antifeminism beta males evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny self-congratulation the sound of his own voice

Proud Woman-Hater Declares War on the Dictionary


Sometimes my job here is too easy. Usually I have to leave the confines of my own blog to find examples of misogyny to share on the blog. Today, the misogyny came right to me, in the form of a cartoon-villain-esque monologue deposited directly into the comments here by a proud woman-hater named Mark Minter.

Oh, but don’t call him a misogynist. Because Mr. Minter has declared war not only on women (and on me) but on language itself. Rejecting the dictionary definition of “misogynist” as “one who hates women,” Minter declares himself to be a “woman hater” but somehow not a misogynist. I don’t get it either. Here’s his, er, argument:


You throw this misogynist term around like it is an insult. But you know me, who I am, what I write. And I honestly believe I am not a misogynist.

I am a Woman Hater. There is a world of difference.

Misogynist is a clever little Femcentric term that women created to hurl at men or society whenever men or society don’t fall to their knees for the little dears. Sort of like Racist, something that the thinking man, the educated men would never wished to be levied at him.

But I’m woman hater. And it came from a long, long time of seeing, watching, and being with women, and knowing the creepy, greedy, scummy, black hearted little bitches that they are. You can’t hurl that “you just get didn’t get any” thing women that like to toss at men’s bloggers, because I did and I know them to their fucking core, literally and figuratively. My number dwarfs the number of the average man.

A woman hater knows women, to their core, to their little black hearted center, and hates them as they are for who and what they are. I could less if the little dears get all the institutional things they want. Heck I want them to have it and create their little world that they are over there with them, and men are over here.

Hurl your epithets at me, your misogynist accusations and I don’t care other than, in a correct verbal sense, you are using the wrong term. Its a little insulting from that standpoint, but I find it fitting that you can’t tell a misogynist from woman hater. You defend them because you don’t know them.

See, being a woman hater is a sign of good sense, a realistic appreciation of the world, the way things are, and especially the way women are.

PS, I’m here because my name showed up with you bashing me over something and I wish you would do it more. It really gives me better cred with the fellows. Fuck, we’re even good for each other. I give you shit to write about so you can play your beta/omega game, “Look I stood for you against those bad bad men. Please don’t reject me.” and your slamming me gives me more cred in the ‘Sphere.

Toddles Manboob

Mark Minter

So there you have it.

Also, Mark, I believe you mean “toodles,” not “toddles.” “Toodles” is a shortening of “Toodle loo,” a slang term meaning “goodbye.” “Toddle,” by contrast, means “to walk with short, unsteady steps” or “to walk leisurely; stroll.”

Also, my name isn’t “Manboob.” “Man Boobz” is the name of the blog, and my term for dear fellows like yourself, who are men and also boobs. That is, “foolish or stupid” people. I’m David.


EDIT: In case you had forgotten who Minter was (I had), he wrote the little manifesto I wrote about here. You know, the one about how Obama’s reelection was going to lead to some sort of dystopian matriarchy. Pretty standard Manosphere moonbattery.

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11 years ago

thank you, that was indeed very helpful. I’ll keep that in mind so maybe I’ll be more assertive when he comes up to me in public. (might help with the fear of being accused of ‘making a scene’)

11 years ago

Argenti: You know that orders of protection/restraining orders don’t prevent the abuser from getting a gun?

Yes, they do. It’s a federal offense; for both the person who gets the gun, and the person who provides them with it. It was an amendment to an Omnibus Measurein 1996. The Lautenberg Amendment says that, (g) It shall be unlawful for any person—

(8) who is subject to a court order that—
(A) was issued after a hearing of which such person received actual notice, and at which such person had an opportunity to participate;
(B) restrains such person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner of such person or child of such intimate partner or person, or engaging in other conduct that would place an intimate partner in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the partner or child; and
(i) includes a finding that such person represents a credible threat to the physical safety of such intimate partner or child; or
(ii) by its terms explicitly prohibits the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against such intimate partner or child that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury; or

So, it is possible for a state to make restraining orders which prevent people from owning firearms (because Lautenberg means any guns a person owns when the law affects a person must be sold/surrendered). If a person is subject to Lautenberg it’s a federal felony to have or to sell, or to give a person subject to Lautenberg a firearm.

This is a big deal for police depts, and the Army, which is why I know about it.

