a woman is always to blame all about the menz douchebaggery misogyny the olden days

All About the Menz: Douchey Vintage Douche Ads Edition


When are women’s “problems” really problems? According to the vintage ads I’ve collected below, only when they affect a man.


You gals may want to pay special attention to that delicate female problem that has destroyed so many marriages. And no, despite the headline for the ad below, I’m not talking about poor spelling.


And yes, that really was an ad for Lysol. The good folks at Lysol hoped to get women so worried about the effect of their “one neglect” on the men in their lives that they would actually put Lysol in their vaginas. Evidently this ad campaign proved successful; there are a lot of these old Lysol ads floating around. Like this one:


Lysol wasn’t the only brand hoping that women would blame their allegedly smelly vaginas for any problems in their marriages:


And speaking of that whole lady area down there, meet this fellow:


Once you’ve got all your female troubles under control, there’s a simple way to win men back:


The only question is if he’s ready for this jelly.

EDITED TO ADD: Here’s one more! It does not involve the lady regions, however.


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Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

I don’t think that women using douches says anything about their intelligence. Instead, it reflects the sad state of affairs that happens when women aren’t educated about our bodies, shamed for them and then exploited by companies out to make a buck.

Pretty much, and I don’t think there’s been all that much progress in this area. Women – and in particular non-Caucasian women – are still encouraged to do unhealthy things in the name of beauty. Using diluted floor cleaner as a douche is mockably awful, but I don’t think that the chemicals in hair straighteners or skin bleachers are all that much nicer.

11 years ago

I should stay off of r/mensrights, but this was just too funny.

1 Are Men and Women of equal quality?
2 Then they are equally moral and equally immoral?
3 You say rape is an almost exclusively male crime, correct?
4 If Men and Women are equally immoral, then Women must have an equally heinous crime that they almost exclusively commit. What is it?

UnkleTBag’s logic is unassailable. I hereby renounce feminism.

(Actually, a few people point out that his logic is not in face unassailable, but David’s old friend Sigil is in there arguing that women created all the bad men so women are responsible for them too.)

11 years ago


I used to use Lysol for cleaning and even diluted (and I diluted the “ready to use” stuff) it dried out my hands horribly if I didn’t use gloves. I cannot imagine what effect it must have had on more sensitive tissues.



1 Are Men and Women of equal quality?
2 Then they are equally moral and equally immoral?
3 You say rape is an almost exclusively male crime, correct?
4 If Men and Women are equally immoral, then Women must have an equally heinous crime that they almost exclusively commit. What is it?

UnkleTBag’s logic is unassailable. I hereby renounce feminism.

Mra’s are weird.

11 years ago

Did Meller write the second ad copy? All that talk of daintyness, and lovely ladyness.


11 years ago

Karalora, your kitty is named Sekhmet? *bows before superior kitty naming skills*

11 years ago

All I can think of is this:

11 years ago

Well, that didn’t work.

Let me try that again:

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

@Bagelsan – “I first read that as “clean the floors with your vag.”

So did I!

@cloudiah – “Let’s take Dr. Miles Effervescent Nervine Tablets.”

Am I the only one who read that as “Dr Miles Effervescent”? Because that would be a totally cool name.

@Moona – ” But my husband loves it when his peener smells like clean linen after a romp instead of gooey vagina! ”

First thing I thought reading these ads was that I’d want to see any man who expected this sort of thing soak his bits in Lysol first.

@gillyrosebee (Deoridhe, is that your new name? I reckernize that kitty avatar) – tails are the source of all evil and irresistably tempting. Sir couldn’t help chasing his a bit that day he tried wearing it. Not that he fell around like kitty, but he did get dizzy. 😀

11 years ago


Yes, that is her name. It fits…not at all. She’s quite mellow and has never used her teeth or claws in anger.

11 years ago

Also, More Women Should Die in Shipwrecks!

They do though:

11 years ago

I’m surprised millions of women didn’t die of poisoning from douching with Lysol. Utterly insane.

11 years ago

Ah, Melody, we’ve discussed that article before, and MRAs have informed us that it is entirely wrong because it came from Sweden. It’s like an ad hominem argument, but directed at an entire country! Leave it to MRAs to push at the boundaries…

11 years ago

Wait….it isn’t valid because although it looks at ships from america (I assuming these are american MRMs?) it isn’t looked at by americans.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

They’d dismiss anything Swedish because it’s the home of Teh Feminizt Hivemind.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

You look at things like this and go “how did they not stop after the first burning pains?”* but then you remember stuff like corsets, lead paint, painful shoes, wigs larger than my computer tower and decorated with birdcages and plant vases, ridiculously heavy skirts (Irish traveller brides often get scars on their hips from their wedding gowns), pubic hair waxing… apparently attractiveness is pain. 🙁

*Wacky anecdote time: A few years back, as an alternative to showering, I decided to wipe myself off with wipes. Unfortunately, being a student, the only ones I had were toilet cleaning wipes (lemon-scented). AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. I was fine after a shower and liberal application of Savlon.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

And also, yeah, ‘MURRIKA, ‘MURRIKA, except when it suits them, of course.

11 years ago

Who was that asshole claiming that the ’50s was a beloved era for feminists?
It was from an OP post.

11 years ago

@CWS – during my first tae kwon do bout I had a nosebleed, and my second couldn’t find any tissues or paper towels, so he shoved clorox wipes up my nose. I imagine that felt much like douching with lysol did… Only I got high off the bleach pretty much straight away, so after a few seconds I couldn’t feel much at all.

11 years ago

Weeboy, I hope you found a new second.

11 years ago

Okay, the Mornadine ad was worse than I thought. It was specifically targeting doctors, meaning that the individual primarily responsible for the woman’s health and well-being was urged to consider whether or not she would be able to cook her man breakfast as a primary concern.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Gah. If it was “now you feel like eating breakfast again, and don’t barf at the sight of all that fried food” it’d be one thing, but oh no, it’s all cooking breakfast – not a word about you getting to eat it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Seriously, all it has to say is “now she can eat breakfast again”

Also, I read a bunch of the jokes on the first page to my mother, who found it all hilarious. And then asked if Lysol had seriously promoted this (she was born in the 50s, graduated late 70s, so yeah, this all was her childhood) — she didn’t find “yep, it’s for real” all that funny. (More like “put what? where?!“…followed by complaints that I had paused Torchwood and MOAR CAPTAIN JACK! Some people!)

Am I babbling? It’s way too hot here for early spring, I dread think of August (the dead of summer up here)…this is part of why I love Halloween, it’s the only time of year when I don’t hate the weather. I could do crisp 60~70 forever, none of this suddenly 80 and humid shit (and if I never see another 40” blizzard it will be too soon). But global warming isn’t a thing, see, it snowed all blizzard like!

Yeah, I’m babbling. Going to bed soon anyways, so don’t mind me. Take home points here: Lysol douche sounds like a bad, dangerous, painful joke; Captain Jack Harkness (and really, the rest of the Torchwood team) is hot.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Yes, the “Mirage” one is dated 1944.