It occurs to me that I haven’t posted any pictures of cats for awhile. So here are some cats with famous owners. Above, as you’ve probably gathered, is Bette Davis with a kitten. Below: Man Ray, Carole Lombard, and a young Marlon Brando. And, more importantly, their cats.
Man Ray, inventor of many innovative photographic techniques. Apparently getting a cat to hold still for a photo was not among them.
Too bad you didn’t include the pictures of James Dean with the cat that Elizabeth Taylor gave him!
That Marlon Brando one made my heart flutter
That Bette Davis kitten does not look particularly sure of its footing. “Oh no, what have I gotten myself into, why does this thing under me keep moving, how do I get down??”
Oh those kittieeeees!
Hey, can I claim to be in the same photographic league as Man Ray now? Maddie totally photobombed me last night, jumping up just as I hit the shutter. Instead of a pic of her lying being Cute on my shoes, I have a picture of a tail with a sort of orange blur in front of it.
That Caroel Lombard photo, wow.
All I have to offer is Lenin petting his kitty:
My vowels got a bit out of control there. Please mentally sort them into the right spots.
Wow! I had no idea Lenin liked kitties.
Men and their cats–a not so well-kept secret!
I’ve posted this video before, but I love it too much to not post it again.
They’re just giant housecats.
Pictures of kitties with:
Audrey Hepburn
John Lennon
H P Lovecraft
Ingrid Bergman
George Harrison
Queen Alexandra
Mark Twain
Rats! Should have known all those links would send it into moderation. I found some gorgeous pics of kitties with famous people. I’ll just post this one again in the meantime:
Queen Alexandra, when Princess of Wales
And it’s a 19th century painting, so nowhere near contemporary, but I love the way M le Cardinal de Richelieu is being totally distracted by kitties in this painting.
Cthulhu’s Intern I don’t think I’ve seen that before and I was totally xkcd’ing “Who’s a kitty?” at it the whole time. Thank you! This one, if you haven’t seen it.
And cats: sitting on important pieces of paper since always.
Salvador Dali, with cats!
I understand that the cats did not enjoy this process much, and Dali’s assistants were well aware of that fact.
No cats were harmed in the making of that picture, by the way. They just weren’t happy.
Marlon Brando… I’ll be in my bunk.
I’m on okcupid these days and pictures of me cuddling my gorgeous kitty seem to work really well.
Lenin’s two saving graces – liking kitties and doing rather a bit more to save Armenians than anyone else was trying to at the time. Overthrowing the Tsars, too, and simply not being Stalin probably didn’t hurt the perception of him.
AmandaJane – I love that xkcd. It’s sooooo true and I laugh every time I see it.
Kim – LOL ain’t that the truth!
I wonder who were the first kitties to walk on a harpsichord, or piano, or typewriter, or computer keyboard? Who was the first kitty to walk on the first form of paper? Can’t you just see Egyptian kitties jumping into scribes’ laps just as they finished a scroll and smudging or tearing it?
There must be a Hall of Fame known only to cats for these seminal felines.
Cardinal Richelieu’s cats look almost as if they’re holograms or something there – some sort of stuffing-up of the perspective or something? I don’t really know my visual arts.
And when was the first modern kitchen counter invented, and how long before a kitty refused to get off it?
Maybe the way the light’s hitting them, or that they’re just not painted all that well? I don’t know enough about painting to say, either.
Oooh, yes!
There’s a scene carved on a box (I think) from Tutankhamun’s treasures, of Princess Sitamun presenting something to her mother, Queen Tiye. The Queen is sitting on a suitable chair/throne, and a tabby kitty is sitting underneath. I imagine it’s more to do with Bastet or some other appropriate protective goddess, but it looks soooo much like a kitty has just sat under the chair because kitty. Also probably because it’s not meant to be there, but is anyway, because kitty.