a voice for men harassment hypocrisy irony alert misogyny MRA paul elam threats

The Creepy Voicemail Message I got from A Voice for Men’s most active activist, KARMA MRA MGTOW

Not the actual message, or my phone

So a reporter from the Toronto Star recently contacted Paul Elam of A Voice for Men to ask him about the harassment and threats received by several student protesters at the University of Toronto after Elam and his associates identified and vilified them online, both on AVFM and on its bogus “offenders registry” called Register-Her . (You can read more about the harassment here, here and here; here’s the school’s official statement condemning the threats.)

In his response to the reporter, Elam made this laughable assertion:

I am 100% certain that no individual associated with AVFM would condone or tolerate any type of threat made against anyone. If I found out that anyone was, their connection with AVFM would be quickly severed.

Yeah, how dare anyone accuse anyone from AVFM of harassing or threatening anyone! It’s not like the site’s slogan is “Fuck Their Shit Up.” Oh, wait. It is.  It’s not like they set up an entire fake “offenders registry” in an attempt to smear feminists and other women they don’t like. Oh, wait. They did. It’s not like Elam told one of his feminist enemies that “the idea of fucking your shit up gives me an erection.” Oh wait. He did.

And it’s not like anyone associated with the site has, oh, I dunno, called up someone on the AVFM enemies list in the middle of the night and left a creepy voicemail message predicting the imminent demise of feminism.

Oh, wait.

At 1:38 AM on December 15th of last year, I heard the phone ring. The caller ID showed that the call was coming from a fellow calling himself KARMA MRA MGTOW. I immediately recognized this as being the internet handle of an AVFM regular. Not particularly wanting to talk to him at 1:38 AM — or at any time, really – I let it go through to voicemail. Perhaps unaware that Caller ID had coughed up his name, KARMA  left this brief and cryptic message, which for some reason he delivered in falsetto.

In case you have trouble with the sound file, he said “Mm mm mmm! Feminism will die!”

Was this a threat? I would say so; despite the oddity of the message, I think it was intended to intimidate, to let me know that the AVFM regulars have my phone number — and perhaps my address? —  and have no hesitation about invading my privacy in the middle of the night. Calling someone up at 1:38 in the morning and leaving a weird, creepy, hostile message is pretty clearly an act of harassment. Even if you do it in falsetto. Perhaps especially if you do it in falsetto.

The call was made using Skype, and I contacted them to report it. (The number itself, I discovered after looking into it,  isn’t associated with any particular individual; it’s one that Skype assigns to various users making non-internet calls. It was Caller ID that identified who was calling.) Here’s a screenshot of the message in my voicemail inbox.


So who was my mysterious caller? Karma, otherwise known as Frank James Spencer, is one of AVFM’s most devoted activists, regularly posting videos to YouTube of his various postering runs for the site. He has also, on a number of occasions, encouraged AVFM regulars to flood the comment sections of other internet sites — by offering to donate a couple of bucks to AVFM for every comment posted. “Let’s flood this bitch with the message!” Elam wrote, announcing one such offer from Spencer/Karma.

Elam has regularly lavished praise on his star activist.“Thanks, KARMA, for helping us define ‘One Man Army.'” Elam wrote after Spencer/Karma set up a miniature FM radio station to broadcast the AVFM internet radio show 24 hours a day. “You, sir, are an MRA’s MRA. Keep up the amazing work.”

An “MRA’s MRA” he may be, but as his call to me made abundantly clear, Spencer/Karma has trouble telling the difference between “activism” and “harassment.”

Indeed, he has stated outright in the past that he is willing to break the law– and go off the Internet — in order to fight the purported evil of feminism. (I took this screenshot at the time of the harassment in December; since then AVFM has evidently changed its system of up and downvoting comments and the comment’s many upvotes have vanished.)


It’s comments like this that make it clear to me that Spencer/Karma’s phone call can’t be dismissed as a harmless prank.

I’m making all this public not only because it’s a good way to point out the comical hypocrisy of Elam’s comments above, but also because I’m curious to know if other people — and if so, how many — have gotten weird and threatening calls from Spencer/Karma in the middle of the night?

If you or anyone you know has gotten threatening or harassing phone calls from him or from any other MRA, associated with AVFM or not, please contact me. (My email is my last name at I will keep your information confidential unless you want to go public with it.

NOTE: Before anyone accuses me of “doxxing” Spencer by using his real name, you should know that he makes no effort to hide his name, and that he does his internet activism as both Frank James Spencer and KARMA MRA MGTOW. His Facebook page lists him by both names, and it links back to AVFM. He has also posted comments here on Man Boobz under his real name on several occasions, like this one, with links to both his Facebook page and to several of his YouTube videos, all of which clearly identify him as being KARMA MRA MGTOW.

