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Easter on The Spearhead: “I hope that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.”



Happy Easter, or what remains of it, for those who celebrate it! (And happy Deep Discounts on Peeps Day to all who celebrate that tomorrow.)

There’s an interesting, er, theological discussion about the meaning of Easter over on The Spearhead. In a short post, WF Price argues that the uppity ladies of today could learn a thing or two from Mary Magdalene:

One of my favorite subtexts of the Easter story is the devotion of Mary Magdalene, who kept a vigil at her Lord’s tomb, and thereby became the first witness to the Resurrection.

I don’t see it as a specifically Christian message, but rather a universal one: the woman, regardless of her background or past, can attain holiness through selfless love and devotion. I hope some day that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.

A nonbeliever with the clever handle fakeemail isn’t convinced:

Once a whore always a whore.

I have no interest for a whore who “saw the light” aka a 30 year old cock-carouseler who is out of options. I want the young woman who was smart enough to never be a whore in the first place.

Evidently MRAs never take a holiday from being dicks.

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Howard Bannister
11 years ago

@deniseeliza, @Marie:

Yes. Preach it.

11 years ago

I’m just being stupid. I’ve seen you guys being so nice to people and I feel like poop and should’ve kept my stupid mouth shut and now I’ve annoyed the people in the only place I feel safe and feel even worse now.

I’m kind of late to the discussion, but I just wanted to say this is how I feel all the time when unlurking or starting a new internet site. So come on in! 😀 *tries to smile welcomingly*

My guess is people are saying this isn’t a 101 place because of the extreme troll-i-tude. Can you imagine trying to explain something like cis-privilege to a guy who thinks that (to use an example from a recent troll we had) that rape is not that bad because it just causes “unimportant psychological damage” or something? That kind of stuff needs to be explained in a space where trolls can’t derail it, because it’s already a difficult topic.

Now, in response to your first comment, that was a cute hedgehog! *awww* And sadly, I do not know where to talk about cis-trans stuff either because I am super bad at bookmarking links.

11 years ago




11 years ago

Daintydougal: How much of a 101 conversation you can get here varies. It all depends on who’s on and whether they feel like it. But several people have explained why we need labels and several others have read and responded to the articles, so you’re actually getting a pretty good response.

I’m working on a longish response; give me a sec.

11 years ago


If you’re confused about cis privilege, trans* 101 terminology, etc., I recommend this.

There is also Julia Serano’s book Whipping Girl.

11 years ago

I’ve looked at the second article (“a feminist critique of cisgender”) and yeah, it’s just not a very well-thought-through article. The author doesn’t seem to understand that multiple forms of oppression can exist and overlap at the same time (intersectionality). She says:

Feminine gender conformity ala “cis” does not protect women (trans or not) from gendered oppression.

That’s true! But it does protect them from trans oppression. They get paid 75% of what men make, but nobody passes laws forbidding them to use the bathroom. Most of her article is just a long explanation of gender-based privilege, all of which is true, and then complaining that adding cis/trans to the mix doesn’t fix it:

Eliminating sex-based gender assignments, while leaving hegemonic masculinity and femininity intact,isn’t going to rectify this imbalance.

But she’s all confused here, because eliminating male privilege is not the point of cis and trans; it’s much simpler than that. The point is just to allow people to be the gender they identify with, rather than being stuck with the gender their parts are generally associated with, and to give them a vocabulary to talk about it. She might as well complain that addressing, say, racism doesn’t deal with the patriarchy and is therefore pointless.

She makes two other points, but they’re muddled together and rather contradictory:

The cis/trans binary does not, and cannot, account for the experiences of people with complicated, blended, or changing “gender identities;” nor does it address people with hostile relationships to gender in general. As a woman-born-woman who rejects femininity as females’ destiny, I surely do not identify with my assigned gender in the way that “cis” describes…The cis/trans* binary does not break down any structures of normalcy because it doesn’t describe how such systems operate. It doesn’t explain how a person will be treated by society or what kind(s) of power they hold relative to others. External observers cannot reliably determine whether someone considers herself “cis” or “trans;” they simply pass judgment by categorizing superficial expressions of masculinity or femininity as appropriate or inappropriate. In reality, any person who significantly defies the gender norms for their apparent sex will be subject to negative social treatment because of their non-compliance. This will occur regardless of whether the individual applies the label “trans” to herself or not.

So her first point is that cis/trans is meaningless because real gender experience is way more complicated than that, and her second is that it’s meaningless because it’s much simpler than that and people just respond to each other based on whether they act masculine or feminine.

The first point is what I call a TBNR (True But Not Relevant). Yes, gender identity can be complicated, but that’s no reason to reject the entire concept. In fact, having a concept of cis/trans is helpful even for people who don’t fit in either category, because it opens the door to the possibility of other types of identity, whereas if we reject the whole concept, then you’re male if you have a penis, female if you have a vagina, and that’s that. (IE, if we’re in the habit of asking what pronouns you’d prefer, there’s the option of saying “neutral, please,” whereas if we just decide you’re a girl based on your parts, then you’re flat out of luck.)

The second point is barely true at all. Yes, all people get judged based on how well they perform masculinity or femininity, both by rewarding people for the former and punishing for the latter and by rewarding for gender conformity and punishing for nonconformity. But there’s a huge line in the sand at gender identification. A cis girl can act really tomboyish and get little censure, but if that same child wants to be a boy, that’ll get pushback for sure*. (You can see this exact dynamic play out in the excellent 2011 French film Tomboy.)

