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Easter on The Spearhead: “I hope that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.”



Happy Easter, or what remains of it, for those who celebrate it! (And happy Deep Discounts on Peeps Day to all who celebrate that tomorrow.)

There’s an interesting, er, theological discussion about the meaning of Easter over on The Spearhead. In a short post, WF Price argues that the uppity ladies of today could learn a thing or two from Mary Magdalene:

One of my favorite subtexts of the Easter story is the devotion of Mary Magdalene, who kept a vigil at her Lord’s tomb, and thereby became the first witness to the Resurrection.

I don’t see it as a specifically Christian message, but rather a universal one: the woman, regardless of her background or past, can attain holiness through selfless love and devotion. I hope some day that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.

A nonbeliever with the clever handle fakeemail isn’t convinced:

Once a whore always a whore.

I have no interest for a whore who “saw the light” aka a 30 year old cock-carouseler who is out of options. I want the young woman who was smart enough to never be a whore in the first place.

Evidently MRAs never take a holiday from being dicks.

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11 years ago

Happy Easter all who celebrate! 😀

I hope my mom picks up some chocolate bunnies today, now that they’re off. OT, but how long can chocolate bunnies last for? I wanna know if I should bug my dad to pick some up for when we celebrate Easter (I think it’s like, early May.)


Hello! Welcome from over here 😀

Why do I get the feeling that when WF Price says “selfless love and devotion,” he means servitude and a complete disregard for one’s own safety and well being?

I get that feeling too.

D’awwwww on that baby cheetah! It’s the cutest thing since ever! <3


And d'aww on that kitty. I has a slight sad I don't have any cute pics to share today.


Did someone order a welcome kitty?

I should probably stop responding to so many kitty pictures, but Belly!!!! *wants to rub*

@ Dvärghundspossen

if I remember right, there’s this woman who has an unclean spirit which doesn’t cause her to go crazy or anything, it just makes her have a never-ending period.

The bible sounds really, really weird. I guess I should have payed slightly more attention when I went to church…

People don’t always realize this, but domestic animals, just like human beings, often hit puberty and become physically capable of having children long before they’re psychologically mature enough.

Feeling sorry for the kitties now 🙁


know I’m not a ‘local’ but I’m having difficulty with the language surrounding trans and cis and privilege and that whole mess and don’t know where I can talk about it.

Personally I’d be fine talking about it, but just for the heads up, this isn’t a 101 blog. I’m also a cis woman, so way more likley to mess up on it. I’ll see if I can find you a couple links for the moment though, and see what everyone else here thinks on talking about it.


Are you new here, or am I just failing to recognize people? Well, if you’re new, welcome! 😀 If not, oopsy daisy.


I agree. (well, I’m not so sure on the label-less society, but that’s just personal opinion XD) But labels help to talk about things. It’s hard to talk about inequalities, or heck, even just differences, when there aren’t words to describe them.

11 years ago


Strangely enough I am familiar with the definitions. I wanted to discus these complex issues with people I didn’t feel would be assholes and would understand as I have no one else to talk to (not your fault/problem). I’m sorry. I know its not the point of this comments section to make people not feel awful and I’ll try not to flounce. I suppose lurking for so long you sort of feel part of things but I know thats silly and selfish. I’m sorry.

11 years ago

@Daintydougal, welcome!

And about the labels etc. google is the best place to start, I’ve learnt a lot on this blog but it’s not really an ideal place for lessons.

My advice is to do some research on the terms that confuse you, if you spot someone using a term you don’t recognize, look it up before asking them about it as many people can feel exhausted having to constantly explain terms which are easily researchable.

And don’t worry if you make mistakes, we all do, and people will be able to tell if you’re being malicious or are just inexpereinced.

One thing, if people do point out issues with your language or things you have said, it’s not a personal attack, and if you listen and learn from it then everyone gains.

11 years ago

If you don’t have some form of labels, there’s no way to express why or how you’re being oppressed. Without labels like “cis” and “trans” (for example) the dominant group will still be discriminatory but the minority group won’t have the words to complain about the discrimination.

And if you’re going to label one group (example, “trans”) you need to label the other group (“cis”) or you’re going to imply a default or “normal” unlabeled state, which is itself discriminatory and oppressive.

11 years ago


Yeah, like Hellkell said, I’d just google. I mean, you asked about it here, which was fine, people said no, also fine, so google. Not sure about discussions, but there should be more info out there.

(I know I promised links, but I only found one that could be quasi-helpful, and it’s just definitions. Clearly I need more info on this bookmarked XD)

11 years ago

Being cis, I probably should have used a different example actually, but those were the terms mentioned specifically… Eh. Feel free to substitute in other labels like “crazy” vs. “neurotypical”. ;p

11 years ago



Are you new here, or am I just failing to recognize people? Well, if you’re new, welcome! If not, oopsy daisy.

