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Easter on The Spearhead: “I hope that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.”



Happy Easter, or what remains of it, for those who celebrate it! (And happy Deep Discounts on Peeps Day to all who celebrate that tomorrow.)

There’s an interesting, er, theological discussion about the meaning of Easter over on The Spearhead. In a short post, WF Price argues that the uppity ladies of today could learn a thing or two from Mary Magdalene:

One of my favorite subtexts of the Easter story is the devotion of Mary Magdalene, who kept a vigil at her Lord’s tomb, and thereby became the first witness to the Resurrection.

I don’t see it as a specifically Christian message, but rather a universal one: the woman, regardless of her background or past, can attain holiness through selfless love and devotion. I hope some day that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.

A nonbeliever with the clever handle fakeemail isn’t convinced:

Once a whore always a whore.

I have no interest for a whore who “saw the light” aka a 30 year old cock-carouseler who is out of options. I want the young woman who was smart enough to never be a whore in the first place.

Evidently MRAs never take a holiday from being dicks.

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11 years ago


Good bye! 😀

Re: brz

I think I’ve officially given up understanding brz. It’d take more effort than I’m willing to put into his posts.

11 years ago

The only good thing I can think of to say about that movie is that the dresses are pretty.

11 years ago


We usually don’t use genital terms to insult people in France, we say “tête de bite”, “dick-head” but that doesn’t have the same meaning as in English, that just means “you’re ugly”, we say “avoir de la chatte”, “having pussy”, which means “being lucky”
In Tunisian Arabic, they have an adjective formed out of the word “vagin”, “zebboura” which means “nice”. Saying “mella zebboura” to a girl is very inappropriate and you can say “oh mella zebboura al-karhba hedhi”, “what a nice car”. They use the word “dick” as an insult and saying “my dick”, “zobbi” is used as a comma between sentences “ash ta2ki zobbi ayya tanji zobbi”, “what are you saying my dick ok I come back my dick”.

I let the feminist 101 splainers analyze teh patriarchy’s misogyny in this.

11 years ago

@ Fade
A lot of what happens is probably going to go against some of your core beliefs.

I’m going to sleep too. I wanted to for hours, but your home in the matrix is so nice and comfortable.

Have fun!

11 years ago


okay, so dick-head in french doesn’t actually have dicks in it? Because ‘being a dick’ in english normally doesn’t imply the owner has a dick, it’s just code for being a jerk. So…I’m not following you here exactly.

11 years ago

My mom, who was born in 1935, sort of saw Scarlett O’Hara as a role model, and I think a lot of white southern women of her generation did. One of her favorite expressions was “Well, tomorrow is another day.” I haven’t seen the movie in years, and read the book when I was 12. (Even then, in 1975, I knew some of the race stuff was way off, but not the sex stuff.) Now I’m wondering how wtf I’d find it today?

Here’s my mom, uh, I mean Vivian Leigh.

11 years ago

Straight lines make cats unhappy. And none of us want sad kitties.

So true.

So, what else happened today? Seriously, I wish someone could be assigned to periodically write little summaries of comment thread so that when I’m away for a while I don’t have to read everything to catch up. Is that so unreasonable? 😀

My summary: There was some angst, but mostly it seems it has been worked out using pictures of cute animals. Everyone okay now? Do I need to find more animals? Don’t make me post that video of the baby giraffe standing up for the first time!

11 years ago


Lol, yes, you’re graph resumes it perfectly :
A man refuses a job to a woman on a sexist basis, it’s teh patriarchy.
A woman refuses a job to a man on a sexist basis… It’s still teh patriarchy.

I trully love this graph, unstoppable logic out there.

11 years ago

@Fade Gone with the wind as a study in mid 20th century cinema is glorious.

11 years ago

Summary part deux: Brz is droning on about something.

Here’s the giraffe:

11 years ago

And who the hell is this Samson’s jawbone dude? That was some prime WTF-ery right there.

11 years ago

@ Brz

I let the feminist 101 splainers analyze teh patriarchy’s misogyny in this.

actually, you already got that lesson from fade.Equally awesome and easy to understand.