EDITED TO ADD: Originally, as I said, I was able to tell who was calling with Caller ID. But Comcast has now altered the way it displays old messages online, so now it shows his account name as well. So here’s a new pic so you don’t have to take my word for it that caller ID identified him. As I said before, the number is a Skype number — you can look it up — which is why it’s in California, not Australia. Click on the pic to see it full size.

My Comcast voicemail inbox. Other callers' names redacted.
My Comcast voicemail inbox. Other callers’ names redacted.
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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

“When it comes to Aussie falsettos, dude’s no Barry Gibb.”

LOL that’s just who I thought of!

“Thus concludes yet another episode of Viscaria: Surprisingly Inept Super Sleuth.”

I would totally watch that.

11 years ago

all things striped and stinging

11 years ago

Joss Whedon has said he’d like to do a sequel to Dr Horrible, when he has time.


Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Hellz yeah.

…but that’s probably not going to happen until he’s done with Avengers 3.

Did I mention I took a creative writing class with his cousin Tony? Good times.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

(from his cousin, that is)

11 years ago

More on the photo–it’s an actual ‘sport’, called Ferret Legging. They put on loose pants, use rubber-bands to seal the ankles, and drop the ferrets (two of ’em) in. Whoever lasts the longest without crying uncle wins. And no, they cannot wear underwear, sedate the ferret, or even be drunk or drugged themselves.

And yes, I will admit to a certain degree of playground humor at the picture. One of sites I occasionally scour for anime fan-art has a pool called “That’s not a penis”. It’s not as bad as you think. It’s worse.

11 years ago

I played Lord Amiens about 15 years ago and sang every song to the tune of an Alanis Morrissette song. It was hilarious. Under the Greenwood Tree, to Ironic. Can’t wait to see what he’ll do to Much Ado!

11 years ago

Sorry, As You Like It. I’ve been in too many shows.

11 years ago

This was a video I did that got false flagged (censored) on YouTube by the MRA regarding creepy messages, notes, comments directed toward me, etc. on YouTube. I don’t have a phone so, no I don’t get creepy messages from people from the MRA. I met some users from “the mansophere” but to my knowledge, they didn’t recognize me. Sometimes the world just seem like a small place.

11 years ago

If nothing else, Nathan Fillion is bound to be a better Dogberry than Michael Keaton was. That was one of the few things I really didn’t like about Branagh’s movie version.

11 years ago

In the news of other trollage, does anyone remember Antz? In his dubious honor, I am actually writing flash fic based on his dream of separating men and women across the Mississippi River. It meshed with a prompt on my Writeathon! I couldn’t help it…

11 years ago

” I am actually writing flash fic based on his dream of separating men and women across the Mississippi River” Why so small a separation barrier? why not the old world to one sex and the new world to the other?

11 years ago

RE: talacaris

Because salmon, talacaris. Because SALMON.

(Translation: it’s already an absurd scenario. Why are you trying to actually put logic to it?)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Talacaris, go find Antz and ask him.

“Argenti, I have to correct you on the Doctor Who bees. The vespiform was clearly a giant wasp, not a bee.”


11 years ago

Speaking of trouser weasels, I currently have a trouser kitten. I think it’s asleep in there.

11 years ago

Seriously, these are the reasons I love you all. Trouser weasels and whether I remember the bees from Doctor Who correctly. I don’t comment much, but I’ve been around since before David moved to wordpress.

And when it comes down to it? It goes bing when it does stuff.

P.S. Don’t blink!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“And when it comes down to it? It goes bing when it does stuff.”

Hell, I’ve got my mother hooked on that one — my iPad bings, she asks if there’s stuff XD

PS have you ever tried not blinking?!

11 years ago

Falconer, I wrote that line thinking of James Herriot, but Monty Python probably fits my life better. 😉

11 years ago


Woo, James Herriot! I have a couple of chapters of one of his books marked for if I’m feeling depressed. His books are great that way.

11 years ago

oh yeah, james herriot.

hey, i think there was a satire published in an old national lampoon issue called all creatures, even bees.

11 years ago

Yay other James Herriot fans! His books are a great pick-me-up.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I like James Herriot’s books! And remember the incredibly youthful Peter Davison playing Tristan in the series?

11 years ago

And remember the incredibly youthful Peter Davison playing Tristan in the series?

…This is a thing that happened? *Drops everything to go look it up*

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

I never saw the show; I didn’t even know there was one until recently. I heard it was good, though.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

It was! I think the BBC did it. It was called All Creatures Great and Small and starred Christopher Timothy as James, Carol Drinkwater as Helen, Robert Hardy as Siegfried and Peter Davison as Tristan.