I’ve posted once before, two or three months ago. Still kind of new to commenting here. 😉

11 years ago

If you don’t have some form of labels, there’s no way to express why or how you’re being oppressed. Without labels like “cis” and “trans” (for example) the dominant group will still be discriminatory but the minority group won’t have the words to complain about the discrimination.

And if you’re going to label one group (example, “trans”) you need to label the other group (“cis”) or you’re going to imply a default or “normal” unlabeled state, which is itself discriminatory and oppressive.

Just…qft-ing everything bagelsan just said. Because, QFT.

11 years ago

I’m happy to discuss these issues, but I’m full of privilege myself (a woman, but white, straight, cis, middle-class etc. etc.) so there’s only so many insights I can make.

I’m sure it’ll be fine to discuss stuff, but if other people are made uncomfortable then you should back off. And if someone who is more knowledgeable on the subject calls you out on something then it’s important to listen.

11 years ago
Reply to  Falconer

Falconer, Wooly Bumblebee is one of AVFM’s special snowflakes.

11 years ago


Well then welcome to commenting here! 😀

11 years ago

This is something I’ve been struggling with for a while and these articles have really twisted me up: here here but thanks for responding anyway, even if it is to tell me to scram!

11 years ago


I don’t think people are telling you to scram, just that this isn’t the place for that conversation *shrugs*

11 years ago

Also, probably shouldn’t be commenting on them here (you guys tell me if you want me to shut up :P) but at least one of those articles is grimace-inducing.

Ex, this line:

Cis privilege does not exist, man-privilege does.

*grimace*…bwuh? Yeah, somehow I don’t think you found the most reliable sources…

11 years ago

Thanks, cloudiah, I thought it was maybe a code term for something. I should know enough to guess that any random phrase I come across on the Webbernets is probably someone’s handle.

Cis privilege does not exist, man-privilege does.



11 years ago

Sounds like pretty cissexist stuff… I certainly benefit from cis privilege as a cis woman.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago


Yeah, the blogosphere has been alight with unexamined privilege lately.

The problem with trying to discuss it here is that this is a troll-space. This is not a safe space, and that makes it extra-tricky to try to navigate these waters. It’s part of what makes the space what it is, as a community–but it can cause problems.

There are places that are better for that conversation. Some of them are in the links on the right-hand side. (antidotes! Pick the antidotes!) Some of them are good 101 sources on this.

Anders and Bagelsan gave a really good explanation of why we need them. But an in-depth discussion on the topic… yeah, maybe an explicitly safe and trans-inclusive space is the place to talk about that, where somebody who can explain exactly what it means in their lived life (I love the phrase lived life, and I don’t care how redundantly redundant it is) feels safe to talk about what labels mean to them and how important they are–because here we’re always about five seconds from one of our extremely trans-phobic trolls sharing their opinions on the matter.

Long story short: yeah, here is really not the best place for this discussion.

11 years ago

I’m just being stupid. I’ve seen you guys being so nice to people and I feel like poop and should’ve kept my stupid mouth shut and now I’ve annoyed the people in the only place I feel safe and feel even worse now. Why would people I don’t even know misunderstanding me (I certainly wasn’t asking Why Are Labels Necessary or for a 101) make me so upset? I feel like shit and I was a fucking selfish idiot to come here expecting anything. I’m sorry.

11 years ago


Um, relax. I mean, maybe you’re a little embarrassed, but basically the jist that I’ve got here is that this isn’t a 101 site. If people actually do want to talk about a subject that’s 101-y, great, but they don’t now. Just google. I mean, I don’t want to sound condescending, but you probably should take a small break and come back recharged.

11 years ago

Ugh, yeah, that article is full of BS. I saw that argument on IBTP comment threads the other day, that trans people who pass don’t experience any oppression that they wouldn’t ordinarily experience if they were cis, and that trans people who don’t pass face the exact same oppression that cis people who don’t conform to gender expectations do.

So apparently gay people in the closet don’t experience homophobia. And white-looking POC are unaffected by racism.

Right. Uh huh. I’m sure.

11 years ago

Howard: (I love the phrase lived life, and I don’t care how redundantly redundant it is)

I don’t think it’s redundant at all. It’s compressive, it’s poetic, but it’s spot on for explanatory power.

It’s way to say, “personal experience” without universalising it to “everyone’s personal experience”.

11 years ago

Chill, dainty! 🙂 We’re just warning you that you might not get the discussion you came for here… but you’re perfectly welcome to stick around for whore penguin cakes and motherfucking scented candles!

11 years ago

And the hard chairs. Come for the kitties, stay for the hard chairs.

11 years ago


Yeah, that’s super squidgy. I mean, maybe they’ll experience *less* but it’s just completely strange to say none. I mean, I’ve had a pretty cushy experience as a gay girl, either closeted, or out to people who don’t have a problem with it, so it’s waaaaaay better than living w/ a bunch of homophobic people, but it doesn’t mean that it’s the same as being straight. I mean, I’m probably taking this too far, cuz orientation =! gender identity, it’s just on the track of how bad that argument is.

I hope that made sense. /morning.

11 years ago
