$MONEY$ a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery evil women evo psych fairy tales I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary backwards land ladies against women markymark men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men patriarchy playing the victim we hunted the mammoth

Women created the patriarchy in order to enslave men, and other news from Upside-down-and-backwards land

Women: Constanly plotting to enslave men with their tears.
Women: Constantly plotting to enslave men with their phony tears.

Today, some Deep Thoughts about men, women, children, empathy, mini-vans, and patriarchy, from the inimitable Men’s Rights activist and proud misogynist Rob Fedders, whom I found being quoted with approval and even some relish by MGTOWer elder MarkyMark on his little blog today.

Mr. Fedders starts off with a classic misogynist trope: women are like children.

Very few women are capable of empathizing with men. There are about as many women who have the ability to empathize with men as there are children capable of empathizing with adults.

This is what most men fail to grasp, and why they go round and round in circles trying to “explain things” to women.

Women just don’t care. We are here for their purposes, not ours. …

Women will never “care” about men in the same way that men “care” about the wellbeing of women. …

We are designed like this by nature … .

Mr. Fedders offers proof of this evolutionary design by considering a dilemma that preoccupied our ancient ancestors on the African savannah. Namely: who gets the minivan?

You can even see how this works with the way that men and women buy family vehicles. The wife and kids are always put in the best vehicle/mini-van/SUV as possible to “protect them” etc. etc. while the husband drives the run-down piece of crap to work… when the time comes that the husband gets a second vehicle you can usually hear the wife chirping in, “We had to get Joe a new truck… because the last one wasn’t safe and we don’t know what we would do if something happened to him.

That’s the way it has always been and the way it will likely always be.

Apparently, men hunted the mammoth in crappy old pickup trucks.

Fedders returns to his main theme:

Men are a tool to women… a “business.” And to successfully work that business, they must always appear in the needy/attention category. Babies who don’t cry don’t get milk… and women who don’t get attention don’t get taken care of by men. It is an innate feature of humans.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, women have ruled the world from time immemorial.

Women do control society’s values and mores… they lead with what they think is fashionable, and men follow, because by nature we are designed to give women what they want.

And, oh, women invented patriarchy as well.

Women “are” society. What women’s wants are is what society’s want’s are. This is where women are lying when they talk about the dreaded “patriarchy.” The patriarchy only existed because women explicitly approved of it, and endorsed it morally – causing the men to follow suit.

Turns out that patriarchy is basically just a way to make all men slaves to their women:

This is what is happening today too. Most of the anti-feminist battle is not going to be between men and women… it is going to be between women who want a “traditional man” and those who want a collective “government husband.” In both cases, the women are advocating for men to take care of women – with little concern for the man’s wants and needs – one wants a personal slave to serve her & her offspring, while the other wants a slave class to serve women and their offspring in general.

It’s the way human beings are designed. Who cares whether women rule, or if they rule the rulers? The result is the same.

I knew women were sneaky, but I had no idea they were this sneaky.

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11 years ago

So, nothing insightful or anything, but thought I’d leave some useful doses of cute here:
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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Freemage, I have just melted in a sticky puddle of D’awwwww all over my keyboard.

11 years ago

Argenti: Whisky is the British spelling. The rest of the world says, Whiskey. I use whichever is appropriate to the specific brand/type when being specific, and, “whisk(e)y” when discussing it as a broader class noun.

11 years ago

We bought a vodka made from maple sap, today. I don’t know how it tastes yet.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

That first dose of cute! It’s a kitteh sandwich! (Yes the hugging cats are adorkable, but check out the kitten between them, and tell me that isn’t cat for “stop embarrassing me!”)

So whisky does make sense, somewhere. Ok then. I’ve only ever seen it whiskey, but not surprising considering the furthest I’ve ever been from east coast is the Pittsburgh airport and/or Toronto (lol Florida’s the east coast!)

No, I don’t get out much…

Pecunium, what brand vodka? There’s a birch vodka that is surprisingly delicious, can’t remember the brand right off though.

11 years ago

I forget, it’s from Vermont.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oooh, look at this from Raw Story! Microbes named after Cthulhu.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — okay that makes way too much sense. The birch stuff is Czech? Some place next to Russia but not Russia (helpful, I know)

Kitteh — saw that earlier, and it really is an eldritch abomination

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Nemiroff, which may go to show how drunk I am after it. How the fuck did I forget that? (Oh yeah, because the pepper one has just the right bite that it tastes like a really good hot pepper)

11 years ago

@Bob Dole
Did that spearhead post actually mention Amelia Bedilia or was that a figure of speech? I’d click the link but I’ve been trying to not view MRA crap outside of manboobz.

Holy crap Amelia Bedilia, that’s a major nostalgia moment there :p

11 years ago

“It’s easy to be considered a misandrist when men are socialized to feel entitled to women and our time. So, if you ignore them, you’re a misandrist. If you insist they leave you alone, you’re a misandrist. If you focus on building healthy female-centered relationships over relationships with men, you’re a misandrist. Misandry is basically, prioritizing your agency, autonomy and fellow women, over men in a society that teaches you that being feminine relies on giving into men’s feelings of entitlement.”

11 years ago

The being upset about the car business is like how they get upset when the primary care giver often gets custody. The woman is expected to do all the work (carting kids about etc) but requiring a car do do that or money to feed them is unfair on men (somehow).
Also some babies are quiet, do the parents of quiet babies happily let them starve to death?
Also did anyone else see the new Jonathan Creek? If you don’t like problematic portrayals of transpeople in the media, avoid it. Also possibly disabled people. Yay!

