antifeminism beta males evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny self-congratulation the sound of his own voice

Proud Woman-Hater Declares War on the Dictionary


Sometimes my job here is too easy. Usually I have to leave the confines of my own blog to find examples of misogyny to share on the blog. Today, the misogyny came right to me, in the form of a cartoon-villain-esque monologue deposited directly into the comments here by a proud woman-hater named Mark Minter.

Oh, but don’t call him a misogynist. Because Mr. Minter has declared war not only on women (and on me) but on language itself. Rejecting the dictionary definition of “misogynist” as “one who hates women,” Minter declares himself to be a “woman hater” but somehow not a misogynist. I don’t get it either. Here’s his, er, argument:


You throw this misogynist term around like it is an insult. But you know me, who I am, what I write. And I honestly believe I am not a misogynist.

I am a Woman Hater. There is a world of difference.

Misogynist is a clever little Femcentric term that women created to hurl at men or society whenever men or society don’t fall to their knees for the little dears. Sort of like Racist, something that the thinking man, the educated men would never wished to be levied at him.

But I’m woman hater. And it came from a long, long time of seeing, watching, and being with women, and knowing the creepy, greedy, scummy, black hearted little bitches that they are. You can’t hurl that “you just get didn’t get any” thing women that like to toss at men’s bloggers, because I did and I know them to their fucking core, literally and figuratively. My number dwarfs the number of the average man.

A woman hater knows women, to their core, to their little black hearted center, and hates them as they are for who and what they are. I could less if the little dears get all the institutional things they want. Heck I want them to have it and create their little world that they are over there with them, and men are over here.

Hurl your epithets at me, your misogynist accusations and I don’t care other than, in a correct verbal sense, you are using the wrong term. Its a little insulting from that standpoint, but I find it fitting that you can’t tell a misogynist from woman hater. You defend them because you don’t know them.

See, being a woman hater is a sign of good sense, a realistic appreciation of the world, the way things are, and especially the way women are.

PS, I’m here because my name showed up with you bashing me over something and I wish you would do it more. It really gives me better cred with the fellows. Fuck, we’re even good for each other. I give you shit to write about so you can play your beta/omega game, “Look I stood for you against those bad bad men. Please don’t reject me.” and your slamming me gives me more cred in the ‘Sphere.

Toddles Manboob

Mark Minter

So there you have it.

Also, Mark, I believe you mean “toodles,” not “toddles.” “Toodles” is a shortening of “Toodle loo,” a slang term meaning “goodbye.” “Toddle,” by contrast, means “to walk with short, unsteady steps” or “to walk leisurely; stroll.”

Also, my name isn’t “Manboob.” “Man Boobz” is the name of the blog, and my term for dear fellows like yourself, who are men and also boobs. That is, “foolish or stupid” people. I’m David.


EDIT: In case you had forgotten who Minter was (I had), he wrote the little manifesto I wrote about here. You know, the one about how Obama’s reelection was going to lead to some sort of dystopian matriarchy. Pretty standard Manosphere moonbattery.

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11 years ago

So, Mark, the shoe of “misogynist” fits you. Why must you try not to wear it?

11 years ago


Pointing out when trolls MEN contradict themselves is misandry

Mark Minter
11 years ago

See, Manboob, misogyny is whatever the little dears want it to be, dictionary be damned.

It is very fluid definition for them. Very. Basically the definition should read “If something doesn’t favor women, then it is misogynist. If something favors men, then it is misogynist.”

Tech is misogynist. Obviously, all those men do so well in it. Of course never mind that tech has bent over backwards for women, but obviously it is misogynist because all those men do so well in it.

Math is misogynist. Probably the most misogynistic thing ever. And it is completely misogynist because it resists women’s attempts to make it not so, those pesky “equations” and funny symbols and all that.

Truth is misogynistic and definitely must be altered to not be misogynist.

Two geeks at a trade show off 99% men tell a geeky little Beevis and Butthead “dongle” joke and that’s Misogyny.

If the numbers favor men, that’s misogyny. If they favor women, well then that’s just them being “strong and independent”.

The spell checker are not misogynist. It loves the words “misogyny”, “women’s”, but it hates “misandry” and “men’s” (notice both of those words were red lined by the checker.)

So for 50 years, whenever the little dears would hurl the “misogyny” accusation, then everyone would get all upset “Oh, no. They’re upset. How can we make them happy?” And now just like the little boy that cried wolf too much, now men are thinking “screw them”.

See manboob, you can play down the ‘sphere if you want, but most men get there, find it, after somehow, some way, some women ran over them, and usually because the deck is so slanted in women’s favor.

