antifeminism beta males evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny self-congratulation the sound of his own voice

Proud Woman-Hater Declares War on the Dictionary


Sometimes my job here is too easy. Usually I have to leave the confines of my own blog to find examples of misogyny to share on the blog. Today, the misogyny came right to me, in the form of a cartoon-villain-esque monologue deposited directly into the comments here by a proud woman-hater named Mark Minter.

Oh, but don’t call him a misogynist. Because Mr. Minter has declared war not only on women (and on me) but on language itself. Rejecting the dictionary definition of “misogynist” as “one who hates women,” Minter declares himself to be a “woman hater” but somehow not a misogynist. I don’t get it either. Here’s his, er, argument:


You throw this misogynist term around like it is an insult. But you know me, who I am, what I write. And I honestly believe I am not a misogynist.

I am a Woman Hater. There is a world of difference.

Misogynist is a clever little Femcentric term that women created to hurl at men or society whenever men or society don’t fall to their knees for the little dears. Sort of like Racist, something that the thinking man, the educated men would never wished to be levied at him.

But I’m woman hater. And it came from a long, long time of seeing, watching, and being with women, and knowing the creepy, greedy, scummy, black hearted little bitches that they are. You can’t hurl that “you just get didn’t get any” thing women that like to toss at men’s bloggers, because I did and I know them to their fucking core, literally and figuratively. My number dwarfs the number of the average man.

A woman hater knows women, to their core, to their little black hearted center, and hates them as they are for who and what they are. I could less if the little dears get all the institutional things they want. Heck I want them to have it and create their little world that they are over there with them, and men are over here.

Hurl your epithets at me, your misogynist accusations and I don’t care other than, in a correct verbal sense, you are using the wrong term. Its a little insulting from that standpoint, but I find it fitting that you can’t tell a misogynist from woman hater. You defend them because you don’t know them.

See, being a woman hater is a sign of good sense, a realistic appreciation of the world, the way things are, and especially the way women are.

PS, I’m here because my name showed up with you bashing me over something and I wish you would do it more. It really gives me better cred with the fellows. Fuck, we’re even good for each other. I give you shit to write about so you can play your beta/omega game, “Look I stood for you against those bad bad men. Please don’t reject me.” and your slamming me gives me more cred in the ‘Sphere.

Toddles Manboob

Mark Minter

So there you have it.

Also, Mark, I believe you mean “toodles,” not “toddles.” “Toodles” is a shortening of “Toodle loo,” a slang term meaning “goodbye.” “Toddle,” by contrast, means “to walk with short, unsteady steps” or “to walk leisurely; stroll.”

Also, my name isn’t “Manboob.” “Man Boobz” is the name of the blog, and my term for dear fellows like yourself, who are men and also boobs. That is, “foolish or stupid” people. I’m David.


EDIT: In case you had forgotten who Minter was (I had), he wrote the little manifesto I wrote about here. You know, the one about how Obama’s reelection was going to lead to some sort of dystopian matriarchy. Pretty standard Manosphere moonbattery.

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11 years ago

I’m bored, so I want to change the whole letter to highlight the hypocrisy:

[Some FeMRA],

You throw this misandrist term around like it is an insult. But you know me, who I am, what I write. And I honestly believe I am not a misandrist.

I am a Man Hater. There is a world of difference.

Misandrist is a clever little Male-centric term that men created to hurl at women or society whenever women or society don’t fall to their knees for their male guardians. Sort of like Racist, something that the thinking woman, the educated women would never wished to be levied at her.

But I’m man hater. And it came from a long, long time of seeing, watching, and being with men, and knowing the creepy, greedy, scummy, black hearted little shits that they are. You can’t hurl that “you just get didn’t get any” thing men that like to toss at women’s bloggers, because I did and I know them to their fucking core, literally and figuratively. My number dwarfs the number of the average woman.

A man hater knows men, to their core, to their little black hearted center, and hates them as they are for who and what they are. I could less if our “male guardians” get all the institutional things they want. Heck I want them to have it and create their little world that they are over there with them, and women are over here.

