pretty clearly?

TIC moves on to another standard Nice Guy ™ complaint: that women actually get to turn down men for sex. Never mind that men also have the right to refuse sex with anyone they want. To the dedicated Nice Guy ™, the fact that women can say “no” means that they’re the ones running the show. And doing a terrible job of it, to boot.

Women have the power and control in the dating scene. This is important to note because it means that any and every problem with society in the context of female-male relations falls on the shoulders of women themselves.

And we’re back in Evo Psych-land again:

If women decide to start dating men who are genuine, nice, and honest, then that is what most men will become. Since women, however, are only attracted to males with dark triad genes, that is what most men strive to be. The ones that do not either are alone or being used.

Therefore, women are responsible for getting raped:

[S]ince women have decided to make men chase and act in an overly-aggressive fashion in order to get sex, the rape culture pervades society. Make no mistake about it, women invariably cause most rapes.

Oh, but ladies, TIC isn’t necessarily blaming you personally for being raped. You may be a perfectly virtuous woman. It’s all those other ladies who created the rape culture that got you raped.

Now, this is not to say that specific individuals who are victims of raped caused it or even desired it. The point is that women overall have created an environment in which only sexually aggressive, narcissistic, abrasive men are seen as sexually attractive (these traits are what women interpret as being “confident”).

They have created an environment in which “no” doesn’t mean “no”, it actually means “try harder, keep going, I want to be chased, I want to feel wanted even though you’ve already made it clear that you want me. I want to play games and toy with you until I’m satisfied.”

Huh. I thought women were only interested in aloof dudes who insult them and refuse to buy them drinks, not with supplicating so-called betas falling over themselves to chase women. At least that’s what all the Pickup Artists keep telling me.

But no. In TIC’s world, women are mysterious creatures who delight in mystifying men, and men have no choice but to try, and try, and try again.

Men are constantly placed in awkward, unsure situations because what women want is always esoteric.

If women are so “esoteric” how is it that so many of them manage to end up in relationships with people they love? Surely at some point they must have managed to convey to their partners what they wanted.

Should he approach? If she rejects him, should he continue his advances because that’s what she may want deep down? Who knows?

Who knows? You should know, dude, and if you don’t, you should find out. Seriously, if you honestly can’t tell if a woman wants to make out with you, or have sex with you, or even just watch an episode of Mad Men with you, STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING and USE WORDS to ASK HER what she wants.

If you ask if she wants to have sex and she says no, assume she means no, and don’t have sex with her. And don’t assume she said “no” because she thinks you’re a spineless beta for asking. Seriously. If a woman really wants to have sex with you, chances are infinitesimally slim that she’s going to change her mind and throw you out simply because you actually asked her if she wants to have sex. (And if she is that sort of person, count your blessings that you’re not dating her, and move on.)

If the woman you’re pursuing is such a flighty game player that for some perverse manipulative reason she won’t say “yes” when she means “yes,” DON’T HAVE SEX WITH HER. Assume that anything short of a clear “yes” is a “no.” And maybe think about dating someone who can communicate what she wants more clearly.

If you assume that ambiguity means no, the worst that can happen is that miss out on having sex with someone who’s up for having sex with you, but who for some reason can’t or won’t tell you what she really wants. A missed chance to have sex is not the end of the world. If, by contrast, you assume that ambiguity means yes, the worst that can happen is that you rape someone. Err on the side of caution. Don’t err on the side of rape.

Unfortunately, like most of those who pretend that consent is somehow more complicated than quantum physics, TIC doesn’t actually seem much interested in figuring out the alleged mysteries of consent. He seems more interested in providing an excuse for men who want to pretend that consent is so hard, and women such mysterious creatures, that they just can’t help raping women.

For many men, leaving things to chance is not an option. They will continue to press the issue in order to find out the woman’s true intentions.

“Press the issue.” That may be the creepiest euphemism for rape I’ve run across yet.

Thus is the nature of women: enablers of the very thing they claim to despise the most.

No, it’s the nature of sexual predators to pretend that a clear verbal “no” from the target of their sexual advances means “keep pushing,” and, indeed, that any response short of a punch in the nose is evidence that their victim “really wants it.”