11 years ago

my friend are going through a divorce (I’ve mentioned them here before). He was round at ours for a coffee today and she has told him that, despite his latest offer to work things out, that she feels that it is not possible and they need to move on. So he’s talking about selling the jointly owned home and passing on the costs of ‘her’ car to her. This way, he can buy another house, get himself a new car etc. Of course, in his picture, all his money belongs to him. He’ll pay for his house, his car and the kids when he has them. Her money will pay for her house,her car and the kids when she has them (they have a 50/50 split). What he fails to see is that, in the course of their 12yr relationship, she looked after the 3 kids at the expense of her career (which she was only just getting kick started when the relationship reached crisis point). He, however, has been able to focus on his career so now he is on approx $100,00 AUD and she is probably on about $25,000 AUD.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Which means she’s on a godawful low income and will be looking at poverty if she’s raising children on that.

He sounds like a real prince.

11 years ago

Yup kitteh, she’s working part time and studying to be a teacher. So she gets some centrelink support since the split but it’s not a fortune. Also, if they sell the house now, they’ll make a loss. At the mo, she uses his child support payments to cover the cost of his share of the mortgage, whilst he rents elsewhere. She pays her half from her money.

He just doesn’t get that even if they sell the house, he will still be financially intertwined with her because children and the shared history of those chikdren.

11 years ago


The God of Autocorrect is capricious.

11 years ago

Really?! If I had what I wanted why I am working so damned hard at something that can be hired in to do? These dopes really don’t understand that both genders are told the same thing, do they. So instead of blaming the correct groups (yes, groups, not just feminists) they latch onto one group and make it the bad guy. Get rid of that one group and all will be well. Makes as much sense as if I could just lose that stubborn fifteen pounds and be skinny again my life will be perfect.

11 years ago

Oh, yeah, that car thing?! My son and I drive old cars. My spouse has his truck and Mercedes. Try again, asshole.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

And her pay will be lousy even when she finishes study and is successful in getting a teaching job, given how badly teachers are paid. Like our precious Liberal ex-premier in Vic, promising to make our teachers the best paid in the country and then fighting tooth and nail against any sort of pay rise for them at all. It’s dragged on so long even principals are going on strike now.

Sorry, derail. I bet Mr $100 000 will never grasp that he should absolutely be putting much more into those kids’ upkeep financially, because he doesn’t, and never has, put in anything like equal caring, let alone sacrificing his career to be the primary carer.

Oy, must head to bed. Thank goodness daylight saving’s over, I won’t be leaving for work an hour before sunrise.


11 years ago

Cloudiah:”If women invented patriarchy, why wouldn’t we have made it a little more advantageous for the lady-folk? Are we just too stupid?”

The thing is, in MRA LaLaLand, partriarchy is beneficial for women. What’s a major flaw in it? Violence against women? Remember, that doesn’t exist in MRA Land…over there, most IPV is committed against men by women (and when women get hit, it’s because they provoked him), and women are never raped, but if we claim we are, the world grinds to a halt and the accused is burned at the stake immediately without a trial. The wage gap? That doesn’t exist, and if it does it doesn’t matter because women don’t want to work anyway (or if we do, it’s only easy fun jobs). Severe gender-based oppression in some other countries (say, Saudi Arabia)? Doesn’t matter because women don’t actually want to go outside anyway when they can just sit on their asses while their men slave away to support them. Street harassment, sexist hiring practices? Either don’t exist or are justified because the perpetrators are just poor oppressed men fighting back.

So in MRA LaLaLand, we’re all fat* lazy slobs who have no ambitions other than to sit on our asses and watch TV and are never the victims of violence or injustice, so the patriarchy is pretty damn good for us. Oh, and LGBT people either don’t exist or are self-hating men/women.

*I don’t use “fat” as an insult personally, but it’s how I see western women commonly described by MRAs.

RE: child support, what I never get about people like Mr. $100k’s mentality is, do they *want* their children living in poverty half the time? I mean, even if they absolutely hate their ex with a fiery passion…if the ex has 50% custody, their kids will suffer if the ex is living in poverty. Shouldn’t love for their children, or at least a sense of responsibility for their well-being, cancel out a desire to see their ex suffer? Or are they just that petty and vindictive?

11 years ago

It’s hard to explain,AK. He loves his kids but has no vision outside of himself. It’s very much that he sees it as his money that he earned and that she has been the fun police with regards to how he spent it. So, if he financially disentangles himself, all will be well. He’ll provide in some nebulous fashion, that obviously doesn’t include rent or car payments.

11 years ago

Big Momma: I’d love to take my next vacation in this magical land where your friend seems to be living.

It seems like for every one guy I know who’s stepped up in terms of child support, there’s three more who haven’t, including some idiot family members. Anecdotal, but there you are.

11 years ago

Princessbonbon: Y’all have a BevMo? I hear they’re great. I’d feel like I was cheating on my beloved Spec’s, but I do love a liquor warehouse.

11 years ago

Hellkell, I agree. He is in a magical land. I walk a tightrope between him and his ex for a variety of reasons. So I keep my lip buttoned and provide a shoulder. I think what really grates, on top of other very grating things, is that he is a social worker that has been on specialist camps to explore DV and male codes of behaviour. And STILL he has no insight. I lean towards him being a sociopath.

11 years ago

Sounds like he might be, BigMomma. That’s a truly stunning lack of empathy. I kind of feel bad for his clients.