Hurl your epithets at me, your misandrist accusations and I don’t care other than, in a correct verbal sense, you are using the wrong term. Its a little insulting from that standpoint, but I find it fitting that you can’t tell a misandrist from man hater. You defend them because you don’t know them.

See, being a man hater is a sign of good sense, a realistic appreciation of the world, the way things are, and especially the way men are.

PS, I’m here because my name showed up with you bashing me over something and I wish you would do it more. It really gives me better cred with the fellows. Fuck, we’re even good for each other. I give you shit to write about so you can play your misandrist game, “Look I stood for you against those bad bad women. Please fuck me.” and your slamming me gives me more cred in the ‘Sphere.

Toddles [Some FeMRA]

Mandy Minter

Of course, Mark’s letter is just common-sense. But Mandy’s letter? Completely different! It’s proof that feminism is a plague upon humanity.

11 years ago

Now to post this to a MRA site and watch the hate flood in, on account of your insanity and lock step delusions.
I’d do it, but my gin related hang over from earlier in the thread prevents me. And that totally is not just some arbitrary excuse!

11 years ago

Now to post this to a MRA site and watch the hate flood in, on account of your insanity and lock step delusions.
I’d do it, but my gin related hang over from earlier in the thread prevents me. And that totally is not just some arbitrary excuse!

I’m not going to do it either, but not for the same reason; I just don’t feel like receiving death threats and the like. Even though it’s quite obvious that I only wrote that to highlight hypocrisy among many MRAs, quite a few would be very offended by it. I’m already in a shaken-up mental state – I don’t need any more stress. And I don’t feel like dealing with MRA shitheads who want to tell me that my trans* status is a result of being a “self-hating man.”

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Aaliyah – you’re absolutely right about not posting to MRM sites. I can’t recall the name, but someone posted here recently about how she was harassed by these creatures. She emphasised that if anyone does want to post on those sites, they need to have proxy IPs and all the rest of the precautions against being tracked down. Her advice was essentially “do not post there.” That’s sure as hell my view, and I don’t mean just for you, but anyone.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Besides which, on a trivial scale – why give those gobshites any traffic?

11 years ago

Speaking of jobs, I am in Auckland for a job interview on Tuesday, and I’m so nervous I’m having nightmares. I really want this job.

Good luck Weeboy!

@the stepford knife

Also do they really think we do no proper research and can just get away with making shit up, and then get our made-up shit through the peer review process? And then write any old shit on a grant application and still get it through a highly competitive application process? Or do they just like to imagine this so they have a handy excuse to discredit any research findings which don’t tally with their prejudices?

Sorry for the rant, but I do get a bit fed up of being told that I do nothing all day by people who have no idea what academic research actually involves.

Probably the last one. :/ And nothing wrong with ranting.

11 years ago

Good luck WeeBoy!

11 years ago

Stepford gave me an idea: Especially as someone who is working on grants right now, I really, really, really love to see grant applications written by MRAs. True MRAs, not men actually seeking legitimate help for men.

Reading Manboobz, and seeing Minty talking about how he hates women “to the core” but love(d?) to have sex with them. It’s been covered, but that seems to be a huge part of it — sex as punishment — which adds such a sick twisted dimension to their behavior. I think I slept with one with those types (and probably had white supremacist tendencies he kept hidden), and he responded to rejection with threats and stalking. I wish we had perfect guide for HOW TO SPOT AN MRA BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. It wasn’t as easy as I thought, because the flattery and lies a highly intelligent man can sling while simultaneously hating you can be, well, effective.

in case anyone missed it, my favorite way to be happy in 31 seconds, Matty the sloth:

11 years ago

oOps, i’m sorry, was I not supposed to post a video directly in there? i’m really technologically challenged. it took me six months to figure out how to get an anonymous gravatar, and i still don’t know how to do the block quotes.