Rapists like to pretend that they somehow “misunderstood” the signals their victims gave them. But there’s good research showing that this just isn’t true – and that the predators know it. As Thomas Macaulay Millar has pointed out in a much-cited post on the Yes Means Yes blog, predators can read the signals from their victims just fine. It’s just that they don’t like what their victims are trying to tell them – that is, no. “[T]he notion that rape results from miscommunication is just wrong,” Millar writes. “Rape results from a refusal to heed, rather than an inability to understand, a rejection.”

And this is where predators and Nice Guys ™ find common cause. Predators don’t really care what their victims want, and will keep going regardless of whether or not they get a clear message to stop; pretending that women are mysterious creatures unable to convey what they want gives them a perfect excuse for their predatory behavior.

Nice Guys, by contrast, may not actually be confident enough to believe that the women they fixate on will ever say yes to them. And so they’re drawn to the same specious arguments about the alleged “esoteric” nature of women that predators spout — because these half-believed arguments enable them to pretend that ambigious signals — or even flat-out no’s — are yeses in disguise.

TIC’s argument doesn’t explain rape culture. His argument is rape culture.

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11 years ago

For reference, if you want to use block quotes (or other text tricks), the code is < something something >


Your assertions are so ridiculous I’m not sure how to respond.

Let me say that nothing in any of my posts involved ‘rape’. This word was constantly used by others here, as a figment of their imagination.

The fact is, you don’t ask women to have sex unless you’ve known them for a good while, or are in a relationship. And you never ask them to ‘have sex’ before you’ve actually had sex with them the first time. Or the only thing you’ll be getting is a cold shoulder.

This is why women are so fond of the expression, it just happened.

Again, nope it doesn’t ‘just happen’. It happens early in relationships because she allows him to be alone with her, allows herself to become aroused, then doesn’t resist.

Then the relationship starts.

I used to have a joke I expressed with my mother when I was younger, recently divorced and trying to explain why I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time. I noticed relationships seemed to follow a pattern where I was living. I told her, mom I’m a little confused. I try to get to know the girl first, then have sex. But around here it seems that first you have sex, then get to know her.

And if you didn’t push for sex when it’s offered (non-verbally), or set a sexual frame with her from the start. You were in essence crossed off the list immediately or put into the friend zone.

Are you naive?

I didn’t invent this shit. Men just hang around, women make the rules and control the sex. Until sex happens. The the guy is the proverbial ‘in like Flint’ and tends to control the relationship.

Remember, women use sex for relationships, etc.. Men use the promise of relationships, etc.. to obtain sex.

The power struggle looks like this. She controls the man until he has sex with her. Then the power dynamic shifts and he controls her.

Your assertions are ridiculous
And your figments preposterous
but your argumention for it quite meticolous
and I find all of that conspicuous

If you want relations felicitous
and intimiate times non-ambiguous
I recommend approaches ubiquitous
and not vicious
simply try to be scrupulous
and don’t hold that other people are oblivious
with some simple conversation you’ll find times miracolous
and get with people fabolous
and it won’t be malicious
on accounting of your empathy, for serious
otherwise your words are villainous
and your proscriptions tenous
and treating matters with important frivolous

claiming you control things with your penis is a claim incredolous
and a sordid statement on relations hideous

Of power struggles your understanding is at best… suspecious

11 years ago

Damn you, blockquotes monster! *shakes fist*

Men want sex, women generally want relationships. But not always.

And yet we’re supposedly the ones saying women don’t want sex?

11 years ago

Let me ask you. The first time, did you ask your boyfriend to have sex with you?

Actually, yes! About a month after we’d been dating I came over and brought a sex/relationship board game with me that I had picked up at the local boutique on a lark.

We ended up talking rather extensively about sex in general, getting to know each other’s likes and dislikes, all while having a nice red wine 😉 I don’t need to tell you how that night ended! 😀

11 years ago

Cool story, bro. ~Was this before or after you stopped being a young wall-flower afraid to ask women out and suddenly became irrisistible to young women in your happily-married middle age?

I was never afraid to ask women out.

I just did not at points of my life for various reasons.

One of which being there sexual practices (std’s), and other potential conflicts of interest. I’ve always been relationship oriented, not casual sex oriented.