I was being philosophical, don’t use that for your own agenda. Or at least try to be good at it.

11 years ago


11 years ago


“Tête de bite” is used to say that the head of the person looks like a dick, “dick” isn’t associated with having a bad behavior. We say it like we say “façe de cul”, “ass-face.

11 years ago

I seem to remember someone talking about iPads:

11 years ago

Wow brz is kinda dense.

also, so you’d prefer dick to be compared to ugliness than bad behavior? I mean, I’m not a big fan of genitalia as insults, but it seems kind of silly to say France doesn’t have them when you just gave an example of one…

11 years ago

Cat on iPad is the best of all things.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I always have to remind myself of the Latin meaning of cis. I read it as an acronym of Comfortable In Skin, which I guess isn’t wholly inappropriate. Either way it certainly describes me and it does seem silly anyone who is getting sniffy about it; it’s not like it’s a putdown or potential putdown. Don’t think I’d call myself straight … gently curvy, maybe. 😉


She identifies as a kick-ass something else that rocks my world and makes me weak at the knees but we really do need more of an understanding of the squiggly lines that make us all up. Straight lines make cats unhappy. And none of us want sad kitties.

I so <3 this. 🙂

Cannonball, Cannonball, I found a new portrait of Louis that's in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery! Not new new, it was painted around 1650, but hey, it’s one I’ve never seen and that qualifies. And those bastards have it and never told me and I’ve been there three times and never seen it! I’ve posted it on my blog if you want a look.

/OT rant

@daintydougal – “silly bean” and “hivemind femibeasts” love those! And puppy! Cuteness! (I saw the BIGGEST British Bulldog on Saturday. She was all of six months old. Scary.)

“Close, but no phallocratic cigar.” Leave that idiot Freud out of this! 😀

@Howard – lived life is a perfect phrase. So’s redundantly redundant, for that matter.

@Bagelsan – Errant woman! I’m totally going for that. In fact I’ll raise it, I’m an errant queen. Ha! ::ignores smirk from certain person::

“That probably does describe sex with an MRA.” ::dies::

“If the carousel as a whole represents one dude, I’m really concerned about how MRAs think penises are supposed to work. Does it light up, play music and spin? Maybe exorcise it.”


@Cassandra – “Look, a [fake] French bear!” FTFY

I’m seeing Brz as a failed wannabe furry with the world’s mankiest, most moth-eaten old hired bear costume now.

11 years ago

just to clarify, that you was at brz, not anyone else. Just forgot to put the @ thing there…

11 years ago

A man refuses a job to a woman on a sexist basis, it’s teh patriarchy.
A woman refuses a job to a man on a sexist basis… It’s still teh patriarchy.

That is not what patriarchy is.

Also, I noticed you said “sexist”, not discriminatory. How does a woman refuse a man on a sexist bias? Does she think that he shouldn’t “lower” himself to do women’s work, and she hires people who do a traditionally feminine field? Because that would be an example of sexism.

A woman not hiring a man because she hates menis her own assholeishness, but not sexism.

See? Sexism is institutionalized. There are institutionalized systems set up against women.

Plain old personal discrimination is not. There are no institutionalized systems set up against men.

11 years ago

I’m not a huge fan of zoos, but I’m still gonna post this.

Hey did someone get moderated? Was it Jaro? I’ve been doing hit-and-run reading, mostly while tired, but I think I saw that. If so, phew. What an asshat he was.

11 years ago


Huh? No, I don’t give a fuck how people use the word “dick” to insult people. I wasn’t trying to make a point by talking about differences in gendered slurs between French and English. I’m just amused by the hypocrisy of the ones who, after having whined that menz keep being misogynist by using women’s genital words to insult people… accuse people of being dicks.

11 years ago


It was Jaro, on the grounds that he was being an asshat.

(possible tw on rape)

He was trying to get into a debate about whether rape was bad, so…yeah he got moderated.

11 years ago


*sigh* and I already told this to you. learn2history. learnaboutcontext.

11 years ago

Marie, I admire your patience with Brz, and would like to reward you with this adventurous kitten.

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