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Easter on The Spearhead: “I hope that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.”



Happy Easter, or what remains of it, for those who celebrate it! (And happy Deep Discounts on Peeps Day to all who celebrate that tomorrow.)

There’s an interesting, er, theological discussion about the meaning of Easter over on The Spearhead. In a short post, WF Price argues that the uppity ladies of today could learn a thing or two from Mary Magdalene:

One of my favorite subtexts of the Easter story is the devotion of Mary Magdalene, who kept a vigil at her Lord’s tomb, and thereby became the first witness to the Resurrection.

I don’t see it as a specifically Christian message, but rather a universal one: the woman, regardless of her background or past, can attain holiness through selfless love and devotion. I hope some day that our own errant women can follow Mary Magdalene’s example.

A nonbeliever with the clever handle fakeemail isn’t convinced:

Once a whore always a whore.

I have no interest for a whore who “saw the light” aka a 30 year old cock-carouseler who is out of options. I want the young woman who was smart enough to never be a whore in the first place.

Evidently MRAs never take a holiday from being dicks.

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11 years ago

So you’re siamese/ birman something?

11 years ago

I can’t get it on my tablet, I need flash player and my tablet is android. No new kitty avatar for me…unless I can be assed to switch on the PC

11 years ago


11 years ago

Awww, dainty, yours is so cute!

11 years ago

Why thank you thank you. I could’ve played with that thing all day. Yours looks like its up to some kind of mischief. Mischief is goooooooood.

11 years ago

It is a Fucking Godlike Egyptian Tomb Cat, which makes it basically Kitteh’s Idea. Those probably are up to a lot of mischief 🙂

11 years ago

Well, you know, the tomb scene is dead.

11 years ago

Speaking of cats and April Fools Day jokes, replaced all the dog pictures with pictures of kitties. Here is the modified site:

11 years ago

“follow Mary Magdalene’s example” – what, does he mean learn more about the Essene teachings that pre-date Christianity as we understand it and may have influenced the philosophy of Yeshua himself? That place more emphasis on the feminine Divine than modern Western Christianity?

I suppose I can do this one thing the MRA wants.

11 years ago

TomBcat it’s supposed to be a Ragdoll cat I think, you can get them with siamese like markings and they are fluffy and floppy and gorgeous:

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

So, coming in late, on the use of “Dick” as an insult:

As was pointed out (several times, and very patiently) to Brzzzzzz, the boring fake french troll, the historical context of oppression does not exist behind this word to give it the same important. Men have not been told for untold centuries that they can’t hold high office because their dick makes them unreliable and unstable. They haven’t been told that this part of them in unclean, looks terrible, smells worse, and makes them crazy. Historical weight sits very heavily on this.

On the other hand… using dick as a slur… does imply that the core value of a penis is aggression and assholishness. It buys back into the patriarchy and the way it defines the gender divide.

And let’s be honest for a second.

That’s totally true to a certain extent.

To the extent that men raised in the patriarchy are trained to be dicks, to act like dicks, to embody that. That’s the whole point. Entitlement, toxic masculinity–these are what feed it.

So, yeah, I’ve been working on cutting out all gendered slurs. NOT BECAUSE DICK IS AS BAD AS THE FEMALE-GENDERED SLURS. It doesn’t even come close. But because it’s part of the same reductive system of gender-enforcing slurs.

(but goddamit when Brz starts to say that it’s totally equivalent…? Is that some willful ignorance or what? I know he knows what a false equivalency is because he runs in here to accuse us of them all the time. That is some super-duper sunglasses-of-willful-ignorance he wears)

11 years ago

Umm… being Swedish, I used to think that the fact that “dick” can be used as an insult was a good counter argument against the claim that “cunt” as an insult implies misogynism (although I still found it problematic that using genitals as slurs imply that sex is bad). But I was corrected by people who are native English speakers, and that’s that. If English isn’t your mother tongue (although that seems doubtful in the case of Brzt) you should be forgiven for making that mistake in the first place, as long as you’re willing to be corrected by native speakers who know more than you do about how these slurs are actually used.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Hey, so, Whovians, are we all excited about the Dr Who 50th anniversary special?