And the beauty is that it is growing and growing and growing because your particular client group to whom you tend to appeal continues to fuck over the client group to which I tend to appeal. So every day, your client group insures, guarantees that mine grows. And they can’t help it, manboob, they can’t help not fucking over my client group. It is what they are and what they do. The old “frog and the scorpion” joke, manboob.

See, manboob, if my writing didn’t resonate so much with men, if they couldn’t readily identify with it through common experience, if it was all bullshit, with no validity whatsoever, then you wouldn’t have clue who I was and I would be one more obscure ranter in the web.

11 years ago

Like, did Minty forget the part where he was bragging about being a woman hater and then people pointed out that that’s kind of what misogynist means? I mean, Minty, I know this is hard for you, but words have meanings. Try to keep up.

11 years ago

Math is misogynist. Probably the most misogynistic thing ever.

Hmm… See, I will admit I don’t like math. Not I don’t get it, because I’m doing fine in it according to my teachers, I just don’t like it. If things were that simple that anything a woman doesn’t like is misogynist, then it would be.

But wait! One of my female friends LOVES math. It helps her understand the world. And if it helps a woman it must be misandrist.

Dang, now I’m all confuzzled.

I was going to respond to the rest of the point, but that would be treating this shitstain of writing with more validity than it deserves. Hey, Mark, is writing misandrist?

11 years ago

Minty seems to have decided he will only speak with The Man Of The House.

11 years ago

Basically the definition should read “If something doesn’t favor women, then it is misogynist. If something favors men, then it is misogynist.”

Has any feminist actually argued this, or is it just what Minty hears when women talk about misogyny?

Tech is misogynist. Obviously, all those men do so well in it. Of course never mind that tech has bent over backwards for women, but obviously it is misogynist because all those men do so well in it.

Math is misogynist. Probably the most misogynistic thing ever. And it is completely misogynist because it resists women’s attempts to make it not so, those pesky “equations” and funny symbols and all that.

Yeah, he’s not reading people’s actual arguments. He’s just supplying what he thinks women’s objections must be, since he hasn’t bothered to find out what we’re really saying.

If the numbers favor men, that’s misogyny. If they favor women, well then that’s just them being “strong and independent”.

What numbers is he even talking about? A vague argument is no one’s friend.

So for 50 years, whenever the little dears would hurl the “misogyny” accusation, then everyone would get all upset “Oh, no. They’re upset. How can we make them happy?” And now just like the little boy that cried wolf too much, now men are thinking “screw them”.

Ah, I believe I’ve spotted the problem: Minty is writing from an alternate universe.

if my writing didn’t resonate so much with men, if they couldn’t readily identify with it through common experience, if it was all bullshit, with no validity whatsoever, then you wouldn’t have clue who I was and I would be one more obscure ranter in the web.

If the writings of feminists didn’t resonate so much with women, if they couldn’t readily identify with it through common experience, if it was all bullshit, with no validity whatsoever, then no one in ~the ‘sphere~ would have heard of Amanda Marcotte/Rebecca Watson/Betty Friedan/Gloria Steinem/bell hooks/etc, they would be a few more obscure writers.

11 years ago

I hate to just be linking to things today, but Minty reminded me of this:

11 years ago

He just keeps getting funnier. He does realize, doesn’t he, that this is a site dedicated to mocking bigoted asshats, and he is giving us exactly what we want.

11 years ago


If he was giving me exactly what I want he’d be posting faster XD I’m probably saying this too much today, but really sick feeling, and need chew toy. Or something else to distract myself.

11 years ago

Sorry you’re not feeling well, Marie!

11 years ago

The extra hilarious part is that Minty is paying more attention to David’s blog than David pays to Minty. So Minty is really upping David’s cred in the ‘sphere (the femosphere, that is).

11 years ago


Thanks 🙂

11 years ago

Minter: You’re right Manboob, I just got all excited over the comment and tossed in the “toddle” thing too quickly without proofing. I can see that was the big refutation on the comment, Oh, and about “your” name. If the shoe fits, wear it. That seems to be what males like you get called over yonder in the ‘Sphere.

So… you aren’t too clear on how that whole, “argument” thing works. Because “toddle” wasn’t the takeaway from the post. That you don’t understand that x=x means you are admitting to being what you say you aren’t.

Which means what you hate isn’t the thing, it’s being called on it. You don’t want to be seen for what you claim you proudly are. That’s chickenshit. It’s weak. It’s cowardly. It shows you don’t have the courage of your convictions.

Then you say, “if that’s what people call you, then that’s what you are,” depsite having just written a screed about how people calling you a misogynist doens’t make you a misogynist.