11 years ago

Yay! I’ve got some of those!(sunglasses)
Also, just saw the article you gave me, might not be what you mean but is something I thought about for the whole week, so thank you so much!
And of course all the other helpful people(which means everyone who tried to help)

11 years ago

To expand on it… if you give, issue, or sell, arms or ammunition to someone who is subject to Lautenberg you are committing a federal felony. There is a limited exception for police/military personnel who are under a restraining order; they can be issued a weapon, but cannot have it in their personal possession; but only in the course of their specific duties, and if they are off duty they must surrender the weapon.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

W00t, I was wrong for at least some of the cases in question!

Of course…well that’s impinging freedom! A restraining order doesn’t stop anyone and only a felony can legally prevent gun ownership! And personal sales with cash can’t be traced anyways (that last one you can file under “actually said this weekend” over CT vs NY gun laws)

Thank you for this moment of channelling my idiot relatives. To continue arguing with myself:

No, restraining orders don’t magically stop people, but they do give the victim legal grounds when the abuser harasses them (because fuck, not everyone goes straight from “needs a restraining order” to “should just shoot the person who violated it”)

Um, the second amendment makes the felony exception law? No? Then why can’t other changes occur?

Fuck you all, disagreeing with the law doesn’t magically make it okay to devise ways around it. I mean, ok, have fun committing that crime, but prepare for the consequences. (Cuz hey, I have no issue with drugs, but fuck, you’re going to jail if you get caught, this “laws in general” thing stops when you start discussing how many cops you could kill with your new gun before they pry it from your cold dead hands)

Pecunium! My father’s got it in his head that they’ll come confiscate his guns if I get psych disability. I can haz citation? (Or rather, I can haz the definition used for “adjudicated mentally [whaver it says]”)

And this was hours ago thanks to a Doctor Who distraction >.<

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh and making private sales require a background check is too restrictive, “they” are just trying to make it impossible to buy a gun. Or even own one, so “they” can just take over like hitler did.

Someone please save me from my relatives!

In less scary stupidity, my mother cannot grasp how my cory babies can be different colors, when they have the same parents! But are two sets of eggs…yeah, genetics is confusing apparently…

11 years ago

In the words of the great Bugs Bunny “What a maroon”.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Argenti – has she never seen human siblings who’re different colours, hair-wise at least? Weird.

11 years ago

I just learned the science behind why calico cats (except for rare exceptions) are female


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Ooh, got a link? I knew it was the norm but not why. Fribs and Mads might like to know. 😉

11 years ago

All my muscles are rubber, and you want me to find a link? 😀 It’s a video, let me see if I can find it again…

I found it!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

The rubbery-armed hero cloudiah!

That video is the best!

11 years ago

It sounds like a JTO rant again.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

But without the boxcutters. 🙂

11 years ago

Now I am going to crawl on hands and knees to bed. (I am fairly sensitive to medication, particularly muscle relaxants.) 🙂

11 years ago

Cats are awesome. And for some reason I knew that, but couldn’t remember why.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Niters, cloudiah, hope your back’s okay tomorrow!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Night cloudiah! And D’AWW, kittehs!

Kitteh — oh I tried using my brother and I as examples, complete with “well, unless one of us has another father”…I just confused her *shakes head*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oh my. ::also shakes head:: You’d think that would be the easiest example to grasp!

Mark Minter
11 years ago

You’re right Manboob, I just got all excited over the comment and tossed in the “toddle” thing too quickly without proofing. I can see that was the big refutation on the comment, Oh, and about “your” name. If the shoe fits, wear it. That seems to be what males like you get called over yonder in the ‘Sphere.

Thanks for the Cred, though, big boy. Hope that Omega Game is working out for you.

11 years ago

I like how toddle is the thing Minty’s upset about 😛

Wait, Minty, tell me the difference between a misogynist and a “woman hater”. I couldn’t follow you last time.

ps, everyone else: still sick today 🙁 it sucks.

11 years ago

Oh Mark, you’re always good for a laugh.

11 years ago

I just learned the science behind why calico cats (except for rare exceptions) are female

I saw a male calico once. It was in a vet clinic, so we all knew how rare he was, and between that and the fact that we almost missed it (he was all black and white except for one little smudge of orange on his back), we were all very excited about him.

11 years ago

in the ‘Sphere.

“the ‘Sphere”. LOL.

Thanks for the Cred, though, big boy.

Look how little he cares! He doth not protest too much at all, guys!

Hope that Omega Game is working out for you.

Are you just gonna repeat all the same “arguments” every time you come here? Aside from the “toddle” thing, you have added nothing new to this conversation. I’m not even sure you’re not a bot, at this point.

I was really hoping you’d be more entertaining when you came back. 2/10 would not LOL again.

11 years ago

OK, whatever, Minty Notsofresh. You keep telling yourself that you’re all full of cred. Having cred in the “‘Sphere” is not really something to brag about.

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