TL;DR: The author doesn’t like cis and trans because she doesn’t understand gender identity, in part due to her own privilege.

11 years ago

People don’t always realize this, but domestic animals, just like human beings, often hit puberty and become physically capable of having children long before they’re psychologically mature enough.

Our cat Shadow probably wasn’t ready. She freaked out running around when she had her kitten(she only had one). Dragged the kitten around the house right after he was born too. We saved him, but she was not a happy cat.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

TL;DR: The author doesn’t like cis and trans because she doesn’t understand gender identity, in part due to her own privilege.

The nail, you’ve struck it right on the head.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Nothing of substance to add, except to say you are welcome here, daintydougal, I remember your earlier posts and wouldn’t like to think this puts you off.

11 years ago

I’m just being stupid. I’ve seen you guys being so nice to people and I feel like poop and should’ve kept my stupid mouth shut and now I’ve annoyed the people in the only place I feel safe and feel even worse now. Why would people I don’t even know misunderstanding me (I certainly wasn’t asking Why Are Labels Necessary or for a 101) make me so upset? I feel like shit and I was a fucking selfish idiot to come here expecting anything. I’m sorry.

You must chill! /Say Anything reference. You haven’t annoyed me (and you would know if you had), it’s just that as others have explained, this space isn’t the safest in which to have those kinds of discussions.

You weren’t selfish. This was just a stumble when it comes to reading the room.

11 years ago

Yes, gender identity can be complicated, but that’s no reason to reject the entire concept.

It’s like rejecting the term “straight” because the “gay/straight binary” doesn’t account for bisexuality, asexuality, pansexuality, etc.

11 years ago

A late welcome from me too
Too tired to read every comment, all I got out of this was dried frog pills and that WF Price thinks he’s Jesus.

11 years ago

It’s like rejecting the term “straight” because the “gay/straight binary” doesn’t account for bisexuality, asexuality, pansexuality, etc.


…Although I have a feeling that author might do that, too.

11 years ago

Funny how every label becomes limiting and reinforcing the patriarchy except for the one label set that is necessary to describe her own personal ideology: “woman” and “man”.

Must be a coincidence.

11 years ago


lol@ price thinking he’s Jesus. XD

re: labels:

This is going to be a ramble and hopefully it goes somewhere, but the ‘not wanting cis as a label’ reminds me kind of some of the white people who don’t like being called white. idk why. You know like those guys who go ‘I’m not white, I’m Greek’*. Well kind of like that. Like the author of the article didn’t like the cis label and tried to think of reasons it wasn’t applicable. Or ‘how dare we try to labe ‘default’ class. (more of a ‘how dare you try to label me’ thing, but it seems like more of a ‘people who get seen as default’ shtick.) Idk I’m rambling so much, I hope this made sense.

*Greece as an example since I used to have the brand of special snowflake when I was younger. /embarrassed.

11 years ago

Funny how every label becomes limiting and reinforcing the patriarchy except for the one label set that is necessary to describe her own personal ideology: “woman” and “man”.

Must be a coincidence.

Yup. (as in yes to what you’re saying, not that it’s a coincidence XD)

11 years ago

found this gem on a Christian manosphere site, in keeping up with the theme of this post regarding MRAs and religion. He actually outright admits he hates women, I’m sure that’s exactly what Jesus wants

LOL at the comic-book villain speak too.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Warning, I’m either hungover or just feeling generally shitty (my mother says allergies, I say she’s legit sick, and I’ll be pissed if she shared her germs). Also, my crazy pills haven’t kicked in yet. So I’m a crisp Argenti who may not make sense.

“Ugh, yeah, that article is full of BS. I saw that argument on IBTP comment threads the other day, that trans people who pass don’t experience any oppression that they wouldn’t ordinarily experience if they were cis, and that trans people who don’t pass face the exact same oppression that cis people who don’t conform to gender expectations do.”

Um, yeah. There’s a reason I prefer non-cis to trans* — much as I hate my biology, it means that regardless what I wear I can use a public bathroom without fearing the repercussions (well, I suppose anyways, I guess anyone could push the limit for “acceptable dress” but that’s so far off topic). Point here is that I’m wary saying I’m trans* because I don’t have to face the oppression.

…and apparently I have to go NOW if I want a ride to the fish store, I’ll have to finish to later, sorry.

11 years ago


On one hand, curious where he says he hates women (believe you, just don’t want to read). On the other hand, I’m sure reading it would be super icky. Debating…debating.

Also, the bible? :

Love thy neighbor, unless she’s a woman. (actually, I’m betting there are more people he hates, since bigotries seem to go together, but w/e)

@Argenti Aertheri

Have fun at the fish store! If that’s something you find fun. But either way, good luck/ enjoy yourself 🙂

11 years ago

Oh man you guys. I’m at work and its such torture because today I’m getting a SSD delivered for my Macbook Pro and I am SO EXCITED.

11 years ago

I thought I needed to share.

11 years ago


Yay for your…thing that’s coming*! 😀

*don’t know what it is… 😛

11 years ago

Oh, the vile criteria by which women judge menfolk! O, abominable, loathsome beings!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha oh man this is comedy gold

11 years ago

SSD = Solid State Drive. So basically its a hard drive but with no moving parts, like a flash stick. And it’s WAY faster at reading and writing than a traditional hard drive. So basically it makes your computer faster.

11 years ago


Ah. Well, that sounds good 🙂

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