$MONEY$ a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery evil women evo psych fairy tales I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary backwards land ladies against women markymark men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men patriarchy playing the victim we hunted the mammoth

Women created the patriarchy in order to enslave men, and other news from Upside-down-and-backwards land

Women: Constanly plotting to enslave men with their tears.
Women: Constantly plotting to enslave men with their phony tears.

Today, some Deep Thoughts about men, women, children, empathy, mini-vans, and patriarchy, from the inimitable Men’s Rights activist and proud misogynist Rob Fedders, whom I found being quoted with approval and even some relish by MGTOWer elder MarkyMark on his little blog today.

Mr. Fedders starts off with a classic misogynist trope: women are like children.

Very few women are capable of empathizing with men. There are about as many women who have the ability to empathize with men as there are children capable of empathizing with adults.

This is what most men fail to grasp, and why they go round and round in circles trying to “explain things” to women.

Women just don’t care. We are here for their purposes, not ours. …

Women will never “care” about men in the same way that men “care” about the wellbeing of women. …

We are designed like this by nature … .

Mr. Fedders offers proof of this evolutionary design by considering a dilemma that preoccupied our ancient ancestors on the African savannah. Namely: who gets the minivan?

You can even see how this works with the way that men and women buy family vehicles. The wife and kids are always put in the best vehicle/mini-van/SUV as possible to “protect them” etc. etc. while the husband drives the run-down piece of crap to work… when the time comes that the husband gets a second vehicle you can usually hear the wife chirping in, “We had to get Joe a new truck… because the last one wasn’t safe and we don’t know what we would do if something happened to him.

That’s the way it has always been and the way it will likely always be.

Apparently, men hunted the mammoth in crappy old pickup trucks.

Fedders returns to his main theme:

Men are a tool to women… a “business.” And to successfully work that business, they must always appear in the needy/attention category. Babies who don’t cry don’t get milk… and women who don’t get attention don’t get taken care of by men. It is an innate feature of humans.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, women have ruled the world from time immemorial.

Women do control society’s values and mores… they lead with what they think is fashionable, and men follow, because by nature we are designed to give women what they want.

And, oh, women invented patriarchy as well.

Women “are” society. What women’s wants are is what society’s want’s are. This is where women are lying when they talk about the dreaded “patriarchy.” The patriarchy only existed because women explicitly approved of it, and endorsed it morally – causing the men to follow suit.

Turns out that patriarchy is basically just a way to make all men slaves to their women:

This is what is happening today too. Most of the anti-feminist battle is not going to be between men and women… it is going to be between women who want a “traditional man” and those who want a collective “government husband.” In both cases, the women are advocating for men to take care of women – with little concern for the man’s wants and needs – one wants a personal slave to serve her & her offspring, while the other wants a slave class to serve women and their offspring in general.

It’s the way human beings are designed. Who cares whether women rule, or if they rule the rulers? The result is the same.

I knew women were sneaky, but I had no idea they were this sneaky.

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11 years ago

“Soup of the day: WHISKEY” sounds like the most fantastic of ideas for today. It is -4 and snowing.

11 years ago

(cont because ipod is being surly with me today) to feel pain? I get that everyone’s experiences with trauma differ but we don’t need conspiracy theory thrown in the mix, kthnxbai.
2) “Mother complex” in order to explain asthma sounds a wee dubious, but psychological factors can worsen asthma development, AH.
Sorry, you can all go back to talking about booze and kittens again. I’ve tried emailing my opinion on his pieces to him before, but funnily enough I haven’t received any reply.

11 years ago

Hey by the way I can’t speak for anybody other than myself but I really appreciate that there are so many people here like LaightTempest who have been called out on ableist language and have apologized and promised to be more thoughtful next time :). Using words like “crazy” and “insane” as perjoratives is obviously extremely common in English and most people don’t bat an eye, so it means a lot (to me at least) that people are willing to work on such an ingrained speech habit in order to be more welcoming to those of us that are mentally ill or neuroatypical. It gives me many warm feelings.

11 years ago

Whiskey soup? To each hir own. The only kinds of alcohol I can tolerate are wine and liquor. Besides that, I much prefer marijuana.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Laight Tempest – welcome!

