antifeminism drama kings imaginary oppression MRA MRA comics cavalcade

MRA Comics Cavalcade: “All Male Opinions” Silenced by “Lace Curtain Dominated Media.”


This completely reasonable and not-at-all hysterical cartoon apparently ran on a site called, which alas has gone the way of the dodo. I’m not sure if that was the original source. (I don’t think so; the hanged man’s hairstyle looks pretty 197os or 80s to me.) I’m also not sure why the members of “Today’s Lace Curtain Dominated Media” are wearing boxes on their heads. Or carrying what appears to be foliage. Or why the whole thing seems to be taking place on The Little Prince’s tiny planet.

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11 years ago

White protein (chicken, tuna, etc.) + Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup + a crunchy topping (those canned chow mein noodles, which I know aren’t white but bear with me). These are the comfort foods of midwestern Danish Americans.

So didn’t we have someone on this list who knew a lot about the origins of chivalry? I took a quick glance at AVfM and they have a post up about it that I suspect is hilariously wrong. Also, they seem to have a real hate crush on an actress (NCIS) named Pauley Perrette, which I can’t be bothered to figure out.

11 years ago

Blockhead noun 1. a stupid, doltish person; dunce.

In this instance media representatives who think they are better than us but they are really blockheads because they won’t give preference to the manly menz who are manly.

11 years ago

Ah, I was thinking Denmark rather than America. In which case I really should have included cheese too. Can you put havarti in a casserole?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“But what about the men who like lace curtains?”

Hilariously, I was just debating making a lace curtain as it seems I have some cheap lace leftover from gods know what and am a bit miffed that I have to pick between privacy and sunlight for my plants. Might do it later, for now I owe my mother a pillow case!

Kamilla1960 — what’s your purpose here? You drop links that are apropos of nothing and make little to no sense without commentary. And when you do comment you say shit like “genderless hermaphrodites [which would make us] no longer human”.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

cloudiah, cloudiah, more info for the culinary illiterates here plz! How do you cook it, what’s involved?

11 years ago

Lutefisk: blergh. I’ve tried and I just CAN’T.

11 years ago

Kamilla1960 — what’s your purpose here? You drop links that are apropos of nothing and make little to no sense without commentary. And when you do comment you say shit like “genderless hermaphrodites [which would make us] no longer human”.

THANK YOU. I’ve been wondering this myself.

11 years ago

Hm, havarti could be very good in a casserole. While I don’t like the Danish American/midwestern versions, I do like a good casserole. I made a pretty good one with chickpeans that would have been suitably monochromatic if I hadn’t added sauteed greens to it at the last minute.

11 years ago

I have the convenient excuse that lutefisk is not the food of my people. Our stinky fish dish is kippers (which for some odd reason I quite like in small doses).

11 years ago

Real men do not like lace curtains nor do they eat quiche which simply leaves more lace and quiche for the rest of us.

11 years ago

Kittehs’, I have never cooked one! What you need to do is find a Lutheran church ladies’ cookbook from some midwestern fundraiser, and you will find a million variations. 🙂

hellkell, my mother grew up during the 1930s in South Dakota, and lutefisk was their poverty food during the Depression. It kept them alive, but she can’t stand it now. Her older brother, though, was oddly nostalgic about it.

11 years ago

I have my great grandmothers antimacassars and they are in use to this very day as antimacattars!!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Thanks, cloudiah! 😀 There’s prolly lots of recipies on teh internets, I was being lazy thinking you’d made them.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago
11 years ago
Why does my tablet make it so hard to copy/paste? This is an example of a terrible white casserole. The one you found, Kittehs’, sounds much better.

11 years ago

And with that, I’m flouncing to make dinner and try to remove all of the cat hair from my dressy pants that I have to wear to Easter dinner tomorrow. Ah, Hazel & Buster, it’s a good thing you’re so cute.

11 years ago

“no longer human”
BULLSHIT. Everyone who has a human father and a human mother is human. I’m pretty much an unsocial androgyne and have been told that I’m rejecting my humanity. BULLSHIT.

11 years ago

Lacy gently wafting curtain?

11 years ago

Real men do not like lace curtains nor do they eat quiche which simply leaves more lace and quiche for the rest of us.

good. I like quiche XD (though only in small quantities. I’m weird)

I feel like I have some comments on the wtf-y picture up top, but cannot articulate them yet. Oh well. Happy Easter, manbooberz who celebrate Easter!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I don’t mind the occasional bit of quiche. And I’m looking through lace curtains right now. (The fur-edged variety, of course.)

11 years ago

Anyone who wants my quiche is welcome to it, since I hate the stuff.
…OMG, I’m a man!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Well, we knew that, Cassandra. Cos you’re dominant and teh wimmenz can’t do that because SCIENCE.

11 years ago

hellkell, my mother grew up during the 1930s in South Dakota, and lutefisk was their poverty food during the Depression. It kept them alive, but she can’t stand it now. Her older brother, though, was oddly nostalgic about it.

My old ‘hood in Seattle was heavily Norwegian, and lutefisk was always at the yearly festival. I love the old bars full of old Norwegian fisherman.

11 years ago

As an apology for my refusal to join the quiche party I offer some of these, since I just opened the bag.

11 years ago


Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you in SoCal now? If so, and you’re Danish, we must go to Solvang together sometime!