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Easter on The Spearhead: “I hope that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.”



Happy Easter, or what remains of it, for those who celebrate it! (And happy Deep Discounts on Peeps Day to all who celebrate that tomorrow.)

There’s an interesting, er, theological discussion about the meaning of Easter over on The Spearhead. In a short post, WF Price argues that the uppity ladies of today could learn a thing or two from Mary Magdalene:

One of my favorite subtexts of the Easter story is the devotion of Mary Magdalene, who kept a vigil at her Lord’s tomb, and thereby became the first witness to the Resurrection.

I don’t see it as a specifically Christian message, but rather a universal one: the woman, regardless of her background or past, can attain holiness through selfless love and devotion. I hope some day that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.

A nonbeliever with the clever handle fakeemail isn’t convinced:

Once a whore always a whore.

I have no interest for a whore who “saw the light” aka a 30 year old cock-carouseler who is out of options. I want the young woman who was smart enough to never be a whore in the first place.

Evidently MRAs never take a holiday from being dicks.

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Aww, poor kitty! It’s cactus has itty bitty thin spikes, so idk if they even pierced Barnie’s paws (Barnie is what happens when you let a 6 year old name a barn cat)

And it’s more that she hides under the tanks, plec does enough scaring that she’s no big deal!

11 years ago


Ow! You’re poor kitty. ‘

Also, I see you have changed your avatar yet again XD It’s cute.

11 years ago

I wanted to keep the Fucking Godlike Egyptian Tomb Cat(all rights reserved 😛 ) but cats!and reasons!
Is it identifiable as a bunny?

11 years ago

Testing my new kitty. I quit using my old one because it looked too much like a bunch of others.

11 years ago


I think it looks kinda like a bunny. Sort of between cats and bunnies. Idk if that makes sense 😉

11 years ago

This one looks very interested 🙂

11 years ago


IMO, it looks like a bunny. An adorable bunny whose nose you want to bop!

11 years ago

It’s a bunny made with a cat generator, so that makes perfect sense 🙂
Is it a b(o)uncy then? a catbit?

11 years ago

cabit XD I like that one.

11 years ago

yay! Adorable and bopable nose, then it looks just like my bunny! Success!

11 years ago

TomB, it does look like a bunny now that you mention it. Dust bunnies at my house are made primarily of cat hair, so we call them cat bunnies. Now I need to try not to think of vacuuming when I see your avatar.

11 years ago

It looks like a bittie (bunny-kittie?) Or a bitten (bunnie-kitten.)

In other news, squittens!

11 years ago

I also hope you won’t think of me whenever you see a ball of cat hair… 😀

11 years ago

sqeee! (I know, no octo there)
I like bitten. And catbit. Can’t decide.
A ball mostly made of hair is a pretty accurate description of my pet in any case.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

OMG it’s the Fucking Godlike Egyptian Tomb Bunny!

TomBcat, did you see the pic I put up of Mads doing her Egyptian Goddess on Barge impersonation? I took this photo last night and thought of you. 🙂

11 years ago

She’s lovely! And does a great impersonation.
how do you call tricolored cats?
I love those, my Jenny <3 was one and they're considered lucky cats!

11 years ago

There are no digital pictures of her, however. I’ve got one of the bunny, but it’s a bad one and she’s in her cage really mad at me because I had to shorten her claws…
but anyway 🙂

11 years ago

@ TomBcat

The redeye adds to her mad atmosphere. XD But she is still, of course, adorable.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Satanic Bunny! :O

We’ve had quite a few discussions of what tricolour cats are called! The names vary. I call Mads a tortie-tabby, ‘cos she has both (mostly she’s a tabby, but there are a couple of spots where her brownish colour breaks out in ginger, hence the tortie bit). Strictly speaking according to my bff-the-vet-and-fantasy-writer-from-LA she’s a tortie-tabby-and-white, ‘cos tortie is just the ginger and black combo. I think torties-and-white get called calico cats in the US, and katz told me Maddie’s type are sometimes called torbies, which is quicker to write, lol.

11 years ago

Even with her evil look, she’s still unbelievably fluffy, even for a lionhead.
Funny, I don’t know what they’re really called over here, either 🙂 We just call them Farmers Cats.
Mine had exceptionally bright red patches, black patches, white tummy and paws, with some tiger stripes and the face similar to Mads’. When I see cats like Maddie, I miss her (but in a warm and fuzzy sort of way…)
Torby sounds nice 🙂

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

OT Mr K and I had another fine day of gardening yesternight. I didn’t get any memories, but he gave me a glimpse (it’s really strange seeing myself from his PoV). He was planting a rose bush and I was enthusiastically and energetically turning soil with a fork. That’s never happened on this side of the veil, and even had I been a gardener in years past, it wouldn’t know, ‘cos OW. I’m enjoying being fit over the other side, lol. The nice part was sharing his feelings – he was enjoying watching me. I told him he wasn’t concentrating on his work and he admitted the charge. 😉

When I asked if we had any feline or canine help with the digging he said NO, quite loudly, if a loud mental voice makes sense. After Q’s efforts last year, I can’t say I’m surprised he’s been banned!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

The fluffiness is part of the trap! Same with kitties.

I keep thinking of that episode from The Goodies (1970s English satire/comedy) where they sent rabbits to the moon, and one of them became a megalomaniac with ideas about taking over the world. He was called Big Bunny. He wasn’t as fluffy as Satanic Bunny but he was white …

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Whoot! Found the whole episode buried in the depths of youtube. Bill and Tim get captured by the rabbits at about 13.00. The story turns to a rabbit-themed parody of Clockwork Orange after that – the Transistorised Carrot.

11 years ago

A loud mental voice makes perfect sense. Especially when I’m very tired and daydream a little, a mental voice can get so loud it’s like someone just yelled right next to me…
It’s not the same, but an example of how voices that aren’t physical can metaphorically make my ears ring.

11 years ago

Oh hey, I know this!
Not sure why and where from.