Ever heard of serial monogamy?

The fact is, and I made this clear earlier, most young ‘hot’ women today wont consider a relationship with you until they determine how you perform in the sack, and whether or not your a needy, desperate sort. That just means you get a try out. And if you don’t know the rules, you better get some male friends to hang out with, a plain girl right off the farm or something.

11 years ago

J.S., what exactly are you trying to accomplish by posting here? You came in, made an illogical statement about how all women work and them started to stomp your feet & hold your breath when you were told that you were wrong.

In your opinion all women want to be dominated, you were told you’re wrong and your personal experience does not apply to everyone. You’re not going to convince anyone on this site to change their view & say by golly that’s what I’ve been missing in my life!

So why post if not to try and shit-stir?

11 years ago

For fuck’s sake JS, learn to quote properly. I want to read what you write because it is highly amusing, but you make it so hard with your pathetic lack of HTML skills.

11 years ago

I have to wonder, JS, why you aren’t’ addressing any of my points or questions, like the one about LGBT people?

You just keep repeating yourself, like you don’t actually have anything to say or any real knowledge on the subject or any evidence outside of questionable anecdotes to back your claims up.

11 years ago

J.S: why you think you’re entitled to kindness after the shit you’ve spewed here?

It’s not original at all. You should go back to being a happily married 52 year-old farmer. I think the pigs need you.

11 years ago

The fact is, and I made this clear earlier, most young ‘hot’ women today wont consider a relationship with you until they determine how you perform in the sack, and whether or not your a needy, desperate sort. That just means you get a try out. And if you don’t know the rules, you better get some male friends to hang out with, a plain girl right off the farm or something.

Nope. You made it clear that you belive that any man who asks a woman about sex beforehand will “get the cold shoulder” and therefore, if a man wants to get laid, he should never ever ask, the first time.

And now you are so disgusting with your “plain girl right off the farm” misogyny that we need brain bleach.

Maisie on being caught eating the pasrsly in my kitchen:

11 years ago


“Actually, yes! About a month after we’d been dating I came over and brought a sex/relationship board game with me that I had picked up at the local boutique on a lark.

We ended up talking rather extensively about sex in general, getting to know each other’s likes and dislikes, all while having a nice red wine 😉 I don’t need to tell you how that night ended! 😀 ”

That’s interesting.

Sounds like you two make a great couple.

So, let me get this straight. I’m supposed to date you until you decide to bring a board game about sex/relationships over to my place then I’m supposed to get the message that that’s why we’ve been dating the whole time.

The fact remains, if you boyfriend hadn’t hung around and dated you to begin with, secretly hoping the stars would align or something and you would mention sex, then it wouldn’t have happened.

And many women, especially the hotter varieties just aren’t going to be that impressed with his lack of confidence, or ability to seduce you.

11 years ago

So, let me get this straight. I’m supposed to date you until you decide to bring a board game about sex/relationships over to my place then I’m supposed to get the message that that’s why we’ve been dating the whole time.

Pretty much, unless you’re a rapist. Go hire a sex worker if you just want sex. This really isn’t that hard, you stunted little man.

11 years ago

Sounds like you two make a great couple.

Thanks! I think so too 🙂

So, let me get this straight. I’m supposed to date you until you decide to bring a board game about sex/relationships over to my place then I’m supposed to get the message that that’s why we’ve been dating the whole time.

Well, no. YOU aren’t supposed to do anything. But let’s assume you meant the generalized ‘you’ meaning ‘people who might want to date me’.

My boyfriend before that I had met in college, we had a few classes together (I had a huge crush on him) and one night while he was over helping my housemate with an assignment we started talking. Once we were alone we confessed our mutual attraction and he ended up staying over. I considered that the beginning of the relationship even though we had been friends and classmates for almost a year before.

Before him was my last girlfriend, and we were close friends for a long time, again, in college. She was dating someone at the time, but after they broke up we started hanging out more and ended up slowly transitioning into dating. So on and so on…

It’s almost like all of the people I’ve dated have been… DIFFERENT PEOPLE, and therefore the ways in which we began dating and having sex were different.

Human beings are different from one another!? Mind blown.

