$MONEY$ a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery evil women evo psych fairy tales I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary backwards land ladies against women markymark men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men patriarchy playing the victim we hunted the mammoth

Women created the patriarchy in order to enslave men, and other news from Upside-down-and-backwards land

Women: Constanly plotting to enslave men with their tears.
Women: Constantly plotting to enslave men with their phony tears.

Today, some Deep Thoughts about men, women, children, empathy, mini-vans, and patriarchy, from the inimitable Men’s Rights activist and proud misogynist Rob Fedders, whom I found being quoted with approval and even some relish by MGTOWer elder MarkyMark on his little blog today.

Mr. Fedders starts off with a classic misogynist trope: women are like children.

Very few women are capable of empathizing with men. There are about as many women who have the ability to empathize with men as there are children capable of empathizing with adults.

This is what most men fail to grasp, and why they go round and round in circles trying to “explain things” to women.

Women just don’t care. We are here for their purposes, not ours. …

Women will never “care” about men in the same way that men “care” about the wellbeing of women. …

We are designed like this by nature … .

Mr. Fedders offers proof of this evolutionary design by considering a dilemma that preoccupied our ancient ancestors on the African savannah. Namely: who gets the minivan?

You can even see how this works with the way that men and women buy family vehicles. The wife and kids are always put in the best vehicle/mini-van/SUV as possible to “protect them” etc. etc. while the husband drives the run-down piece of crap to work… when the time comes that the husband gets a second vehicle you can usually hear the wife chirping in, “We had to get Joe a new truck… because the last one wasn’t safe and we don’t know what we would do if something happened to him.

That’s the way it has always been and the way it will likely always be.

Apparently, men hunted the mammoth in crappy old pickup trucks.

Fedders returns to his main theme:

Men are a tool to women… a “business.” And to successfully work that business, they must always appear in the needy/attention category. Babies who don’t cry don’t get milk… and women who don’t get attention don’t get taken care of by men. It is an innate feature of humans.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, women have ruled the world from time immemorial.

Women do control society’s values and mores… they lead with what they think is fashionable, and men follow, because by nature we are designed to give women what they want.

And, oh, women invented patriarchy as well.

Women “are” society. What women’s wants are is what society’s want’s are. This is where women are lying when they talk about the dreaded “patriarchy.” The patriarchy only existed because women explicitly approved of it, and endorsed it morally – causing the men to follow suit.

Turns out that patriarchy is basically just a way to make all men slaves to their women:

This is what is happening today too. Most of the anti-feminist battle is not going to be between men and women… it is going to be between women who want a “traditional man” and those who want a collective “government husband.” In both cases, the women are advocating for men to take care of women – with little concern for the man’s wants and needs – one wants a personal slave to serve her & her offspring, while the other wants a slave class to serve women and their offspring in general.

It’s the way human beings are designed. Who cares whether women rule, or if they rule the rulers? The result is the same.

I knew women were sneaky, but I had no idea they were this sneaky.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

… do microwaved packet oats with the maple syrup added afterward count?


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok kitteh, I do instant oats with boiling water and even I’m going to say that no, they don’t. How in the world did you figure out how much water to use?! (FTR, I’ve had Brits say I make porridge, not American oatmeal, so maybe I’m just plain weird about my oats)

You’re awesome and all, but microwaved?!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL! The packet says to use however-many-it-was cups of milk (we never make porridge with water) and we just twiddled the amount till we got what we liked. We put in three sachets of oats instead two and 1 3/4 cups of milk. Takes about two-three minutes. Cooking breakfast on the stove top or taking forty minutes isn’t a happening thing in our house. 😉

11 years ago

That was very nearly a direct quote. The “argument” has been coming up a lot lately (like, on major feminist sites, I’d be surprised if you hadn’t seen it) — that women should be armed to prevent rape. And liberals go “um no” means we’d rather see a dead rape victim than a dead rapist, because we just hate guns that much!

When no, it’s that it wouldn’t help, and is all kinds of victim blaming, and most rapists aren’t strangers but rather people the victim knows and probably wouldn’t just shoot. And, oh yeah, rape victims aren’t often believed now, if you’ve got an unharmed not-a-victim-cuz-gun holding a literal smoking gun, over a dead would-be-rapist, you really think the not-a-victim is going to be praised for this act of self-defense?

Ugh. That kind of thing is just a gross misunderstanding of rape culture. It’s like, they want to cure the symptoms, not the disease. Except curing the symptoms would put innocent women in jail with the guilt of knowing they’d killed a (potentially) loved one on their hands… and nothing would really change.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Fade — yeah, basically. Which is reason 302 (note, everything is reason 302) why this liberal vs conservative who has the moral high ground shit is obnoxious. Afaik no liberal is claiming that it’s morally superior to have a dead rape victim than have the would be victim shoot the would be rapist, because we just hate guns that much! It’s the arguments I already mentioned. Versus NRA wingnuts claiming that they’re morally superior for wanting would be victims to defend themselves when we supposedly want them to be victimized, because guns are evil!