The Stupid is Strong in you.

It’s also telling that, “in the ‘Sphere” you need Dave’s pointing out just how stupid you are to get cred. I’d think being praised for brains, outstanding insights on the ways in which society/women oppress men, etc. would be the way to get cred (esp. since that’s positive acheivement, and cred relating to things which are durable and lasting; shaping, “The Movement” and all that jazz) but no, you think being mocked for saying, “I’m not a woman hater, I just hate women” is a plus.

11 years ago

Why do they always announce WHAT UP, I GOT A BIG COCK/I GET A LOTTA POON? How does some women deeming them worthy of having sex with indicate their attitude towards women isn’t abhorrent and generally disdainful? Women are often the gatekeepers of misogyny. It’s not hard to find a few that will tow the misogynist party line or at least tolerate it from partners.

Having sex with/ being attractive to some women doesn’t make you any less of a misogynist, kids.

Mark Minter
11 years ago

Manboob, You have this belief that you are on the Good Side that you represent those forces of history driven by progress. And that I am evil, misogynistic, non-intellectual.

And me, I believe the exact opposite. My men are slaves. My men are tossed away, as so much trash by women. My men are cheated, lied to, discounted, used and discarded.

Millions of my men yesterday watched the Final Four with all those stories of parents and proud sons and my men were cheated of that, many merely because the women were tired of them, and threw them away, garbage, set out on the curb as the bigger, better deal, the deal that laws and family court almost assures women and compels them screw over those men.

You see, my men are not evil. They might be stupid and do stupid things. But in their heart of hearts they are good and decent, the vast vast majority of them sacrifice for women, would kill to protect their women.

Stats show that women are accountable for 80% of a family’s expenditure. You know what that means, Manboob? Sacrifice out of love, baby.

That means those men are coming home with surplus pay and laying it on the table for those women to spend. When I’m in the checkout line at the store, you know how I know if a woman is married? She is buying crap, the most stupid, useless, crap, flavored bottled water, scented candles, Christmas towels.

And when she is not married? She can’t afford that junk and she’s buying the cheap brand of cat food. Yeah, my man drives the crap car so his woman gets the new car. My man wears the same old jeans so his woman gets to buy Louboutins and the Gucci purse.

See, my man loves his woman, in way his woman is psychologically unable to love him. The love of my man is unconditional. The love of a woman is entirely conditional and entirely based on “what have you done for me lately”. My man sacrifices for her and her, she demands his sacrifice and expects it as her due, not because of anything other than the fact that she has the vagina and he doesn’t.

You can’t say the same thing, Manboob. You can’t say, in a second, that all of your women, those women you defend are not evil and evil to their core, especially when there are millions and millions of stories from men where the men left them dying and bleeding on the street after she gutted him to the very core.

You see Manboob, I got an email from a suicide hotline counselor. You know who calls him? Men in some stage of divorce, men who invested their very essence, buying into the bullshit conditioning that society hands to men, man that have had their soul and worth stomped on by women. He said, “I find that 100% of men that have had divorce filed on them and are faced the reality of family court and life ahead of them, the loss of their life, the loss of their children, at some point, think about suicide”

So manboob, I stand for them, those good, earnest men, honest men. I could give a fuck what you think of me. Because I know, I am certain, about the truth of the matter, of who is good and who is not, who is right and who is wrong, who is just and who isn’t.

And Manboob, one of these days, when it is your ass that gets trashed, discarded, and run over by a woman and a society that hates men, then baby, you come on over.

I’ll be waiting. Because we got a rule in the ‘Sphere baby. It don’t matter how you got there baby, it don’t matter who or what you were before you arrived, you are here now.

I don’t care if you ran one of the biggest blogs in the internet designed to trash and embarrass men that have the gall to stand up for themselves and fight women. I know you think you are doing right. All will be forgiven. Because baby, we understand and we will all have experienced what you went through to get to the ‘sphere. And we’ll accept you and we’ll pick you up, we’ll dust you off, and try to give you back your self worth. You may have to go through a little anger, but we’ll get you to the other side.

And help you learn to be man again.

Mark Minter
11 years ago

“Why do they always announce WHAT UP, I GOT A BIG COCK/I GET A LOTTA POON? How does some women deeming them worthy of having sex with indicate their attitude towards women isn’t abhorrent and generally disdainful? Women are often the gatekeepers of misogyny. It’s not hard to find a few that will tow the misogynist party line or at least tolerate it from partners.”

The reason I threw that in was because the first shaming off women is that “you’re just bitter because women don’t like you.” And that wasn’t the case with me.