11 years ago

Fucking block quote monster! It was playing so nice earlier :/

11 years ago

Quote; fromafar2013;

“If that story is true…That’s sexual harassment. It created a hostile workplace that made it difficult for you to do your job, and indeed you lost your job over it. You should have had the legal means to file a complaint to get the behavior to stop or sue if it didn’t. You should have sought damages after losing your job over it. I’m sorry that we live in a society that teaches men that they are supposed to ‘like’ or put up with that shit and would have likely ridiculed you for addressing the issue.

Interestingly, feminists are the ones fighting to give you that power in that situation.”

Yes, it probably is sexual harassment.

However, you’ll never prove female on male sexual harassment in North Carolina unless it’s far more blatant than this.

Easier just to lick your wounds and find another job.

The next employer thought I was gay, because I was single and wouldn’t date the girls in the office.

Again, I have a rule against mixing business with pleasure. No matter how much I’d like too.

This led to a short career there as well.

I shouldn’t have to tell you that there are some extremely ignorant people out here in the world. And down here where I come from, in the bible belt, just a few short years ago you’d better play the good Christian game in those circles where it exists. That means volunteering yourself to whatever woman of convenience that doesn’t have a husband.

11 years ago

So, let me get this straight. I’m supposed to date you until you decide to bring a board game about sex/relationships over to my place then I’m supposed to get the message that that’s why we’ve been dating the whole time.

I find it amusing how you flip-flop your argument to suit your needs, so much so I couldn’t resist coming back.
I mean, you Specifically asked if they took the initiative and sought consent, and when they provided the answer and context, that indeed they had done so, you suddenly try to pretend like they were arguing that was the only possible way for it to happen. Its fricking hilarous.

You damn well know that they answered your question,and that at any time, the boyfriend could have asked. because thats what our entire point is. Asking for consent. Thats our point. and somehow, WHOOSH, right over your head. It doesn’t matter *WHO* asks, so long as both sides say ‘yes’.

11 years ago

I shouldn’t have to tell you that there are some extremely ignorant people out here in the world.

Yep, and you’re their leader.

11 years ago

However, you’ll never prove female on male sexual harassment in North Carolina unless it’s far more blatant than this.

Easier just to lick your wounds and find another job.

The next employer thought I was gay, because I was single and wouldn’t date the girls in the office.

Play nice blockquote monster…

But yes, this. All of that sucks. I hope that some day you are able to make the connection between attitudes like that and the changes feminists are fighting for. No one should be sexually harassed and everyone should have recourse no matter who the perpetrator is or the situation.

And WTF, assuming you are gay because you don’t want to jump on every girl you see? Do you see how that attitude about men and sex connects to what you were saying earlier about relationships? It implies that you aren’t a ‘real man’ if you don’t want sex, which is clearly bull shit. You’ve had this crap pulled on you, and clearly know it isn’t true, why do you perpetuate it?

11 years ago

Quote; marinaliteyears;

“I find it amusing how you flip-flop your argument to suit your needs, so much so I couldn’t resist coming back.
I mean, you Specifically asked if they took the initiative and sought consent, and when they provided the answer and context, that indeed they had done so, you suddenly try to pretend like they were arguing that was the only possible way for it to happen. Its fricking hilarous.

You damn well know that they answered your question,and that at any time, the boyfriend could have asked. because thats what our entire point is. Asking for consent. Thats our point. and somehow, WHOOSH, right over your head. It doesn’t matter *WHO* asks, so long as both sides say ‘yes’.”

marina, I have never asked a woman to have sex the first time.

It was never necessary. Nor would she have appreciated me discussing it.

Again, have you ever heard of sub-communcation? Non-verbal communication?


I don’t know how things work where you’re from, but any woman with any sense whatsoever will not allow herself to be alone with a guy in a location where sex can take place, unless she is receptive to the possibility of him trying to escalate.

Then she only has to say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ to keep it from progressing.

For instance, If I tell a woman that I’m dating we’re going back to my place to watch a movie, it’s implied that there’s the possibility we will get physical. Where it ends is up to her.

If I tell her we’re going to my place to have sex, she probably will not go. It’s just creepy.

Again, it’s the possibility and the unknown that’s attractive.

