all about the menz boner rage evil fat fatties evo psych fairy tales imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men patronizing as heck playing the victim video games western women suck

Angry gamer dude: Men need sexy video game babes, because real-world women are fatties

Male gamers suffer terribly when they can't look at game gals like these, from Gotham City Impostors
Male gamers suffer terribly when they can’t look at game gals like these, from Gotham City Impostors

The gaming enthusiast known as seanmalstrom seems to be on a personal crusade to challenge the stereotype of men as the “logical sex.” He does this mostly by 1) being a dude and 2) writing things that make no sense at all.

In a recent post on his blog Malstrom’s Articles News – no, that’s really what it’s called – Mr. Malstrom attempts to rebut a piece by John Walker of the gaming site Rock Paper Shotgun that challenged misogyny in the gaming world.

It’s not much of a rebuttal, but Mr. Malstrom makes a couple of, er, “arguments” that grabbed my attention. At one point he suggests that if game developers stop populating their games with sexy lady characters with giant boobs and long legs, American men will have no way to exercise their God-given right to ogle sexy ladies with giant boobs and long legs.

There is a great question I have yet to hear anyone in the Game Industry answer. If women cannot be depicted fantastical (big boobs, long legs, slaughters armies single-handedly) in fantasy entertainment, where can men go to see fantasy women? Women have their fantasy men from endless soap-operas, romance novels, chick flicks, and such. Are men not allowed to have fantasies in entertainment?

True, that is a question I’ve yet to see anyone in the game industry answer, largely because most of the people in the game industry, whatever their flaws, live in the real world, and in the real world images of sexy ladies with big boobs are not exactly difficult to come by.

Mr. Malstrom goes on to argue that men in the English-speaking world have the greatest need for sexy lady video game characters, because the women they run into on a regular basis in the real world are all fatties. In the Cold War era, politicians warned about a “Missile Gap” with the Russians. Today, apparently, we and the Russians have a Fatty Gap.

In Russia, it is stunning to see alcoholic bums of Russian men with model quality looks Russian women. In the same way, in the United States it is stunning to see wealthy, hardworking, handsome American men with an American woman who looks like a Troglodyte. Of course, this is just a generalization. The point is that the typical American male has a better worldwide value if they stop thinking the local obese women around them are ‘the normal’. They aren’t the normal worldwide.

If anyone needs fantasy depictions, it would be English speaking men who don’t have access to the worldwide standard.

Mr. Malstrom is also bothered by the suggestion that video game makers should try to make female characters more interesting. You know, with personalities and motivations of their own, and stuff like that. To Mr. Malstrom, there’s nothing more interesting about a women than her body.

What makes a woman interesting to men?

The truth is that interesting women needs youth, big boobs, long legs, long hair, and an hourglass figure to be interesting to men. The more women go away from this, the less interesting they become to men. This is why women when inevitably age, they become more and more invisible to men. It is just Nature at work. Ironically, for men the older they get, the more interesting they can become to women as their earning potential goes up. This balances out how most young men are invisible to women when they are younger. After the age of 25, men tend to become the more interesting ones compared to a woman of equal age. This is why mothers always advised their daughters to ‘snag him when he and she are both young’.

Indeed, Mr. Malstrom argues, men who insist that women be depicted as sex objects are doing women a giant favor.

And we should only hope that women wish to be depicted as sex objects for that is how they become love objects as well. No man wants to marry a women they aren’t attracted to. Last I checked, marriage rates were plummeting in the West. Perhaps journalists should strive for ‘positive change’ by suggesting to women to be depicted more as sex objects so they can attract a man for marriage before they get too old. That would truly help women and make men happier as well.

Mr. Malstrom concludes with a stirring call for women to stop being such fat fatties.

It IS tasteless for using women as sex objects to sell games. Why? It is because real life women should be sex objects to begin with. If that were the case, putting them on a game cover wouldn’t be selling the game. This used to be the case decades ago. Since obesity in women have skyrocketed and attractive women have diminished, putting attractive women on game covers definitely attracts men more than it should.