There is a thing called Seducers Dilemma “The more women you have, the less you like them.” It is stupid fool that struggles to find a woman that idolizes her, that pedastalizes her, that thinks she is a queen. That guy with notches, he has had the experience of fucking her while she lies to her boyfriend on the phone. The guy with notches, he knows that a woman married for more than 3 years is actually easier to nail than the single woman who has to vet for commitment. The married woman already has some sucker for the money, now she just wants the sex. The more of them you know, the better you know them, then you really see them as they are and not some bullshit cultural image of their innate goodness.

Because I know that is load of fucking crap. Women are scum. It just takes more than 50 of them to find that out.

11 years ago

Aww, he’s so adorable!

I quite like how he “responds” to stuff other people were saying, sort of, but then he addresses all his responses to David, sort of. And the responses themselves are saying things unrelated to anything anyone was talking about. Ought to make his socks easy to spot.

I’ll put the meltdown at 24 hours because he’s not a super frequent commenter.

11 years ago

Oh, there are those scented candles again.

“My attitude towards women in abhorrent BUT DON’T YOU CALL ME A MISOGYNIST”.

I think Dave’s doing fine without you, bro. Just saying.

11 years ago

“Women are scum.”


11 years ago


And me, I believe the exact opposite. My men are slaves. My men are tossed away, as so much trash by women. My men are cheated, lied to, discounted, used and discarded.

Oh, goody, another troll who doesn’t know what the word slaves means. You really shouldn’t have gotten rid of your dictionary, Minty, I think you’d’ve saved a lot of time here if you hadn’t.

That means those men are coming home with surplus pay and laying it on the table for those women to spend.

Me thinks this is probably because more women stay home to raise the kids on average, but I guess I failed manly men logic.

And when she is not married? She can’t afford that junk and she’s buying the cheap brand of cat food.

…that cat food is for a cat, I assume. Also, women getting paid less than men on average proves the world hates men…how? Are we living in opposite land?

See, my man loves his woman, in way his woman is psychologically unable to love him.

Citation or it didn’t happen.

“I find that 100% of men that have had divorce filed on them and are faced the reality of family court and life ahead of them, the loss of their life, the loss of their children, at some point, think about suicide”

Fucking bullshit. You want to sound slightly more reasonable, try a number that’s not 100%. Because, from what I’ve seen/ remember, my dad got depressed* when his parents died and …I assume was some upset about his divorce, but you can bet which one of those affected him a fuck a lot more.

Also, that manly man, bringing home the money for his wife to spend in your earlier rant? She’s normally the caretaker, which is why the kids usually go with her. And she’s normally the caretaker because women are thought to be more nurturing because…wait for it…of stereotypes the patriarchy sets up. For the millionth time, say it with me, the negative effects of the patriarchy on men are not misandry.

*I think that’s when he did. I know he’s been on anti-depressants, cuz that helped my sister decide which one to try and same for me.

And Manboob, one of these days, when it is your ass that gets trashed, discarded, and run over by a woman and a society that hates men, then baby, you come on over.

Actually I think this only happens when the men are already misogynistic women haters, and just looking for an excuse/ confirmation bias. Seeing as how David Manboob David isn’t, I’m guessing a bad experience with a woman wouldn’t turn him into a foaming asshat.

Wow…that was oddly satisfying. Nom nom nom.

11 years ago

There is a thing called Seducers Dilemma “The more women you have, the less you like them.” It is stupid fool that struggles to find a woman that idolizes her, that pedastalizes her, that thinks she is a queen. That guy with notches, he has had the experience of fucking her while she lies to her boyfriend on the phone. The guy with notches, he knows that a woman married for more than 3 years is actually easier to nail than the single woman who has to vet for commitment. The married woman already has some sucker for the money, now she just wants the sex. The more of them you know, the better you know them, then you really see them as they are and not some bullshit cultural image of their innate goodness.

I see minty is one of those people who thinks women must be ‘put on a pedastal’ or loathed, instead of actually treated like human beings.

11 years ago

Minty has now officially written more words aimed at David on David’s blog than David has written about Minty on David’s blog. I’m not sure if Minty realizes how revealing that is.

11 years ago

The grocery store anecdote is my favorite part.
Only married women buy scented effing candles. Is it because only married women can afford them or only married women need them? Could there be any other reason why one woman would buy different things than another woman besides being married? What if a woman is married to an unemployed person or a woman? Does she still buy cheap cat food?

This is taking confirmation bias to the grocery store in a very big way.

11 years ago

This whole “my men”, “their women” and “my man” thing is creepy as all-get out. It’s like he can’t envision a world in which people aren’t owned by other people.

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