Pecunium — where you aware that you must hate guns altogether to be a liberal? Because um…I have serious suspicions you’re far safer around them than my father (my brother has WWII rifles, on racks, open, yes, but not a .45 in the couch, loaded, no safety)

And yes, I’m serious. Though it might be .38…

And we’re the ones who have the fucked up ideas about guns?!

Oh! Including suicide rates among gun deaths is liberal spin. I mention how far more men than women commit suicide via gun, women tend to use less messy, and less successful, methods, and my mother! Well what’s jumping off a building?

Small wonder I enjoy arguing with MRAs, I don’t have to eat dinner with them >.<

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Doctor Who diversion!

302 is a happy number, but (obviously) not prime. I should probably use my other favorite, 7, because it’s a happy prime and “don’t they teach recreational mathematics anymore?!”

*loves Ten, and math* XD

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lol, reason 7 I should probably pull out the whiskey, because I’m just too damned silly for how sober I am…all binary numbers are happy. And it doesn’t work at all in hexadecimal. Idk any other base system off hand, but it strikes me weird that this only works in base ten (and unhappy numbers eventually reduce to 4)

Yes, it’s a mathematical wankfest, but it’s weird damnit!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I now know that happy numbers are a thing.

Going from Wiki, does that mean 13 is a happy number? 1 + 9 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

And a happy prime even 🙂

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Works for me! It’s our lucky number. 😀

11 years ago

I’ve been reading a great blog by a woman who had a malignant narcissist for a mother. And the way they describe women acting is a lot like how a narcissist acts. It makes me wonder how many of them have had bad experiences with narcissists (and if you’re raised by one it can make you vulnerable to exploitation by others, like with a lot of abusers) and have extrapolated that to all women.

Alternatively, some of them sound just like narcissists who are projecting all over everyone else.

11 years ago

Cooking breakfast on the stove top or taking forty minutes isn’t a happening thing in our house.

Same here; the whole utility of breakfast food is that it’s simple and quick. If I’m going to spend 40 minutes on breakfast, why not just go all out and make a coffee cake or something?

(Disclaimer: Everyone has the right to their own breakfast preferences.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Spot on, both times. 🙂

Even microwave porridge takes more time than I’m willing to take on a workday. I’m trying to push the time I have to get up forward, not back. Museli power! 😛

11 years ago

t’s been a cold winter here so I’ve finally got organised enough to make several portions of proper porridge in a double cooker in the evening so that I can nuke’em in the microwave for breakfast on the following few mornings. I recommend it on cold mornings.

Hershele Ostropoler
11 years ago

The Kittehs @ 4/7 18:18

That’s what gets me with Minty and his ilk. If they think women are sooooo evil and hate men so much, blah blah blah, then what’s the point of them blathering at us? It’s not going to change our opinions of them. If we did hate men, this sort of rant would just entrench the feeling. If he thinks he’s showing he’s onto us, well … big deal. If we hate men and have all the power, why would we give a fuck what he thinks?

Think of it like Westboro. They believe in double predestination: god has already decided where everyone is going, and nothing we do will change that (oversimplified, but that’s what it comes to). So they’re not trying to save anyone, they just want to make sure we know. Same thing with Minty, I think.

11 years ago

Because being against something just isn’t any fun if you can’t show it.

11 years ago

Oh dear. On GameSpot’s off-topic message board, which I visit from time to time, every single thread about false accusations of rape is full of misogyny. Check this recent thread out:

Some responses:


“Feminists be mad”

“Sick psycopathic bitch.”

“lol nobody would rape that ****”

Nice to know our rape culture is alive and well.

11 years ago

Cooking breakfast on the stove top or taking forty minutes isn’t a happening thing in our house.

As rule it isn’t here either (hence the use of the word decadent). It’s for those easy mornings when I wake up before everyone else (and for times I am making breakfast for people other than my primary partners, who are both unable to deal with that much lactose).

My usual brekkie is coffee, sometimes I grab a bit of pastry, or some cheese; if I am going to be working hard (which is hard to explain, I didn’t eat any extra before I spent two hours chopping forsythia*), I might make some bacon, or eggs; or both.

*as someone from Calif. I realised today that my first thought when I consider planting something isn’t, “will it grow”, but, “will it take over”. Today is planting day. A 4″ oregano, and a 4″ basil go into a pot, and some za’atar seeds. This summer there will be herbs.

11 years ago

Argenti: Fade — yeah, basically. Which is reason 302 (note, everything is reason 302) why this liberal vs conservative who has the moral high ground shit is obnoxious. Afaik no liberal is claiming that it’s morally superior to have a dead rape victim than have the would be victim shoot the would be rapist

There is a <a href = dead cat in the argument.

