antifeminism drama kings imaginary oppression MRA MRA comics cavalcade

MRA Comics Cavalcade: “All Male Opinions” Silenced by “Lace Curtain Dominated Media.”


This completely reasonable and not-at-all hysterical cartoon apparently ran on a site called, which alas has gone the way of the dodo. I’m not sure if that was the original source. (I don’t think so; the hanged man’s hairstyle looks pretty 197os or 80s to me.) I’m also not sure why the members of “Today’s Lace Curtain Dominated Media” are wearing boxes on their heads. Or carrying what appears to be foliage. Or why the whole thing seems to be taking place on The Little Prince’s tiny planet.

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11 years ago

I’ll do instant in a pinch. Generally, when I get called in unexpectedly to work or have to stay late at work. I carry it on me for emergencies. Its okay.

11 years ago

But Folger’s is the choice if subservient housewives everywhere!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“But taster’s choice? … No thanks. Not gonna.”

That’s the shit my mother’s tried serving me and wondered why I took one sip and went “this is your shitty instant, no thanks”. Starbucks Via is tolerable if you need instant coffee NOW. (Gods did I drink a lot of that while at the law firm)

Pecunium — seriously dude, you make me glad my perpetual ability to injure myself is rarely serious (jammed my finger in a door yesterday, just when my toe is starting to heal, but hey, at least neither broke…or, you know, tried to peal the skin off my body). What I’m trying to say here is that you really have the worst luck sometimes huh?

Also, I decide I’m being a grump by not playing my violin cuz depressed, and then jam my left pinky in a door…looks like I won’t be swearing at Bach for another week >.<

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I drink instant – it’s what we have at work, and I’ll use it to make cold (ie all milk) coffee at home. All that work to make a cup of coffee is not my thing! 😀

Looking at the cartoon up there … is it just me, or is Mr Male Opinions wearing saddle shoes? I know they’re still around, but I look at it and think “What decade are the MRM living in again?”

11 years ago

Mr Male Opinions looks like Reagan to me, which is disconcerting. I keep thinking it’s a serious political cartoon and then remembering that no, it’s just these clowns again.

11 years ago

@ Howard

Yeah, I was running around all “wheeeee this is so much fun!” while the grown ups were sitting there going “she has to run out of gas eventually, right?”.

11 years ago

@Kitteh’s: I once thought saddle shoes would be cool, so I got a pair.

I have never had a more uncomfortable pair of shoes in my life. I’ve still got them, somewhere, but I haven’t worn them much. Maybe they’d feel better if I broke ’em in more.

11 years ago

Mr. Male Opinions really does look like Ahmedinijad to me.

His nose looks too wide, and the distance between nose and mouth too long, to really look like Reagan.

11 years ago

Well personally, I think-
*is lynched by Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Falconer – owww. Breaking in uncomfortable shoes is the pits. Worst I ever had was a pair of Doc Marten’s. The stiffening at the back felt like a razor blade – it made my heels bleed. They were great looking boots but went to the op shop in record time; they were just too painful to try breaking in, even with layers of bandaids on.

I got lucky recently (I have flat, pronated feet and wear orthotics, so getting comfortable shoes is tricky) with a pair of Ziera laceup boots. They’ve broken in really quickly and are very comfortable and supportive.

11 years ago


Owowowoowowowowowowow. Those shoes sound evil!

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