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Easter on The Spearhead: “I hope that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.”



Happy Easter, or what remains of it, for those who celebrate it! (And happy Deep Discounts on Peeps Day to all who celebrate that tomorrow.)

There’s an interesting, er, theological discussion about the meaning of Easter over on The Spearhead. In a short post, WF Price argues that the uppity ladies of today could learn a thing or two from Mary Magdalene:

One of my favorite subtexts of the Easter story is the devotion of Mary Magdalene, who kept a vigil at her Lord’s tomb, and thereby became the first witness to the Resurrection.

I don’t see it as a specifically Christian message, but rather a universal one: the woman, regardless of her background or past, can attain holiness through selfless love and devotion. I hope some day that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.

A nonbeliever with the clever handle fakeemail isn’t convinced:

Once a whore always a whore.

I have no interest for a whore who “saw the light” aka a 30 year old cock-carouseler who is out of options. I want the young woman who was smart enough to never be a whore in the first place.

Evidently MRAs never take a holiday from being dicks.

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11 years ago

Omg, Argenti, you’re a genius!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Nawh, I just know HTML, thanks though 🙂

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago


That is all.

11 years ago

Yeah, I know that’s the list of tags for posts, but they didn’t have a list just for comments (which is why I mentioned that I didn’t know how many of those would work in the comments).

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Katz — I see that now, my apologies for my hangover fog! (And hey, I saved my cheat sheet so I now have that list handy the next time someone asks 🙂 )

11 years ago

Yay thanks!
My HTML knowledge is very rudimentary due to laziness 🙂
I also assumed there is some neat trick to embedding I didn’t know, but it was probably just HTTPS Everywhere’s fault.

11 years ago


is it just me, or did your kitty avatar get evil-er looking while I was away?

11 years ago

Possibly 🙂
I had some fun with the avatar creator.
I also made some of the cats I loved the most.

11 years ago

I should play around with the avatar creator XD I like your avatar too, though. Even if it is evil XD

11 years ago

I have cute ones too!
I would miss yours if you changed it, though. It’s so cute.

11 years ago

With kitties, aren’t “evil” and “cute” kinda the same thing?

11 years ago


Then I’ll just leave it. Cuz I’m lazy XD Though I do have extras I don’t know what to do with. Oh well. One can never have too many kitty avatars.


Yes, but some of them deceive you by looking a little less evil. I think. I’ve technically never had a kitty. But, D’awww, kitties! <3

11 years ago

A cat that is evil is almost always cute, but a cat that is cute is not always evil.

/I think. I’m a dog person XD

11 years ago

…I’m also a dog person; I feel like this is a deep dark secret. XD

11 years ago

You can look however you want!
It would be interesting to see what cuteness your avatars are capable of!

I think it’s just that few cats are that openly evil. They try to look like removing every house in the plant from their pot was an honest mistake.

11 years ago

Should’ve read before posting. Contrary to this statement, my home contains plants just like yours, not the other way around.

11 years ago


Such a cute kitty avatar you got! 😀 So cute! Maybe I’ll tinker with it now…see what I can come up with XD

11 years ago

Have fun!
Last I did was my bunny, as well as I could with a kitten generator.

11 years ago

D’aww. That sounds cute. I’m trying a new one, sadly I don’t think it’s much cuter, but hopefully it will be up shortly 😀

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yeah that works less well when the kitty in question steps on a cactus while trying to climb into a box of plants.

Reason #5 the cat isn’t allowed in here. (1-4 are fish, hiding under the bed, odds of art project supplies being everywhere, and that it’s 10+ degrees warmer in here and I’m not leaving the door open)

11 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

Ow. Poor kitty 🙁

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Marie — D’AWW your kitty got cuter!

And it was an adopted barn cat, so I think it’d seen worse (I know I won’t go barefoot around there because damned do nettles hurt!). Also, “adopted”, it kept showing up at my aunt’s and refusing to return to the neighbor’s barn…cats really do pick their humans!

11 years ago

Well, at least it got cuter…I kinda miss my old one XD Oh well, I can always change it back if I don’t warm up to this one.

11 years ago

Art projects are a good reason. Fish tanks at least are usually closed, though that doesn’t keep the cat from striking fear between it’s inhabitants, but art…
My carpet usually had colorful paw prints all over.
Cacti can be dangerous. My sisters cat needed multiple operations and half his back got shaved because he managed to fall on a giant cactus that had barbed spikes.

11 years ago

fear between? Beneath? under?
damn it.
Maybe it wasn’t the cactus’ fault. Same cat also broke his back. Very prone to accidents. Also makes me think that cats can’t possibly have just one life, as he’s still living his.