It IS sad that women can’t find themselves sensibly portrayed in the games they play. It is not because the women in the games are ‘too attractive’, it is because the women playing them tend to be ‘too fat’. It is sad for women that they are fat. It is also sad for men. What John Walker should do is to advise women to get in shape and try to look like the depictions of women that men are attracted to. This would be ‘positive change’ we could all get behind.

I hate to burst your bubble, Mr. Malstrom, but I don’t think there was any era of history in which women looked like this.

600full-tomb-raider-iii -the-adventures-of-lara-croft-artwork

It’s probably just as well, as Lara here doesn’t seem to have eyelids and her head isn’t properly connected to her neck.

Note: Thanks to Tatjna for pointing me to Mr. Malstrom’s post!

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11 years ago

Of course he wants pictures–gotta keep the spank bank full.

11 years ago

I used to read this guy’s blog. His take on why the Wii would be successful (and why Nintendo subsequently dropped the ball) was very much on the mark.

After a while it got kind of boringly ranty, and then one day there was a post that actually referenced the term MGTOW. I thought “well this has gone about as far downhill as I care to follow it” and unsubscribed.

11 years ago

Pickle, sounds like he’s an example of the sort of blogger who blogs on a topic juuuust long enough to gain an audience, and then switches to whining about whatever he wants. (I am not being hypocritical here; I’ve whined about whatever I want since day one.)

11 years ago

The more I read from these people the more I’m convinced that they live in a strange parallel dimension. Perhaps one in which a lot of women actually are half-bird. I would be cool with that.

I feel sorry for this extradimensional internet user who can only see attractive women on videogames. If only he had access to our universe’s internet, where he could find images of objectified women in all sorts of movies, commercials, books, and even porn. However, I feel even more sorry for the attractive women who are apparently shunned so they don’t appear in society or are exiled to Russia.

11 years ago

And, of course, we have the fact that this asshat can’t quite grok the notion that not every game is meant to cater to his taste–and, in fact, it’d be a good idea if companies started looking to broaden their appeal generally–because the first game company that does is going to have a huge advantage.

11 years ago

He is right on one thing though…I have found that as I get older, I do become invisible to misogynists who only see me as a sex object. However, I fail to see how this is a problem.

11 years ago

Would I also be more attractive to men if I clipped through walls? How low does my polygon count have to be if I want to snag a Play Station One-era kind of guy? I’m not sure if I can make my elbows sharp enough. 🙁

11 years ago

I hope he hated Bioshock Infinite. All that damn character development!

11 years ago

I think I need to point this to the Mos Eisley girls if they haven’t already seen it. I would be… amused… by their reaction.

11 years ago

What makes a woman interesting to men?

Things I learned today:
1. Jessica Rabbit is a realistic portrayal of women in Russia.
2. Women need to be interesting for this man’s sake.
3. If I can’t kill an army of zombies while looking good in nothing but a bikini, my life is meaningless.(also god forbid I suffered an accidental nip slip while being heroic, that would be the end of it all).

11 years ago

Of course he wants pictures–gotta keep the spank bank full.

Using your imagination for such things are MISANDRY.

11 years ago

Random, but in the hallway where I work I noticed the perfect place to store the strawmen our trolls toss into their comments. Currently being used to store old nitrate film stock, but I’m sure we can find room for a few strawmen.

11 years ago


… Because Hawkeye and Green Arrow can make all those trick shots only if they stick their tuchuses waaay out there.

I wouldn’t mind having Barton stick out his tuchus where I could see it. /missing the point. Unless we’re talking about the other Hawkeye, of course.

Hmn, are there any other female sharpshooters/archers/snipers in comics/popular media? There’s Riza Hawkeye of Full Metal Alchemist.

11 years ago


I knowledge grammar

11 years ago

I can’t even rant on this properly. How can I rant about a guy who literally thinks that women should be sex objects, literally thinks that his particular notion of attractiveness is universal, and literally thinks that only sex-object women are interesting?

