Happy Easter, or what remains of it, for those who celebrate it! (And happy Deep Discounts on Peeps Day to all who celebrate that tomorrow.)
There’s an interesting, er, theological discussion about the meaning of Easter over on The Spearhead. In a short post, WF Price argues that the uppity ladies of today could learn a thing or two from Mary Magdalene:
One of my favorite subtexts of the Easter story is the devotion of Mary Magdalene, who kept a vigil at her Lord’s tomb, and thereby became the first witness to the Resurrection.
I don’t see it as a specifically Christian message, but rather a universal one: the woman, regardless of her background or past, can attain holiness through selfless love and devotion. I hope some day that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.
A nonbeliever with the clever handle fakeemail isn’t convinced:
Once a whore always a whore.
I have no interest for a whore who “saw the light” aka a 30 year old cock-carouseler who is out of options. I want the young woman who was smart enough to never be a whore in the first place.
Evidently MRAs never take a holiday from being dicks.
I’m riding the
cockrefresh carousel.Gah, you hivemind femibeasts are so lovely *wipes away tear*
-Irrelevance coming-
The awful news of the prosecutor and his wife murdered in Texas, I immediately thought ‘please not mra stuff, I can’t bear to see people bragging about it on manboobz’, but no, its white supremacists. How is there room for this amount of hate? Serials. How many different murdering hate groups do we need?
-Irrelevance complete-
It just occurred to me that we can add “how carousels work” to the list of things MRAs don’t understand. Have you ever seen anyone running around a carousel hopping on every single horse? I think the operator would make you sit down.
I’ve… i’ve never been called a femibeast before.
*Eyes wobble with happy tears*
This amused me way to much. XD
I saw it once. Much chafing and yelling.
Oh goody, white men killing people — now with emphasis on the “white” rather than on the “men.” A refreshing change of pace. *dies*
Eat the fish! Shame on you! (I kid, but seriously, I don’t eat seafood, period)
And that welcome package, albeit delayed, which now has a kitten care of katz.
One complementary welcome package consisting of a misandrist hard chair, matching bath towels, SCENTED MOTHERFUCKING CANDLES and cupcakes, delivered by female (whore) penguins in spanx.
That probably does describe sex with an MRA.
Carousels ::dies::
and cuteness ::dies::
why do you people try to kill each other?
“Spanx” always sounds to me like it should be some sort of oddly chirpy BSDM club.
@Argenti Aertheri
Are they tropical fisks? When I was small my dad had some and we named the sucky one (plec-something?) Leo, so now the sucky ones are all Leo to me.
Perhaps the women are jumping on and off lots of different carousels. The carosel as a hole signifying the ‘alpha’ instead of the individual horses?
@ Bagelsan with bonus existential pain.
Yes, definitely losing the will to live would be part of the MRA lurve experience.
I picture it as being a bit like being mauled by a bear, but with more crying.
If the carousel as a whole represents one dude, I’m really concerned about how MRAs think penises are supposed to work. Does it light up, play music and spin? Maybe exorcise it.
Not to mention the post coital scrubbing. Sounds time consuming.
I find it more realistic to believe that they do know about carousels, just not so much about sex.
@CassandraSays: much less sexy, much less competent.
Or maybe I’m just optimistic here.
Sex with an MRA could really be however we imagine it, as it has never yet been observed.
And thank you so much for my welcome package! I am doing imaginary arranging whilst listening to requiem lacrimosa after my other declared Mozert to be ‘boring’. *Shudder.*
I’d take the bear. At least less rage.
After having reading this, an ignorant person may ask himself why it seems to be ok for feminists to insult people of being “dicks”, but not to insult people of being “pussies” but an enlightened (by the lights of feminism) person will understand that it’s very inappropriate and problematic to ask this kind of questions and assume that there’s probably an 101 feminist blog out there which had femsplained why “dick” isn’t a sexist slur, why feminists can use it and why everyone who finds it hypocrite are misogynist, phallocratric, virgin, creepy basement-dwellers assholes who should not ever be with women ever.
/Feminist logic 101.
Also you could potentially distract the bear with food. MRAs are too angry about all the sandwiches women have failed to make them in the past, you’d just get more ragevomit.