If you look at it the unstated assumption in there is, “Rapists kill their victims”. That also supposes “rape” is a stranger crime.

So much fail in the unstated arguments. It’s predicate on what we think of as, “rape culture” being true; in the way that the broader culture likes to perceive rape.

11 years ago

Argenti: Pecunium — where you aware that you must hate guns altogether to be a liberal? Because um…I have serious suspicions you’re far safer around them than my father (my brother has WWII rifles, on racks, open, yes, but not a .45 in the couch, loaded, no safety)

I’ll wager I am too (and for a liberal I have an odd collection of things what go, “boom!”,). I don’t tend to keep a gun ready to hand but (for all sorts of reasons) I don’t think there is ever I time I am not in stepping distance of a “weapon”. Someone made a joke the other day about “taking me down” while I was in the kitchen. I laughed. Someone else said that was stupid, there were knives in the kitchen.

I said I’d not even think of a knife*, I’d just clock him with a pot, or toss something scalding.

What I am pretty sure of is that I am likely to have a much better since of what/when a weapon makes a useful difference. But I was in the Army, and we see them much differently than most; they are tools, not magical talismans.

*kitchen knives are terrible as weapons… none of the features one wants, and a whole lot one doesn’t. I can only think of two of my cooking/prep knives which would be useful, and neither of them is really a kitchen knife; they are butcher’s knives.

11 years ago

You think I’m making this shit up manboob? That above thing is a quote, man.

And that’s real.

Also, Minty reminds me of Turk trying to write his wedding vows:

11 years ago

What? You’d love it if a woman tried to fuck you by faking nice? Well, that’s only because in you fantasy version of this scenario, Megan Fox is the one trying to “Nice Guy” ™ you. Now picture it with a woman who is, oh, I dunno, overweight, or actually despises men, or doesn’t care about what you want for yourself.
Or god forbid, a woman who isn’t model-like…*shudder*

He could also try imagining a man treating him that way, assuming he’s straight. Then he might get a sense of what it’s like when it’s someone you have zero interest in.

11 years ago

Even TradCon preachers preach that “You can see the glory of God at work on Monday morning as those men get in those cars to head to work, to work hard to prove themselves to that woman to show her that he is worthy of him as her choice. She has not only a right, but a duty, to use access to sex to entice, and yes, even coerce the man into being a better man than he would if it were not for her. And if he does not behave then she, once again, not only has a right but a duty to ‘lower the boom’ on him with divorce so that he may learn the error of his ways and find his path to God and righteousness”

What’s that got to do with feminism, again? It’s not like feminists and religious conservatives are ideological BFFs.

Or maybe he’s just trying to prove that this idea is the norm? But TradCons aren’t exactly mainstream, and one person saying something doesn’t prove that everyone else agrees with it.

Mine Fujiko
Mine Fujiko
11 years ago

“He literally says that the only reason men do better, think better, work hard, acquire things, is to get laid. That women should use their bodies to shape men into the things they want, as if, on their own, no person defined as male would accomplish anything. The phrasing you quoted is “She has not only a right, but a duty, to use access to sex to entice, and yes, even coerce the man into being a better man than he would if it were not for her.”


He likes to harass women in hopes to get laid. Especially a friend of mine. He tells her she’s ugly, has no hopes for a good boyfriend and the only way for a man to better himself is with supermodels. ‘Cuz supermodels make men want to be better in life. She fortunately is able to keep her distance from him, but they both know the same people (tabletop role-playing game group). He is extremely desperate for sex, he tried his BS with me, and he failed miserably. He says he needs to get sex in order to fit in with his peers. I’m all like, WTF?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium —

Re: dead rape victims, I’m almost afraid to speculate, but at a guess, my brother is either just repeating NRA stupidity, or is of the “just rape” variety (he said something about duck’s a spiral genitals and female ducks being able to literally “shut down that whole process”…I killed the convo mentioning that contrary to a certain politician, human women cannot…so yeah)

Guessing it’s just an NRA talking point, and fuck if they get that most rape isn’t stranger rape and that the percent of rape victims who’re murdered is rather small. Doesn’t fit the agenda.

Re: guns/weapons — want one of the 6′ sticks of bamboo behind my door? In theory they’re decor, and should be a foot shorter as a staff, cuz I’m short. But yeah, I’m way more comfortable with “knock upside the head” than “shoot”…I just don’t get defaulting to “just kill ’em dead”.

…my gods I’m about to use an apple as a weapon. He’s arguing with me over which apples I’ve been eating. Oh yeah, totally don’t know which ones I like (dude, organic gala versus meals on wheels red delicious, or something, which am I eating? This is a question?!)

But yes, my weather telling fishies are closer to a magical talisman…they also might like the shitty apples…hmm…