I should hope so. (that’s a picture of Ten and Eleven at a read-through rehearsal for the Special, generally laughing and looking like they’re having a good time)

11 years ago



Yay! Congrats! 😀

And I’m one of those compulsively early packers, so my apartment is going to be furnished in early warehouse style for the next month.

It’s probably a good thing you’re packing early 😉 last time I moved, I think most of the stuff ended up hastily getting thrown in boxes.


Mine’s an eosinophil. They’re immune cells mainly responsible for killing off parasitic worms in the body. It seemed appropriate. ^^

It both seems appropriate, and reminds me of my parents XD (I’m pretty sure once one of them sent the other some kind of image of an actual heart for valentines day. Either that, bacteria shaped like a heart. Scientists are weird.)


This thread is absolutely sickening. Watch them dismiss the death and rape of women in wartime because those women were just raped repeatedly, big woop, at least they didn’t die! See them blame WW2 on women and once again never mention Admiral Charles Fitzgerald ( the MAN who started the damn white feather movement. Watch them pretend that batch of women have more to blame for the deaths of soldiers rather than, I dunno… the enemy soldiers that actually shot and killed them!

Oh fu… God people suck. >:(

Like I have never felt bad about being a woman until I discovered the manosphere, and when I get really down I feel like I’m damaged for being female and all this internalized misogyny comes out.

Jedi hugs if you want them.


Brrr, I’d never manage looking at actual MRM sites. I wouldn’t feel like I was damaged or worthless, but I would start feeling extremely hostile to men, even knowing these turds aren’t exactly representative.

I know I do start feeling hostile towards men sometimes, but it really helps to either come over here, where there are decent men posters, or hang out with my dad and brother, who are also decent. So… idk I’m rambling. I’ve just felt like that before.


And it’s a cute kitten avatar! 😀

And TomBcat got an avatar too! Soon cats will rule the earth manboobz! *cackles evilly.* (for this to work, you have to ignore the fact that they probably already rule manboobz 😉


And you have a cute kitty avatar too! Cats for everyone!

Why thank you thank you. I could’ve played with that thing all day. Yours looks like its up to some kind of mischief. Mischief is goooooooood.

I did play with it for quite a while when I first got linked 😉 I made a second one for deviant art (my deviant art avatar always must look grumpy, and this kitty is…not) and a third one just for funsies.


So, yeah, I’ve been working on cutting out all gendered slurs. NOT BECAUSE DICK IS AS BAD AS THE FEMALE-GENDERED SLURS. It doesn’t even come close. But because it’s part of the same reductive system of gender-enforcing slurs.

Yeah, I’m good with trying to cut down on gendered slurs too, it was just all ‘bwu’ at pretending they were equivalents.

11 years ago

Pillow in hell: congrats on the house! If you can swing it, hire movers. Best money I ever spent to avoid humping boxes all over hell and back in TX summer heat.

11 years ago

If gendered slurs are out what can we call Atretochoana? *sniggers at filthy misandrist nature* *bigger sniggers that my computer is saying misandrist isn’t a word*

11 years ago

Ah. I believe I have been caught in moderation by the word that is similar to snicker but includes the n-word. Silly dougal.

11 years ago

I go to sleep, and when I wake up (nearly) everyone is a kitty! It’s a beautiful world.

11 years ago

Yeah, cats are pretty much going to take over the world soon…I’m pretty sure that means we won’t have anything to mock for much longer (I’m going to miss dogs though)

11 years ago

Will the cats at least let us keep guinea pigs? *puppy eyes @ kitty overlords*

11 years ago

Also congratulations on the house and ragdoll cats are very beautiful!

11 years ago

since we are advocating their incontestable authority here I sure hope they’re gonna let us keep our pets…

11 years ago

That’d be nice XD

How’s everyone today? I’ve got a day off (actually, the whole week off) so I’m kinda bored and ditzy atm.

11 years ago

I also have time off! (I’m between school and other school. :p) I’m good, how are you?

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

People get time off? Sooo jealous.

No, wait, I get time off too. I just have to ask for it. And I am going to take every Friday off this month.

So I just don’t get time off YET.

Just as well. It snowed a foot in back yard last night. That is not the happy spring-time fun I was hoping for.

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