Theda Bara, cool new name! You could always have a pic of her for an avatar if the kittens prove too uncooperative. 🙂

Mark Minter
11 years ago


I am amiss here. Where exactly was your refutation in what MarkyMark was claiming. I kind of read your blog and other than shaming the guy for daring to speak out, I sort of missed you proving anything he said was actually wrong?

Pretty much most of what he says is common belief and knowledge among men.

Men are slaves to women. Women judge men. Men must prove their worth to women. Men must offer women value or they don’t get to be in the lives of women. Women are only with men that offer value.

The essence of western and christian morality is limiting the sexual options of men to force them into circumstances that favor women.

Porn. Bad. Those men could jack off and not need women. Even Jacking off. Bad. Prostitutes, bad. Topless dancers. Bad.

Marriage. Good. Monogamy. Good. Work and giving money to women. Good.

Serial Dating, (notice the whole use of “serial” to confer the evil of “serial killers” onto the phrase) bad. Game and PUA bad. Especially the last two, because they “cheat” those women’s selection mechanisms and possibly allow those beta men to trick them. Very bad. Very very very bad. Women have a right to alpha sex, not creepy beta sex.

Friendzone. Good as long as those men stay in it, learn their place, and never never never actually insist on reciprocation to the friendship. White Knights. Good. As long as they stay in their place.

Even the whole “Where are the good men at?” means “Where are all those men with sexual market value two points higher than mine that earn in the top 10% of incomes even though I only earn in 65% level and have middling looks and attractiveness.”

Even TradCon preachers preach that “You can see the glory of God at work on Monday morning as those men get in those cars to head to work, to work hard to prove themselves to that woman to show her that he is worthy of him as her choice. She has not only a right, but a duty, to use access to sex to entice, and yes, even coerce the man into being a better man than he would if it were not for her. And if he does not behave then she, once again, not only has a right but a duty to ‘lower the boom’ on him with divorce so that he may learn the error of his ways and find his path to God and righteousness”

You think I’m making this shit up manboob? That above thing is a quote, man. Mark Prescott.

And the gist of my comments are to fight it, to turn your back on women, reject them for anything other than as sexual toys because they have proven themselves worthless for any other role in the life of men. You can’t trust them. You can’t build anything with them because the odds are 1 to 1, 50/50 that women will steal it from men, tear it down, show the man it was never his, that he merely rented it, leased it, the “something borrowed” from the wedding is actually his claim to the life he builds with his wife until she takes it from him, because society and the law says he has no right to it.

Men can’t trust women to be on our side against the world, because the smart man knows to sleep with one eye open when he is around her. She is on her side, and if the man happens to be useful to her, for now, then he stays. If he is not, then she is evolutionarily programmed to shit on him and find the bigger, better deal. And the rest of the women clap and applaud her, “You go, gurl, Your get yourz. You deserve it, honey/”

I preach that men should learn that love is merely a biological process, a bait and switch process of dopamine addiction with a cortisol buildup that is the same as having a loaded gun to the head of men, that if he doesn’t behave then the woman dumps him and the cortisol gun goes off causing him pain from the stress of the separation, nature’s own little way of enforcing the feminine imperative.

So I teach that multiple women is the best way avoid the cortisol gun. Love is application of dopamine during sex from centers D1 and D2 and if AVG is present than bonding occurs. And there is a buildup of cortisol, stress agents in the brain, but as long as he stays with the woman, then it doesn’t fire with its full force. And if he is forced into separation, if she punishes him and kicks him out, then it goes off, and is why men get the blues, depression, heartache, and women don’t. It is why men kill themselves and woman just get a new man, probably the next day.

But if he moves, keeps moving, pumps and dumps, before both the dopamine and cortisol traps are set, keeps moving, then subsequent encounters, then subsequent applications of dopamine from the D1 center prevent the bonding from occurring, and thus the cortisol can’t build up and the “bullet is taken out of the gun”. And avoids the bonding and the OneItis. And the pain, and the slavery, and the stupidity, the banality of life as a servant to a woman. He lives life on his terms and not on hers.

So that what I teach, the game is rigged, don’t play it. Learn the whole deal from biological, through the social, to the cultural. Fuck a bunch of MRAs and their whiny bullshit. Learn Game, learn to stick and move, and the stuff MRAs cry about, divorce court injustices, child custody injustices, false domestic violence, are irrelevant because you are not in those situations.