11 years ago

but any woman with any sense whatsoever will not allow herself to be alone with a guy in a location where sex can take place

I’m just boggled right now. JS, care to give a guess why that might be?

11 years ago

Quote; fromafar2013

“And WTF, assuming you are gay because you don’t want to jump on every girl you see? Do you see how that attitude about men and sex connects to what you were saying earlier about relationships? It implies that you aren’t a ‘real man’ if you don’t want sex, which is clearly bull shit. You’ve had this crap pulled on you, and clearly know it isn’t true, why do you perpetuate it?”

I don’t perpetuate it.

I should have the right to choose my own destiny as well. As far as who I choose to get involved with.

The problem is some people in power like to play matchmaker. And some women who are used to getting everything they want (because of their sex appeal to men), want what they want, and can get damned nasty if they don’t get it. In my position that puts me in the middle.

There’s a reason why down south here married men with wives and children generally get paid more and have more opportunities for advancement than single men and women.

That is the approved arrangement among the fundamentalists down here in the bible belt.

And if you’re not what they consider ‘normal’, you’re different.

Different is not always good for ones career or their love life. Even if it is better.

11 years ago


“I’m just boggled right now. JS, care to give a guess why that might be?”

Isn’t it obvious?

Therefore, if a woman (with options) either suggests or follows you to a place where sex can take place, in my experience, most of them expect you to make a move.

If you don’t, then you will be seen as lacking confidence and most probably not worthy of anymore of her time or consideration as a lover.

11 years ago

I don’t perpetuate it.

But… you just were. That’s what you started with.

Men want sex, women generally want relationships.

Remember, women use sex for relationships, etc.. Men use the promise of relationships, etc.. to obtain sex.

So, when interacting with a woman there should be only one thing on your mind… Is it cocky, funny? Is it humor. Is it talking about the weather? Nope. It’s about escalation to the sex location. If you don’t do this, you will be disrespected as a man, and find yourself lonely.

Have you changed your mind from earlier? That’s okay if you have. Discussions change people’s minds all the time.

11 years ago

See, the thing is though, Sub-communication and non-verbal communication only go so far. Someoen can be interested and attracted, but feel uncomfortable, or unwilling to engage in sex, therefore it is *very* important to make sur eyou both feel comfortable.

In fact, I would be willing to say that if you and her are not comfortable talking about it, then your not ready to have sex, because there is too much ‘what if’ and ‘maybe’ Involved.

Also, your not putting all The burden on the female to make a good choice, because again, your assuming that all men will always want sex, and that it is up to the woman to only go somewhere private with a man if she wants sex. Thats an incorrect assumption. Sometimes, people talk in private, or maybe she wants enough privacy with him to get passionate, but doesn’t feel comfortable going all the way. Maybe *he* is the one who doesn’t want to have sex, and *she* is trying to preassure him into it, like with you and those girls you mentioned. Besides, If the male assumes sex has to happen Just because he is alone with he woman, that is his assumption.

Also, relying on no is problematic. It, once again, puts the pressure and blame on the person who is uncomfortable. Did you say no to those girls, after all? Ir did you perhaps, figure that would just get you in trouble? Wouldn’t it have been nice, if maybe they asked you, you said no, and they left you alone and respected your decision?

And your example is flawed. you dont have to ask, necessarily, before going to your place for a movie. you just have to ask sometime before you start trying to have sex, and I guarantee you, most women would say yes, if they are ready for it. Again, if you have to rely on no one saying anything, then you, and your partner, are probably nor comfortable enough to have sex without the risk that *someone* is uncomfortable, and not really wanting it.

I make this post, because I feel like giving you the benefit of a doubt and actually engaging you, on the off chance your sincere. I doubt it, but I’m, feeling like spelling things out.

11 years ago

I don’t know how things work where you’re from, but any woman with any sense whatsoever will not allow herself to be alone with a guy in a location where sex can take place, unless she is receptive to the possibility of him trying to escalate.

So no woman of sense has ever been alone with a guy in a location where sex can take place without tacitly agreeing to sex.

All those taxi rides, all those times women have ordered room service or popped round to a male friend’s house to help him trim his chickens’ flight feathers & treat them for mites. All tacit invitations for sex. How could I have been so naive?

11 years ago

BOOM! Blockquotes.

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