All I can feel is pity…

What happens when he reads a book? Does he get bored and toss it if it doesn’t have a picture of a hot woman, or if any female characters aren’t immediately described as long legged, long haired, etc?

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

It is because real life women should be sex objects to begin with.

This line got me the most. Most of the time, these rants just imply that they think women are just for sex. This guy outright said it.
Also, I remember back in high school, pretty much every guy who thought any video game character was attractive was thought to be a nerd (and not in the good sense of the word) and a sexual deviant, because they needed to find real girls. So why is it now necessary to find them attractive? I only graduated two years ago.
Also, the only fantasy women are in video games? Hasn’t this guy ever heard of porn?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Well of course Mr Malaprop wouldn’t want women with personalities. That would just emphasise his own lack of one.

Loser dude: go right ahead, wank to those ridiculous images all you like. The further away from real women you are, the bettter. For that matter, the further away from real anyone you are, the better. Stay in the basement, there’s a good lad.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@Lisa – what’s the bet chucklefuck here had (or still has) that fake picture of Palin in a stars and stripes bikini and toting a gun on his wall?

11 years ago

Anyone need a little good news? Click here.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@katz – that’s you? In that picture? OMG did you introduce Seb Vettel to some drop bears after his trick in Malaysia?


@ignotussomnium – “However, I feel even more sorry for the attractive women who are apparently shunned so they don’t appear in society or are exiled to Russia.”

I’m glad I don’t have those sort of looks. I don’t wanna live in Russia.

@TomBcat – “1. Jessica Rabbit is a realistic portrayal of women in Russia.”

Never seen any Russian guys who look like Roger Rabbit, though. Disappointing, really. (Okay I thought he was the ugliest rabbit ever, but hey, if it was him or Putin …)

@Cthulhu’s Intern – perhaps this whole “women should look like game fantasies” garbage is just the guys described as deviants doubling down? Because yeah, this one sure fits the description of nerd-not-in-a-good-way. He’s hardly even creepy; he’s so deep in his fantasy land I can’t imagine him even looking at a real woman. Wonder if he thought Angelina Jolie was too plain and awful to play Lara Croft?

Bet he hates that LC is being given cargo pants instead of hot pants in her new incarnation, heheh. The idea of him with a sadbonerwilt is amusing.

11 years ago

@AK – word up!

I like that I’m finally starting to be approached somewhat less by grimeballs/misogynists/PUAs/worst people ever. In a weird way, I can thank MRAs for helping me enjoy the aging process more. EW. But I don’t really thank them for anything, other than leading to Manboobz.

In sum: according to the manternet/manosphere, being skinny with long legs and disproportionately big breasts means men of all ages have a natural, god-given, human right excuse to stalk and harass me as a minor. Ergo, I am now going to shift some of the blame for why I hated my body so much I had two breast reductions onto MRAs. Is everyone okay with that? (I know I’m steeped in privilege because of my body, but it’s weird and wonky).

There were lots of other reasons, too, and I’m happy I did it, and also really want to support women who feel or ever felt uncomfortable with their breasts being too large, or for any other reason. But it makes me feel better today (a stressful day) to be reductive and blame MRAs rather than huge broad complex social and psychological, yah know, reasonz. And that’s real. (When I was lurking, I started using “and that’s real” in my, you know, real life. Thanks to whoever it was — cloudiah? — originally.

11 years ago

Video game chicks are for dudes who are either unattractive themselves or are too socially incompetent to the point where they can’t get laid in the real world ….says every gamer man I have ever known.

11 years ago

Hmn, are there any other female sharpshooters/archers/snipers in comics/popular media? There’s Riza Hawkeye of Full Metal Alchemist.

There’s Merida of Brave and Catniss of The Hunger Games.

11 years ago

Video game chicks are for dudes who are either unattractive themselves or are too socially incompetent to the point where they can’t get laid in the real world ….says every gamer man I have ever known.

Well, let this gamer man tell you that what they did to Harley’s costume in Arkham Asylum is an offense to taste and an abomination unto Nuggan.