Men should see the world as it is and play the game so it favors men. It is easy to do, just recognize that all the cultural horseshit from “love” to “duty” to even what women define as the “real man” is a load of crap invented by women, reinforced by society, the church, the culture.

The nature of it is that it is even rigged in “nature” and has been reinforced through generations and generations of selective breeding to create worker bee men that work at the behest and gain of queen bee women.

But the smart guy, the one who knows from the very core the culture, the very “nature” of evolution, he learns how to game, how to present those signals that cause attraction in women, that learns how work her psychology, to play her, her insecurities, her programming, her evolution, to steal the bait and escape the trap.

And manboob, you must be so proud of your frequent female commenters. Gosh, quite a choir you preach to. When you look in the mirror, you must feel so justified in protecting your “flock”. They are so worthy, so intellectual. How do you keep from despising them other than their constant clamor “Manboob, you are so good to protect us from those bad bad men with their bad bad facts”.

One more question manboob. What did I say above that was actually untrue? See that is Manosphere. We deal in what is, not what we want to be, but the reality of the world and women as they truly are. Pretty little lies get exposed. Falsehoods get uncovered and anything men say to other men, even bullshit theories get routed and busted by the other men, even if the theory is come invention that favors men.

You can’t say the same thing Manboob. The whole basis of your crap is what women wish to be, what they hope will be, but the reality is that the truth of them is entirely different.

You use shame to try to call out men that speak out. That’s your whole gig. “This man spoke out. Let’s all ‘shame shame shame’ him”. And I just ain’t “shameable” baby. What you hate can’t shame you. I have no respect for women and I could give a shit what they say.

11 years ago

Even though Angry Harry illustrated this topic rather crudely (and amusingly, picked the worst analogy to base it on, as tea has a myriad of health benefits), his overarching point isn’t wrong – the media can be extremely manipulative through fear-mongering. AH’s excerpts from the 9/11 campaigns and the Chernobyl scare explain this better than he did himself (not surprisingly). Take Chernobyl, for instance. Well over 50,000 were dead from fear of the “danger zone” it was made out to be – depression, alcoholism, suicide, etc. But roughly 50 or so people actually died from radiation effects, and even now the top scientists in the field researching Chernobyl (Texas Tech’s Baker and Chesser) have found that the mammalian populations in the Chernobyl exclusion zone are vibrant, diverse and growing even in the most radioactive environments. To quote FDR, “only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

11 years ago

I am amiss here.

Truer words…

11 years ago

For someone who doesn’t care about women Minty sure does seem to spend a lot of time thinking about us.

11 years ago

Porn. Bad. Those men could jack off and not need women. Even Jacking off. Bad. Prostitutes, bad. Topless dancers. Bad.

Marriage. Good. Monogamy. Good. Work and giving money to women. Good.

Serial Dating, (notice the whole use of “serial” to confer the evil of “serial killers” onto the phrase) bad. Game and PUA bad. Especially the last two, because they “cheat” those women’s selection mechanisms and possibly allow those beta men to trick them. Very bad. Very very very bad. Women have a right to alpha sex, not creepy beta sex.

A rating of these things done by the feminist hivemindme

Porn: Fine, man, no one cares about your born
Jacking off: I don’t care. Just do it in the privacy of your own home
Prostitutes: I lack sufficient knowledge to judge sex work. I mean, some systems are probably exploitative and unhealthy, but some are probably “well, people need to make money and that’s a fine way to do it”
Topless dancers: How many times do you have to hear I don’t care about how you get turned on before you leave it alone?

Marriage: If it’s your thing, sure.
Monogamy: same
Work: Good. Giving money to women: Like, for what, free? Or for disability checks for people who need it? cuz the wording was… unclear.
Serial dating: I have no clue what this is
PUA: Creepazoids. Though you can expect that reaction when lots of them think “no” does not mean “no”, but “Try harder”.

My dad’s fiancee and him are getting married in june. but he’s temporarily jobless. Question: Should she dump him?

Friendzone. Good as long as those men stay in it, learn their place, and never never never actually insist on reciprocation to the friendship.

See, friendzone is a concept invented by jerks like who you think that women owe men sex for being friends. It is not true.

You think I’m making this shit up manboob? That above thing is a quote, man. Mark Prescott.

You can quote someone without their quote being true. Let me show you.

