antifeminism drama kings imaginary oppression MRA MRA comics cavalcade

MRA Comics Cavalcade: “All Male Opinions” Silenced by “Lace Curtain Dominated Media.”


This completely reasonable and not-at-all hysterical cartoon apparently ran on a site called, which alas has gone the way of the dodo. I’m not sure if that was the original source. (I don’t think so; the hanged man’s hairstyle looks pretty 197os or 80s to me.) I’m also not sure why the members of “Today’s Lace Curtain Dominated Media” are wearing boxes on their heads. Or carrying what appears to be foliage. Or why the whole thing seems to be taking place on The Little Prince’s tiny planet.

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Howard Bannister
11 years ago

You’re welcome.

(what? You don’t welcome a little more Clooney in your day? But… Clooney!)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

True! 😀

11 years ago

I think the damage is minimal to both vehicles as it was in the parking lot.

Frankly, the damage is probably something I could pay out of pocket (though of course I don’t want to).

11 years ago

“(I’m hoping that if failtroll follows the links he might finally grasp the concept of humor being a bit more complicated than “boy those Scandinavians sure do eat a lot of fish, huh?)”


Is this funny??

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Gee, I dunno. You linked it.

That seems to mean it won’t be anything but boringly offensive.

(reads link)

Actually, I am slightly amused.

11 years ago

There are people who follow his links? Not sure I’ve ever been bored enough to do that…

11 years ago

On the Euro versus American coffee discussion, it depends. I’ve had much better coffee here than I had in Italy, but also much worse coffee. I left the UK before the coffee boom hit, so I’ve never had a decent cup of coffee there (please tell me this has changed, fellow Brits). I miss Arabic coffee, especially the kind with cardamom, but that’s not a quality issue, it’s just a different flavor. Part of the reason the popularity of Starbucks confuses me is that their coffee tends to be bitter, which most people seem to dislike. Also over-roasted to mask poor quality beans (thank you, friend who owns small coffee chain, for explaining the whole roasting process to me). Haven’t tried their lighter roasts yet, which they’re promoting, but unless they’re using better beans for it I’m skeptical.

The worst coffee I’ve ever had here came from the coffee shop that used to be in Barnes and Noble. There’s a diner in San Francisco that tends to have pretty good coffee, which is unusual for the reasons pecunium described. I think they just throw the remainder of the pot out if it doesn’t get bought quickly enough, since it tends not to have that old, bitter taste.

One of my favorite things about going to the movies here is that they’re generally happy to let you bring in coffee from outside rather than buying it there – I guess it’s easier than dealing with a bunch of enraged coffee snobs if the stuff they sell is terrible.

11 years ago

I can reassure everyone that there is outstanding coffee to be had in the UK. Quite a few independent outfits are sourcing and roasting their own, and it knocks spots off the big chains.

11 years ago

Yay! Trips back to the frozen north (Scotland) will be more bearable with some strong coffee to fortify me.

11 years ago

I left the UK before the coffee boom hit, so I’ve never had a decent cup of coffee there (please tell me this has changed, fellow Brits).

When I was in London I had great coffee almost everywhere, even at a Starbucks, of all places.

11 years ago

I’m still haunted by the memory of the coffee at the very pretty little place in Islington that tasted like something you’d make for a small child who wasn’t really allowed to have coffee yet. Like, 1/10 of a teaspoon of Nescafe, full cup of water.

11 years ago

That reminds me of the tea that my great grandmother served me when I was a wee one. Boiling water with a hint of tea and lots of milk and sugar.

11 years ago

My parents totally did that with coffee for me when I was little and objected to being left out when everyone else was having some.

11 years ago

Aww, kid-style “coffee.” Better than the kid-sized lattes at Starbucks or whatever the heck those smaller sizes are supposed to be. The crap that that much sugar and caffeine must do to a smaller person’s metabolism…

11 years ago

My parents initially thought that it would be OK for me to have Arabic coffee since it comes in very small cups. That was not a good decision.

I mean, I had a lot of fun, but I’m not sure the adults enjoy it as much as I did.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yeah this is why I brew my own. Dark roast beans with just a hint of Cafe Bustelo, rough ground in a French press…which just dinged. Time to press!

11 years ago

I’m making more of my coffee at home. Easier to aviod extra calories that way.

It has been observed that I drink most of my calories (smoothies, coffee, tea, redbull ect) which is probably why I have a hard time shaking my weight.

I also like dark roast, but when buying coffee out I err on the side of caution and get a medium roast. I REALLY dislike burnt dark roast.

@Argenti I grind my own beans, but often accidently grind them too fine for my french press. It is tricky.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Melody — I err on the side of too chunky, can always just let it sit longer!

11 years ago

All I could think of was this:

“It’s curtains for you, Dr. Horrible… Lacy, gently wafting curtains.”

11 years ago

Starbucks is variable. If they flush the lines often, and keep the reservoir temps lower the coffee can be decent, but it’s too dark, as a rule, which makes the least mistake in preparation painfully obvious. I’m really lucky that my local is great, some of the best coffee I’ve had since Mayorga (Silver Spring, Maryland) when I was at Walter Reed (they’ve been sold, moved and gone downhill, no longer roasting their own beans, for one).

I think I lot of the, “”x makes bad coffee) has a lot to do with what one is used to. Swedes like a much darker roast, the same way that New Orleans likes chicory in the their blend (and the Crocodile Cafe in Pasadena does the same thing). When one is away, the local tastes are different,and the comfort aspect of the coffee is harmed.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

My parents initially thought that it would be OK for me to have Arabic coffee since it comes in very small cups. That was not a good decision.

I mean, I had a lot of fun, but I’m not sure the adults enjoy it as much as I did.

Cassandra, that is just plain awesome.

My own coffee experiences have been positive. This is because I would almost accept Instant to get my coffee fix. (note: I would not actually accept Instant just to get my fix)

And, ugh, the places where they leave the pots sitting and burning. I hate those places. My local store actually rinses out the warming pots before putting in the new coffee. I love them so very much. (though I brew my own most days, and only stop there when I’m running behind)

Mmmm, fresh-ground beans.

11 years ago

Howard: I went from April to July of 2003 without coffee,because I refused instant. The worst thing was a buddy of mine and I had a plan; I had a can (1 1/2 lbs) of powdered greek coffee, he had the multi-fuel stove. By the time our B-bags (which had the coffee) arrived, we’d been chopped into smaller teams, and I didn’t see him again for almost a year.

Ah… Army Life.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Whoa. A year without coffee… that sucks.

Still not as bad as instant. 😛

11 years ago

Nah… because I got sick, and was medevacced out of theater, I was only about three months without coffee. I’d have had a multi-fuel stove shipped to me elstwise.

But taster’s choice? Or field coffee? No thanks. Not gonna.

11 years ago

I drink instant… *is ashamed* But at least I don’t drink Folger’s! That tastes like shit.