Happy Easter, or what remains of it, for those who celebrate it! (And happy Deep Discounts on Peeps Day to all who celebrate that tomorrow.)
There’s an interesting, er, theological discussion about the meaning of Easter over on The Spearhead. In a short post, WF Price argues that the uppity ladies of today could learn a thing or two from Mary Magdalene:
One of my favorite subtexts of the Easter story is the devotion of Mary Magdalene, who kept a vigil at her Lord’s tomb, and thereby became the first witness to the Resurrection.
I don’t see it as a specifically Christian message, but rather a universal one: the woman, regardless of her background or past, can attain holiness through selfless love and devotion. I hope some day that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.
A nonbeliever with the clever handle fakeemail isn’t convinced:
Once a whore always a whore.
I have no interest for a whore who “saw the light” aka a 30 year old cock-carouseler who is out of options. I want the young woman who was smart enough to never be a whore in the first place.
Evidently MRAs never take a holiday from being dicks.
Yes, parthenogenesis is a thing, but not among kitties! 🙂
Here’s a pic of Abbey and Cindy taken probably around 1980.
Come to think of it, is Cind really a cow cat, or is that more kitties with smaller black marks scattered over them?
Mary Madgalene as a prostitute goes back to a pope in the 6. century.
Sounds like a pitch for a high-concept sci-fi comedy made by future archaeologists who’ve stuffed the timeline of these last three milleniums or so up.
Thanks, Anoia – say, have you had the welcome package yet? 🙂
It’s further up the page if not, feel free to sample the complimentary gifts and take what suits you!
I’d paste the whole thing again, but I’m going to bed, g’night!
So fakeemail is holding out for the next Virgin Mary, then? ‘Cause Church ladydoctrine is pretty clear that she was the only female non-waste-of-space-seriously-do-those-things-even-have-souls in the history of ever.
While there is obvious virtue in self-sacrifice and devotion, the same can’t be said in those who call for it in others. To pull a page from the MRA playbook, that’s what (actual) communist nations did, and we know how that worked out.
In other news, it’s surprising what someone can pull out of MRA’s by simply pressing them; here we have ol’ Price (surprised?) stopping a centimeter short of saying men should be economically favored: http://www.the-spearhead.com/2013/03/30/most-gender-equal-place-in-america-pine-ridge-indian-reservation/#comment-182698
What they’re failing to notice is the person that Mary Magdalene was so devoted to. Healing the sick, challenging political authority, protecting socially disadvantaged people, preaching love and respect for other people?
Fine. I’ll be a devoted friend an ally of a doctor-activist-community organizer-Mr. Rogers part two.
MRA’s taking a holiday from being jerks? Now that’s blasphemy!
Someone else probably pointed this out already but Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute. Even the catholic church acknowledged this in 70’s.
Shouldn’t have read that Spearhead article about Pine Ridge. The usual sexism, shoddy arguments and inability to comprehend nuance, now with bonus racism! I’m sure the residents of Pine Ridge would be surprised to learn that the (first) Wounded Knee massacre represented the “final destruction of their way of life”.
A picture of selfless love and devotion, who doesn’t need to be believed. None of the apostles believed Jesus had risen until they had seen it themselves. The women who brought them the news were more or less dismissed.
..Come to think of it, that probably appeals to the MRAs as well.
Sorry for sounding peeved. I just don’t like that particular behaviour by the disciples.
Thing is the kind of fools who whine on The Spearhead can’t bring themselves to be decent about any woman. I had a run-in with a bunch of MGTOWs who called me a slutty cock-carouseler. I lost my virginity to my husband and there have been none since and I’m still happily married. They don’t have it in them to be nice to women, that’s why they’re single and bitter. Pot calling the kettle black springs to mind.
Whee! I take a weekend off, and come back to find we’ve got a new poster! Welcome, Kristine!
As I understand it, kittie pics are the welcome of choice around here, so: I give you Legolas, atop a Lovesack, atop a table (note the corner of the window in the background):
In literary terms, we call this foreshadowing for the next 2000 years of church history…
/former fundy
Read all about the effects of the female “infestation” of AVfM right here.
I know I’m not a ‘local’ but I’m having difficulty with the language surrounding trans and cis and privilege and that whole mess and don’t know where I can talk about it. I’m a confused panda and worried and wondered if anyone could possibly help? Possibly?
I leave offering of bubbly hodgepig
Wow, looks like we’ve got lots of new posters. Or maybe my babies have really killed my reading time.
@cloudiah: I’m not clicking that link, but the “woolly bumblebee?” (this is my confused face)
@daintydougal: I’ve got lots of privilege but I’m willing to help you understand the language if everyone else feels like it’s appropriate.
This is the problem – the language itself can be so problematic. The very last thing I want to do is hurt anyone. Really thinking about it I think my main issue is with labels full stop. What purpose do these labels serve?
daintydougal: not to be an asshole, but the Google is your friend in this instance. This isn’t really a 101 kind of space.
@Howard Bannister
In literary terms, we call this foreshadowing for the next 2000 years of church history…
/former fundy
Yeah, I know, though I’d extend that to ‘the entire history of humankind’. I’m cynical today.
I like Mary Magdalene, what little we know of her through the Bible. It’s galling to see her turned into something she’s not, either by the church or MRAs.
/practising Christian
While I think that a label-less society is a nice ideal, and do agree that labels can effectively lessen who we are as individuals by putting boundaries on who we are supposed to be, I have come around to accepting that labels are necessary in our society today, perhaps especially for marginalised groups. If we don’t have language about ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and so on, we’re stuck in a situation where the majority class can silence debate and make it impossible to organise around social issues. The “we’re all human so we should all look out for each other” argument is nice, but in practice inequalities exist and some people’s concern will not be brought up on the agenda.
The most obvious example for me is sexuality, where I’m definitely not on-board on the het/bi/gay scale seeing both more depth and change over time among people, but I can totally understand and support gay and bi people organising and wanting to have those categories (and het as the dominant one) recognised to be able to work for actual, practical equality.
Whoop, yep, not gonna have a discussion about Why Are Labels Necessary, sorry. Feels too much like silencing to me.