“Men are slaves”

You think I”m making that up? It’s a quote from Mark Minter or whatever his name is.

But it’d still be false.

And the gist of my comments are to fight it, to turn your back on women, reject them for anything other than as sexual toys

This is something that a human being with empathy would say.

OH WAIT. It’s not.

“Manboob, you are so good to protect us from those bad bad men with their bad bad facts”.

I’m not going to say anything to this, other than the fact that it’s hilarious you think that you have facts on your side.

What did I say above that was actually untrue?

Almost everything.

11 years ago

@Minty, who suprisingly, is not fresh

I am amiss here. Where exactly was your refutation in what MarkyMark was claiming. I kind of read your blog and other than shaming the guy for daring to speak out, I sort of missed you proving anything he said was actually wrong?

Um yeah, that’s because the idea that women created the patriarchy to enslave men is so laughable it doesn’t need to be argued against. Also, slowly scroll up, and read the header of the blog. Notice how it says ‘I mock misogyny’ not ‘I carefully refute misogyny’. Words have meanings.

Pretty much most of what he says is common belief and knowledge among men

…I…I doubt this, but there are two men (well, one man one teenager) at my house atm, incase I need to take a poll here.

The essence of western and christian morality is limiting the sexual options of men to force them into circumstances that favor women.

Man, I wish I were in Mintyverse*

*not really, because I don’t actually want men to be ‘oppressed’ by having…limited sexual options? Idk I can’t follow this guy.

Porn. Bad. Those men could jack off and not need women. Even Jacking off. Bad. Prostitutes, bad. Topless dancers. Bad.

Um, nobody is going to take away your porn. Nobody has a problem with sex workers who are doing it because they want to. Nobody has a problem with topless dancers. There. Go enjoy your porn, we are not stopping you. You can now leave.

Serial Dating, (notice the whole use of “serial” to confer the evil of “serial killers” onto the phrase) bad. Game and PUA bad.

okay, I’m 99% sure the serial in serial dating isn’t supposed to refer to serial killers, but I don’t know where the word came from, so whatever. Anyway, serial dating is fine. No one is stopping you. Game and PUA are bad, though (what’s that, one out of five you got right?) because PUA normally involves not hearing when women say ‘no.’

Women have a right to alpha sex, not creepy beta sex.

Nobody has a right to sex.


Doesn’t exist.

Even the whole “Where are the good men at?” means “Where are all those men with sexual market value two points higher than mine that earn in the top 10% of incomes even though I only earn in 65% level and have middling looks and attractiveness.”

…What planet does this happen on? I think you’re reading a lot into a slightly annoying statement.

You think I’m making this shit up manboob? That above thing is a quote, man. Mark Prescott.

Ok, then Mark Prescott, like you, clearly has issues with women.

And the gist of my comments are to fight it, to turn your back on women, reject them for anything other than as sexual toys because they have proven themselves worthless for any other role in the life of men.

It’s okay Minty. I don’t think you should be around women either. Just watch porn like you were talking about earlier.

Love is application of dopamine during sex from centers D1 and D2 and if AVG is present than bonding occurs.

So…can Minty not imagine actually liking people for who they are? It’s all chemicals ^_^ I mean, I’m sure they play some part, but I sure can tell the difference between ‘fun to be around, cares about me’ and ‘total creeper’

and is why men get the blues, depression, heartache, and women don’t.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Go step on a lego. Go hug a cactus. Because let me tell you, bub, I’m depressed, and it is not a thing only men get. Your complete ignorance of human biology is showing.

And the pain, and the slavery, and the stupidity, the banality of life as a servant to a woman

Being married isn’t slavery. Words have meanings.

So that what I teach, the game is rigged, don’t play it.

Please don’t play. Please just leave women the fuck alone. Nobody wants your creepiness.

just recognize that all the cultural horseshit from “love” to “duty” to even what women define as the “real man” is a load of crap invented by women, reinforced by society, the church, the culture.

The negative affects of patriarchy on men are not misandry.

And manboob, you must be so proud of your frequent female commenters

Um, Minty, I’m not sure how to break this to you, but not all of the commenters here are women…

We deal in what is, not what we want to be, but the reality of the world and women as they truly are

Citation needed!

And I just ain’t “shameable” baby

That’s okay, minty. We know you don’t have a sense of shame. Otherwise you would’ve shut up by now. But it doesn’t matter.