11 years ago


Nothing wrong with posting the videos here 🙂 And internet hugs if wanted re: the mra ex. 🙁

Also, blockquotes: [blockquote] text [/blockquote] but you use these angle brackes < instead of the square ones [


11 years ago

Okay I’m going to try this…
[Nothing wrong with posting the videos here And internet hugs if wanted re: the mra ex./]

Also, I found a really shocking MRA-related video on a non MRA. It’s a minute long and so messed up I can’t describe it. I sent it to David…but maybe there’s no point pointlessly triggered. It just was awful because I was showing the resource to someone with intense abuse history, and then at the end of the video, they show a woman being beaten. It was horrible.

Thank you Marie!

11 years ago

Okay I’m going to try this AGAIN…

Nothing wrong with posting the videos here And internet hugs if wanted re: the mra ex.

11 years ago

“You can’t hurl that “you just get didn’t get any” thing women that like to toss at men’s bloggers, because I did and I know them to their fucking core, literally and figuratively. My number dwarfs the number of the average man.”

That “literally” remark is freaking me out, when referring tho their “core”. Like he’s cut women up or something. The hating coupled with the obsessive “knowing” sounds like a dangerous combo. Scary.

Hopefully, he’s just misusing the word “literally” like so many do.

11 years ago


MRA Ex’s are shitty. second that guide to how to spot them.
Thogu we could probably construct one out of everything that can bee seen on this site…

11 years ago

I think the ‘literally’ part is just code for “I have a huge dong.”

11 years ago

“I think the ‘literally’ part is just code for “I have a huge dong.””

Oh I get it. A woman’s core is where her vagina terminates. So the tip of his dick has made contact with her “core”. So, the cervix. Who knew?

11 years ago

Oh I get it. A woman’s core is where her vagina terminates. So the tip of his dick has made contact with her “core”. So, the cervix. Who knew?

Anyone else feeling a little more creeped out by their last pap smear?

11 years ago

Pap smears steal a piece of your soul!

11 years ago

@TomBCat – I would definitely be up for starting that document. Er, manifesto? But it would have to include all the subtle things, because in real-life most of these guys, I’m guessing, don’t run around screaming in pseudo-archaic gobbledygook. Gobble-gook? Toddle-gook? Toddletalk w/ the MRM sounds like the worst talk show in history.

Also, it keeps making me re-sign in every time I log in. I don’t use my primary email account for privacy (from people like MRA ex). It’s weird. It then redirects and says I already posted already. Computers are weird.

11 years ago

Anyone else feeling a little more creeped out by their last pap smear?

If knowing a woman to her core like that makes you a woman hater, how do gynecologists even exist?
Or is it necessary to use a penis to penetrate the truth about women?

11 years ago

try clearing all your history(cache, cookies, log-ins) , then it shouldn’t do that.
Use proxys or Tor if you’re feeling paranoid. Noscript is also useful because you can better control what scripts run in a sites background.

I get the paranoia about privacy, I have one MRA ex who probably reads this site now and then, sometimes I suddenly realize he might recognize me.

While they don’t scream their opinions around in real life, they do often have similar pet peeves they can rarely let go of. Bringing feminism into a conversation is the most obvious thing to do if you’re not sure about a person. Or discussions in general.

I am of now in love with the phrase ‘pseudo-archaic gobbledygook’.
Funny, my auto correct doesn’t recognize misandry, but this ^^ it does know…

11 years ago

Or, wait, I think I misunderstood your Email-problem entirely…

11 years ago

Yes, I did. For some reason my head made up something you didn’t write at all.
What makes you re-sign in? On this site?

11 years ago

Just so my ramble on Cookies makes sense:
In my mind you posted with throw-away Emails and had problems using new mail addresses.
I have no idea why I would have thought that. Nothing you wrote should’ve made me think that. So weird. Freaky brain.

11 years ago


I know I kept having to sign in here for a while, but eventually it stopped for no reason *shrugs* I still have to resign in every time I turn my computer back on, but not for each comment. Have you hit the little button that says remember me?

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