*nom nom nom*

11 years ago

@ Kittehs’ Unpaid Help (mind if I abbreviate that?) Thanks. I have a feeling you’re going to take that back if I keep coming back, though. I’m definitely not an MRA, but I’m also not witty, don’t know a thing about blockquoting, and a while back, I made a less-than-sympathetic comment towards Adria Richards’s situation, which wasn’t well-received. My opinions may clash with others here at times.
Oh, well. I’m willing to learn and you guys seem like kinder company than most (then again I frequent YouTube, so what the hell do I know?

11 years ago

My dad’s fiancee and him are getting married in june. but he’s temporarily jobless. Question: Should she dump him?

Obviously. She’s not getting any money from it, is she? XD And they aren’t even having a big fancy wedding.

11 years ago

When you find yourself writing angry comments on a blog that are actually longer than the original post… something has gone very wrong in your life.

Peanut butter acquired! I skipped the hand towels and scented candles though; my apologies to the sisterhood. And I wasn’t really planning on it, but I did get some flavored bubbly water because it seems to piss Minty off. That may be the most man-hating thing that I purchased at the market today. What about the rest of you? How are you showing how much you hate men by what you purchase today?

11 years ago


I haven’t purchased anything, but I’m sick, and my dad has gotten me coffee and hot cocoa today (my sister got me soup, but she’s not a man, so it’s not misandry). I suppose him getting me things when I feel sick could be kind of like slavery? I’m also making a mess of his living space with tissues, but it already was a mess.

11 years ago

@Cloudiah. I didn’t purchase ANYTHING today!!!


Probably because I am inside, catching up on school. But me and my sister did ask my dad to pick up sodas so we could caffinate ourselfs and therefore kill our migraines, which is obviously misandry. It we were just, we would have not drinken any sodas and suffered in silence.

Okay, I need you guyses gut reaction: Yummy tortilla chips to dip in hummus. Would it work, or is it blasphemy to use anything other than fresh baked pita to dip in hummus.

11 years ago

I promise to try to think misandric thoughts while buying the expensive cat food later this afternoon. This will be challenging, since the guy who works at the pet store is really nice, but I guess I owe it to the sisterhood.

11 years ago

@Viscaria, seconded from me. 🙂 I’m NT but mental illness runs in my family so I support some loved ones who are dealing with it, and I really appreciate it when people react as graciously as Laight Tempest did when called out on ableist language. Or any -ist language, for that matter. We all mess it up sometimes, after all.

Re: Angry Harry, what makes me mad about that synopsis is that I think it is true that social stigma can *worsen* the trauma of sexual assault. If we removed the social stigma (in the “let’s treat victims like people” way, not the rape apologist way), then I think many survivors would find it easier to heal. I know that was the case for me. The attack itself, I got over (relatively) quickly. The judgment, that hung around (and I also realize that people react to trauma differently and am not saying every survivor would have the same experience I did).

But of course I’m sure he’s just trying to be like, “It’s okay to rape!” so you know…may he find himself barefoot on a trail covered in cactus and lava rock.

(figured I’d add my own personal spin to the infamous cactus and Lego curses)

11 years ago

Ah, wow, this is why I should refresh if I catch up on the thread and then go make lunch before I comment. Looks like a lot happened recently, I’m catching up now! 😉

11 years ago

But of course I’m sure he’s just trying to be like, “It’s okay to rape!” so you know…may he find himself barefoot on a trail covered in cactus and lava rock.

That is a nice spin on it, AK. I’m kinda jelly, cuz I haven’t thought of any new ones for a while XD

11 years ago

A friend of mine eats tortilla chips with hummus because she can’t handle gluten, and she swears by it. Go for it, is what I say.

11 years ago


Now all I need is hummus…

11 years ago

I have no respect for women and I could give a shit what they say.

Fuck you, too! You’re a disgusting human being.

11 years ago

Also, as long as we’re I’m on the topic of Mediterranean food, does anybody know if there’s an eggplant/aubergine equivalent of hummus (which is made with chickpease/garbanzo beans)? I could swear I remember eating some, but I can’t remember the name..

11 years ago

@ Aaliyah

I like how he says he has no respect for us and then can’t resist writing incredibly long screeds. XD

Dude, if you didn’t care what we said you’d be gone by now.

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